Fit For Future Families - April 2011



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone!

    So yesterday I opted to write my final exam a day early (since it's proctored I can do that) and so I'm done until the new class starts next week! I got an 83 which gives me a 90 for the course! Wahoo!

    So ofcourse DH wanted to celebrate....with food. He offered to take me anywhere I wanted to go and I said I'd rather go home. BUT I wanted yummy food so we picked up the fixings for a gluten free BLT (I've only had 2 in 3 years) and that was my celebratory dinner, along with some chocolate milk - I'm quite proud of that - it could have been so much worse!

    Then, after working so hard for the last 2 weeks, I crashed hard and was in bed at 10.

    So I'm feeling pretty good about life today, and going to run some errands, clean this place up, and go to the gym tonight with Hubby.

    And maybe have a nap....because I can.

    TGI-long weekend!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    That's ace! Good grades and good decisions, I'm seriously impressed (I would probably have gone for pizza personally, not so good with the decisons :blushing: )
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    So for those who can't stay away from Mexican Food... I made some pretty healthy enchiladas last night and they were YUMMY!!! :) I figured I'd share my recipe :)

    Healthy Enchiladas (Recipe is for 1 serving; adjust for more people)


    ■Mission Extra Thin Corn Tortillas
    ■Organic Onions
    ■Organic Spinach
    ■Horizon Organic Mexican Blend Shredded Cheese
    ■Organic Chopped Tomatoes
    ■Organic Black Beans
    ■Hormone/Antibiotic Free Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
    ■Habanero Seasoning


    #1) Boil 2oz of chicken and shred; Or if you have a bigger group and want to let it cook all day, put your chicken breast(s) in a small crockpot, cover with organic salsa, and let cook on low all day.

    #2) Combine 1/4cup of chopped onions, cooked chicken, and 1/4cup of chopped tomatoes in a pan and cook until the onions and tomatoes get soft and start sticking to chicken. Add a couple tbsp. of water if needed but tomato juices should be enough. Toss in 1/8cup of shredded cheese and let melt together mix.

    #3) Take two extra thin corn tortillas and stuff with chicken mixture. Pin closed with toothpicks and place in small pan.

    #4) Puree 1/4cup of chopped tomatoes, 1/2cup of spinach and add habanero seasoning to desired heat. Pour over stuffed tortillas and sprinkle 1/8cup of cheese on top.

    #5) Bake at 350 for 20min.

    #6) Serve over 1/4cup of black beans, slice up 1/2avocado on top and ENJOY!! J

    Nutrition Facts:

    Calories-457, Carbs-42, Fat-18, Protien-24, Sugar-4, Fiber-11
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    YAY! Jalara!!! Breathing room again :) And I so would have caved (I cave at every opportunity). I need to get willpower
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Yes, it was a great trip with ok weather. It was quite overcast and the wind was a bit chilly when we went to Conisbrough Castle, but overall it was great! We flew into Manchester and his sister met us there, then we jumped onto the train and went into Meadowhall, then we drove to her place in Bawtry. Nothing like using all forms of transportation. LOL Here in MI we don't have much public transportation (or really at all), so that was the biggest adjustment for me. We stayed with his sister who has only lived there for about 7 years, so I think we really didn't get a 100% English experience, but she did her best to show, and tell, us all the little differences.

    Jalara! Great job!! 1. I'm the biggest procrastinator, so A+ on doing your final early! 2. 90 is awesome! Way to go 3. You are SO much stronger than I would have been. Good decision.

    MrsHinds, thanks for the recipe! Sounds delish!

    I’m Zumbaing tonight...this will be a little rough after a long vacation, but I can't wait! Too bad I'm still eating like crap! Gotta go grocery shopping and got some healthy choices in the house!

  • sewsimplykate
    Hi Everyone!

    Are new comers welcome?? ;~)

    My name is Kate and i'm a 22 yrs old SAHM who is looking to lose the last 27lbs of baby weight which i acquired from my son who was born in May '09! I really want to get these pounds off because in Feb. i stopped my birthcontrol, and starting next month(i have a health issue thats being taken care of) my hubby and i will be TTC!!! Which i am super excited, but i really want to be 27lbs less! haha

    Anyways, i just want to say HI and i hope i can join in the fun!! Please feel free to add me to your friends!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Newbie are always welcome! Read Pam' post at the beginning of the month and if it describe where you are join us...

    Kate- Welcome to the club :wink:

    Well today is a horrible eating day! H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E. It has unexpectedly turned into a celebration day (work related so I'm going to stay professional and not give details), but definately going to go out with the husband for dinner :happy: I had planned on eating a salad for dinner to balance out the pizza I had for lunch. Oh Well, tomorrow is a new day!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Mrs. Hinds - I'm not a huge fan of Mexican - I'm allergic to beans and can't really eat spicy, but DH loves it so I might do it as a special treat (and make them milder for me). Thanks for the recipe.

    Kim - Sounds like a great little break!!

    Kate - Welcome :) Sounds like you're just getting back into the swing of things - hope that your stay with us is a short one (don't take that the wrong way :tongue: )

    Luki - Sounds like a good day for you and treating once in a while is not a terrible thing.

    AFM: I had the most awful evening so far... I had to get a refill on my prescription and my doctor is out of town for two weeks so I went to the walk in clinic and came home with a splitting headache. So much for aquafit tonight. I had a horrible day as far as sodium was concerned (with my processed breakfast, subway lunch, etc.) and not enough water - and I wonder why I have a headache, right? So apparently today FF gave me crosshairs today but backdated them by about 6 days - so it's not sure where I am in my cycle (neither do I to be quite honest this cycle), but I'm definitely starting to feel PMSy. If I did O, it wasn't a very strong one, my temps really didn't shift the way they have been (Normally the coverline is at 36.4 or 36.5 and today my temp was still 36.4 so I have no idea how it determined the crosshairs). I wasn't getting my hopes up for this month anyways......see the fertility doctor in a week and I think we might be sitting this cycle out too because I haven't gotten all my tests back in place yet (they're fasting tests and I really only have 2 days out of two weeks when I can pull it off because of my schedule and I completely forgot until yesterday) and they take around 4 weeks to process (I think that's the HIV test). I think I'm going to try and be a little less conspicious this weekend and try and focus on getting myself back to a healthy place. I'm really irritable and I don't like it. Happy Easter weekend all!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    So to give me a break this cycle, my DH has been responsible for all my temping and charting (sweet deal eh). It works out really well, because I'm actually temping before I'm awake....forget not moving much - it's definitely BBT. So I actually had a good look at it today. I have a definite coverline 10 days ago. Today is CD 26, which if my LP is set at 14 like it was about 3 years ago, I'm definitely having PMS and I should expect AF Monday or Tuesday. (making it a 30 day cycle). If it is 17 (which is the average according to FF, then I'm a week out and PMS is starting and I should expect AF by the end of the week. Either way, it looks like I'm still on track to have a "normal" 33 day cycle (which is my average lately). So that is a yay!

    I woke up achy ALL over this morning Took some muscle relaxants and we'll see how today goes. It's going to be a light food day (being good Friday and all). I can't fast completely, but I'm avoiding meats today as well as the processed stuff so I don't think I'll be able to get my cals up too high, but I'm sure Sunday Easter dinner will more than make up for it. it's here and I'm doing turkey and ham and potatoes. The Aunts are bringing veggies and my Mom is doing dessert. I'll probaably do a little dessert that meets my sugar and carb requirments too.
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Good old AF is due on Easter ( woohoo)! I don't think I've ever been this excited to get it! Then after that we begin trying! Since I'm a newbie, I'm just wondering if any of you had ever tried those OTC ovulation predictors? I saw one at CVS for $50. I know it's a bit but I'm willing to spend that much if it's going to help. Also, I am very interested in hearing how that Yoga DVD is. :smile:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Happy Good Friday everyone!

    So I'm not doing as well as I thought I would this week, but that's okay - exams took a lot out of me :)

    Tonight we're having salsa chicken from the Recipe thread on here - I can't wait to try it! It's been in the slow cooker for 3 hours already :)

    I also made it out for my first bike ride in 15 years! if you remember I got a bike about a month ago, but the weather hasn't been cooperating long enough for us to get out - well today we did! I had to stop twice and my heart feels like it got sucker-punched.... but whatever - I went bike riding!

    Happy Easter everyone!
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    Hey ladies,

    Hope everyone has had a great week!! I just wanted to drop by and say that I will probably be MIA this weekend because of all the family stuff but I hope everyone has a HAPPY EASTER!!! :) Blessings and baby dust!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I'M IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Today (on a Saturday) I get an email from the registrar - and I'm into the full time class as of September, which means I will graduate and write my national licensing exam in May 2012!!!!

    Life is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • futuremomma
    Hello, thought I would intro myself. I have been trying to get preggers for 10 months and last month it finally happened (after losng 12 lbs.) a week later, I miscarried. It knocked me for a loop, but now I have even more motivation. I feel that if losing 12 lbs got me a baby, a few more should get me one that sticks. I may be grasping at straws, but it cannot hurt right?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Erileah - YAY for AF (in this case). The OPKs are good...if you don't have any issues and have strong peaks on your hormones. They can be frustrating, but a vital part to a quick journey in TTC. I can't use them personally because they are not reliable for PCOSers but I know they have helped a lot of people.

    Jalara - I'm so proud of you!!!!! Only a short time left and you'll be cerifiable (in a good way)!!!! That's so awesome. You're such a driven person that I didn't doubt it for a second. Great job on the bike riding!!!!! It's a start and over the summer WILL get easier!

    MrsHInds - hope you have a blessed Easter too!!!

    FutureMoma - You're not grasping at straws. Studies show woman who are overweight are at higher risks for fertility issues and miscarriages, so it makes sense that losing weight will not only help you get pregnant, but have a sticky one!!! Providing a healthy fetal environment is key!

    AFM - I had a horrible eating day and was fully expecting the scales to show a gain this morning (we stuffed loose candy into easter eggs for the hunt today for the "kids" at Easter dinner today) and ate quite a few in the process. Then we went to the bar and since I was DD, it was three rounds of Coke for me.....but the good news is that I was actually down a little. So if I stay on track today and minimize the candy intake and try and maximize the work that I have to do, I might JUST be down and proud tomorrow (this morning was a milestone for me, but as I've learned, they can be fleeting!!!) My end target is still end of April (which is end of year one of this journey). My sister stayed over last night and has yet to surface. We did walk down to the local park. Know what is a surprisingly good workout? Swinging!!!!! It's a leg & ab killer if you get into it enough......but I don't feel terrible today!!!
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    So sorry I have been gone for a few weeks!

    Hubs and I made some yummy tacos the other night. We used ground turkey and the mission carb balnce tortillas. super good!

    I weighed in this morning- 7lbs down!! woot woot woot woot!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yay Katy - good job!!!

    AFM: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so disgustingly full and I can't even tell you I ate an entire plate at dinner.....It's weird. I now hit around 1400 and my body is beyond full....unfortunately there weren't so many veggies on my menu today. Tomorrow will be better. I will start a yummy detox from the sugar consumed today (20 speckled chocolate eggs....soooo yummy)

    Family just left and I'm completely exhausted. Going to make it an early night and crash not too long from now. Hope everyone else had a yummy Easter and is ready to get back on track tomorrow!!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey Pam - thanks for the kind words! And it's great to hear that your body is adjusting!

    For those who don't know - Tahmed had her baby on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AFM - food, sugar, food, junk = bleh........ I am DEFINATELY going to be up tomorrow, but I've decided I'm not perfect, but I am also not. giving. up. So I suspect to be at 227ish tomorrow - but I'll be down next week to 225 - that's my PROMISE!

    Hope everyone has a great day! Hoppy Easter!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 10: 237.0lbs(+0.7lbs)
    Week 11: 236.7lbs (-0.3lbs)
    Week 12: 234.4lbs (-2.2lbs)
    Week 13: 236.8 lbs (+2.6lbs)
    Week 14: 231.9 lbs (-4.9lbs)
    Week 15: 232.5 lbs (+0.6lbs)
    Week 16: 233.7 lbs (+1.2lbs)
    Week 17: 230.8 lbs (-2.9lbs)

    And so the rollercoaster continues......Monday will be my one year weigh in for this group (since one year is being measured against April 30, that would be the next possible day and actually probably closer to the one year mark - but I like using the end of the month as the marker). I was actually below 230 most of the weekend, but lack of water yesterday and lots of junk = a little bit of a gain :) Since AF is expected sometime this week though, I can't guarantee that I'll be down (depends on when it hits and when I actually show the water weight gain - it usually sticks around for 4-5 days)

    Jalara - I did see that!! It's so exciting and Tahmed's baby would be the first Fit for Future Families baby....hard to believe that you started the group last year and we're starting to see babies but good to see that there are so few originals (not so good for those of us who are still here). Fingers are crossed that you will see the numbers you're hoping to see :) I know you can do it :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    A sub note - I have found over the last two days that my eczema has been worse. If i have it, it's usually just on one finger......I noticed it first on Saturday on my left index finger. Then the second toe on my left foot was itchy and I realized that I have another break out there. This morning I found another break out on my third toe, same foot and now the index finger on my right hand. The only thing that has changed significantly over the last few days is the increase in the sugar that I've been eating (all the candy). I just did a little surf-search (internet research) and found that a lot of people have found an increase in eczema breakouts when they have more sugar. I never had this before (but maybe because my body was used to more sweet stuff than it is now)....

    Eczema is triggered by a response from the immune system and sugar actually impairs our immune system. Too much sugar can throw the body out of balance and result in yeast overgrowth. The bacteria that create the eczema rash loves to feed on sugar. Our body is not designed to take in large amounts of sugar on a daily basis. However, the standard American diet is loaded with sugar and processed foods. This makes you wonder if the food industry is trying to kill us. Our diet directly affects our health and high sugar diets can also make a person more susceptible to cancer because cancer also thrives on sugar.

    We know that sugar can depress the immune system, but sugar also upsets the body's natural mineral balance. The body needs minerals in order to control inflammation.

    If it's not one thing, it's another. First the YI, then the UTI, now eczema. My body sure is fighting. I think it's a good thing though...I think that my immune system has been so depressed for so long that now it's starting to come back to life and it's having to fight off a lot of not nice least that's what I envision......anyone else experiencing this?