so who is single here?



  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    yoo hoo...but happy to be single, although wouldnt mind some eye candy (and intelligent conversation of course) on my friends list........
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I never understood people who cheat. I had multiple opportunities, with some rather attractive women (you'd be amazed at how many of those there are in the ownership/administration end of heavy construction). The trick to NOT doing it (human nature being what it is), was to completely avoid opportunity to have to choose yes or no.

    Totally agree. I had a conversation the other day with a male friend about whether or not men and women can be "just friends" when one or both of them are in romantic relationships with other people. My take on it is that if there is physical attraction between the two "friends," they WILL cheat at some point. It is nearly unavoidable when a male and a female who are attracted to each other spend a significant amount of time together (even more so if there is alcohol involved). Like you said, it's human nature. Love has very little to do with it; you can love someone and still cheat on them. But if you respect your significant other and value your relationship, you will not willingly put yourself in a situation that is conducive to sexual encounters with other people.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I never understood people who cheat. I had multiple opportunities, with some rather attractive women (you'd be amazed at how many of those there are in the ownership/administration end of heavy construction). The trick to NOT doing it (human nature being what it is), was to completely avoid opportunity to have to choose yes or no.

    Totally agree. I had a conversation the other day with a male friend about whether or not men and women can be "just friends" when one or both of them are in romantic relationships with other people. My take on it is that if there is physical attraction between the two "friends," they WILL cheat at some point. It is nearly unavoidable when a male and a female who are attracted to each other spend a significant amount of time together (even more so if there is alcohol involved). Like you said, it's human nature. Love has very little to do with it; you can love someone and still cheat on them. But if you respect your significant other and value your relationship, you will not willingly put yourself in a situation that is conducive to sexual encounters with other people.

    This is it really. Cheating comes down to a lack of self control, and a lack of respect for your partner. I know guys who love their wives more than their life. They would literally die for the women...but they can't keep it in their pants, or out of their secretaries save their lives. That is no self control, and a lack of respect plain and simple.

    My ex wife loves me...even still. Too many things she does proves it...but there is no respect, and no consideration.

    It just doesn't work like that =/.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member

    I never understood people who cheat. I had multiple opportunities, with some rather attractive women (you'd be amazed at how many of those there are in the ownership/administration end of heavy construction). The trick to NOT doing it (human nature being what it is), was to completely avoid opportunity to have to choose yes or no. I turned down the dinner invitations, out of town meetings...etc...and if it was an invitation I couldn't get out of for business reasons, I invited my wife along. If she wasn't welcome...something came up and I didn't attend. There is always alcohol (sometimes large amounts when a prospective client keeps buying you drinks) and a relaxed atmosphere at those dinner meetings, and hotel rooms are far, far too convenient. No was with her or not at all.

    I could hug you for posting that :smile: I wish all men were like this!
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member

    I never understood people who cheat. I had multiple opportunities, with some rather attractive women (you'd be amazed at how many of those there are in the ownership/administration end of heavy construction). The trick to NOT doing it (human nature being what it is), was to completely avoid opportunity to have to choose yes or no. I turned down the dinner invitations, out of town meetings...etc...and if it was an invitation I couldn't get out of for business reasons, I invited my wife along. If she wasn't welcome...something came up and I didn't attend. There is always alcohol (sometimes large amounts when a prospective client keeps buying you drinks) and a relaxed atmosphere at those dinner meetings, and hotel rooms are far, far too convenient. No was with her or not at all.

    I could hug you for posting that :smile: I wish all men were like this!

    There are a good number of us guys that don't feel the need to cheat... just so you know
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member

    I never understood people who cheat. I had multiple opportunities, with some rather attractive women (you'd be amazed at how many of those there are in the ownership/administration end of heavy construction). The trick to NOT doing it (human nature being what it is), was to completely avoid opportunity to have to choose yes or no. I turned down the dinner invitations, out of town meetings...etc...and if it was an invitation I couldn't get out of for business reasons, I invited my wife along. If she wasn't welcome...something came up and I didn't attend. There is always alcohol (sometimes large amounts when a prospective client keeps buying you drinks) and a relaxed atmosphere at those dinner meetings, and hotel rooms are far, far too convenient. No was with her or not at all.

    I could hug you for posting that :smile: I wish all men were like this!

    There are a good number of us guys that don't feel the need to cheat... just so you know

    I know, but unfortunately there are too many who do. Girls too, I'm not letting us off the hook either.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I promise to never cheat on you girls! :devil:
  • abbyko
    abbyko Posts: 108
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member

    I never understood people who cheat. I had multiple opportunities, with some rather attractive women (you'd be amazed at how many of those there are in the ownership/administration end of heavy construction). The trick to NOT doing it (human nature being what it is), was to completely avoid opportunity to have to choose yes or no. I turned down the dinner invitations, out of town meetings...etc...and if it was an invitation I couldn't get out of for business reasons, I invited my wife along. If she wasn't welcome...something came up and I didn't attend. There is always alcohol (sometimes large amounts when a prospective client keeps buying you drinks) and a relaxed atmosphere at those dinner meetings, and hotel rooms are far, far too convenient. No was with her or not at all.

    I could hug you for posting that :smile: I wish all men were like this!

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    I never understood people who cheat. I had multiple opportunities, with some rather attractive women (you'd be amazed at how many of those there are in the ownership/administration end of heavy construction). The trick to NOT doing it (human nature being what it is), was to completely avoid opportunity to have to choose yes or no. I turned down the dinner invitations, out of town meetings...etc...and if it was an invitation I couldn't get out of for business reasons, I invited my wife along. If she wasn't welcome...something came up and I didn't attend. There is always alcohol (sometimes large amounts when a prospective client keeps buying you drinks) and a relaxed atmosphere at those dinner meetings, and hotel rooms are far, far too convenient. No was with her or not at all.

    I could hug you for posting that :smile: I wish all men were like this!

    Aww...thank you hun.

    And you too!

    I'll tell you this much...I could certainly use the hug. Been a rough go this last
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member

    Aww...thank you hun.

    I'll tell you this much...I could certainly use the hug. Been a rough go this last

    *e-hugs* :smile:
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Wow we women really are out numbered, its more single women then men.

    meh, MFP is mostly girls anyway
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    24 and single. Problem being I have a professional job and child and had to grow up much quicker than other people my age. Finding a person in my age range in the same position as me is a challenge in a little-big town.
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    Single here!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    Aww...thank you hun.

    I'll tell you this much...I could certainly use the hug. Been a rough go this last

    *e-hugs* :smile:

    Aww! Thank you again!!

    You know? The people on general...are some of the kindest people I've ever met...and I think I know why.

    In high school, and all the grades before it...I was short (4'7" my freshman year), thin (135lbs!), curly hair, and bookish/nerdish lol. I drew swords and read fantasy books in class, and STILL got perfect grades. I wore glasses! I was picked on (at least for the first part...long story), and really never fit in perfectly, even once I learned to stand up for myself and gained a crapload of respect. Towards the middle of high school I bloomed, got lots of attention and all the perks that go along with that...but I never forgot what it felt like to NOT be that person that I had very suddenly become.

    I think MFP is a lot like that. Some of us went through that transformation in our past...some are going through it still. Some have gone through it more than once. But we all know what it's like in one form or another, to NOT be a part of the accepted 'norm'...what it's like to feel self conscious to a level that people that have 'always been perfect' just don't understand. Whether it be weight, appearance, or whatever. For that reason we tend to be conscious of others feelings...because we most certainly know what it's like for others not to have been conscious of ours.

    Kind of a revelation in a way...but it's good to understand it I think.

    Sorry for the derail lol...just thinking out loud I guess.
  • LauraSchaller
    LauraSchaller Posts: 106 Member

    Single lady in Ohio here :) Add me if you wish!
  • LauraSchaller
    LauraSchaller Posts: 106 Member

    Single lady in Ohio here :) Add me if you wish!
  • abeautifulvoice
    I think I replied to this...but, can't remember lol

    Single here :)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I think I replied to this...but, can't remember lol

    Single here :)

    Yes, you did lol =D.

    It's one said we can't put more than one name in the hat =p!
  • abeautifulvoice

    Yes, you did lol =D.

    It's one said we can't put more than one name in the hat =p!

    lol :)