Married but physical contact allowed



  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I didn't read a single post in this thread, just went to the very last page to reply. Because that's how I roll :wink:

    They see me rollin, they be hatin'
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    ok gentlemen (and you ladies that dig it, I'm not prejudice *wink wink*) prepare to be blown away...




    45 ounces of water!!!

    WHOA! I'm a wild woman! WATCH OUT!

    oh yeaaa and i drank 2 WHOLE MUGS of lemon zinger....and now im feeling... ZINGY lmao

    woohoo!!!! Things are getting heated up now!!! woot!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    and what kind of story do you want tonight??
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    lmao damn those TV shows. forget about banning sex from TV...they should work on banning all these false hopes for children!! haha
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    This may have been the most entertaining post I have ever read on this site!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    lmao damn those TV shows. forget about banning sex from TV...they should work on banning all these false hopes for children!! haha

    I know right?! pssh, next my kids are going to expect me to keep house! are you kidding me?! what do I look like here... a mom?! Come on... I'm not June Cleaver!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    and what kind of story do you want tonight??

    Well, something similar to what I wrote you today about whispering colloquial nothings in your ear would be hot, or maybe some more of you telling me what a BAD boy I am, I always enjoy that.... but I'm afraid if you did, my wife my yell at me when I go jump on top of her afterwords. You don't poke the sleeping bear, literally.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    lmao damn those TV shows. forget about banning sex from TV...they should work on banning all these false hopes for children!! haha

    What do you mean unrealistic.. the hills is so true to life... every kid will have their own tv show and a Bentley by the time they are ready to graduate. I wish I had it so good. Damn that rap music, as my mom use to say.
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    lmao damn those TV shows. forget about banning sex from TV...they should work on banning all these false hopes for children!! haha

    I know right?! pssh, next my kids are going to expect me to keep house! are you kidding me?! what do I look like here... a mom?! Come on... I'm not June Cleaver!

    June Cleaver was hot! The way she would tell Ward he had been a little to hard on the beaver. yeah, I read in between the lines.
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    Nice to see this read still going.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    and what kind of story do you want tonight??

    Well, something similar to what I wrote you today about whispering colloquial nothings in your ear would be hot, or maybe some more of you telling me what a BAD boy I am, I always enjoy that.... but I'm afraid if you did, my wife my yell at me when I go jump on top of her afterwords. You don't poke the sleeping bear, literally.

    What about googling? Would a googling story work for you?
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    lmao damn those TV shows. forget about banning sex from TV...they should work on banning all these false hopes for children!! haha

    What do you mean unrealistic.. the hills is so true to life... every kid will have their own tv show and a Bentley by the time they are ready to graduate. I wish I had it so good. Damn that rap music, as my mom use to say.

    I know when I had my reality show and my bentley...

    and then I woke up. grrr. Where's my bentley?!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    and what kind of story do you want tonight??

    Well, something similar to what I wrote you today about whispering colloquial nothings in your ear would be hot, or maybe some more of you telling me what a BAD boy I am, I always enjoy that.... but I'm afraid if you did, my wife my yell at me when I go jump on top of her afterwords. You don't poke the sleeping bear, literally.

    What about googling? Would a googling story work for you?

    Oh yeah definitely a googling story., I haven't heard one of those in awhile now. So few people want to share a good googling story,

    You could tell me any story and I would hang on your every word.. sigh... lol.. not as good as colloquial but I tried
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    and what kind of story do you want tonight??

    Well, something similar to what I wrote you today about whispering colloquial nothings in your ear would be hot, or maybe some more of you telling me what a BAD boy I am, I always enjoy that.... but I'm afraid if you did, my wife my yell at me when I go jump on top of her afterwords. You don't poke the sleeping bear, literally.

    What about googling? Would a googling story work for you?

    Oh yeah definitely a googling story., I haven't heard one of those in awhile now. So few people want to share a good googling story,

    You could tell me any story and I would hang on your every word.. sigh... lol.. not as good as colloquial but I tried

    You can't win 'em all... But I most certainly applaud the effort!

    Once upon a time I was googling...

    I'm pretty sure that's all you need, right? LMAO!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    and what kind of story do you want tonight??

    Well, something similar to what I wrote you today about whispering colloquial nothings in your ear would be hot, or maybe some more of you telling me what a BAD boy I am, I always enjoy that.... but I'm afraid if you did, my wife my yell at me when I go jump on top of her afterwords. You don't poke the sleeping bear, literally.

    What about googling? Would a googling story work for you?

    Oh yeah definitely a googling story., I haven't heard one of those in awhile now. So few people want to share a good googling story,

    You could tell me any story and I would hang on your every word.. sigh... lol.. not as good as colloquial but I tried

    You can't win 'em all... But I most certainly applaud the effort!

    Once upon a time I was googling...

    I'm pretty sure that's all you need, right? LMAO!

    Oh, I was done before you even started telling the story,,, lol .... and that's my choice.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    and what kind of story do you want tonight??

    Well, something similar to what I wrote you today about whispering colloquial nothings in your ear would be hot, or maybe some more of you telling me what a BAD boy I am, I always enjoy that.... but I'm afraid if you did, my wife my yell at me when I go jump on top of her afterwords. You don't poke the sleeping bear, literally.

    What about googling? Would a googling story work for you?

    Oh yeah definitely a googling story., I haven't heard one of those in awhile now. So few people want to share a good googling story,

    You could tell me any story and I would hang on your every word.. sigh... lol.. not as good as colloquial but I tried

    You can't win 'em all... But I most certainly applaud the effort!

    Once upon a time I was googling...

    I'm pretty sure that's all you need, right? LMAO!

    Oh, I was done before you even started telling the story,,, lol .... and that's my choice.

    :huh: ...that's what she said
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I really thought that someone would comment on the menaing of my profile name, it is perfect for this thread... tldabney, bynski, lainakerr.. anyone.. please don't make me say it, my colloquial Tamil is rusty.

    I couldn't make an innuendo with the Python plus it might spook the lap giraffes.

    I love it when you talk nerdy to me!

    That's all part of my charm.. its the quiet cool. Works everytime. wink wink. I can't wait to hit the campain trail. Viva la lap giraffe.

    lol id move to SF to vote for this campaign. then again, only if i could pet this lap giraffe. LOL are we talking about the same giraffe who has his own little treadmill? hahaha

    That's the same giraffe, he is our capmain mascot for tldabney's Mayoral bid in San Fran.

    yea i caught on to the mascot part on the other thread haha...i am jealous of your giraffe-raising.

    No jealousy needed. There will be plenty of lap giraffes to go aorund on our campin trail. It is all part of our viral marketing and Epic Win strategy, join the campain, there is always room for another lovely lady on my staff.

    staff? i thought it was a python LOLOLOL

    holy blue boxes, batman! that's ALOT of quotes!

    YOU, my devilish campaign manager are one BAD, googling, quoting fool, aren't you?!


    Guilty on all charges! I should be spanked and sent to your room.

    is anyone one holding you back yet? you won't do nuthin, might ruin your election

    Bah! those pesky parent responsibilities REALLY get in the way of my shamelessly throwing myself at you and sabatoging my my own election!

    Why exactly do my kids think they HAVE to eat supper every night? And then baths AND a bed time story too?! What is WRONG with these kids?!

    I blame it all on TV. Kids today see all these family shows where kids get dinner and movies and bedtime stories; it fills their head full of nonsense. What can you do? the good thing is, once the their bedtime stories are done, its time for the grown ups. Wanna tell me a bedtime story? LOL

    and what kind of story do you want tonight??

    Well, something similar to what I wrote you today about whispering colloquial nothings in your ear would be hot, or maybe some more of you telling me what a BAD boy I am, I always enjoy that.... but I'm afraid if you did, my wife my yell at me when I go jump on top of her afterwords. You don't poke the sleeping bear, literally.

    What about googling? Would a googling story work for you?

    Oh yeah definitely a googling story., I haven't heard one of those in awhile now. So few people want to share a good googling story,

    You could tell me any story and I would hang on your every word.. sigh... lol.. not as good as colloquial but I tried

    You can't win 'em all... But I most certainly applaud the effort!

    Once upon a time I was googling...

    I'm pretty sure that's all you need, right? LMAO!

    Oh, I was done before you even started telling the story,,, lol .... and that's my choice.

    :huh: ...that's what she said

    yeah.. she says a lot of things. Only half are true and the other half aren't lies either. I have my glasses on. wink wink...
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    ok... it's time to DROP the blue boxes. time to let them go...

    but since you have your glasses on... can you just check this out for me? right here... *pointsat her...

    ...neighbors driveway* what IS that?
This discussion has been closed.