can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    Im not sure if I can even still claim to have you since you caused me to have a hysterectomy at the ripe ol age of 32!!! I much rather would have lost the extra 70 lbs or facial hair or any of your other nasty side effects! Please let me just thank you for intoducing me to hormone therapy....what a nasty relationship we have formed!!!

    That felt great!! Thanks for starting this thread : )

    i can relate. i went completely through menopause at the age of 27. hormone therapy sucks!!!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Anyone know anything for hairloss? Its getting really bad for me lately! (not rogaine or hair thickeners plz) I heard of Biotin but I was waiting to ask my DR. about it....
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Anyone know anything for hairloss? Its getting really bad for me lately! (not rogaine or hair thickeners plz) I heard of Biotin but I was waiting to ask my DR. about it....

    A combination of biotin and rogaine worked well for me before I got pregnant! I can't wait to be able to start them long as I don't go completely bald in the meantime.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Anyone know anything for hairloss? Its getting really bad for me lately! (not rogaine or hair thickeners plz) I heard of Biotin but I was waiting to ask my DR. about it....

    A combination of biotin and rogaine worked well for me before I got pregnant! I can't wait to be able to start them long as I don't go completely bald in the meantime.
    awesome! Hopefully it works great again!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Does anyone have an opinion of doing exercise/calorie counting including Phentermine while having PCOS at the same time? My weightloss is just SO SLOW! It's incredible how slow it is actually.I've tried virtually everything to kick it into gear....but man...I really feel like I need extra help and I was reading a Phentermine thread. Wondered if anyone had any input on it and PCOS?
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    Elaine....... my thoughts EXACTLY....... and the waste of money on the tons of pregnancy tests, because you just never really know if you are or not because of the missing periods. I'd be satisfied with just half of that money back......
    That and ovulation tests. Good lord almighty, I use like 90 of those things a cycle since I never ever ever O at the same time each month.
  • rmcheathbabe
    Dear PCOS,

    Thanks for making my weight loss journey last much longer than I intended. I just love working out 7 days a week, strictly counting calories, eating healthy, and only losing 13 pounds after 4 months of this!! You can try to stop me, but you'll lose. I love competition, and it's you and me, buddy! ...oh yes, I will beat you!

    I just started a slow carb diet after lots of reading and research, so let's see how this goes! Anyone else tried a slow carb diet (not low carb or no carb, just choosing the right carbs)? Did you have success? Feel free to friend me. This is my second time losing the weight, so I know that it can be done, even with PCOS. I lost over 100 pounds the first time, so we can all do this!
  • BetterJenny
    BetterJenny Posts: 50
    Dear PCOS,

    I've really had enough of your little "gifts"; the dark patches on my neck, skin tags, weight issues (that actually make you worse), the never knowing when I'm going to get my period, having to spend $100's on meds to MAKE my period come and then ovulate, the inability to keep my pregnancies (just miscarried last week, again)....and the numerous other "annoyances".

    Go suck an egg.

  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    Thanks for making my weight loss journey last much longer than I intended. I just love working out 7 days a week, strictly counting calories, eating healthy, and only losing 13 pounds after 4 months of this!! You can try to stop me, but you'll lose. I love competition, and it's you and me, buddy! ...oh yes, I will beat you!

    I just started a slow carb diet after lots of reading and research, so let's see how this goes! Anyone else tried a slow carb diet (not low carb or no carb, just choosing the right carbs)? Did you have success? Feel free to friend me. This is my second time losing the weight, so I know that it can be done, even with PCOS. I lost over 100 pounds the first time, so we can all do this!
    i've never learned much about Slow carbing...I've always been told that Low Glycemic eating with tons of exercise is the way to go...I would love to learn more about this as well! WE WILL BEAT THIS PCOS!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    I've really had enough of your little "gifts"; the dark patches on my neck, skin tags, weight issues (that actually make you worse), the never knowing when I'm going to get my period, having to spend $100's on meds to MAKE my period come and then ovulate, the inability to keep my pregnancies (just miscarried last week, again)....and the numerous other "annoyances".

    Go suck an egg.


    I am soooooo sorry you miscarried. I have done this multiple times (about 4 known times) and it devastates me each time....I feel like such a useless woman when those things happen to me....but every other instance of my life seems to be so good and on track....I know it's hard and it's difficult, but that is one of the reasons I started this thread. We have to be able to VENT OUR FRUSTRATIONS.....because it IS frustrating....No one that has been diagnosed with this ever asked for it voluntarily and I truly believe that we can beat it, but it is such a LONG journey for us that we almost need to stay together and support eachother in this battle. Good luck and you WILL get through this!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BetterJenny
    BetterJenny Posts: 50
    I am soooooo sorry you miscarried. I have done this multiple times (about 4 known times) and it devastates me each time....I feel like such a useless woman when those things happen to me....but every other instance of my life seems to be so good and on track....I know it's hard and it's difficult, but that is one of the reasons I started this thread. We have to be able to VENT OUR FRUSTRATIONS.....because it IS frustrating....No one that has been diagnosed with this ever asked for it voluntarily and I truly believe that we can beat it, but it is such a LONG journey for us that we almost need to stay together and support eachother in this battle. Good luck and you WILL get through this!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks, I'm getting through it ok this time around. I just had my D&C yesterday. I'm in far less pain, but it's still coming and going. I'm really coming out of this whole thing with an insanely strong urge to lose weight and get this b*tch under control! (eff you pcos). I'm planning on starting c25k on Monday. I'm sure I'll be healed enough to start by then
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I am soooooo sorry you miscarried. I have done this multiple times (about 4 known times) and it devastates me each time....I feel like such a useless woman when those things happen to me....but every other instance of my life seems to be so good and on track....I know it's hard and it's difficult, but that is one of the reasons I started this thread. We have to be able to VENT OUR FRUSTRATIONS.....because it IS frustrating....No one that has been diagnosed with this ever asked for it voluntarily and I truly believe that we can beat it, but it is such a LONG journey for us that we almost need to stay together and support eachother in this battle. Good luck and you WILL get through this!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks, I'm getting through it ok this time around. I just had my D&C yesterday. I'm in far less pain, but it's still coming and going. I'm really coming out of this whole thing with an insanely strong urge to lose weight and get this b*tch under control! (eff you pcos). I'm planning on starting c25k on Monday. I'm sure I'll be healed enough to start by then
    Do you have to have regular D&C's due to the pcos? Do you ever take provera to induce a period? or are you on Metformin?
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    still looking for ANY at all Advice on PHENTERMINE while having PCOS? ANYTHING? Anything at all will help my nerves:) lol:sad: wish there were a smiley for desperate....hahaha:laugh:
  • justkelley
    justkelley Posts: 53
    Dear "cysters" :-)
    Wow...reading some of these letters have made me cry. I have yet to be diagnosed with PCOS but have almost all of the symptoms. To all the women who have conceived naturally and who have given birth to their children, you are amazing fighters! To all of you brave and STRONG women, keep up the fight! You WILL win!!!

  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member
    Oh excellent. A PCOS thread. It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there fighting this monster.

    Dear PCOS

    Thank you for the painful cyst growths and ruptures every cycle (if you can call it a cycle miss randomness). Thank you for the hair and the weight gain and the difficulty of weight loss. Thanks for the random drastic mood swings. Thanks for the size D in freaking 7th grade. Thanks for days of eating practically nothing in my youth and STILL gaining weight. And yes, I think I have you to blame for the mean-spirited whispers in high school locker rooms that had me changing in the bathroom stall rather than by my locker. Mostly thank you for the emotional pain of infertility.


    If there's anything I truly have to thank you for it's my increased appreciation for the phrase "Judge Not". Because you really have no idea what issues a person is dealing with.
  • zudleymarie
    zudleymarie Posts: 100 Member
    I love discussing this monster with fellow cysters! I love this thread!

    Dear PCOS,

    I wish I would've known when I was younger that you were the reason that I could never lose weight. You made my teen years a living hell. You were the reason that I always had more hair on my face than most women and you are the reason that I have worried many people by doubling over in pain in random situations. Screw you. You are the reason that I worked my butt off 5 days a week for a year before my wedding and barely lost a pound and I felt terrible about myself when I saw my wedding pictures. I hate you more than I can say, but I will overcome you. Each day I am fighting back. Each day I am getting stronger. We are all coming together to fight you so that you will not control us anymore.

  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    GET LOST!! Since I was young you have made me fat and made it close to impossible to lose any weight no matter how hard I work. You make it impossible for me to feel comfortabl ein my own skin. You caused facial hair which couldnt make me feel less attractive, stretch marks which I will never get rid of, mood swings which alienate most and constant self esteem issues. I work hard everyday and you take the satisfaction away form me. You are the reason I staye din bed this morning. F you buddy....F YOU!!!!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    You make me bitter and spiteful at times. I work our intensely hard during my workouts only to either maintain or lose tiny bits at a time. PCOS give me some slack! My Doctors don't even understand you, so how can I?:frown:

    i know the Feeling ABSOLUTELY zumba is the only excercise that seems to actually help me shed weight....i have no logic in that i just know that when my wii was broken for 2 months i only lost 4 lbs working out 5-6 a day doing biggest loser cardio max and staying within my calorie goals lol stupid pcos i hate not being in controll
  • Kaybird84
    Kaybird84 Posts: 12
    I'm SO SO SO SO GLAD this thread is here! I just went to the doctor yesterday and she told me it looks like I probably have PCOS and pre-diabetes. I feel absolutely devestated, frightened, and angry (I went to a different doc 2 yrs ago for the same symptoms and she blew it off). They sent me for the pelvic ultrasound yesterday afternoon and I'm scheduled for the bloodwork in 2 weeks to be sure, but given all the factors involved, my doc is pretty sure it's PCOS :( PLEASE HELP WITH ANY ADVICE!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    You make me bitter and spiteful at times. I work our intensely hard during my workouts only to either maintain or lose tiny bits at a time. PCOS give me some slack! My Doctors don't even understand you, so how can I?:frown:

    i know the Feeling ABSOLUTELY zumba is the only excercise that seems to actually help me shed weight....i have no logic in that i just know that when my wii was broken for 2 months i only lost 4 lbs working out 5-6 a day doing biggest loser cardio max and staying within my calorie goals lol stupid pcos i hate not being in controll
    I've been thinking about taking up Zumba, but honestly I HATE working out in front of other (they have zumba classes at my local health club) Im sure there are DVD's to purchase right?