6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, week 2



  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    CARDIO - 50MIN
    9 glasses water

    open day ( maybe a walk? )
    9 glasses water


    I did it again for a 2nd week : ) I didn't surpass last weeks minutes totally but I did get 55min of pure strength training!! And I am proud!!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Week 2 results :
    -cardio walk 60 mins
    Tuesday- cardio 120mins
    Wednesday-strength training 25
                          -walking 120 mins
    Thursday -walking 100 mins
    Friday -strength training 25
    Saturday cardio 30
    Sunday - strength training 20 mins . cardio 30 mins.
    Water has been 8 to 12 glasses per day on an average.
    Looking forward to week 3 and all the very best to everyone for week 3.
    We can do this :-)

    Woo Hoo, way to go! Great week 2!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I consumed WAAAYYY too many calories on Friday. Had lunch with Co-workers at a Mexican restaurant then had dinner with my boyfriend and his brother at another Mexican restaurant. I think I had double what I'm supposed to have, so 2400 instead of 1200. Yesterday I woke up and immediately ran with Ullrey's C25K for 30 minutes. I really had my best run! Every time I checked my nike+ ipod we were running at 9.3 or 9.5. This is such a great thing for me!!! I usually fluctuate and find myself in the 10's. Then me and my bf washed our cars thoroughly inside and out for about 2 hours! I didn't count that in MFP because it wasn't listed but I'm sure I made up for those calories. Now for today... the plan is to do a 60 minute bike ride. I honestly think riding my bike is the easiest way to lose calories in a fun way. It's a beautiful day in Austin, TX! Hope everything is having a great weekend!!

    To tell you the truth, if you are working out really hard, as you do, and then staying under your calories everyday, one night of an overindulgence is not going to hurt you. First of all it is going to fool your body/metabolism and second if you had stored up calories from during the week, it will all work out in the end. So, you are probably just fine and then you got right up and worked your tail off on Saturday.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    CARDIO - 50MIN
    9 glasses water

    open day ( maybe a walk? )
    9 glasses water


    I did it again for a 2nd week : ) I didn't surpass last weeks minutes totally but I did get 55min of pure strength training!! And I am proud!!

    Be proud. You may may not have made the total minutes, but you are surpassing other things you have not done before. So, you are making the strides and it is showing. Great job staying at it and doing the best that you can. Awesome week 2, week 3 begins tomorrow! Woo Hoo.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    ughh what a week. Started super strong then got busy with all kinds of events and nice weather. I did make it by the skin of my teeth as I counted mowing the lawn(I normally don't count anything I don't wear an hrm for). I ate horribly if at all. Drank way too much beer. But hey that's just my life on occasion. I'm going to get back into it b/c I don't feel well. My body likes good food, lots of water and working out. You all nailed it. Way to go.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    So I just added in my final workout, which was only strength, and I am short 8 minutes, so I'm going to go jog in place for those minutes.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Holy Cow you all went into week 2 strong! Wow to all of you, just wow, great job! Sorry to just be getting on and getting things posted but I have been without internet for the last 7ish hours! Felt like life was over that I could NOT get on here and post my exercise or food. Phew, almost had a nervous break down over it, LOL, but we got it all back up and working and I am here getting it all documented.

    Here are my Monday results: I have to say it was a beautiful day in Minot, ND for the first time in a LONG, LONG time and I really didn't want to be inside, so I did a lot today.

    60 minute brisk walk with my dogs burned, per my HRM, 628 calories
    32 minutes bike ride burned, per my HRM, 645 calories
    12 minutes circuit machines strength training burned, per my HRM, 132 calories
    45 minute kettlebell class burned, per my HRM, 755 calories

    17 glasses of water in today

    Looks like you are really pushing yourselves again this week. Great job so far, everyone!

    Here is my totals for today, day 2

    60 minutes walk/run intervals burned, per my HRM, 760 calories
    30 minute bike ride burned, per my HRM, 513 calories
    30 minutes on the Elliptical burned, per my HRM, 615 calories
    11 minutes of circuit strength training burned, per my HRM, 138 calories

    So I have done 257 minutes of cardio and 23 minutes of strength training for the week, so far

    Today I have 18 glasses of water in and am sure a couple more before bed

    Here is my day three results:

    35 minutes of walking burned, per my HRM, 336 calories
    45 minutes of circuit training with a trainer burned, per my HRM, 738 calories (this was half cardio and half strength)

    So, I have done 280 minutes of cardio, 45 minutes of strength, and 35 minutes of other

    So far I have 9 glasses of water in but it is only 12:30pm so I will get another 9, or so, in

    HOW WE ALL DOIN????????? :happy: :tongue:

    Here is my day 4, week 2 results:

    58 minutes of walk/run intervals burned, per my HRM, 722 calories
    30 minutes of Roller Skating burned, per my HRM, 446 calories
    15 minutes of Circuit Strength Training burned, per my HRM, 160 calories
    42 minute Kettlebell class burned, per my HRM, 617 calories

    I have 18 glass of water drank today, but will get at least one more as I am parched.

    So, I have done 420 minutes of cardio, 60 minutes of strength, and 35 minutes of other

    How is everyone else doing with 3 days left in this week 2?

    Here is my Friday results:

    65 minutes of walk/run intervals burned, per my HRM, 888 calories
    45 minutes of Elliptical burned, per my HRM, 1005 calories

    I have done 615 minutes of exercise 530 minutes of cardio, 60 minutes of strength, and 35 minutes of other

    I have 13 glasses of water done as of now, 2pm, so a lot of time left to get in even more.

    I tried something new with my elliptical, today, that I learned when I worked with a personal trainer Wednesday. She taught me that if you are using a machine, treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, etc.., to change your pace/incline every couple of minutes. So, I did 45 minutes on the elliptical and I began doing 4 minutes, at a incline of 3 with a moderate pace for the first 4 minutes, then from there I would do incline 7, easy pace, 1 minute going forward, incline 4, moderate pace, 2 minutes, going backward, back to incline 7, easy pace, 1 minute, going forward, back to incline 4, moderate pace, 2 minutes, going backward, and so on for the entire 45 minutes. I am dripping in sweat and burned more calories than I ever have on the elliptical. So, whatever I do, from this point on, I will change what I am doing every couple of minutes. You can do this even if you are doing walking outside. Do a moderate pace for 2 minutes, brisk pace for a minute, and so on. She taught me that if you just keep your heart rate at the exact same for your entire workout you don't burn as many calories because it is building up tolerance, so to speak. But, if you keep changing the intensity of what you are doing and your heart rate keeps changing you are going to burn more calories. I guess I just proved that with the elliptical.

    Hope everyone else is having a GREAT workout day.

    Here is my Saturday results:

    65 minutes walking burned, per my HRM, 645 calories

    12 glasses of water so far today but will easily get in another 5-6 before bed.

    Sunday results are:

    62 minutes of walk/run intervals burned, per my HRM, 759 calories

    My results for week 2 are as follows:

    742 minutes exercised, 530 are cardio minutes, 60 are strength minutes, and 152 other minutes
    I burned 10,502 calories this week and I drank 17-18 glasses of water each day!

    We did it everyone, we finished our second week! What a great week it was everyone, well done! On to week 3 we go, tomorrow. I look forward to seeing the results, by tonight, of those that choose not to do it daily.

    Keep it up one and all, we will be half way through this challenge next weekend and everyone has taken it on with a vengence.
  • kiki_ac
    kiki_ac Posts: 49 Member
    Hi PY people (push yourself people). here is my second week log

    SUNDAY total minutes 70-50-20
    – Tae Bo 50min plus cool down
    --Winsor Pilates Superfast Body Blast
    MONDAY 60-57-3
    -The Bollywood Dance Workout
    -Get moving walking for weight loss workout 1
    -pushup, crunch, squat
    TUESDAY 100-90-10
    -2 miles walking .5 jogging
    -The Bollywood
    -WP-cardio + lower body
    WEDNESDAY 112-92-20
    -2 miles walking plus .5 jogging
    -The Bollywood
    -WP absession
    THURSDAY 60-20
    -WP cardio pilates
    FRIDAY 55-45-10
    -Quickfix Kickboxing –arms lower body and core
    -Get moving W3WL stretching
    -Walking 15
    SATURDAY 84-64-20
    -the Gazelle
    -WP burn and firm

    Totals 561
    Cardio 458
    Strength 103

    Great Journey to all!
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    did yoga on your shape wii game, omg my legs are just shaking, also did ab jam on turbo jam. water intake is in for the day. the water was easier to get in this week.

    Weekly Total / Goal mins 602 / 360 calories burned 6029 / 3170
  • rhonda1981
    rhonda1981 Posts: 33 Member
    Ok end of week 2....I did not meet the goal because of my end of year graduate school responsiblities. During week 3 of the challenge I will be travelling to two conferences and may have some issues getting in my workout. I will try a vegetable only week. So here is what I burned.

    Monday - 626 cardio 120 minutes
    Tuesday - 525 69 minutes
    Wednesday - 315 60 minutes
    Thursday - 694 96 minutes
    Friday - 404 35 minutes
    Saturday - 513 130 minutes
    Sunday - ??? Went shopping and did not keep track of calories burned

    TOTAL = 3077
    I drank more water this week and will keep this up through the challenge. I hope I am not kicked out because this has pushed me more than I have ever pushed myself.
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Only 27 minutes in today.(my lowest since we started, only excuse I can think of is I was lazy) 12 8oz glasses.
    Took my boys to an Easter egg hunt/ party. Ate a Heath bar.............UGH! They had fun! The baby actually piced up eggs and put them in the bag! They grow up way too fast.
    My totals for the week 455minutes, 2891 calories according to MFP.(never log strength, not sure how to calculate? Shred is both, so is my gazelle when pulling/pushing, and I walk on the treadmill with 1 lb weights) Usually 12 8oz glasses a day never lower than 8 glasses.
    Sure we all had a great week! Thanks Tracie for the info and for the Push Yourself Challenge!:)
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Made it to the end of week 2--woo hoo!

    For Sunday:
    45 minutes elliptical
    37 minutes-cycling (would have been longer but then it started raining and I turned back)
    60 minutes-other -cleaning and picking up branches in the yard.

    Got in the 8 glasses of water too!

    Totals for the week: 880 minutes of exercise and 7008 calories burned (when I wear my HRM).

    I need to try and step up on the strength training....that will be my goal for the next week since the weather will keep me stuck inside if they have the forecast right. I may have to set the bike back up on the training stand if I want to ride. Plus, I really need to work on my mindset-been eating way to much since I figure I have been working out so much more so I have been undermining all my efforts!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Day 14

    Cardio: 90 mins - brisk walking

    Other: 17 mins - Wii yoga

    Week 2 Totals: 479 mins/Cardio; 120 mins/Strength; 17 mins/Other= 616 mins :happy:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here is my results for day seven, week two.
    - I did jumping jacks for 2 minutes and according to MFP, I burned 18 calories.
    - I jogged in place for 8 minutes and according to MFP, I burned 70 calories.
    - My strength training lasted for 8 minutes and according to MFP, I burned 31 calories.
    - I got in 8 glasses of water.
    Total: 18 minutes. 10 minutes is cardio and 8 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week two progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 350
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 216
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 132
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 55 glasses

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 871
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 623
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 248
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 110

    I made it, but I had to push myself today to get there! I'm hoping this next week will be a better one and I can go past the minimum again. But I am very glad that I finished at least to the goal.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Oh my goodness look at all of you, WOW!!! How awesome! What a great week and it appears you are all PUSHING YOURSELVES!

    Rhonda1981, first of all you most certainly wouldn't get kicked out, not what this is all about at all! You may not have made your calorie goal but you exceeded your minutes so I think you did great!

    I think everyone did great!

    Tomorrow there will be a new post beginning week 3 and we will start posting everything there! Wa to go one and all!
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    CARDIO - 50MIN
    9 glasses water

    open day ( maybe a walk? )
    9 glasses water


    I did it again for a 2nd week : ) I didn't surpass last weeks minutes totally but I did get 55min of pure strength training!! And I am proud!!

    Be proud. You may may not have made the total minutes, but you are surpassing other things you have not done before. So, you are making the strides and it is showing. Great job staying at it and doing the best that you can. Awesome week 2, week 3 begins tomorrow! Woo Hoo.

    352 minutes... I got all my minutes : )

    that was supposed to say 297 minutes of cardio and 55 minutes of strength training, you scared me for a minute when you said I didn't make the total... lol
  • ricnrac
    ricnrac Posts: 95 Member
    I did not do well this week :(

    185 minutes of cardio
    70 minutes of strength
    total of 255 (not 360 :( )

    And did not do well on my water this weekend. Did well until the weekend came and just forgot to drink.......

  • humble64
    humble64 Posts: 69 Member
    Jogging 34 mins 399 cal

    30 day shred 30 mins 270 cals

    30 day shred 30 mins 270 cals
    Walking 45 mins 293 cals

    30 day shred 30 mins 270 cals
    Stretching 15 mins 49
    Abs workout 15 mins 140

    30 day shred 30 mins 270 cals
    Kick boxing 15 mins 195 cals
    Stretching 15 mins 49
    Walking 50 mins 325

    30 day shred 30 mins 270 cals

    walking 100 mins 429 calories burned
    30 day shred 30 mins 273 calories burned
    Clean/cooking/washing car 180 mins 585 calories burned


    Week total 729 mins 4,087 calories
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Day 15

    Cardio: 48 mins
    28 mins - Running
    20 mins - Elliptical

    Other: 45 mins - Walking, helping girls ride their bikes

    Week 3 Totals: 48 mins/Cardio; 0 mins/Strength; 45 mins/Other= 93 mins

    Goals for week three: Begin "Get Running" program (did day 1 today!!); PUSH my HR during cardio; TRY to get more sleep

    Good luck everyone!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Good evening guys! In keeping with this challenge, I really pushed it tonight. After my run I was rationalizing with myself with I did not have to do P90X (It was late, I was tired, I had already run, and I could do in the morning and skip Plyo) and then I realized ... nope... I promise that I would do it and I did. I promise half the video... and that is what I did!

    So my burn for today is

    4 mile run + 1/2 P90X CST = 1230 calories
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