Move it for 360 Minutes Every Week for the Month of April



  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Week 4/18/11

    Monday~Agricise 29/250 HRM
    Elliptical R4/5 +PW lunges etc....66/657 HRM
    Tuesday~27/119 HRM Packing feed to the birds. 55 lbs put out. Poor birds are in the snow again.
    89/763 Elliptical level5/PW includes 29M/weights and r-bands HRM


    Off for my evening rounds of the farm. Snowing like sixty!
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Monday: 17 minutes/136 calories burned doing Zumba; 35 minutes/403 calories burned funning at a speed of 5.6-6.0; 27 minutes/430 calories burned on Arc with incline at 10 and resistance at 20-25 :-)

    Tuesday: 26 minutes/206 calories Zumba; 37 minutes/425 calories running 5.6-.6.0; 35 minutes/476 calories cycling

    177 minutes/2076 calories burned
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4500

    Mon: 710 calories burned (C25K, arm circuit & Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit)--95
    Tues: 778 calories burned (spin, back circuit, Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance)--114

    Total: 1488 calories/ minutes 209
    Left to go: 3012 calories/minutes 151
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: level 2 30 day shred 29/220, level 3 30 day shred 26/198
    tuesday: nada
    wednesday: level 1 30 day shred 27/195

    total so far: 82 minutes/613 calories

    i didn't realize how much motivation my wedding was...i am having the HARDEST time motivating myself to eat right and workout the last few weeks!!! hoping to hop back on the wagon and get some good burns in soon!!! you all are inspiring and motivational :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    i didn't realize how much motivation my wedding was...i am having the HARDEST time motivating myself to eat right and workout the last few weeks!!! hoping to hop back on the wagon and get some good burns in soon!!! you all are inspiring and motivational :)

    Here's some motivation for you:

    YOU SIGNED UP FOR A MARATHON!!!!:sad: I forget when it is...but, you need to train for it...

    Secondly, now that you want to stay as lean and healthy for a baby some day:heart:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    66 minutes, 486 calories...elliptical
    66 minutes, 490 calories...elliptical

    Alice, we have the snow as well...I just want it to go away...anyways, getting lots of cleaning and packing for storage done today...need to workout later

    Peace Out!!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    360+ min cardio only for me this week - Week 4/18/11:

    Mon: 80 min, 5 miles of Leslie Sansone DVD's..................................................................................280 min to go!
    Tue: 70 min = 30 min Elliptical, 15 min bike, 25 min walk @ lunch (30 min weights).................210 min to go!
    Wed: 60 min = 36 min LS DVD, 24 walk @ lunch.................................................................................150 min to go!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Week 4/18/11

    Monday~Agricise 29/250 HRM
    Elliptical R4/5 +PW lunges etc....66/657 HRM
    Tuesday~27/119 HRM Packing feed to the birds. 55 lbs put out. Poor birds are in the snow again.
    89/763 Elliptical level5/PW includes 29M/weights and r-bands HRM
    Wednesday~15/75 R-band/W 88/890 PW with weights and Trainers Edge Workout. HRM

  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Monday: 17 minutes/135 calories burned doing Zumba; 35 minutes/403 calories burned funning at a speed of 5.6-6.0; 27 minutes/430 calories burned on Arc with incline at 10 and resistance at 20-25 :-)

    Tuesday: 26 minutes/206 calories Zumba; 37 minutes/425 calories running 5.6-.6.0; 35 minutes/476 calories cycling

    Wednesday: 17 minutes/135 calories Zumba (was not able to get to the gym, sad)

    193minutes/2211 calories burned
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    i didn't realize how much motivation my wedding was...i am having the HARDEST time motivating myself to eat right and workout the last few weeks!!! hoping to hop back on the wagon and get some good burns in soon!!! you all are inspiring and motivational :)

    Here's some motivation for you:

    YOU SIGNED UP FOR A MARATHON!!!!:sad: I forget when it is...but, you need to train for it...

    Secondly, now that you want to stay as lean and healthy for a baby some day:heart:

    i'm not quite cool enough to do a full marathon, but i am running a 25k (15.5 miles) in 3 weeks (!!!!)...unfortunately i have not been quite as motivated to train for this as i was for my 1/2 in september :( i am trying to step it up though :)

    and my husband and i do want to start trying for kids later this year so i do need to think of that as motivation too :)
    see that i why i need all of you so much to help keep me on track :)
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    Week 4/18/11

    Monday~Agricise 29/250 HRM
    Elliptical R4/5 +PW lunges etc....66/657 HRM
    Tuesday~27/119 HRM Packing feed to the birds. 55 lbs put out. Poor birds are in the snow again.
    89/763 Elliptical level5/PW includes 29M/weights and r-bands HRM
    Wednesday~15/75 R-band/W 88/890 PW with weights and Trainers Edge Workout. HRM


    absolutely fabulous :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    360+ min cardio only for me this week - Week 4/18/11:

    Mon: 80 min, 5 miles of Leslie Sansone DVD's..................................................................................280 min to go!
    Tue: 70 min = 30 min Elliptical, 15 min bike, 25 min walk @ lunch (30 min weights).................210 min to go!
    Wed: 60 min = 36 min LS DVD, 24 walk @ lunch.................................................................................150 min to go!
    Thu: 60 min = 35 min Elliptical, 25 min bike (10 min weights).............................................................90 min to go!
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Monday: 17 minutes/135 calories burned doing Zumba; 35 minutes/403 calories burned funning at a speed of 5.6-6.0; 27 minutes/430 calories burned on Arc with incline at 10 and resistance at 20-25 :-)

    Tuesday: 26 minutes/206 calories Zumba; 37 minutes/425 calories running 5.6-.6.0; 35 minutes/476 calories cycling

    Wednesday: 17 minutes/135 calories Zumba (was not able to get to the gym, sad)

    Thursday: 25 minutes/408 calories Arc incline 10 resistance 22; 37 minutes/427 calories running 5.6-7.5 (well sprinted at 7.5)

    255 minutes/3046 calories burned
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Week 4/18/11

    Monday~Agricise 29/250 HRM
    Elliptical R4/5 +PW lunges etc....66/657 HRM
    Tuesday~27/119 HRM Packing feed to the birds. 55 lbs put out. Poor birds are in the snow again.
    89/763 Elliptical level5/PW includes 29M/weights and r-bands HRM
    Wednesday~15/75 R-band/W 88/890 PW with weights and Trainers Edge Workout. HRM
    Thursday~60/592 Trainers Edge calling it Power Pilates Whew, couldn't do all the moves knee will not allow some. HRM


    Look at you girls go. I was in such a funk Monday and you lifted me right up! Thank you!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: level 2 30 day shred 29/220, level 3 30 day shred 26/198
    tuesday: nada
    wednesday: level 1 30 day shred 27/195, 6.7 mile run 64/593
    thursday: level 2 30 day shred 27/208

    total so far: 173 minutes/1414 calories
    to go: 187 minutes/1086 calories
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    360+ min cardio only for me this week - Week 4/18/11:

    Mon: 80 min, 5 miles of Leslie Sansone DVD's..................................................................................280 min to go!
    Tue: 70 min = 30 min Elliptical, 15 min bike, 25 min walk @ lunch (30 min weights).................210 min to go!
    Wed: 60 min = 36 min LS DVD, 24 walk @ lunch.................................................................................150 min to go!
    Thu: 60 min = 35 min Elliptical, 25 min bike (10 min weights).............................................................90 min to go!
    Fri: 95 min = 45 min = 25 bike, 20 elliptical, (40 weights); 50 walk @ work ..........................365 total & over 3800 cal burned!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: level 2 30 day shred 29/220, level 3 30 day shred 26/198
    tuesday: nada
    wednesday: level 1 30 day shred 27/195, 6.7 mile run 64/593
    thursday: level 2 30 day shred 27/208
    friday: level 1 30 day shred 27/195
    saturday: 12.65 mile run 133 minutes/1193 calories

    total so far: 333 minutes/2748 calories
    to go: 27 minutes/-248 calories
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Week 4/18/11

    Monday~Agricise 29/250 HRM
    Elliptical R4/5 +PW lunges etc....66/657 HRM
    Tuesday~27/119 HRM Packing feed to the birds. 55 lbs put out. Poor birds are in the snow again.
    89/763 Elliptical level5/PW includes 29M/weights and r-bands HRM
    Wednesday~15/75 R-band/W 88/890 PW with weights and Trainers Edge Workout. HRM
    Thursday~60/592 Trainers Edge calling it Power Pilates Whew, couldn't do all the moves knee will not allow some. HRM
    Friday 90/740 HRM Hauling Woodchips
    Saturday 120/1345 HRM Washing and polishing hardwood floors. Spotless! So glad this does not have to be done everyday!


    Have a wonderful Easter!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: level 2 30 day shred 29/220, level 3 30 day shred 26/198
    tuesday: nada
    wednesday: level 1 30 day shred 27/195, 6.7 mile run 64/593
    thursday: level 2 30 day shred 27/208
    friday: level 1 30 day shred 27/195
    saturday: 12.65 mile run 133 minutes/1193 calories
    sunday: 3 mile run 32/279, cleaning/ironing 60/146

    total: 425 minutes/3173 calories

    i think i ate every single one of the calories that i burned this week today!! :)
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    It ate my post! Bad site!

    Much shorter version. I ate to much also, even if alot of it was very healthy. Back at it in the a.m. See you all here.

    I did manage to burn a few more cals today but don't think I'll list them. Moot point after that dinner.