Postnatal- April 2011



  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    Hey ladies, How do I get one of those walking/miles goal icons? And is there a goal for this group?
  • jamielangner
    Hi Ladies,
    I really enjoyed reading all of your posts, made me feel normal! I would like to join this thread. My name is Zahra and I just had my second son (Rc/s) on March 29,2011. Iike my first pregnancy, I have lost a mere 10lbs and not an ounce more. I worked out my whole pregnancy and watched what I ate and still managed to gain 40lbs. I know it will come off like it did with my first, I am just not one of those people who loses 20 lbs after giving birth....and I was really beginning to think I was the only one! I have been contemplating joining weight watchers, but I have been using MFP for about 2 years now, so I figured I would recalculate my goals before I go spend $65 on WW!!! I can't wait till I can work out again, but with the c/s I know I have to wait till my 6week check up. Plus a part of my incision came open 2 weeks ago and I pulled a muscle last week (accidently lifted my 40lb 3 year old a few times) Kind of dreading weighing in tomorrow as I have not seen the scale move since the day I came home from the hospital, but I am being optimistic. My band has a show on May 14th (I'm the lead singer) I hope to lose at least 5 more pounds by then....we'll see :) Have a great day!!!!
    Welcmoe to the group! You don't need WW, you have us now :) What kind of band do you have?
    Hey ladies! I can officially join this group! Haven't had any time to post - but I will find some soon
    Annabelle Katherine was born 4/14 at 4:22. She weighed 8 lbs 5 oz, and was 21 inches long. She's amazing and I'm enjoying every minute with her!
    CONGRATS Megan! She is adorable!
    i would love to join your group if possible! i have an 11 month old,i was breastfeeding him until about 2 months ago and while i was breastfeeding it was pretty much impossible for me to lose any weight,my dr said my body was storing calories for b-feeding and once he was done b-feeding i would see a change with all the healthy habits i was forming. she was totally right! my little boy started wanting more real food and wasnt really wanting b-milk anymore so i slowly stopped and immediately saw a drop in weight. ive lost 10 lbs since i stopped b-feeding and started my diet/exercise plan! now im focused on losing the rest of my weight and starting my little one out with healthy habits as well. i just joined MFP about a week ago and love it,i would love some new motivational friends too!!! :)
    Welcome! Wow, I'm really surprised to hear that you lost weight after stopping breastfeeding, I've never heard that before but great job! We are all here to motivate each other :)
    Hey ladies, How do I get one of those walking/miles goal icons? And is there a goal for this group?
    1) Go to and pick which one you want.
    2) When your ticker has been completed, you'll be shown two boxes with code in them to display your ticker. Click on the box on the left (BBCode) - this is the code you need to use on the MyFitnessPal message boards. Highlight all of the code in that box (most browsers will do this automatically once you click on the box). If the code is not all highlighted, you can right-click on the box and choose "Select All"
    3) Once you have highlighted all of the code, right click on the code and choose "Copy."
    4) Now click on the "Community" tab, then click "Signature" in the links below the "Message Boards" title.
    5) Right-click in the box where you can type your forum signature and choose "Paste."
    6) Click "Save Changes."
  • jamielangner
    I had such a rough weekend :( Both my babies caught some kind of a stomach bug (my older one probably brought it home from daycare). They were both miserable & not eating or sleeping well all weekend. I'm really hoping that they get back to feeling better & that I don't catch whatever they had because the last thing I need right now is to be sick!

    I've also had a harsh realization that FOB is not the man I thought he was. It's still hard for me to accept that I was totally blinded by my love for him and that now I have 2 kids with him. I'm more scared for the girls than myself because I know that I will be fine (I've actually learned through all of this that I'm a lot stronger than I ever gave myself credit for), but he will be their father forever & he is rapidly falling apart right now :(
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hey ladies, How do I get one of those walking/miles goal icons? And is there a goal for this group?

    This is the site I got my walking ticker from and I copy and pasted the BB code into my signature.

    I hurt my ankle back around Valentines Day but hoping it will be okay for me to start walking again on the treadmill in a few weeks.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I had such a rough weekend :( Both my babies caught some kind of a stomach bug (my older one probably brought it home from daycare). They were both miserable & not eating or sleeping well all weekend. I'm really hoping that they get back to feeling better & that I don't catch whatever they had because the last thing I need right now is to be sick!

    I've also had a harsh realization that FOB is not the man I thought he was. It's still hard for me to accept that I was totally blinded by my love for him and that now I have 2 kids with him. I'm more scared for the girls than myself because I know that I will be fine (I've actually learned through all of this that I'm a lot stronger than I ever gave myself credit for), but he will be their father forever & he is rapidly falling apart right now :(

    Sorry to hear things are rough for you right now. Hope things start looking up soon.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Great post. I have a 4 year old and just had my second and final baby Feb 8th. Hes already 2 months and the weight is not wanting to come off with this 2nd baby. I too am nursing exclusivly. Starting JM 30DS on friday hope that helps. So far Ive mostly just been riding my exercise bike 30-60 mins a day. Best of luck to you all.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Jamie- I hope to be some sort of support for you. An ear if nothing else, I hope that he can get it together for your girls and can be there to help you out with them. I do not know you in “real” life but you seem like an amazing, caring person. I hope he realizes that some day.

    Bethe- Hope you ankle cooperates soon

    Krystn- Welcome

    Little Miss Brooklynn decided to wake up at 12:50 am and stayed up until 4am she then decided to wake back up at 6am and went back down at 7am when her big brothers woke up :yawn: boy this is going to be a long day. Thank goodness it is spring break here so we can have a lazy day, yeah right :cry: we have to do our shopping for the week so we can go out on some adventures during the rest of the vacation. I sure hope she doesnt think this schedule will work when mommy has to start waking up at 3am for work again.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Hey ladies - quick question...My milk started coming in yesterday and my breasts feel SOOO full. When she nurses it helps a little, but it feels like she isn't eating enough to reduce any of the pressure and they're starting to hurt! I don't have a pump yet, so I can't pump until I get one. Is there anything I can do to help???
  • jamielangner
    Hey ladies - quick question...My milk started coming in yesterday and my breasts feel SOOO full. When she nurses it helps a little, but it feels like she isn't eating enough to reduce any of the pressure and they're starting to hurt! I don't have a pump yet, so I can't pump until I get one. Is there anything I can do to help???

    Take a warm shower or bath & let the warm water run over them - if you need to massage them a little bit. It always works for me when I'm engorged (it all just leaks out) :P
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hey ladies - quick question...My milk started coming in yesterday and my breasts feel SOOO full. When she nurses it helps a little, but it feels like she isn't eating enough to reduce any of the pressure and they're starting to hurt! I don't have a pump yet, so I can't pump until I get one. Is there anything I can do to help???

    I sure wish I could help you out Megan. Yesterday was the first day I felt that way and I used my pump to help me out. Baby slept hard ALL day long and there was no waking him to even nurse. Made for a long night!

    Wish I could help and give you some ideas. I wonder if Annabelle on the other thread would have some ideas.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hey ladies - quick question...My milk started coming in yesterday and my breasts feel SOOO full. When she nurses it helps a little, but it feels like she isn't eating enough to reduce any of the pressure and they're starting to hurt! I don't have a pump yet, so I can't pump until I get one. Is there anything I can do to help???

    Megan, take a hot shower and express some of the milk, it will only hurt for a few days. Also ice packs help with the pain in between feedings. You could also express into a bottle so that you can save that golden milk, it lasts 6 months in the freezer so you can start saving it. I would get a pump asap, I have been using it when she takes long sleep periods and it is starting my stash for when I start work on the 16th of May. We've already introduced a bottle, her pediatrician said it would be a good idea so she learns to take one, daddy gives it to her though.
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    Ditto on the shower. I don't have a pump & that's the best relief. I know how painful it can be! I've also heard to put cabbage leaves in your bra, like how the breast pads lay. Ive never done it but heard that it can relieve discomfort. I'd google that though! Hope you are getting some relief!

    Tomorrow I'm looking at a preschool for my oldest - the state offers it free. Makes me look at my baby and wish she wouldn't grow up so fast! She's been "talking" and rolling around like crazy the last few days.... mama wants to keep her a baby!!

    On a weightloss note, I'm still having a hard time getting to 1200 net. The baby seems to be getting good milk - she's not complaining, so maybe I'm eating a little more than I think. I wonder how much I'll lose after she's weaned (if my body is keeping weight). I hopefully won't know that answer for at least another year!
  • Elixer
    Elixer Posts: 5 Member
    Hello My name is Tasha. I would like to join your message board group. My newest daughter is turning three months old next week and I am heading back to work. I currently have a large amount of pregnancy weight I would still like to lose. My older daughter is going to be two years old this summer. Do you do any monthly weight results posting or anything like that? I belonged to a forum on a different site at one point and they had things like that. I am really just looking a place to share issues I am having and read about like minded people and how they are doing.

  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Just wanted to pop in - I've been MIA and haven't caught up on all the posts. Took hubby away for the weekend for his birthday - it was nice to get away and relax! Unfortunately, I think Redmond caught something while we were away and is fighting off a cold.....that means not much sleep for me.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Oh gosh I remember breastfeeding Lea and she wouldnt take as much milk and the trick is to make sure you are expressing it (even by hand) and freezing it cos trust me itll come in handy soon!!

    Lea is ill at the moment which isn't nice as she is normally such a happy baby, I hate seeing her grumpy and irritable and I can't fix it :(

    On a positive note, I lost another 3lbs last week so very very pleased!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Seesaey- you are so lucky, my middle son used to go to preschool when he was 2 because he was developing slow. Fortunately the intervention worked because that child is super smart now. He was supposed to start PreK in September but California has directed all of the funding that was supposed to be for free preschool to low cost health insurance for children. Ughh, he was so disappointed. Unfortunately with one income we just can not afford to pay for him to go to preschool. As for net calories, I sometimes am really close to eating all of them and other times I leave hundreds behind. Just kind of go with what I am feeling. I got some protein bars to help me fill more calories when I am not very hungry. Milk seems fine, Brooklynn eats frequently and I also try to pump in between feedings if she sleeps for 3-4 hour stretch.

    Tasha- Welcome, I would LOVE to have some sort of challenges. I am 2 weeks postnatal so I am not clear to do much exercise other than walking. In the prenatal group we had a weekly exercise challenge, we tried to work out atleast 4 days a week. Any suggestions on what you would like to see here? I weigh in every Saturday, most of us weigh in once a week on whichever day works best for you.

    Sara- I hope you get some relief for your little man

    CurleeSam- hopefully your little girl feels better soon

    I have been failing at exercise this week, I did take a quick walk around the block yesterday. Sometimes it is the only thing that calms my baby girl. We will be visiting a few museums and the zoo this week woohoo for spring break, I really do not know how to log that so I am not counting all of the walking. I will definitely be failing my exercise challenge this month but I guess not technically and I can not expect too much so soon after giving birth.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I really enjoyed reading all of your posts, made me feel normal! I would like to join this thread. My name is Zahra and I just had my second son (Rc/s) on March 29,2011. Iike my first pregnancy, I have lost a mere 10lbs and not an ounce more. I worked out my whole pregnancy and watched what I ate and still managed to gain 40lbs. I know it will come off like it did with my first, I am just not one of those people who loses 20 lbs after giving birth....and I was really beginning to think I was the only one! I have been contemplating joining weight watchers, but I have been using MFP for about 2 years now, so I figured I would recalculate my goals before I go spend $65 on WW!!! I can't wait till I can work out again, but with the c/s I know I have to wait till my 6week check up. Plus a part of my incision came open 2 weeks ago and I pulled a muscle last week (accidently lifted my 40lb 3 year old a few times) Kind of dreading weighing in tomorrow as I have not seen the scale move since the day I came home from the hospital, but I am being optimistic. My band has a show on May 14th (I'm the lead singer) I hope to lose at least 5 more pounds by then....we'll see :) Have a great day!!!!

    We had our babies on the same day, I had a C/S too. YAY... I don't get what's up with baby weight. Why it stays around so long. YUCK. I didn't lose an ounce with my first, not even the baby's weight. But with this one, I dropped 40 lbs in 10 put on the brakes because I havent' lost another ounce. And I have 20 more to go to prepreggers weight. That is s o awesome that you are a lead singer in a band, so jealous of that.
    WW has gotten way too expensive. I remember thinking $8.95 a week all those years ago was alot of money. But I've discovered I don't need a middle man to lose the weight just the dedication and hard work. You can do this.

    This was my 2nd section, i didn't do anything with my first, but I've started slow 20 min mile walking now with this one. I started aiming for just a mile last week a couple of days and now am aiming for 1-2 daily this week. I'm not going back to really working out until 6 weeks like you.
  • jamielangner
    Hello My name is Tasha. I would like to join your message board group. My newest daughter is turning three months old next week and I am heading back to work. I currently have a large amount of pregnancy weight I would still like to lose. My older daughter is going to be two years old this summer. Do you do any monthly weight results posting or anything like that? I belonged to a forum on a different site at one point and they had things like that. I am really just looking a place to share issues I am having and read about like minded people and how they are doing.
    Welcome! We don't have anything set yet since the group is still new and most of us are still in recovery so we can't do much yet. I think most of us want to do a weekly weigh-in for sure!
    I have been failing at exercise this week, I did take a quick walk around the block yesterday. Sometimes it is the only thing that calms my baby girl. We will be visiting a few museums and the zoo this week woohoo for spring break, I really do not know how to log that so I am not counting all of the walking. I will definitely be failing my exercise challenge this month but I guess not technically and I can not expect too much so soon after giving birth.
    Don't be so hard on yourself, it's going to take time & you are doing GREAT :)
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions so far!

    I got a pump today! YAY!! So, now I need to know when I should pump. Annabelle is feeding every 2 hours or so during the day, and I don't want to interfere with her supply (bc we are not introducing a bottle, I'm just pumping to relieve pressure of these engorged things!!) How often should I pump, and when? I know i don't need to do it too much bc that could make matters worse. Those of you that have done this before....what do you suggest? Thanks!:smile:
  • jamielangner
    I got a pump today! YAY!! So, now I need to know when I should pump. Annabelle is feeding every 2 hours or so during the day, and I don't want to interfere with her supply (bc we are not introducing a bottle, I'm just pumping to relieve pressure of these engorged things!!) How often should I pump, and when? I know i don't need to do it too much bc that could make matters worse. Those of you that have done this before....what do you suggest? Thanks!:smile:

    With my older daughter I pumped a lot all day long. I actually got to the point where she would only eat on one side & I would pump the other side every single time she ate. I had to go back to work right away so it was nice that I had so much milk (especially since I lost my supply when she was 5 months old and I was able to feed her an entire extra month of breastmilk from what I had in the freezer!) - BUT it's such a huge hassle to be pumping all day long. It got to a point where I felt really overwhelmed because I was just pumping all day long. I honestly feel like I missed the whole breastfeeding experience since I was so involved with all the pumping.

    This time, since I'm working from home, I'm doing mostly breastfeeding and barely any bottles, I only pump once a day at 3am since she only eats on one side. It's allowing me to freeze 5-6 ozs a day and I think it helps regulate my supply a little for the rest of the day so that I'm not so full. You should go by your schedule and what works best for you, but most women produce the most milk in the early morning so keep that in mind. It never hurts to some breastmilk in the freezer because you never know what is going to happen!

    I just realized I kinda went off on a tanget.. hopefully some of it was helpful, haha!