Fit For Future Families - April 2011



  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Huge congratulaions, so, so pleased for you!! Big hugs xx
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks Pixie. I'm still in shock lol.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    I'll bet you are! The best kind of shock though *g*
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    History - congratulations! There are now 2 pregnant groups for you to choose from - Pregnancy 2011 - April or Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant! (which is for people who intend to keep a very high fitness level while pregnant). Either way - congratulations!

    Ivy - Subway isn't unhealthy - and super easy to cut out calories! Just ask them to scoop out the inner part of the bread and then fill it with good stuff - easy-peasy!

    Hunny - congrats on breaking the plateau!

    Carrie - welcome to the group - we're happy to have you! We weigh in on Mondays :)

    AFM - 1 exam left for tomorrow.... and it's a doozy..... but I'm on my way to brunch with a friend this morning, and I've already got a healthy plan! Spinach and tomato omelette with gluten free toast and a side of fruit - yum!
    So far - even with the chocolate indulgence yesterday, I'm down a but from Monday so I hope it sticks! I have a goal I'm trying reach after all!

    Anyone watch The Biggest Loser last night?
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    This may have come up before but I have a question for those of you that haven't told anyone that you are TTC. What do you say when people start asking you when you plan to have kids or asking why you don't already?

    I try and brush it off with an 'oh, it's just not the right time' but some people can be really persistent. I know they mean well (most of em anyways) but it makes me want to scream or cry. I know if I say that I don't want to have that discussion it will increase their interest and fuel gossip in the cases of some people I know (the less well meaning ones)

    Any really good lines to stop the conversation in it's tracks without arousing suspicion?
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Historysmissinglad congrats!! So happy for you!! That is super exciting :happy:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    pixie - I've always liked "about 9 months after I get pregnant", but I'm sarcastic like that! To be honest, the best way I have found to answer is to ask them "Why do you ask?" It's polite, and turns the table on them, and let's them know they are being nosy - and then when they say something about just wondering you can say that when you decided it's time and have news to share that they won't be left out, but until then it's a private matter. I use this with my ol' bitty aunts and it works like a charm!
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    History - Congratulations! That is so very exciting :) Sprinkle some of that baby dust our way :)

    Ivy - Subway is much better than Taco Bell or McDonalds! I wouldn't worry about it too much! And I don't know what you ordered, but if you substitute the chips for chicken noodle soup, its only 60calories and yummy! I always do a 6inch oven roasted chicken breast with LOTS of veggies (toasted), chicken noodle soup and the 5cal lemonade. YUM!

    Hunny - Yay!!! Thats so exciting!! Thanks for sharing and inspiring us to keep working at it!

    Carrie - Thanks for joining our group!!

    Pixie- Thats a tough one. We decided to just be open about our struggles so people would stop asking when we were going to have a baby (especially "when am I getting a grandbaby?!"), but I think it's easier for us because everyone followed David's cancer progress so they already know that he has a series of difficulties in relation to his cancer treatments. I really like Jalara's idea of turning it back on them. Or you could just say something like, "well, were letting happen in God's timing, which I know will be perfect for our family." I don't think anyone could rebuttle that kind of response :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    LOL so much for all my chattering, eh? History, I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!!!!!! That's great news......

    So now for my full post (I saw the news about History and got so excited that I had to post a quick one...but I couldn' see all the new posts). So here we go.

    First off, welcome to Erileah & Carrie

    Hunny - hope things are going a little more smoothly for you. That H20 is the best thing you'll do for yourself!!! I know that every time I go up, it's because I haven't had enough water for a few days.....I'm so super sensitive to that now (and my sodium isn't usually near 2500 daily!!)

    Ivy - is it bad that I don't consider Subway a fail??? LOL It is a far better choice than you could have made, especially if you hit up a few on the way home (I assume they aren't all Subways)

    Jalara - I'm sure you'll do well on your last exam!!! I have BL taped (plan on watching it as soon as I get home - I just can't sit through 2 hours), but I did catch Food Revolution last night too.....that's an eye opener

    Pixie - Most people know we're trying, but for those who don't my answer is, "We would love to have a few"....Not saying that it's happening now....beyond that I don't mention it. And I change the topic after that - but you don't owe anyone an answer :) Jalara's answer is awesome though!!! "Why do you ask"

    AFM: I'm up much for my bubble......since getting under 230, this morning I was back up to 234 and I haven't been ridiculous with cals either - definitely not enough to warranty 4lbs of gain!!! Drinking the heck out of my water today. It's supposed to rain here for like the next week and it's not a warm rain either so I don't know how much I'll be getting outside, which kind of sucks. I (like Ivy) welched last night and stopped off for fried chicken and ' guess what's for lunch today.....LOL I've been watching food revolution and pink slime completely grosses me out. So now, I can't have any preground ground beef (I had a simlar experience with McNuggets - I ate them at least 2x a month and I haven't had a single one in well over 18 months, not even tempted a little bit).......Anyone else find out something about a previously crave worthy food that completely turns them off and that's that????
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64

    Sorry about the gained weight. I hate when that happens. But I'm sure it will melt right back off!!!

    I definately get like that when I hear how food is processed... like dollar menu items for example... the meat they use for that used to be only used for dog food. And they kill the bacteria by shoving it through a tube and exposing it to ammonia gas... eating something that has been treated with something I would use to clean my toilet... not appealing. I actually stopped eating processed foods altogether and switched to organics :) Haha, I can't even watch those Food Revolution shows!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Congrats History! Don't feel like I got to know you well, but to be honest, on this forum, that's a good sign, right? On to bigger and better things!

    I have a very whiny little boy today. He doesn't stop even if he doesn't feel good...he just gets whiny and clingy on top of it. He's got a cough and a runny nose. Poor guy. Poor me. Haha.

    As for me. I'm ticked right now. I just tried to dye a pair of kakhis that I had a stain on to a darker shade of kakhi--and the dye RUINED the pants!! They were like the only pair that really fit right now. Ugh. I'm so....wanting to eat something bad for me. I dunno what happened--I think the dye didn't fully dissolve because I ended up with RED spots all over them. Ugh. So, I'm trying to decide if I try to dye them BLACK now, or if I just cut my losses and recycle them. So disappointing. And now I have to find another pair of pants. And I was going to wear them for Easter. Sigh. At least I didn't wait till like, Friday to do it.

    The signs are all there that I will start spotting today or tomorrow. I totally expected it, but it still stings when it happens, ya know? Too bad---that would have been the awesomest souvenir from our little non-trip. Oh well.

    Trying a new recipe today--I got a cookbook on our "staycation" for $5--it's a book full of three-four-and 5 ingredient recipes. This is totally right up my alley. The simpler the better. So tonight I'm taking boneless skinless chicken breasts, covering them in spaghetti sauce, putting some mozzarella on top and baking it. A side of veggies and some bread for the hubby and I'm done. I"m hoping it will satisfy my italian pasta craving without actually having to have pasta. I also got a food scale a few days ago. I'm having a lot of fun with's fun to see EXACTLY how much of stuff I'm putting into things. This recipe for example will have 20.75 oz of chicken breast. I'm sure you all are thrilled to know. Okay--talk to you all later....
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Carrie- WELCOME!

    Hunny- That is awesome loss! I believe water helps because drinking water actually burns calories…so yes totally worth the bathroom trips!

    Ivy- considering all the fast food places available I consider Subway a good choice, of course depends what you get…

    History- OH ME GOSH, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I actually saw your ticker first and then read your post! Huge smiles and hugs for you and your family!!!!:bigsmile:

    Jalara- I wish I got to watch The Biggest Loser last night! Basketball took over the channel (stupid Blazers!):grumble:

    Pixie- I never really hid the fact I was TTC…I always said/say, “When God blesses us.” …you could always go with, “When the time (or timing) is right.” It doesn’t deny the fact that you are trying just doesn;t give any details either

    Pam- Sorry about the gain, but it will come back off! That has to just be water, it is impossible to gain real weight like that, so don’t worry about it too much.

    Karen- OH NO!!!!!!! That sucks that the dye didn’t work and I’m sorry AF seems to be knocking. But, your dinner sounds yummy!

    AFM- I am enjoying my day off- slept in until 8:30 (2 hours past when I usually get up) and planning on chilling on the couch all day watching tv…well I guess not all day ‘cause I have to go into work for 2 hours this afternoon to tutor an online alternative ed student.
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    Kah, sorry you're having a bad day :( Hopefully the pants can be turned into black pants and you find a great pair of khakis for Easter! Do you have a TJMaxx near you? I went about a month ago and got some super cute and great fitting dress pants for work for $7 each!!! I bet they'll have something reasonable and cute. And your dinner sounds SUPER yummy!! I hope it curbs your pasta cravings!! :) Best of luck with the little one--something seems to be going around :/ Hopefully he'll feel much better soon!!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi HI!!! I'm back! I missed you! Sorry I won't be able to really catch up with everyone...
    History! Congrats!!!
    Pam, sorry about the gain.. You'll bounce back, I know it!
    Hunny, great loss!!
    Karen! Oh my! I'm sorry, that stinks! Good thing you have enough time to go to a plan B.
    Pixie, I always just tell them, "we're working on it." I was going to keep it a secret, but now I just think, who cares... I like Jalara's response, 9 months after getting pregnant. LOL

    AFM...England was beautiful! We had a great time. Man, the history in that country is crazy! Most of their buildings are older than the USA! We had a great time and spent too much money; sounds like a success to me! LOL We actually go stuck there for an extra 3 days, because we were flying standby and couldn't get onto the flights, then a flight was canceled too, which filled the others. We were supposed to be home on Saturday, but didn't make it till last night. Ugh, a 5 hour time difference is a killer too. I was wide awake at 4:30 this morning...:yawn:
    Leave it to vacation to completely knock me off my goals. My water intake was horrible! Didn't do one sit up or push up. But good thing we were staying with his sister and she cooked for us all week and she buys everything fresh everyday after a little walk into her super cute historic town. :smile: Good thing we walked a TON! We walked all over and I loved every minute of it!
    And of course I started AF Friday right in time to be stuck at an airport and a 10 hour day of flying... :grumble: This is our last natural cycle. Then it's onto clomid to give us a little boost. Fingers crossed!
    OK, I have a ton of work to do. TTFN!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Kah, sorry you're having a bad day :( Hopefully the pants can be turned into black pants and you find a great pair of khakis for Easter! Do you have a TJMaxx near you? I went about a month ago and got some super cute and great fitting dress pants for work for $7 each!!! I bet they'll have something reasonable and cute. And your dinner sounds SUPER yummy!! I hope it curbs your pasta cravings!! :) Best of luck with the little one--something seems to be going around :/ Hopefully he'll feel much better soon!!!

    DITTO! I love TJ Maxx! ANd dinner really does sound good, wanna come make dinner at my house!? LOL J/K
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    That dinner sounds ace, definitely going to try that.

    Whereabouts in England were you? The weather has actually been good for the time of year here so you picked a great time
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Kah, sorry you're having a bad day :( Hopefully the pants can be turned into black pants and you find a great pair of khakis for Easter! Do you have a TJMaxx near you? I went about a month ago and got some super cute and great fitting dress pants for work for $7 each!!! I bet they'll have something reasonable and cute. And your dinner sounds SUPER yummy!! I hope it curbs your pasta cravings!! :) Best of luck with the little one--something seems to be going around :/ Hopefully he'll feel much better soon!!!

    DITTO! I love TJ Maxx! ANd dinner really does sound good, wanna come make dinner at my house!? LOL J/K

    Oh yeah.... I know all about TJMAXX. I spent some serious dough there on our "staycation". The shoes were speaking to me--I love BORN shoes--so comfy, and they seem to have them there on occasion. I indulged.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks so much everyone. Still kind of in a bit of a disbelief state at the moment despite 2 new tests taken this morning.

    Janayla - I will join one of the pregnancy threads next week after I've had everything confirmed by the doctor.

    I just still can't believe it!

    Pam - hugs about the weight gain hun. And I still appreciate the talk we had!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Kim- WELCOME HOME! The trip sounds wonderful...getting stuck in the airport on stand by not so much. That's why I'm always hesitant to fly stand by, but the money savings are worth it if you can afford to miss work if flying dates don't work out. I fully understand needing a vacation after a vacation especially when time zones are involved.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kim - I was looking forward to my trip in July for my Gran's birthday, but I'll be newly preggers (I hope) and so we've put it off this year. My uncle just moved there so it's a much shorter trip than when he was living in Belgium. Glad it was a good one! The lifestyle in Europe is so different than here - my friends Grandmother never refrigerated their eggs.....LOL I remember I was fascinated......but they buy small quantities fresh almost daily.....wish we had a little green grocer that I could do that with.

    AFM busy today - Subway lunch and Aquafit....gotta run. Didn't make breakfast either!! GRRRR