What DON'T You Count?



  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    I don't log gum, splenda or salt and pepper
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    - gum
    - lettuce and other veggies in my salads, but I do log the cheese and other calorie loaded goodness
    - 5 calorie drink flavoring
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Coffee and Pam. I drink my coffee plain black and my pam is one small squirt (counts as zero on the can).

    Everything else gets logged. You should see some of my logs...they're two pages long :laugh:
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    Water (I know I drink enough)
    Sugarfree Gum
    Espresso (nothing added)
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    I usually count everything, just to be anal...sometimes I leave out the spices.
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    I log everything. Even if it has zero calories, I want to keep track and stay accountable for everything I eat. It may be redundant but it helps me. :) Plus, I really don't wanna go over on calories.

    The only time I don't log is if I forget for whatever reason.
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    sugar free gum
    herbal tea

    i log everything else
  • amerr
    amerr Posts: 190
    I don't log the one potato chip I always eat out of the bag before feeding them to my kids for lunch. :embarassed:
  • olo567
    olo567 Posts: 50 Member
    I don't log tea. I don't add anything to it, so it's 0 cal. Apparently there's so potassium in mine, but that's a bonus.

    I don't log my sugarfree gum. I usually have 2 or 3 a day, but I chew each stick for 2 hours usually. Might not burn all 3 calories in the stick, but probably comes close.

    I don't log PAM. There's not much in there to begin with, it's spread out over several servings, and half of it gets burned off in the pan.

    Just about everything else goes in though.
  • zanAspera
    zanAspera Posts: 29 Member
    The "worst" thing I don't log is the butter I use just to coat the bottom of my pan when I make my egg whites in the morning. I literally just rub the stick over the bottom of the pan- I don't cut off a pat or anything, so it would be almost impossible to quantify.

    What I'd do is set aside 1 stick of butter just for coating pans, and mark off on the wrapper or a stick note) the number of uses you get out of the whole stick. The amount you use will vary based on how hard and how long you rub, and even how hot the pan is when you rub, but at least you'll know on average how much butter that is. You may or may not find it significant enough to log.

    I try to record as much as I can, and then some days I fail to record anything... Hurrah pre-bipolar manic depression... *Sigh* But at least I am building more healthy eating habits that I tend to stick to even when I'm full of blah.
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    For the most part I drink water, unsweet tea or club soda. I don't log any of these, except that I mark until I get to the "8" and then don't worry about it. When I drink calories it's usually wine and that ALWAYS gets logged.

    I have been sick these past few days and just now realized I didn't log the Halls cough drops I used.

    I don't log spices and herbs. But then I don't use a lot of commercial spice blends and I'm not worried about sodium counts, generally speaking.

    And unless I'm using it as a vegetable (and using lots of it) I don't log garlic or shallots.
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    I've been really meticulous about my food diary since starting here. But there are some things I leave out and was wondering what you all skip logging, if anything.

    My general rule is "If it's over 5 calories, log it."

    I don't log:
    - 0-calorie sweeteners (I use Truvia and it's erythritol which doesn't raise blood sugar so doesn't count as a sugar)
    - spices
    - crystal light powder (I only use it occasionally and it's 5 cals/serving)
    - anything else under 5 calories

    How 'bout you? :smile:

    Lol all the same! And I let myself have frozen grapes as a freebie! I only eat maybe 2-5 a day & it's nice to have something like that be free :) And if I have TINY tastes of food that should be under 5 calories I don't count them. Such as a lil peanut butter that gets on my finger when giving some to my dog as a treat. :)
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    I don't log:
    Hot Sauce
    Cooking Spray
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    Only if I had a bite of something, gum, and some spices. On rare occasions I might track them, but not often.
  • raven1114
    raven1114 Posts: 115 Member
    Back when I did Richard Simmons and lost 60 lbs, we weren't required to log cucumbers, lettuce, mushrooms, onions, cabbage and celery. It was said that it burns more calories eating and digesting these foods.

    I lost back then not counting them so I don't count them now.

    i love Richard Simmons, i used to do his Sweatin to the Oldies tapes all the time. i would so love to get me those again. as to the original question i don't log spices but pretty much everything else i do.
  • carrielovesfanta
    I don't log ketchup. It's not that that put the weight on (maybe the chips it was on... mmm chips!)
  • ziezio
    ziezio Posts: 4 Member
    Oh my! I did weight watchers about 10 years ago and didn't count my coffee creamer since I only have one or two cups in the morning. I carried that over to this go round and just realized this morning that I am adding about 5 tbsp per coffee mug and drinking at least two cups a day! Today I had 3.. ugh! It was 525 calories.. yup.. I know.. What do you do as a subsitute?
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Spices and Equal are the only things I don't count.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Oh my! I did weight watchers about 10 years ago and didn't count my coffee creamer since I only have one or two cups in the morning. I carried that over to this go round and just realized this morning that I am adding about 5 tbsp per coffee mug and drinking at least two cups a day! Today I had 3.. ugh! It was 525 calories.. yup.. I know.. What do you do as a subsitute?

    Use less cream or switch to non-fat lattes. With the amount of creamer you use, you might really like lattes! I make one just about every morning (at home) and it's 80 calories for the skim milk.
  • liyahxoxo
    liyahxoxo Posts: 78
    I've been really meticulous about my food diary since starting here. But there are some things I leave out and was wondering what you all skip logging, if anything.

    My general rule is "If it's over 5 calories, log it."

    I don't log:
    - 0-calorie sweeteners (I use Truvia and it's erythritol which doesn't raise blood sugar so doesn't count as a sugar)
    - spices
    - crystal light powder (I only use it occasionally and it's 5 cals/serving)
    - anything else under 5 calories

    How 'bout you? :smile:

    I used to not count spices, until I found out some spices (some, not all) actually have lots of calories in them (for a spice). I remember I counted a spice once as part of my dinner and it was 50 cals per tbsp!! definitely should be counted in my opinion. now I count everything, even my stevia sweetener that has 0 clas and 1 g carb lol, but I do it cus I'm a little OCD :P