What do You Do for a Living?



  • Cherrycandy
    Cherrycandy Posts: 200
    I work for a native American indian tribal housing authority. I do all of the legal contracts and purchasing, which means I spend the govt's money, so you can imagine the paperwork I deal with, lol. Sitting in a chair beind a desk all day and I head to the gym the second I get off work.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    I am a Human Resources Advisor for a really FAST paced company - it can be very stressful and I sit at a desk all day. One blessing in desguise is that the printer is up 15 stairs so I end up doing quite a few stairs each day ;) Also I only have to work until 4:30PM so I have no excuses to not fit a work out in ;)
    I would love to have a more active job! LOL
  • aslteacher
    As you can see from my name, I am an American Sign Language teacher in the high school. I have 142 students that I teach. I am also a Sign Language interpreter. I am on my feet for most of the day. I am having problems exercising because I leave the house at 6:00 a.m. and just cannot get that in before I leave for work. By the time I get home I am exhausted (this is my first year teaching so I am developing the curriculum and lesson plans as I go). I am trying to push myself when I get home...so far I am getting exercise in 3-4 times a week, but I want to do it more. The support from MFP has been great!!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,730 Member
    I'm a freelance copy editor, and I work from our home, so I am really lucky to have a flexible schedule that makes it easy to get my workouts in.
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    I am a Paralegal in Estate Administration. I also sit at my desk most of the day. I also have a long commute so I am tired by the time I get home and find it hard to get motivated to go to the gym in the evenings. So I have been going before work and have found out that I love working out early in the morning :)
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    Funeral Director/Embalmer ordinarily, but at the moment I am a SAHM of my 17 yr old, 15 yr old and 2 yr old
  • veggeslady
    I am a stay at home mom of 3 Children, A 6,4 and 2 year old. I can arrange my day around my workouts unless something with the kids come up!!
  • fasttrack27
    fasttrack27 Posts: 324
    Self employed real estate appraiser. Since I'm usually busy evenings with 3 young boys and a 10-acre hobby farm the only time I can make for consistant workouts is early morning. While I dont really care for getting up at 4:40 to get to the gym by 5:15, that's what it takes so I 'grin and bear it'.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I'm a SAHM to my almost 2 year old and my 1st grader (7 yr. old). We live in a small town with no gym that provides childcare, so I just do stuff at home (the Wii and walking around the neighborhood) for exercise.
  • thomalr6180
    thomalr6180 Posts: 94 Member
    I work for a large health insurance company. I bill employer groups for their employee's premiums. I also do a lot of auditing of payments which can take days at a time that makes me wanna snack.
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    Employment law (head hits the table as lee falls asleep )
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have done all sorts of things, from photographer, to opera singer to PA and PR. At the moment I am a SAHM to my 2 boys (3 and 5), and am going back to university later this year to do a masters in medieval history, so this time next year I guess I'll be a historian. So unemployed, most likely!
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Sales and Marketing by Day :grumble:

    Ninja by Night :glasses:
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I'm a corporate event planner... lots of desk time prepping for the event and then lots of travel/running around hotels like a chicken with my head cut off at the event... it's a great job though, I meet some great people and get to travel all over the country, stay at tons of 4 and 5-star hotels, and have the staff kiss my *kitten* constantly lol
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Sales and Marketing by Day :grumble:

    Ninja by Night :glasses:


    I Build Stuff.....Motorhomes, kit cars, one off cars etc
  • bmreed0920
    bmreed0920 Posts: 139 Member
    Office Manager for a Roofing Company. We are about to go National, so its been really stressful. At the desk most of the day, when I'm not at my desk I am onsite doing whatever.
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    Photographer/photo editor/graphic designer. I really want to be a photojournalist (i've interned for 2 major newspapers in the past) but the industry is so dead. For now, I'm a studio photographer at a portrait studio/frame shop. I also freelance for a local online newspaper (but they pay crap)

    I tried to work in NY (i live in central NJ) but wasn't getting paid enough to move closer so i had to commute. I'd wake up at 6, get home at like 7-8 leaving no time for exercising. Then I took a job working mostly nights and that freed up my day to exercise and eat right but I found myself getting really tired all the time. I'd also be forced to skip dinner so I'd get home at 10pm and binge on whatever I can find.

    This new job is perfect. 10-6, gym right down the street, and off 3 days a week. Pretty happy for now. All I have to do now is move out!
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    I am a phlebotomist admin
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    I own my company and I write business plans for people that are starting business or trying to get business loans. So, I usually try to run every morning before really starting work.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    By day, I'm a global marketing operations coordinator. I work from home and sit at a desk most the day. By night, I work in a jewelry store as a "designer" (What my store calls the sales people). In my spare time, I'm a SAHM of two cats :happy: and an undercover crime fighter!