

  • pipinan24
    pipinan24 Posts: 14
    SW 05.4.11 160
    GW 05.5.11 150
  • WhataWonderfulWorld
    Im new and in also!

    SW: 145 pounds
    GW:135 pounds
  • ChristineMiller2
    Ok, I'm in...boy wouldn't that be nice to be done in April!!!

    SW: 152
  • Leopardliz
    Leopardliz Posts: 110 Member
    Im in. This weekend i ate honey buns, rice crispy treats, m&ms... I guess i should start with what i didnt eat! I gained 5 lbs what a bummer :( self control is not my middle name!!
    Sw: 169.2
    Gw: 158 for april
  • angeladryer
    I want in for sure buy I am a little late starting.

    CW: 202.4
    GW: 192.4
  • rawcity
    rawcity Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!
    SW: 145
    GW: 135
    GW by May 22*: 130
    *Have a wedding to go to.
    Need to up my fresh veggies and increase by exercise - cardio in particular!

    ---No easter eggs (3 choc foiled eggs = 100 cal):sad:
  • teenasbody
    teenasbody Posts: 212 Member
    Hello hope I'm not to late but I'm in

    CW 140
    GW 130
  • lljanssen
    lljanssen Posts: 3 Member
    I am new....and would love to give it a shot:

    SW: 211
    GW: 170
    Mini Goals - 199 by the end of the month & 5 workouts (400+ cal burned)/week
  • njgirl2011
    njgirl2011 Posts: 1 Member
    current - 160
    GW - 150
  • MaryS910
    MaryS910 Posts: 348 Member
    What exactly will we be doing in this challenge? Are there any guidelines? Do we post the weight lost weekly on Friday's or what? I'm joining but just wondering what the purpose is?? Thanks!

    CW Mon, April 4 248
    GW Sat, April 30 238
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    Im a little late but Im in!!!

    SW: 195
    GW for Apr. 30: 185
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member

    Ever notice how some women seem to stay slim without ever stressing about missed workouts or counting a single calorie? It seems unfair—and frustrating!—but those ladies might have some secrets the rest of us can steal. Turns out, you don’t have to completely overhaul your diet or exercise regimen to see fast and impressive results on the scale. (Though if you want a great, easy-to-follow plan, register for the Drop 10 Challenge on to lose 10 pounds in just five weeks.) In fact, recent research shows that sometimes it’s little, practically effortless changes to everyday habits that make the pounds fall off fast and forever. Try incorporating some of these simple, science-backed steps into your day-to-day life—it’s your turn to become one of those “naturally” slim lucky few!

    Make time for tea
    Women with the highest intake of catechins, antioxidants in tea that may accelerate fat burn, gained less weight over 14 years than those who sipped less, a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals. White and green brews have the most catechins. Get brewing!

    Move your workouts to the morning
    Breaking a sweat before you sit down to breakfast can help you trim down faster, a study in The Journal of Physiology finds. Exercising on an empty stomach in the A.M. improves glucose tolerance, which spurs your body to shed fat.

    Join the breakfast club
    If you don’t already have regular morning meals, it’s time to start: Lifelong early eaters have a waistline about 2 inches smaller than that of breakfast skippers, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals. An A.M. meal may rev metabolism; plus, it may cause you to make less of an enzyme that raises cholesterol.

    Savor your food
    Eating slowly and steadily can help you stay slim. People who took 30 minutes to eat a bowl of ice cream created more fullness hormones than did those who ate faster, a study in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism notes. Whenever you can, ditch distractions like the television while you’re dining so you can concentrate on enjoying the yummy food in front of you.

    Become a creature of habit
    Eating at the same times every day and could help you drop pounds. When mice ate at scheduled mealtimes and fasted for 12 hours at night, their liver turned on genes that burned more sugar and fat, say scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California. No, we’re not mice, but if something as simple as sitting down to dinner at 7 P.M. every night helps speed weight loss, why not give it a shot?

    Start with water
    Downing two cups of H2O before meals helped people lose about 5 pounds more than those who said no to water, research from Virginia Tech reveals. Water is filling, so sippers ate 75 to 90 calories less. Enjoy a few cups of water while you prep a meal or before your entrée arrives at a restaurant to effortlessly keep calories in check.

    Step on the scale

    Dieters who weighed themselves at least weekly lost more weight than those who didn’t, according to research from the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation. Plus, the habit helped nondieters stay at a stable weight. Spotting scale swings early allows you to tweak your eating and exercise routine before pounds can pile up.

    The new Self Challenge Drop 10 program just launched! Join us in dropping the winter weight and you'll feel great for summer. Plus, this year we will email you the menu and workout plan free, every day.
  • hgellings
    hgellings Posts: 295 Member
    A little late, but I'm willing to give this a try. :)

    Starting weight: 159
    minus 10lbs: 149

    Just so I'm correct... we come back to this thread to post our weight on Fridays?
  • katnotfat
    katnotfat Posts: 59 Member
    I had agreed to join this challenge but forgot to post my weight on Friday, oops!!
    Starting weight 174.5 (on Friday)
    Challenge goal weight 164.5
    Woop woop!
    Let's get this party started :tongue:
  • dperez108
    dperez108 Posts: 22 Member
    I want in and I will lose 10 pounds this time. Last month i missed it by one pound, I'm determined this month.

    SW: 200
    GW: 190
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Can I still jump in? My SW is from April 1st.

    SW- 146lbs
    goal April 30- 136
  • MaryS910
    MaryS910 Posts: 348 Member
    When you weigh in on your home tab it will automatically change for you!

    But it shows the weight loss from the time we started on MFP, not our weight loss from when we started this challenge. I don't want to go back and reset it to no weight lost..
  • mntwindan
    mntwindan Posts: 40 Member
    You are going to have to educate me on the V8 ways.

    I had a great day at the beach....lots of walking...eating healthy...I even ate an apple! I almost forgot what it tasted like. My mantra? For sweets I will eats, fruit (sorry people).

    We can do this, Yes We Can!
  • mntwindan
    mntwindan Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for the advice on the 'weight scale' procedure.

    I will try drinking tea....if it helps me lose weight, I'm down.
  • mntwindan
    mntwindan Posts: 40 Member
    One more, than it's time to shut it down.

    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".

    Not mine, but I like it.

    NOTHING tastes as good as skinny feels.