ok I need a group/challenge to join cause I need that extra



  • ashmom86
    ashmom86 Posts: 117
    I too had a rough day...got up late and had a brunch. Was not hungry til around 6pm-ish but was out shopping and did not want to stop for fast food or anything. Got home around 8 and I had a ton of homework to do. So to sum it up I was way under my calorie intake. Really glad I did not exercise today or it would have been twice as bad, yet I shopped for three hours!! So I guess I did walk a lot. EEEKKKK!!! Hope it doesnt bite me on the scale in the morning.!!! I did drink 96oz of water today and only 3 cups of coffee...

    Good luck in the morning everyone!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • ashmom86
    ashmom86 Posts: 117
    Cookie.....I wish I could say great, but unfortunately no time to exercise tonight...:cry:
    However...day 2 no soda! Yah. :happy: Just like you...I need to increase my water intake!

    Not really looking forward to weigh in tomorrow! I guess time will tell.

    Hope everyone is ready to Just Do It and Get 'er Done!

    Yay on the no soda progress!!!!! I am going on 4 months without it (have a little every blue moon) But I have gotten to the point where I dont even like the taste anymore...TOO SWEET!!!
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    Hey i would like in on this group too if thats alright. Is Friday n i haven't weighed myself yet. but i can get that done soon if theres still room...gracias!
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    Hey all here is my weigh in, hope my goal isn't too high?!! No time to chat will check back later!

    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 185 lbs
    CW: 170 lbs
    GW: 155 lbs (by friday May 27)
  • GGut
    GGut Posts: 94 Member
    its not too late to join.... just follow the format below!

    heres my first weigh in

    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 251 lbs
    CW: 251 lbs
    GW: 238 lbs (by friday May 27)
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    Wooo hooo....hanging out with you all must have done the trick! I finally lost a little! :happy:
    First time in 4 weeks that I've seen the scale budge!
    I am going to continue to do my work outs Turbo Fire & P90X and try like heck to stay away from diet soda!
    Drinking more water will only help make this possible.....Does anyone have any suggestions on a way to spruce up water to make it more tasteful without the calories?

    Ashmom....hang in there....there is always tomorrow!
    Maxylicous- welcome aboard!

    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 126 lbs
    CW: 125.4 lbs
    GW: 120 lbs (by friday May 27)
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 148.8 lbs
    CW: 148.8 lbs
    GW: 142 lbs (by friday May 27)

    Bring on the water!!!
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    Hey just checking the SW is the SW for this challenge, right?


    Gabe - Thanks for the reminder email :)
    Ashmom - Don't stress about the mishap. You can do this.
    Shandke - Congrats!
  • ashmom86
    ashmom86 Posts: 117
    Great job Shandke!!!! I actually ended up losing 2 lbs this week! I had been at a standstill!!! Thanks group for the support!!

    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 145.5 lbs
    CW: 143.5 lbs
    GW: 135 lbs (by friday May 27)

    --drank 96oz water daily

    If only I saw these results every week!!!

    Welcome Maxylicous!!!!

    Shadke-- When I get tired up water all I do is squeeze some lemon in my bottle. But sometimes that not enough "spruce". I've heard people doing the Crystal Light. I havent had it in a year or so...only cause it is some unecessary calories. But now that I am close to my goal, I may start up again. Water does get boring!! Especially since you are used to drinking soda! LOL
  • missxena
    missxena Posts: 70
    hi, just wondering if i can join this group . been looking out for a group thats just starting :smile:

    week 1
    sw 171
    cw 171
    gw 159
  • ashmom86
    ashmom86 Posts: 117
    Oh, I forgot to add this little note...I went to a clothing store with my mother last night to look for her clothes...but I decided to try on a pair of jeans a size smaller than what I have been wearing..and they FIT!! I was extatic!!! My mom insisted on buying them for me as a congrats gift even though I told her Im not done yet!!! Haahaa...Was trying to work with the belt til I get down to where I want and "reward" my self with a new wardrobe. Anyway, long story short, I am now a size 5 (inches are coming off) thank goodness cuz the scale wasnt being very good to me lately!!!
  • kathvg
    kathvg Posts: 68
    thanks to all those who got this group/challenge organized and off the ground (shandke, wagsgirls and ggut i think...sorry if i forgot anyone) :)
    this is just what i need to get me off of the "plateau" that i've been on since the first of march.
    here's my check in info.
    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 165.6
    CW: 165.6 lbs
    GW: 152 lbs (by friday May 27)

    plan of attack for the next week:
    cardio, cardio and more cardio!!
    and of course drinking 8 glasses of water each day :)
    have a great weekend everyone!!
  • admmommy
    admmommy Posts: 143 Member
    Hey all! Don't worry I will be weighing in today (sometime) I just dont want everyone to think I have left everyone hanging. Good job to everyone you are all doing great, keep up the awesome work!!!!

    Well......I just remembered that I had a scale at work and it says I gained 5lbs :sad:

    I will not let this discourage me, I think it is my eating. The past two days have been tough. I am still exercising though. The 5 pounds could be water weight with foods that have too much sodium ? Any guidance would be great. I also do not exercise long enough, but after next week I will have a lot more time to work out which I am so psyched about!!!! Talk to you all soon:)
  • nimmi1302
    nimmi1302 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi all- started today with a lovely 40 min run, so hoping for a good day (one day at a time- that's my mantra):)

    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 165lbs
    CW: 164.2 lbs
    GW: 155 (by friday May 27) (seems a bit ambitious...)
  • slindsey137
    slindsey137 Posts: 214 Member
    Ok, I forgot to weigh myself before breakfast, so its a bit high today.

    SW 163
    CW 164
    GW 150
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    I can only dream of being the weight some of you guys are. I feel out of place....
    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 315lbs (1/15/11)
    CW: 289 lbs (4/15/11)
    GW: 277 lbs (by friday May 27)
  • kathvg
    kathvg Posts: 68
    I can only dream of being the weight some of you guys are. I feel out of place....
    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 315lbs (1/15/11)
    CW: 289 lbs (4/15/11)
    GW: 277 lbs (by friday May 27)

    don't feel "out of place" at all! this is EXACTLY the place that you should be right now (on mfp).
    we all have our different SWs but our goals are all the same...to lead a healthy and active lifestyle and enjoy our time with the ones that we love...which for most of us entails losing some of the "extra" LBs that we've managed to accumulate over the years ;)
    good luck to all of us and happy friday!!!!!!!
  • ashmom86
    ashmom86 Posts: 117
    I can only dream of being the weight some of you guys are. I feel out of place....
    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 315lbs (1/15/11)
    CW: 289 lbs (4/15/11)
    GW: 277 lbs (by friday May 27)

    Dont you dare leave or feel that way!!! Most of us have started out at a much higher weight!! I know I did, I was a little over 200 lbs atmy highest weight. Plus you have come so far already!!! Dream it and DO IT!! You will get there!! I promise!! We and MFP are here to help and push you...Dont give up, please...Have a great day hun.
  • DJ31
    DJ31 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi everyone, can I join the group as well? My starting weight for today is 163.8, and I would like to be at 150 by the end of May. (Less would be fine with me as well!)
  • cookiejones
    cookiejones Posts: 104
    Whatever weight you are today is the perfect place to start. Everyone started from somewhere, and you're among friends who want to support and encourage you :) You can do it! I started at 225, and now am at 160, with 20 more to lose. Some people start out where I want to end up :P It's fantastic that we all have different goals and body types :)