Postnatal- April 2011



  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Makismom- Welcome! Great progress already

    Amanda (Tahmed)- I hope that the time with your mom and the shower were GREAT! Looking forward for you to join us after your little guy arrives.

    Lynn- Thanks, as of this morning I look about 4 months pregnant so I guess that something is starting to happen. I am having a hard time staying away from the scale but decided that I WILL NOT weigh myself more than once a week, I do not want to get obsessed yet.

    Curleesam- Welcome, sounds like you got a real handle on it!

    Amanda- I had a huge loss with my boys by the time I came home, but this time I was supposed to get a tubal ligation the following morning so they pumped extra fluid in me just before I left. I have an umbilical hernia and the ob on call refused to do surgery, she said it was too risky so needless to say I was filled like a turkey for no reason.

    Katrina- 27 lbs? that is GREAT, see you said you don’t loose weight right after a baby. You are almost a third of the way to your goal already! The baby has an appointment this morning to check and see how she is feeding and such, I already drove my son to school. If I was closer I would drive you! I actually feel GREAT, after the last 4 months of bed rest and all I couldn’t be better and have not stopped smiling! You hadn't decided on nursing prior to delivery, did you decide to go with it?

    AFM- second night home with the baby went pretty good as well, she seems to be a self soother and only needs me to feed her. I get a good 3-3 1/2 hours in before she wakes the first time, she goes for a good 30 min feeding before bed. After that she seems to pass out on the breast after only about 10-15 mins and nothing can wake her. Once that happens she is up every 1 1/2-2 hrs for a feeding.
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    My three kids are attempting to give up sleep for some reason.
    I cannot wait for my DH to be home and have some help.

    I think my middle one has strep (he's had a cold for almost a week, no change) so we'll be going to the DR today. Poor kid. :(
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    My three kids are attempting to give up sleep for some reason.
    I cannot wait for my DH to be home and have some help.

    I think my middle one has strep (he's had a cold for almost a week, no change) so we'll be going to the DR today. Poor kid. :(

    Oh man, strep is so painful, I hope he gets better soon and that you can get it cured without it spreading to the other little ones.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I also agree that broccoli will give your baby gas. I know it gives Redmond gas.....but beans are the worst for him. Unfortunately, I'm a vegetarian so both of these are big parts of my diet. I have drastically reduced the amount of beans I eat though. I give him gas drops every night when I'm giving him his last feeding and that really seems to help. I swear by Gripe Water!
  • jamielangner
    I'm sorry to hear that some of your older ones are acting out. The one good thing about my situation right now is that my daughter is doing AMAZING with her new little sister. I'm amazed that she has been so great, giving her loads of hugs/kisses, helping change her diaper, and dressing her. My older daughter (Brielle) actually saw that the younger (Hayley) did not have socks on so she actually took off her own socks to put them on her! Love that little girl SO MUCH!!!

  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that some of your older ones are acting out. The one good thing about my situation right now is that my daughter is doing AMAZING with her new little sister. I'm amazed that she has been so great, giving her loads of hugs/kisses, helping change her diaper, and dressing her. My older daughter (Brielle) actually saw that the younger (Hayley) did not have socks on so she actually took off her own socks to put them on her! Love that little girl SO MUCH!!!


    SUCH a cute picture!!!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I also agree that broccoli will give your baby gas. I know it gives Redmond gas.....but beans are the worst for him. Unfortunately, I'm a vegetarian so both of these are big parts of my diet. I have drastically reduced the amount of beans I eat though. I give him gas drops every night when I'm giving him his last feeding and that really seems to help. I swear by Gripe Water!

    LOL I didnt notice any of that when I was breastfeeding! Now that I am weaning her I have seen a definite change in the appearance and SMELL of her stools though......pooooo eeeeeeeee! LOL
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    SUCH a cute picture Jamie!!! LOVE IT!!:heart:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that some of your older ones are acting out. The one good thing about my situation right now is that my daughter is doing AMAZING with her new little sister. I'm amazed that she has been so great, giving her loads of hugs/kisses, helping change her diaper, and dressing her. My older daughter (Brielle) actually saw that the younger (Hayley) did not have socks on so she actually took off her own socks to put them on her! Love that little girl SO MUCH!!!


    That is the cutest! The boys are doing much better, I think the problem is that with them being 7 and 4 (this saturday) I did not expect the jealousy. I notice that since the visitors have stopped and Brooklynn has become just another member of the household everything is fine. My younger son just couldn't wait to do yardwork with daddy!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I've been having major jealousy issues with my 8 year old. I thought I was going to go mad. :sad: But we've been trying to work it out.

    I went ahead and drove yesterday, eventhough I'm supposed to wait the 2 weeks because of is supposed to be 3, but my son needs to be back in his routine.

    My inscision looks good the nurse practitioner says, so I'm just going to continue to take it easy and live on the bed and couch as much as possible and hopefully it will heal sooner than later. She said no exercise till 6 weeks, except light walking. I did that yesterday to get to the doc's office and then went to target for a few minutes and regretted it last night, lots of clotting and abdominal pain, just glad I bought my post partum belt it helped with support.

    I'm loving getting on the scale and dropping weight.:heart: That is fun, would be great if it did this all the time.:heart:

    Sheri--I decided not to breastfeed. My fears from my experience with my last birth and recovery just lingered too hard. I think it has worked out to be the best descision so far. He is taking to it well.

    Jamie-- that is a precious picture.

    I'm going to start logging today. It is hard when you have foods that you don't really know what is in them. But my husband went to the store last night and bought me some fruit and salad stuff.

    My urge to eat is gone. I'm sure that will pass. But yesterday I had my first craving for something...a Dr. Pepper. :blushing:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I've been having major jealousy issues with my 8 year old. I thought I was going to go mad. :sad: But we've been trying to work it out.

    I went ahead and drove yesterday, eventhough I'm supposed to wait the 2 weeks because of is supposed to be 3, but my son needs to be back in his routine.

    My inscision looks good the nurse practitioner says, so I'm just going to continue to take it easy and live on the bed and couch as much as possible and hopefully it will heal sooner than later. She said no exercise till 6 weeks, except light walking. I did that yesterday to get to the doc's office and then went to target for a few minutes and regretted it last night, lots of clotting and abdominal pain, just glad I bought my post partum belt it helped with support.

    I'm loving getting on the scale and dropping weight.:heart: That is fun, would be great if it did this all the time.:heart:

    Sheri--I decided not to breastfeed. My fears from my experience with my last birth and recovery just lingered too hard. I think it has worked out to be the best descision so far. He is taking to it well.

    Jamie-- that is a precious picture.

    I'm going to start logging today. It is hard when you have foods that you don't really know what is in them. But my husband went to the store last night and bought me some fruit and salad stuff.

    My urge to eat is gone. I'm sure that will pass. But yesterday I had my first craving for something...a Dr. Pepper. :blushing:

    We went shopping yesterday too, I stocked up on lean protein, fresh fruit and veggies. I feel like I ate so much yesterday but at the end of the day I had only taken in 1500 calories and since breastfeeding is supposed to burn about 500 I definately did not get enough calories in. I am adding to my meals to day and hopefully I will be able to have a net of aleast 1200 rather than another day of 1000, I do not want to go into starvation.

    I totally did not expect my 7 year old to be jealous of the new baby, the 3 year old was understandable. My baby is up non stop from 2-5am nursing like every hour and it is driving me nuts. I want to sleep but I guess I just need to wait for her to adjust and go to bed earlier. I hope that you get to feeling better real soon!
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    I would love to join in. I have a 2, 6, 8 year old of my own, also a 16 year old that is my freebie (step daughter) she also lives with us .:happy: As of right now I am still breast feeding ( wanted to wean when she was 8 months ) Long story short I decided to keep bf for her health and my weight and it has now been two years two long ! That is my youngest in the picture !:heart: She was my woops that I am so happy to have ! Wish someone would of reminded me how fertile you get after losing weight !:laugh: Anyway I do not add any extra calories as of right now be cuz not sure how much milk I am producing. I am new to this site only been here for 6 days so far I love it !
  • jamielangner
    I'm having a really rough time with bad snacking. I am in NJ staying with my parents & they have all sorts of junk food & it's too tempting! I'm eating pretty healthy besides the snacks since my mom has been cooking most of the time but I'm so mad at myself because I keep eating the candy, cookies, & ice cream!!

    I want to get back home & back to eating better & back to a routine so badly but I need my family's help right now. I'm sooooooooo frustrated :(
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    Jamielangner >> Congrat on the new baby ! Your body is readjusting right now relax . You need all the calories you are allowed right now for BF ! You and her want that milk and stress will not help that ! I feel when we get prego and then have baby and have them eating off of us we kind of get confused of when we are hungry or not and then we have to retrain ourself to eat.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I've been having major jealousy issues with my 8 year old. I thought I was going to go mad. :sad: But we've been trying to work it out.

    I went ahead and drove yesterday, eventhough I'm supposed to wait the 2 weeks because of is supposed to be 3, but my son needs to be back in his routine.

    My inscision looks good the nurse practitioner says, so I'm just going to continue to take it easy and live on the bed and couch as much as possible and hopefully it will heal sooner than later. She said no exercise till 6 weeks, except light walking. I did that yesterday to get to the doc's office and then went to target for a few minutes and regretted it last night, lots of clotting and abdominal pain, just glad I bought my post partum belt it helped with support.

    I'm loving getting on the scale and dropping weight.:heart: That is fun, would be great if it did this all the time.:heart:

    Sheri--I decided not to breastfeed. My fears from my experience with my last birth and recovery just lingered too hard. I think it has worked out to be the best descision so far. He is taking to it well.

    Jamie-- that is a precious picture.

    I'm going to start logging today. It is hard when you have foods that you don't really know what is in them. But my husband went to the store last night and bought me some fruit and salad stuff.

    My urge to eat is gone. I'm sure that will pass. But yesterday I had my first craving for something...a Dr. Pepper. :blushing:

    We went shopping yesterday too, I stocked up on lean protein, fresh fruit and veggies. I feel like I ate so much yesterday but at the end of the day I had only taken in 1500 calories and since breastfeeding is supposed to burn about 500 I definately did not get enough calories in. I am adding to my meals to day and hopefully I will be able to have a net of aleast 1200 rather than another day of 1000, I do not want to go into starvation.

    I totally did not expect my 7 year old to be jealous of the new baby, the 3 year old was understandable. My baby is up non stop from 2-5am nursing like every hour and it is driving me nuts. I want to sleep but I guess I just need to wait for her to adjust and go to bed earlier. I hope that you get to feeling better real soon!

    Sheri-Logan is up from midnight to 2/3 a.m. every night. The nurse at the hospital said it was normal for babies to do that. Something about their rythem or something.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    [Sheri-Logan is up from midnight to 2/3 a.m. every night. The nurse at the hospital said it was normal for babies to do that. Something about their rythem or something.

    Brooklynn goes down from about 8-8:30 until about 12:30 and then wakes up again at 2:30 and it goes on and on like every hour but she is nursing for like 30 mins each time. I guess it wont be too bad for me if it stays that way since I go back to work in 5 weeks and leave the house by 3:30am. Sorry hubby!
  • jamielangner
    [Sheri-Logan is up from midnight to 2/3 a.m. every night. The nurse at the hospital said it was normal for babies to do that. Something about their rythem or something.

    Brooklynn goes down from about 8-8:30 until about 12:30 and then wakes up again at 2:30 and it goes on and on like every hour but she is nursing for like 30 mins each time. I guess it wont be too bad for me if it stays that way since I go back to work in 5 weeks and leave the house by 3:30am. Sorry hubby!

    Hayley goes to sleep at 10pm, wakes up at 12 to eat & goes right back to sleep till 2am when she wakes up and stays awake. I can't get her to sleep until 6am & then she sleeps from 6am-10am! Her long sleep starts right when my older daughter wakes up :( So the only broken "sleep" I've been getting since she has been born is 10pm-2am. I've been trying to move that 4 hour stretch to the night but she just seems to want to sleep during that time no matter what I do... I'm exhausted :(
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member

    Hayley goes to sleep at 10pm, wakes up at 12 to eat & goes right back to sleep till 2am when she wakes up and stays awake. I can't get her to sleep until 6am & then she sleeps from 6am-10am! Her long sleep starts right when my older daughter wakes up :( So the only broken "sleep" I've been getting since she has been born is 10pm-2am. I've been trying to move that 4 hour stretch to the night but she just seems to want to sleep during that time no matter what I do... I'm exhausted :(

    You poor thing, last night was exceptionally good, Brooklynn went down from 8:30-12:00am (mommy passed out at 8:45) she ate and went right back down until 3am. She was pretty much up at that point until 7:00am, I managed to wake her up yesterday for a couple of hours by taking her outside. I guess she just needs some fresh air to wake up. I am very happy with this schedule since I wake up for work at 3am which would only mean 1 time up at night. I hope you get some rest soon!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Gosh dont even talk to me about sleeping patterns! Lea was sleeping through the night since 6 weeks old and I took great pride in telling everyone how amazing she was etc... then she had her second set of jabs and started waking for a 2am feed for like 6 weeks she is teething and waking up at 4am ON.THE.DOT every single night for a feed!

    I guess I shouldnt complain as I remember all too well the breastfeeding every hour during the night in the beginning! Man that time, I was literally a ZOMBIE and didnt feel like I should be in charge of myself let alone a baby! It's true what everyone says though, it doesnt last forever thank goodness!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I think the lack of sleep was making me feel some more extreme baby blues, and then I started to panic that I was having PPD again. I called the doc and they prescribed something, but the side effects are scary, so I'm going to give it to my 2nd week post partum before I decide if it is baby blues or ppd. It doesn't feel the same as last time.

    Can you put those thoughts in your head? My husband said He thinks I'm so anxious about having it that I'm willing it?:embarassed:

    I was really worried I was going to hurt Logan, drop him or lay him down to rough or whatever, and my husband said he has the same fears. So I guess that's normal. It is a weird sensation when I think it I feel so bad like a bad mama, but the girl next door with the twins said she worries about the same thing.

    I think the lack of sleep increases these fears. Yesteraday I so had a hormonal moment. I got my feelings hurt so easily. :sad: I just miss spending time with my husband and my pillow:laugh: