can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I have PCOs but I am one of the lucky few that do not have a big weight problem. I also didn't have any fertility problems.... I even helped 2 couple become parents by being a surrogate mother 4 times. I am blessed with the facial hairs problems and my weight loss is very slow so thank god I don't have alot to lose. My cycles are always 5-6 weeks long but at 20 years old I went a year without my period . I really hope that anyone of you that want to be a mommy can realise that dream.
  • countrygirl75
    countrygirl75 Posts: 112 Member
    I am so in this pcos has been bad this last year after finding out may 2010....I am trying to get healthy to hopefully have the symptoms slow down a little.
  • I too have PCOS, and I am sooooooo beyond frustrated. A few friends and I started our Journey in January 29th of this year. One of my friends has lost almost 30 lbs, I am down 15, and I think this weekend, I strayed because I wanted to be normal for a weekend and not count calories or exercise while I was camping, and I am afraid to step on the scale, because I can easily gain 5lbs in 3 days. I am happy for the friends that are so successful, but jelous and angry at the same time. I weigh more then them, I watch what I eat, I exercise, and I stay under my calorie goal daily, and I gain and lose the same 5 lbs I have since I started. I do take meteformin which is supposed to help you lose or maintain your weight, and over the past 5 years 10 to 15lbs keep creaping up on me. I have always been the big girl, but gained most of my weight after highschool. My girlfriends and I started doing Zumba which they say you can burn 1200 calories in an hour. I have been doing that 3-5 times a week faithfully since January 29th, and walking on my breaks at work for about 30 mins total Mon-Friday. I am just about ready to give up! I am never home because I am at Zumba, my house is suffering, I feel like I don't get to see my family much anymore during the week, for what, 5lbs..... for people without PCOS they just think if you quit eating so much you would lose it, that it's your fault. I keep trying to tell them, even if I quit eating, I would probably still gain 10 lbs, they just don't get it. I have the dark patches of skin, so embarrasing, the female problems, and the tire around the middle, and the hair. It's all lovely.

    To the girls talking about being jelous of others because they have been able to have children, I really know how you feel. Ask your doctor about Clomid. Insurance doesn't cover it, but it's not that expensive. I took it for 3 cycles when I had my daughter Ali, and I got pregnant. So even with PCOS, you still can have kids, its just a harder process. We are actually hoping to have #2, but yet again, have to start the process all over with Clomid, so we will see if it works this time. So wish me luck! And Good luck to you to, there is no reason why you shouldn't have what comes to everyone else so easily. My kids will never say they were unwanted, because I tried and tried and tried to have them.

    Thanks for letting me vent! and my favorite line on here would have to be "Punch to the junk PCOS" I love it! and feel that way everyday!!!!
  • HAHA -

    Dear PCOS,

    Thanks for making me wonder when and if I'm going to have a period. Such as right now. I also appreciate the acne and although you never graced me with facial hair, I gotta say the infertility is just a blast!

    Yours Truly

    - Cynthia

    How did you lose all that weight, that is amazing with PCOS. I would love to hear your weight loss secrets!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    You laides are wonderful. :flowerforyou: This was SUCH an encouraging thread to read.

    I've got the weight problems, facial hair (and the dreaded lower back hair! *gasp*), dark patches, couple skin tags. No acne, and no fertility problems - Got preggo with my 3 year old while on the pill... 4 months into college. I'm currently on the depo shot just because it was easy, but I will be switching back to the pill because the shot makes it even MORE difficult to lose weight.

    My goal is 120lbs... which sounds SO out of reach, but it really isn't. You ladies on here that have beat stupid PCOS prove it. :bigsmile:
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    hope all you wonderful BRAVE ladies had a great memorial day weekend! I tried hard to stay on track...but I fear that I have been pretty naughty....with all the dang cookouts we attended! sheesh! I have another doc appointment next monday so Im going to try and be good this week to at least flush out all the extra sodium I KNOW I ingested over this I retain water like no other I swear....
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    hope all you wonderful BRAVE ladies had a great memorial day weekend! I tried hard to stay on track...but I fear that I have been pretty naughty....with all the dang cookouts we attended! sheesh! I have another doc appointment next monday so Im going to try and be good this week to at least flush out all the extra sodium I KNOW I ingested over this I retain water like no other I swear....

    I'm right there with you.... gained 6 lbs this weekend :noway: :noway: :noway: I'm almost back to square one. PCOS sure does suck :sad:
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    My heart goes out to all of you! I was diagnosed with pcos and endo 15 yrs ago. Hugs to all of you!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    Thank you for the strange darker skin on the back of my neck. I scrub until my skin is raw, and there it still is. Thanks for having come hand in hand with Endometriosis, and having to remove one ovary, just because it was a hot mess. Thank you for letting me gain a majority of my weight in my gut. You are an awesome companion, and I would junk punch you if I could.

    Thank you--drive thru! *^&^%&**(((

    Bethanie K

    the stuff on the back of your neck are acandosis nigracans its insulin seeping out of the back of your neck have your endocrinologist put you on metformin it'll go away within 4-5months
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm thinking about heading to the doctor for PCOS, for the first time in 7 years (was diagnosed at 16). But I'm concerned. I have great medical insurance but I'm still on a budget. What is the monthly cost of something like Metformin??

    Thanks! :bigsmile:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    thank you for the dark patch of skin under my right arm and on my neck, now everyone I see thinks I have a hickey. Most importantly, thank you for the black course hair on my face, belly and chest. Now that I have been taking medication for the past 6 weeks, I see those gifts slowly disappearing. I'm sorry I'm going to have to kick your *kitten*.

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I'm thinking about heading to the doctor for PCOS, for the first time in 7 years (was diagnosed at 16). But I'm concerned. I have great medical insurance but I'm still on a budget. What is the monthly cost of something like Metformin??

    Thanks! :bigsmile:

    I take Aldactone and birth control and my monthly perscriptions are $20 total with my insurance.
  • Cjrucks
    Cjrucks Posts: 6 Member
    I found out ten years ago I had PCOS - did the metformin thing for about almost 3.5 years and all that did was make me have near accidents at work and at home. I stopped taking it and called my doctor saying sorry but this is a bust. Many women in articles I ahve read after the 6 months of being on loose a watershed of weight any where from 30 to even 70 pounds. I think I lost 5 lbs.

    Have gotten on and off the exercise wagon and back on it in January it is amlost 6 months and only lost nearly 20 lbs. I have switched to Soy milk from Skim Milk and been eating more veggies and such but where is the weight loss. I do boot camp class at least twice a week now soon to be once since the Sunday class went on hiatus for the summer.

    Periods - do not start been bad all my life but the novaring has been a godsent to me.

    Also thoughts on this article ladies
  • abgoins512
    abgoins512 Posts: 41
    PCOS-take your excess facial hair, weight gain, acne, and the not knowing when my cycle will start and shove it. I'm ready to start fresh WITHOUT YOU!

    Side note, went for my annual exam today, and with me losing 20 lbs so far, my dr said my PCOS will lessen with the more weight I lose! Woo hoo!!!!!
  • abnmom3
    abnmom3 Posts: 4
    Its so good to see I am not alone!! Thank you! :)
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I had never even heard about PCOS until I came across this thread! Now I'm wondering if I have it. Dark patch on my thighs, super heavy (but regular-ish) periods with loads of clots, lots of acne despite not being a teenager? No excess facial hair though.
  • smbland
    smbland Posts: 22 Member
    Wow I'm so glad I found this topic... I felt like I was so alone in this ordeal, I was diagnosed a couple of months ago. I was trying to get pregnant for a few months, and nothing was happening... I had in the past irregular periods, but I was on BCP which regulated it for a few years... Had the test done, and the doctor tells me I have a numerous amount of cysts all over both of my ovaries. He told me losing weight will help.. Has anyone found this to be true? Has anyone eventually gotten pregnant?? Anyone have any home remedies for the pain??

    glad I'm not alone
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I'm thinking about heading to the doctor for PCOS, for the first time in 7 years (was diagnosed at 16). But I'm concerned. I have great medical insurance but I'm still on a budget. What is the monthly cost of something like Metformin??

    Thanks! :bigsmile:
    its not bad with insurance. We have bluecross and I only pay 5 bucks a month for mine...but im pretty sure it depends on your specific insurance.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I had never even heard about PCOS until I came across this thread! Now I'm wondering if I have it. Dark patch on my thighs, super heavy (but regular-ish) periods with loads of clots, lots of acne despite not being a teenager? No excess facial hair though.
    I get bad clots too..... that's part of the reason I went to the gyno specifically to get checked out...that and exercising and dieting wasn't working anymore...I was actually gaining weight....that made me know something was majorly wrong
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Wow I'm so glad I found this topic... I felt like I was so alone in this ordeal, I was diagnosed a couple of months ago. I was trying to get pregnant for a few months, and nothing was happening... I had in the past irregular periods, but I was on BCP which regulated it for a few years... Had the test done, and the doctor tells me I have a numerous amount of cysts all over both of my ovaries. He told me losing weight will help.. Has anyone found this to be true? Has anyone eventually gotten pregnant?? Anyone have any home remedies for the pain??

    glad I'm not alone
    Losing weight will certainly help....the problem is...when u have pcos it is much harder to actually lose the weight...than a normal body. Typically low carbohydrate. And or low glycemic index diets work well. They need to be an overall lifestyle change though.its tough! That's why I made this thread because it is intensely frustrating for the majority of us gals:( good luck in your journey! We are here for you and all others like you going through the battle!