Postnatal- April 2011



  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    I breastfeed for 22 months with my first, 18 months with my second, currently with my third and tandem nursed for 4 months so if u have questions just ask! ;)

    An introduction- I am a stay at home mom and have a 3 and 2 year old and a 3 month old. I lost all my pregnancy weight with my first, but not with the second or third. I started wanting to lose around 25 pounds, but have alredy lost 9 (I'm excited today, it was my weigh-in!). I'm lucky to have a baby that sleeps for 5 hr stretch first thing at night so I do TurboFire at night. I'm only on my 4th day but had been doing TurboJam before. I wish I could exercise during the day when I have more energy but my kids done nap (even the youngest only takes one 20 min nap a day- makes for a loooooong day). I haven't read the previous posts yet, hope to get caught up but am on my phone 90% of the time.

    Also, not sure if its been mentioned but I just learned that losing more than 1.5 per week isn't good for your releases toxins. Interesting, gotta make sure I eat to 1200 calories now (I have a hard time eating so much after I add in the extra 500 calories).
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    I breastfeed for 22 months with my first, 18 months with my second, currently with my third and tandem nursed for 4 months so if u have questions just ask! ;)

    An introduction- I am a stay at home mom and have a 3 and 2 year old and a 3 month old. I lost all my pregnancy weight with my first, but not with the second or third. I started wanting to lose around 25 pounds, but have alredy lost 9 (I'm excited today, it was my weigh-in!). I'm lucky to have a baby that sleeps for 5 hr stretch first thing at night so I do TurboFire at night. I'm only on my 4th day but had been doing TurboJam before. I wish I could exercise during the day when I have more energy but my kids done nap (even the youngest only takes one 20 min nap a day- makes for a loooooong day). I haven't read the previous posts yet, hope to get caught up but am on my phone 90% of the time.

    Also, not sure if its been mentioned but I just learned that losing more than 1.5 per week isn't good for your releases toxins. Interesting, gotta make sure I eat to 1200 calories now (I have a hard time eating so much after I add in the extra 500 calories).
    Do you know if you were still producing milk when u nursed your 22 month old ??? Oh and how did you wean I am desperate tired of wait till she does it on her own.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Tiffeney- I was thinking the same thing as Sara, it has to be your sodium or lack of calorie intake. Are you tracking sodium? Drink lots of water to flush the sodium out and maybe you should add some additional calories. Some people can not lose on 1200 calories and actually need to eat closer to 1500. I used to have my goal set to lose 2 lbs per week before baby and that put me at just over 1200 calories but since I am nursing I set it to 1lb per week now. and take in 1850. That number goes down as you lose weight. I am sure that you are still producing milk, my friend nursed for 3 years with her second child and her third is already 18 months so she has been nursing for over 4 years straight and still has milk. As long as baby is drinking you are producing,

    Seesaey- Welcom!

    Bethe- I look forward to seeing pics of Wade and hearing the story. Sounds like this labor may have broken your record!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Bethe--Congratulations. Can't wait to see pictures.

    On that note, I haven't taken but 3 pics the whole time we've been home, can't get the camera to work right.

    Sheri--My husband helps alot. He was a SAHD with my older son for 3 years. I think I get mad at him because he goes to work and gets adult interaction, LOL, isn't that insane. My friends are saying I'm living their dream to be at home with their kids, but I think about the retirment and income we are missing. But I also hated work when I was there. I guess I can't have it all:laugh: If only someone would pay me to stay at home.:laugh:

    I'm feeling much better today. I have very little pain from my section. And my inscision is looking good so far. I've done some light walking outside, but I'm supposed to wait the 6 weeks, so I will wait.

    I dropped 40 lbs in 10 days and now my body seems to have leveled off. That leaves me with 20 lbs of pregnancy weight. So time to start logging.

    I am finding with this baby I seem to have less time to eat:ohwell: I've been eating really low fat and Saturday night decided I would indulge in chinese food since I was avoiding it while pregnant....OMG do you know what happens when you go from low fat to high fat....lets just say last night was not fun at all:sick: But i'm feeling better.

    I'm trying to get lots of sunshine, i'm one of those people. The weather here has been nice, really humid and warm. May get out to plant a few plants this afternoon.

    What do ya'll have your calorie goal set at?

    Mine is at sedentary right now with my current weight and lose 1 lbs a week.
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    Do you know if you were still producing milk when u nursed your 22 month old ??? Oh and how did you wean I am desperate tired of wait till she does it on her own.
    Thats a little difficult to say! I got pregnant with my second when my first was nine months. So I had milk until about 30 weeks, then she comfort nursed until the milk came back and then tandem nursed both babies. I night weaned first (with both babies, I was still nursing when I became pregnant with the third but didn't want to nurse while pregnant). It was difficult for the first few nights - esp with my first because she was a HUGE comfort nurser and very head strong, wanting her way all the time (even now!). The good thing about them being older when I weaned was that they would understand a little of what I would say. My second was easy to wean, just said that "milky was allgone" and after a day or two he was done. My first I would give a countdown everytime she asked.... "When I get to 10 the milky is all done". And I used the "When the sun goes night night then milky is sleepy too". Things like that. It is hard, and emotional too, but you just have to reassure your baby that you are still there in other ways. I've been constantly nursing for (next month) 4 years, so I'm going to be way emotional when the baby stops nursing but I'll be glad to have my "body" all mine again!

    Thanks for the welcome, I'm glad to have found this group! With 3 kids under 4 my body is just not bouncing back like it used to - I guess I did a toll on my body ;). Its nice to see other mamas that are so motivating along this journey!
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    I will also be so happy to have my body back ! When I try not to give it to her it a cry fest and then she clings and hits me ! She talks somewhat and I do ask her if there is anything and she shakes her head yes. I also hear her gulping so I have no clue.. I am upping my water this week and going to try watching my sodium, if that does not do it I will tinker with my calories. Thanks to all and a happy nights rest !
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I am set to sedetary and 1lb will add breastfeeding to food journal. Ate horribly this weekend, back to reality tomorrow.

    Katrina- I could not hand the sah job, people do not understand how difficult it is. Honestly I had no idea before I got put on bedrest and got to see what his days are like
  • jamielangner
    I tried to pump with DS and it was so difficult... kudos to all of you making it work! He stopped latching in the hospital so I pumped at home for about 3-4 weeks and then had to stop. I also have a 2.5 year old, and it just got to be too difficult coordinating everything.
    My older daughter was more of a natural when it came to breastfeeding so I'm having a more difficult time this time around. I'm thankful that I was able to pump enough to leave her since I had to start work today 2 weeks post :( I'm definitely feeling the stress of it more this time around so I'm trying really hard not to give up!
    Good morning ladies! Just want to say hi. We will be in the hospital for one more day because they weren't able to get enough antibiotics in me before Wade arrived for the Beta Strep B. So he needs to be watched for 48 hours. It is to be 82 degrees here today so unfortunately I have to miss out on that but oh well.
    YAY, welcome to the new group! I hope you and your LO are doing well :)
    An introduction- I am a stay at home mom and have a 3 and 2 year old and a 3 month old. I lost all my pregnancy weight with my first, but not with the second or third. I started wanting to lose around 25 pounds, but have alredy lost 9 (I'm excited today, it was my weigh-in!). I'm lucky to have a baby that sleeps for 5 hr stretch first thing at night so I do TurboFire at night. I'm only on my 4th day but had been doing TurboJam before. I wish I could exercise during the day when I have more energy but my kids done nap (even the youngest only takes one 20 min nap a day- makes for a loooooong day). I haven't read the previous posts yet, hope to get caught up but am on my phone 90% of the time.

    Also, not sure if its been mentioned but I just learned that losing more than 1.5 per week isn't good for your releases toxins. Interesting, gotta make sure I eat to 1200 calories now (I have a hard time eating so much after I add in the extra 500 calories).
    Welcome & thanks for the info about losing more than 1.5 per week, I never heard that before!
    I'm feeling much better today. I have very little pain from my section. And my inscision is looking good so far. I've done some light walking outside, but I'm supposed to wait the 6 weeks, so I will wait.

    I dropped 40 lbs in 10 days and now my body seems to have leveled off. That leaves me with 20 lbs of pregnancy weight. So time to start logging.

    I am finding with this baby I seem to have less time to eat I've been eating really low fat and Saturday night decided I would indulge in chinese food since I was avoiding it while pregnant....OMG do you know what happens when you go from low fat to high fat....lets just say last night was not fun at all But i'm feeling better.

    I'm trying to get lots of sunshine, i'm one of those people. The weather here has been nice, really humid and warm. May get out to plant a few plants this afternoon.

    What do ya'll have your calorie goal set at?

    Mine is at sedentary right now with my current weight and lose 1 lbs a week.
    Glad you are feeling better - I cannot imagine recovering from a c-section, I'm miserable enough after my natural birth! My calorie goal is set to 1,680 (1lb loss a week) and I have not been logging breastfeeding but I'm going to start today. Now that I've been pumping more I realize how much milk I'm actually making.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Finally got some sleep!!! Baby went down from 9:30-2:45 went right back down after feeding and I woke her up at 6:45 yay! I feel human today
  • jamielangner
    I have almost made it through my first day back at work only 2 weeks after Hayley is born - one more hour to go! I went home on my lunch break since I live so close to nurse Hayley and spend some time with her but I'm still missing her like crazy. Since I've been taking care of her alone since she has been born, I've barely spent 5 minutes away from her so far, so today was really hard for me. I will only be at the office Mondays & Fridays and I get to work from home the other 3 days. I am very lucky that I have such a great supervisor that worked out this great schedule for me. FOB will be staying with Hayley Mondays & Fridays at my place and Brielle will be in daycare those days.

    Getting ready for work this morning while I was by myself with two babies was certainly a challenge! I was so stressed this morning trying to get myself ready & my older daughter ready for daycare. I cannot wait until Hayley gets on some kind of schedule because I don't do well with chaos & that's exactly what this morning was.

    The reality of being a single a mom is setting in pretty hard. I know the next year will be the hardest but I just wish I actually had the support that I need :(
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I have almost made it through my first day back at work only 2 weeks after Hayley is born - one more hour to go! I went home on my lunch break since I live so close to nurse Hayley and spend some time with her but I'm still missing her like crazy. Since I've been taking care of her alone since she has been born, I've barely spent 5 minutes away from her so far, so today was really hard for me. I will only be at the office Mondays & Fridays and I get to work from home the other 3 days. I am very lucky that I have such a great supervisor that worked out this great schedule for me. FOB will be staying with Hayley Mondays & Fridays at my place and Brielle will be in daycare those days.

    Getting ready for work this morning while I was by myself with two babies was certainly a challenge! I was so stressed this morning trying to get myself ready & my older daughter ready for daycare. I cannot wait until Hayley gets on some kind of schedule because I don't do well with chaos & that's exactly what this morning was.

    hugs Jamie, hopefully it gets better when you get in the groove of it

    The reality of being a single a mom is setting in pretty hard. I know the next year will be the hardest but I just wish I actually had the support that I need :(
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Hopefully will be able to jump over here soon - one day past due today...
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hopefully will be able to jump over here soon - one day past due today...

    Come on out Annabelle....your mommy is waiting to meet you! Maybe some encouragement will work Megan
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Hopefully will be able to jump over here soon - one day past due today...
    that girl is holding on tight, she likes mommies belly
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I have almost made it through my first day back at work only 2 weeks after Hayley is born - one more hour to go! I went home on my lunch break since I live so close to nurse Hayley and spend some time with her but I'm still missing her like crazy. Since I've been taking care of her alone since she has been born, I've barely spent 5 minutes away from her so far, so today was really hard for me. I will only be at the office Mondays & Fridays and I get to work from home the other 3 days. I am very lucky that I have such a great supervisor that worked out this great schedule for me. FOB will be staying with Hayley Mondays & Fridays at my place and Brielle will be in daycare those days.

    Getting ready for work this morning while I was by myself with two babies was certainly a challenge! I was so stressed this morning trying to get myself ready & my older daughter ready for daycare. I cannot wait until Hayley gets on some kind of schedule because I don't do well with chaos & that's exactly what this morning was.

    The reality of being a single a mom is setting in pretty hard. I know the next year will be the hardest but I just wish I actually had the support that I need :(

    my thoughts are with you. i know it has to be hard but you will make it, stronger and wiser.:heart:
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Hopefully will be able to jump over here soon - one day past due today...

    Going overdue is the worst! I was overdue by 8 days with my daughter and it felt like I had another month tagged on the end!!

    Fingers crossed it all kicks off soon and good luck when it does!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    So a trip to the car dealership yay! Got an oil change and had to explain to my 4 year old why we dont need a new car. Isnt a 2010 model new enough? I told him we can get one if he is paying :laugh:

    I have been lucky because Brooklynn has not needed a feeding while out thus far with the exception of a trip to Toys R Us that had a BRU inside with a mothers room. I am so worried about nursing in public because it is new and I feel like I would freak over an audience. Any bfeeding moms experience these feelings? How do you handle your "public" feedings?
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Sheri - I worry about nursing in public too! Redmond takes bottles though, so I always make sure that I have at least one bottle with me, but I have fed him in a couple of parking lots before. Do you plan on introducing a bottle to Brooklynn? Do you have a Hooter Hider or an Udder Cover? I keep one in my diaper bag, just in case. I've used it a couple of times and I'm pretty clumsy with it, but it works. But, if it came down to it, I'd feed Redmond wherever I was - I think people would rather see me feeding him under a cover than hearing him scream his head off :wink:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Sheri - I worry about nursing in public too! Redmond takes bottles though, so I always make sure that I have at least one bottle with me, but I have fed him in a couple of parking lots before. Do you plan on introducing a bottle to Brooklynn? Do you have a Hooter Hider or an Udder Cover? I keep one in my diaper bag, just in case. I've used it a couple of times and I'm pretty clumsy with it, but it works. But, if it came down to it, I'd feed Redmond wherever I was - I think people would rather see me feeding him under a cover than hearing him scream his head off :wink:

    Daddy has introduced a bottle (mommy was really sore) she does not prefer it but will take it once she notices her boobie milk coming out. She absolutely HATES the binky. I have a light blanket in my diaper bag, it is larger than the covers I tried in the store and I would do it if I had to but would probably try a car feeding first :blushing:
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    Feed baby before you go somewhere (even if it will make you a little late) and then if she needs to be fed out then feed her :). Haha, well the first baby I would go to the car, second I would use a blanket and this one I can do it descretely. I wear a spaghetti strap shirt under my shirts so I can pull the top shirt up and my belly is stilkl covered by the spaghetti strap. My kids usually stop nursing in public fast tho, they are always more interrested in whats around. sorry for the typos, feeding my baby now so its onehanded.