ok I need a group/challenge to join cause I need that extra



  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I've been keeping a 1 litre water bottle with me all day, and refill it at least once. That plus always drinking water with a meal, and before and after exercise - so I'm guessing I end up with about 80 oz's a day of water... so more than the 8 recommended cups. I'm not very good at it though.

    Here's something I struggle with:
    I was at a get together with a bunch of my friends - my boyfriend made cookies, and someone brought over pizza. I was hungry, because I hadn't yet eaten dinner. I managed to not eat any of the pizza, despite the fact that it had my absolute favorite toppings on it. My 2 beers, plus 2 cookies more than fulfilled my calorie count for dinner, and I should have left satisfied with myself with my pizza victory. Instead I left unsatisfied with my diet, and the food I had ate. This is kind of a catch 22 for me, because if I had ate the pizza, I would've have been disappointed in my lack of willpower. I can't win! What do you guys do in those situations?

    Also, now I just want some gosh darn pizza!
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    Hi guys.......
    First, wags girls: I've read some other posts on that subject too, most say don't worry about it...doesn't mean much at all since no 2 days are truly alike! On the other hand, I can't help but look at that some days and dream.....or cringe depending! LOL. Mine "lies" to me too! Just keep plugging away and celebrate the little successes! We all feel your confusion with this...

    Swinginchanndra: Here is my take on the whole diet thing........if I can't fit foods that I like into my diet, It WILL NOT work for me! If you ever check out my diary you will see not necessarily the healthiest foods.....but that is me and these are what I like to eat. I work in an office 45 minutes from home.....I don't take my lunch because it's important to me to get out for a little stress relief and to relax! So I eat fast food but have found the items that are at least reasonably not as bad as they could be.....like Subway and Roly Poly....I also will eat grilled chicken wraps at Wendy's or McDonalds etc. I have a pact with my lunch buddy....he gets the full meal deal and I get 1 French fry from his meal or we will split a bag of baked chips! LOL....I know weird, but it works since I'm his boss and we've been friends for over 10 years now! It's these little concessions that have always kept me in a relatively healthy weight. Most of what works for me is portion control....sometimes! If the family is having pizza.....it just so happens my favorite pizza is thin crust Canadian bacon and pineapple....one of the lowest calorie pizzas they make!

    Now I do buy light items....like less sugar PB, low fat/calorie cream cheese and 90 calorie fiber one bars....but only because I LIKE these things. I think you have to find the things that work for you....but don't always deny yourself things that life wouldn't be worth living without.....just keep ''em in moderation and know that once you have a splurge day...you need to balance it with a few more good ones! Sorry to ramble, but when I read about things people eat and avoid, I just know it would not be sustainable for me..
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    ok so heres my next question!! I am a preschool teacher so my day is very active! I am moving a lot. So I figured I should b putting that in for calories burned? Didn't know how to plug it in so I used moderate/light cleaning and put for like and hour and a half. Do you think that is ok?
  • admmommy
    admmommy Posts: 143 Member
    wagsgirls - what I suggest is getting a heart rate monitor (HRM) and use that as a guide to see throughout the day how many calories you are burning. Then name the "exercise" chasing kids, LOL. I personally think that is just fine to do this because this is your food/exercise log and you have to be honest with yourself and deal with any dishonesty at the end of the day. Don't worry about asking too many questions, this is how we learn.
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks admmommy! I never even thought about something like that, it would b nice to actually see how many calories I am really burning each day!
  • lisam724
    lisam724 Posts: 58 Member
    Hahaha we had a bunch of momentum in this thread until now.....

  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    ok so heres my next question!! I am a preschool teacher so my day is very active! I am moving a lot. So I figured I should b putting that in for calories burned? Didn't know how to plug it in so I used moderate/light cleaning and put for like and hour and a half. Do you think that is ok?

    Hey I think this is taken into account on your profile when you set your goals. Under the food goals, your profile is set up with a selection of your typical day....sedentary, active, etc....or something like that. So if you have marked your settings accordingly, you shouldn't have to track your typical day activity....that helps calculate your recommended daily calorie intake.
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    This is your friendly reminder that tomorrow is weigh in day......Here's the format!
    Good Luck everyone. Don't forget to post a personal goal if you have one for the week!

    HERE IS WHAT YOU NEED TO POST (copy and paste tht below section...)
    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: XXX lbs
    CW: XXX lbs
    GW: XXX lbs (by friday May 27)

    if you want to include your weekly plan, go ahead... but the above info is what we will really be tracking.
  • missxena
    missxena Posts: 70
    DATE: 4/22/2011
    SW: 171
    CW: 168
    GW: 159 (BY FRIDAY MAY 27)
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    Ok I had a bad day (or two)....but still managed a loss for the week! I'll take that!

    DATE: (04/22/2011)
    Week: 2
    SW: 126 lbs
    4/15/2011 - 125.4
    4/22/2011: 124.6 lbs
    GW: 120 lbs (by friday May 27)

    My goal this week is again to curb the soda drinking...yes I fell off the wagon.
    I also am going to challenge myself to not eat as much sugar.....I need to stay closer to the goal set my MFP.

    Keep it rolling this week everyone!
  • nimmi1302
    nimmi1302 Posts: 48 Member
    OK here it is:
    DATE: 4/22/2011
    SW: 165
    CW: 163.2 (lost 1 lb - not great, but at least it's not a gain, so I'll take it.)
    GW: 156 (BY FRIDAY MAY 27)

    Goals for this week:
    - watchc the carbs! I was doing quite well for this long, but fell off the carb wagon into a basket of bread.:)
    - Get back to exercising 6 days a week.
  • ashmom86
    ashmom86 Posts: 117
    DATE: (04/122/2011)
    Week: 2
    SW: 145 lbs
    CW: 142.5 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs (by friday May 27)

    Only half a pound this week, but I really struggled getting my calories in this week. Slacked of on recording yesterday!
    Goal for this week is to find a good strength training type work out. Ive been focusing too much on cardio.
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    everyone is doing so well!!!! way to go!

    I hate to be the first one with BAD news!! I hope it is just that TOM was on the scale with me. I did pretty well with exercise and not too bad with calories, so I am blaming it on water retention. The one thing that I did not do so well, was keep up with the water challenge :( Have a great Friday everyone!

    DATE: (04/22/2011)
    Week: 2
    SW: 148.8 lbs
    CW: 149.4 lbs
    GW: 142 lbs (by friday May 27)
  • Shandke
    Shandke Posts: 116 Member
    DATE: (04/122/2011)
    Week: 2
    SW: 145 lbs
    CW: 142.5 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs (by friday May 27)

    Only half a pound this week, but I really struggled getting my calories in this week. Slacked of on recording yesterday!
    Goal for this week is to find a good strength training type work out. Ive been focusing too much on cardio.

    Hey Ashmom...have you tried P90X! I started with my hubby and now mix it up with some Turbo Fire. But as much as I hate to admit it......it really works! Concentrated strength with some cardio....but really has some butt kicking routines! As Tony H says......I Hate It.....but I LOVE it! How true it is! Ab Ripper, Back, Chest, Arms, shoulders, biceps, legs, butt....it all gets it! I can do more push ups now than I have ever been able to do in my 47 years....and my arms,chest shoulders are starting to show it! My daughter even commented on it the other day! Watch out tank top season!
  • ashmom86
    ashmom86 Posts: 117
    Hey Shandke!!

    No I have not tried P90X yet! I have heard all the rave about it though! I am waiting on my school funds to come in before I can afford anything lol. Should be this coming week though! Have plans on joining the gym too...they have a womens bootcamp I want to get in on.!!!! I really have considered P90X though. My aunt does it and has had amazing results!!!! I will look into it again and think on it, not sure if I can afford gym and P90X right now...
    Thanks for the tips and insight on that program though!!

    Great job this week btw!!!!
  • nimmi1302
    nimmi1302 Posts: 48 Member
    DATE: (04/122/2011)
    Week: 2
    SW: 145 lbs
    CW: 142.5 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs (by friday May 27)

    Only half a pound this week, but I really struggled getting my calories in this week. Slacked of on recording yesterday!
    Goal for this week is to find a good strength training type work out. Ive been focusing too much on cardio.

    Hey Ashmom...have you tried P90X! I started with my hubby and now mix it up with some Turbo Fire. But as much as I hate to admit it......it really works! Concentrated strength with some cardio....but really has some butt kicking routines! As Tony H says......I Hate It.....but I LOVE it! How true it is! Ab Ripper, Back, Chest, Arms, shoulders, biceps, legs, butt....it all gets it! I can do more push ups now than I have ever been able to do in my 47 years....and my arms,chest shoulders are starting to show it! My daughter even commented on it the other day! Watch out tank top season!

    My hubby got it a few months ago. Looks like it's time to bite the bullet and just do it!
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    DATE: (04/15/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 315lbs (1/15/11)
    LW: 289 lbs (4/15/11)
    CW:288 lbs (4/22/11)
    GW: 277 lbs (by friday May 27)

    At least I lost a pound!
  • kathvg
    kathvg Posts: 68
    hello everyone!
    i just rolled in to boise idaho around noon to surprise my lil sister for her bday (i live in the VERY nw corner of wash...boise is FAR) so my weight is actually from yesteday AM as i wanted to use my "regular scale" and figured i wouldn't pack it ;)
    down .5 lbs. not a big loss but at least the # is going in the right direction!
    my goal for the next week is to get in more cardio which was my past weeks goal as well but it didn't happen.
    hopefully the weather gets better so i can start doign outside activites.
    hope you all have a great weekend!

    DATE: (04/22/2011)
    Week: 2
    SW: 165.6 lbs
    CW: 165.1 lbs
    GW: 150 lbs (by friday May 27)
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    If the family is having pizza.....it just so happens my favorite pizza is thin crust Canadian bacon and pineapple....one of the lowest calorie pizzas they make!

    Haha, that's what the pizza was. My favorite is actually pineapple black olive, but you know... close. I really need to work on portion control. That's the hardest thing for me right now. If I make the right eating choices to begin with, I'm fine. But if I eat a little bit of a bad food, and more is available, then the flood gates are opened. It's like, I told myself that the one little bit is ok, and that means the next equal little bit is also ok, so on and so forth... Grr... lol

    Will power!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    DATE: (04/22/2011)
    Week: 1
    SW: 172 lbs
    CW: 169 lbs
    GW: 159lbs (by friday May 27)