6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, WEEK 1



  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here is my results for day three, week one.
    - I did 20 minutes of 3.0 walking outside and according to MFP, I burned 130 calories.
    - I did a Fitness magazine walk, doing just 2.5. That lasted 40 minutes and according to my treadmill, I burned 232 calories.
    - My strength training lasted about 9 minutes. According to MFP, I burned 34 calories.
    - I did get in 8 glasses of water.
    Total: 69 minutes. 60 minutes is cardio and 9 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's weekly progress:
    Total Minutes: 244
    Cardio Minutes: 210
    Strength Minutes: 24
    Water: 24 glasses
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Everyone is doing great!
    Day 3 for me:
    12 8oz. glasses of water

    30 min. Shredding
    25 min. Leslie Sansone walk
    5 min. on my gazelle (knee was sore had to stop)
    40 min. on my treadmill
    = 100 minutes today :)
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Good Wednesday evening ALL! So we are at three days into week one, four days of the week left!

    Everyone that is checking in everyday what a wonderful, and serious, job you are doing! So great! Those that are not checking in everyday that is okay! Checking in everyday is not a requirement so I will be looking forward to seeing your weekly results by Sunday, BUT, I am sure you are all doing great and taking it just as serious.

    I want everyone of you to take a look at your numbers and see if you are on track to make your weekly requirements! Remember you need to workout for 350 minutes, this week. 90 of those minutes need to be cardio and then 30 of those minutes of strength training? Or if doing by calories 3500 calories. Run the numbers and see what you need to do to have that done by Sunday.

    We all made the commitment and I am taking that commitment serious. Anyway just wanted to check in and make sure that everyone is on track for our first week!

    Do not forget the WATER! 8 glasses a day, minimum.

    Okay, everyone keep working it! PUSH YOURSELVES!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    For Wednesday:
    80 minutes on the elliptical
    30 minutes of walking

    365 minutes total for the week

    Downed 9 glasses of water today....made the 9 hours I spent in the car a whole lot of fun!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • christinaberlyn
    christinaberlyn Posts: 12 Member
    Day 3 Week 1
    Insanity Video, 30 minutes, burned 212 calories (could not make it the last 10 minutes)
    Walking, 105 minutes, burned 585 calories
    Total Min. - 135 Total Calories Burned - 797
    Water - 12 glasses

    Forgot to post 15 minutes of strength training yesterday.

    Weekly Totals
    Cardio Minutes - 372 Calories Burned - 2,113
    Strength Training - 15 minutes
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Day 3
    Cardio: 64 mins
    Wii Fit Island Run - 14 mins
    Wii Fit Free Run - 30 mins
    Wii Advanced Step w/4in block - 20 mins

    Week totals: 189 mins/cardio; 58 mins/strength; 34 mins/Other = 301 minutes

    Great work everyone!!!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I've got mine all settled for the week and I know I'll make 350 minutes as long as I stick to my workout schedule. I might just make 3500 calories.
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Did some C25k tonight after I got out of my night classes and finished my 8 glasses. I'm right on track for the week but I still have to get my big workouts in this weekend so I'm going to try to stick with it! Tomorrow is my rest day because I spend Thursday nights with my family.

    Cardio minutes: 21
    Strength minutes: 0
    Other minutes: 10

    Total minutes: 131/350
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Checkin in, on the west coast so my check in is later : )

    Eating 1300 cals today, 100 over my cals...exercise:

    45 mins Elliptical
    15 mins weights

    Water water water and....more water!!!! I think I pee every 20 mins!!!!!!
  • Ampierce
    Ampierce Posts: 53 Member
    Hey everyone,

    You are all doing so great! That really helps keep my motivation up, so thanks for the help. I'm up to 178 minutes of exercise and drinking at least 8+ glasses of water everyday so far. Strength training tomorrow will be great. Thanks everyone!
  • LivingPink08
    Pretty upset with myself. Today was a BUST.
    I consumed 1700 cals, I did 15min cardio, and 45 min of weight training... not a happy camper :(
    Will do better tomorrow

    Total Minutes 60/350
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Well looks like i've been cheating!:blushing: I thought the 30 day shred was 30 min., it's only 27!! So -9 off my total.(3 days at 3min) So that gives me 290 so far for the week!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I just wrote this on my news feed for all of my MFP friends, but I thought it appropriate to put here, too, to hopefully help you all along.

    Good Morning friends. Someone here, on my friends list, is having a bit of a time this morning because the scale "says" she is UP a pound and that made me think of some things that I had to really remind myself of before I just finally put the scale away. (my friend emmaleigh will understand this too!) Anyway, think about what you are doing! Are you working out, are you burning calories, are you getting in at least 8 (8 oz) glasses of water per day, are you logging EVERYTHING you eat and staying within your calorie goal, are you CHEATING? Think about these answers and be honest with yourself. Being honest with yourself is the only one you have to worry about! None of us are going to know if you are being honest, or not. So, be honest with yourself. If you are being honest and you are doing everything that you should be doing, hard is WILL be, FORGET what the scale says. Believe you me I know how hard that is because it took me four weeks of the scale not moving before I could say that. But, I knew I was doing it all correctly. I know we all want to see the scale move, and it will, but if it is not moving, right now, and you are doing everything that you should be doing, that is the MOST important thing. We are all changing our lifestyles and we have to get everything else done right first. You could be eating junk and see the scale move down still, but what does that do for your ultimate lifestyle change? NOTHING, NADA! So, again, I say to you all, if you are doing everything that you should be doing, if you are following MFP, and you are working out and burning calories, then be proud of those achievements. Believe me they are achievements. Take a moment and think about your life before finding MFP. What were you putting in your mouth? What were you doing for exercise? What was your life, attitude, mentality like? I promise if you think about that for just a moment it will be easier to be proud of what/where you are today. I know I am one person who will NEVER go back to being the person I was the day before I found MFP. Now go out and make it a terrific day.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Well looks like i've been cheating!:blushing: I thought the 30 day shred was 30 min., it's only 27!! So -9 off my total.(3 days at 3min) So that gives me 290 so far for the week!

    Bad Bad 1crazymom!!!! LOL Just kidding. At least you found out, ARE BEING HONEST, and know that you have 9 more minutes to do than you thought. But, that is fine because you are at 290 and well on track to Rock this weeks challenge.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Pretty upset with myself. Today was a BUST.
    I consumed 1700 cals, I did 15min cardio, and 45 min of weight training... not a happy camper :(
    Will do better tomorrow

    Total Minutes 60/350

    So, it's a new day today and now you know that you really need to kick it into high gear these last four days of this week. But, I have all of the confidence that you will get it done. Remember that you wanted to be a part of this challenge for a reason. Remember those reasons, get moving, and finish out the week with a completion.

    I know you can do it!
  • mfultz0429
    mfultz0429 Posts: 41 Member
    Quick check in. I did my 30 minutes of strength training but I think it also was a good source of cardio. When I went to the elliptical to start my cardio after doing arms/strength training my initial heart rate was 142.

    So far this week I have 193 minutes in cardio. Not sure what that equates to in calories. I have a fit bit, but keep forgetting to wear it.
    I have 30 minutes of strength training. I have to coach track practice (90 minutes) this afternoon, so I am going to see how many calories that burns according to the Fitbit.

    Water has been tough, I have a hard time remembering how often I fill my glass. I tried to estimate low, but I think I am probably pretty close to the 8 glasses when you think, my glasses are a good 16 ounces when filled.

    What is everyones experience on calories on machine vs MFP vs HRM? I am thinking about a heart rate monitor but not sure since I have the Fitbit plus MFP. Its getting complicated :)!
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    Well im checkin in as of day 3 i have 497 minutes total exercise in 40 of those coming from strength and today i will be doin more strength. im definately pushin myself. yesterday i got 7 vcups of water in before i fell asleep i will do better today for sure this week i already have all my exercise requirements in i will definately still exercise but im gonna focus more of my attention on getting that water in. you all are doing so well and im so happy for u all
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Yesterday, I wasn't able to edit my post. I ended up drinking 9 waters instead of 8, so I'll make a note of that when I post today's results. And I'll read though the new posts later. Have a good day, everyone!
  • FiftyandGettingBetter
    FiftyandGettingBetter Posts: 611 Member
    Hi all, yes I'm the new guy on the block. I'm new to MFP as well. I started about a month ago at 215lbs, would LOVE to get below 200 and STAY there. I'm shooting to hit 190lbs. I really like the app, I never realized my caloric intake...WOW what an eye opener.

    Water - not an issue for me, that's pretty much all I drink. I bring two 1 liter Nalgene bottles of water with me to work.

    Exercise - that's going to be the kicker. I haven't really done a lot lately, time seems to be an issue, but Ihope with this challenge, motivation will kick start me to get rid of my 'dunlop' belly into gear.
  • BRFMcKay
    BRFMcKay Posts: 80 Member
    So, I have a question. I forgot to wear my HRM this morning when I went to work on the farm. I did 3.5 hours of work with 30 minute break in between. We were up and down, planting peas, carrying straw and laying it down, carrying boxes of plants.

    I plan on using this only as 50-60 minutes of my total 350 minutes, and also as 60 minutes of strength training (I seriously can't move and I have to work 8 hours tonight!)

    So, my question, how many calories? I looked online and somewhere it said 1,000 calories!! I only counted it as 600 for today, and I hopefully will remember to wear the HRM next time!