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  • clw_888
    clw_888 Posts: 157 Member
    I am posting my response before reading thru all the pages and pages of comments. In your original post you said you give yourself a free day. I wonder if that is setting you back!?!

    I know for me I can blow a whole weeks worth of good eating in one weekend day. Whether it be calories or sodium it can be enough to destroy all the work from the previous week. Could that be it?
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Hang in there. It looks like you haver gotten a lot of good advice. The kind of foods is also important. My wife and I went gluten free first and then started working on the portions after we had a couple of months to get into the GF groove. I lost 11lbs just from that and my wife lost 6lbs. We found this site about three weeks ago and it has helped tremendously. I'm really starting to look at my diary and eliminate foods that set me back on my goals. We were doing a free day also once a week and since keeping the diary have elimnated that. In the end it's about being healthy and living a healthy lifestyle for yourself and being a good role model to your munchkins. Hang in there and start examining whether the different foods might be affecting you. 14lbs in 2.5 months is awesome! You are doing great and remember your weight will fluctuate too sometimes based on sodium intake and such. Hang in there! These blogs are so helpful and so far everyone has been very supportive. Take care and stay focused.
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    Re: (how do you people cite these to your post?)

    Hit the quote button on the posts you want to quote. It puts it in blue for you and you don't have to copy and paste. You can also delete what you don't want to quote from between the boxes that say quote in them.
    Now I see it! Thanks.
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    Now I see it! Thanks.
    Please forgive me - trying again to get it right.
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    Oh, well.