Pregnancy 2011 - April



  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    Well another Monday morning is here again, got to get ready for my first appointment with my midwife at 1.30pm. I'm getting quite excited now, enjoying my final shot at pregnancy x
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Amanda- So glad to hear you had a good baby shower :)

    Rachel- I used sparkpeople for a short while (similar to MFP) and then switched over to here. I lost 120lbs just by eating right/exercising and logging everything. I plan on doing the same after baby to lose the baby weight and get to my goal that I was so close to before. I plan on staying on MFP forever. It's support system is great and it gives me everything that I need. Not to mention the satisfaction I get out of helping/encouraging others. By the sounds of it, most of us are moving over to the postnatal group eventually so, we should all be able to push each other there as well :smile:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Good morning ladies. I had a very bad start to my day. I stepped on the scale and weighed 5lbs more than last Monday. How is that even possible? It has got to be water weight (at least partially). I'm only allowing myself to put healthy foods in my mouth today. I'll eat whenever I'm hungry, but only stuff I would eat while trying to lose weight- fruits, veggies, protein, whole grain, etc. No more of this, I'm pregnant so I can put whatever I want into my body and not worry about gaining as fast as I would normally. Terrible mentality! I know it's not all about the number or anything, but this is a serious problem if I continue to gain like this for the rest of the pregnancy. Must figure out what's going on and fix it. Well, I'm pretty sure I know what's going on. I ate like a pig with my in-laws this weekend and I've gotten a little too used to the occasional fast food splurge. NO MORE FAST FOOD :smile:

    I met my exercise challenge last week. Monday- 45 minutes walking at park. Tuesday- 32 minutes walking on treadmill, 25 minutes weights. Wednesday- 40 minutes recumbent bike, 15 minutes weights. Saturday- 40 minutes walking at the lake. I'm definitely feeling the need to exercise in some way today. I'm off tonight, so I'm thinking the hubby and I will take advantage of the nice weather and go for a long walk.

    Oh my gosh, the shelves my in-laws made for the nursery are so adorable. I'll have to take some pictures and try to post them on here for you guys to see. The nursery is pretty much done. I want to do a couple more little things, but otherwise it's perfect!!

    Amanda- Glad your shower went well. They are so fun!

    Sheri- I'm not sure if I already said this, but congratulations on that beautiful baby!!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Amanda – I’m glad you had a good shower

    Joonzgurl – tracking my food on MFP is the only thing that’s worked for me. I did WW before but I didn’t do too well on their system. I say if you’ve found something that works for you then stick with it.

    Brittony – I’ve been doing the same thing and I need to snap out of it. On Saturday I planned to cook and hubby suggested we go out. So instead of the grilled chicken I planned on I ended up with a bacon cheeseburger and fries. But 5 pounds in one week seems way too much to be all weight gain, I’m sure sodium is part of it. And I can’t wait to see pictures of the nursery!

    I almost made the exercise challenge this week.
    Tuesday: 30 minute walk
    Wednesday: 30 minute walk
    Friday: 35 minute walk

    The weather is supposed to be nicer this week, so hopefully I’ll get out more.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Julie - been thinking a lot about, and praying for you and your family.

    Amanda - It sounds like you had a great time at your shower, and you're ready for baby!

    Joonz - I've never tried anything like WW or TOPS, the only thing I've ever done is MFP. I've had really great success with MFP, but my problem is I see results, start to feel good about them, and I start letting myself slack a little here, there, then all of a sudden I've gained back everything I lost. I'm hoping that being a part of the post-natal group will keep me motivated to continue even after I see results/reach my goal.

    Brittony - It definitely sounds like water weight to me, do you notice any swelling? I was starting to notice some in my feet especially, and now that I've upped my water intake it has backed down quite a bit. I don't eat much fast food, never really have, but I've eaten it a few times lately out of convenience. I definitely notice a big difference in water retention and how I feel so no more fast food! Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

    Sheri - Way to go on getting the post-natal started! Can't wait to join you guys, it looks like you already have a great group going! Thank you for sharing pics of your little princess, she is beautiful!! And for sharing your labor & delivery, sounds like you did a great job Momma! Hope all is going well at your house and you are all enjoying some quality time with Brooklyn.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Good morning everyone. Happy Monday. I made my exercise challenge last week.

    Monday: 30 min treadmill
    Tuesday: 55 min elliptical
    Wednesday: 45 min water aerobics
    Thursday: 62 min treadmill
    Plus there were two days I spent packing and pushing boxes around, that worked up a sweat. :)
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I got in 3 days this week for the exercise challenge.

    Tuesday - 25 min walk.

    Wednesday - 30 mins light aerobics

    Sunday - 2 hours cleaning/nesting

    Yes, I'm officially nesting!!! I wore out a path from one end of my house to the other yesterday cleaning, moving stuff around, sorting through things, WHEW! It was a very successful day in terms of getting things accomplished! I have 7 garbage bags of clothes to take to Salvation Army along with 4 boxes of "stuff".

    It rained here all day yesterday and the sides of the roads are a sloppy mess, so probably won't be able to do any outdoor walking this week. Hopefully I can stay motivated to be active indoors.

    Oh! And Wal Mart has a great deal this week on the little trailors you pull behind a bike, they are $88! I like the thought of this for family bike rides much better than the seat that attaches to the bike. We looked at a few different sites for ones and this is the cheapest we've found. Even used on CL they were like $75. We'll be getting one for sure!
  • Mamatoabunch
    Julie I am so sorry. I will be praying for you and your family.

    Exercise this week was not very good. I am still recovering from the cold I had which I think turned to a sinus infection which I am now recovering from that. I had a horrendous headache Friday and Saturday.

    I walked Monday 30 minutes
    Tuesday 30 minutes
    Thursday I vacuumed my room, LOL
    Saturday 40 minutes

    I am currently in nesting obsession. Saturday I finally found a white changing table for $30 used to put baby's things in. I refuse to buy new for almost everything. I ordered my birth supplies and organized all the stuff.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I have officially decided I want this baby to stay in! Labor is getting too real. Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to know exactly when it is coming. I'll take all the prayers I can get. I broke down in tears this morning with my husband. I just want it over with (labor that is).
  • lois2324
    lois2324 Posts: 20
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    Hi everyone, my appointment today went really well, BP and urine clear, discussed my options for the home birth and the possibility may not be as difficult as they seemed to be! Basically we've got to wait and see how the pregnancy goes and all being well they will make a decision around 36 weeks. I've now been referred to the maternity unit at the hospital and will receive an appointment at around 11 weeks for a dating scan. I've been offered a Nuchal Translucency scan to screen for downs syndrome so I'm going to consider whether to agree to that (I've not previously consented to any screening tests in my other pregnancies). I won't see my midwife again till 16 weeks on 20th June.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I have officially decided I want this baby to stay in! Labor is getting too real. Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to know exactly when it is coming. I'll take all the prayers I can get. I broke down in tears this morning with my husband. I just want it over with (labor that is).

    I was thinking the same thing yesterday. I would be so much more prepared for labor if I knew exactly when it was going to happen. Not that I want to be induced, but the uncertainty of when it will happen naturally seems unnerving....and I'm not as close as you are!

    I have a feeling you'll do great when the time comes! I'll be praying for you!
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    I have officially decided I want this baby to stay in! Labor is getting too real. Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to know exactly when it is coming. I'll take all the prayers I can get. I broke down in tears this morning with my husband. I just want it over with (labor that is).

    Don't worry labour isn't all that bad and you know what to expect, remember there's a baby at the end of it all, focus on that and you will do great!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hi everyone, my appointment today went really well, BP and urine clear, discussed my options for the home birth and the possibility may not be as difficult as they seemed to be! Basically we've got to wait and see how the pregnancy goes and all being well they will make a decision around 36 weeks. I've now been referred to the maternity unit at the hospital and will receive an appointment at around 11 weeks for a dating scan. I've been offered a Nuchal Translucency scan to screen for downs syndrome so I'm going to consider whether to agree to that (I've not previously consented to any screening tests in my other pregnancies). I won't see my midwife again till 16 weeks on 20th June.

    So glad your appointment went well! Hoping that the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and you'll be able to have a home birth. By the time you see your midwife again, hopefully my little guy will have made his appearance!
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    How exciting, I guess you really can't wait to meet him/her. Pregnancy seems to take forever when you're going through the uncomfortable stages but in reality it doesn't take a lot of time to grow a baby! Are you looking forward to the birth and holding baby for the first time? Thats my favourite part of it all the labour and birth. But I am going to try and not be too impatient and enjoy this whole pregnancy as its definitely going to be my last one :happy:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Thank you Lynn and sthorp1179!

    Your words are touching and I truly appreciate them.

    I absolutely love pregnancy and I love my time in the hospital right after the baby is born. My labors are fast but each one gets quicker and more intense. I am hoping my water doesn't break the way it did the last time around.
  • wilkeskayla
    wilkeskayla Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I have been popping in here and there, so I guess it is time for a formal introduction. My name is Kayla, and I am ALSO from Tennessee. I see that a few of you that post here are from tn as well :). I'm 20 years old & we are expecting our FIRST child :) I'm having a boy, due June 11th. So that makes me 30 weeks today! Couldn't be more thrilled! I love sharing pregnancy experiences and seeking advice from other mothers on things I have not yet experienced. Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)

    Welcome! Where are you from in tn?

    Carroll county, that's in west TN. In the sticks haha
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    How exciting, I guess you really can't wait to meet him/her. Pregnancy seems to take forever when you're going through the uncomfortable stages but in reality it doesn't take a lot of time to grow a baby! Are you looking forward to the birth and holding baby for the first time? Thats my favourite part of it all the labour and birth. But I am going to try and not be too impatient and enjoy this whole pregnancy as its definitely going to be my last one :happy:

    Pregnancy seems like the longest short amount of time ever, if that makes any sense? :laugh: I remember when I found out I was pregnant it seemed like a lifetime until my first Dr. appointment, and an eternity until my due date. Now that it is only 2 months and some change away, I really feel like the time has flown by. I've been trying to concentrate on enjoying my third trimester because I know it will be over really soon.

    I am looking forward to the birth, sounds a little psychotic, right? :wink: The anticipation of not knowing what is going to happen is unnerving, but also really exciting to me, especially since this is my first time and I only know what I've read about and heard from other people. I know that every experience is unique so I'm anxious to know what my experience will be.

    And of course I'm excited for Joshua to finally be here so I can hold him, and see what he looks like!!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Julie - I am so sorry to hear that! I don't really have any advise or anything never having been through anything that close / personal like a sibling - I would just say, do for sure take care of that baby, but don't be so overly cautious about it that you don't properly grieve. That's important to getting through this.
  • Mamatoabunch
    I have officially decided I want this baby to stay in! Labor is getting too real. Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to know exactly when it is coming. I'll take all the prayers I can get. I broke down in tears this morning with my husband. I just want it over with (labor that is).

    Oh goodness! I can relate, although I need to have everything figured and planned, labor I prefer it to happen w/o me knowing ahead. I would get too worked up w/ anxiety otherwise. I look forward to labor, I am getting tired of being pregnant actually, but a part of me worries over the pain too. Try to remember it will be just fine.