What are the more bizarre things you are looking forward too



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I should put this as one of my goals: want to be able to cuddle on the couch without it being a balancing act.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    To be able to wear a lovely summer dress and not want to cover up and not have raw thighs at the end of the day :happy:

    A few people have posted this, so I will let you know that there are anti chafing creams and gels out there. I have used the Monistat (I know, right) one and it really did help. Then you can make your goal to not need it, instead of suffering in the mean time!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Rubbing a bit of antiperspirant on the insides of your thighs can prevent the "rub rash".
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I just turned 29 about a month ago and I want to be in better shape when I turn 30 then I was in my 20's!!!
  • bexfield
    bexfield Posts: 21
    Men holding doors for me. It may just be a self confidence vibe thing, but anytime I've been 10-20 pounds overweight it rarely happens then I lose weight and suddenly everyone is a gentleman.
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    Looking forward to wearing a two piece bathing suit and knowing I can wear it with confidence, especially around my skinny sister-in-law. Love to be wearing more summer dresses and feeling sexy. And no more belly jiggle!(grrrr) therefore seeing more abs.(prrr)
  • spaztastic13
    Hahaha.....lol same here damn belly is in the way.......lmao!!!!!!!
  • kristarablue
    Men holding doors for me. It may just be a self confidence vibe thing, but anytime I've been 10-20 pounds overweight it rarely happens then I lose weight and suddenly everyone is a gentleman.

    Look at them, make eye contact and smile, and they open the door almost everytime eventhough I am over weight. I also thank them...I LOVE CHIVALRY!! Make my son open doors all the time for his sister and I....have to teach them early.
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    Wearing a swim suit with no shirt over it this summer so that when I go to the water slides in orlando the life guard isn't like "hey no shirts on the slide take it off or get off the slide" I always get off :(
  • camaris
    camaris Posts: 36 Member
    As I keep telling people...I want to be able to crack walnuts on my abs

    Seriously though, I want to not feel I have to wear a shirt when i go swimming. I want to not have to worry about how I hold my head when I have pics taken so I can avoid the double chin (thankfullI am pretty much there with that one)
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    buying my first A cup bra in two years ;}
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    I want to be able to share a hotel room with my friend when we go away for gigs. At the moment I pay for an extra room because I don't want my snoring to deafen her
  • diegelman
    diegelman Posts: 55 Member
    Weighing less than my bf again.
  • Cori615
    Cori615 Posts: 100
    Not being the fattest person in the room
    Not Wearing sweaters to hide my stomach
    Being able to wear shorts in the summer with out my legs looking all wobbly and fat
    Being able to run 3 miles
    Having guys notice me ;)
  • Bavaria100
    Being thinner than that girl at work I don't really like. She has been overweight for years and always talks about all the different diets she will be doing and how much weight she will loose.... Well, girl I am doing it now :bigsmile:
  • TheDaniProject
    What are the more bizarre things you are looking forward too doing as the weight comes off?

    For example: I'm looking forward to being able to shave my legs without feeling like I'm gonna pass out from trying to compress my belly to reach my legs!! And, I can't wait to cross my legs again!!

    Now you!

    bizzar you ask hmmm

    burlesque burlesque burlesque :bigsmile:

    and some belly dancing lessons =D
  • kristarablue
    Not being the fattest person in the room
    Not Wearing sweaters to hide my stomach
    Being able to wear shorts in the summer with out my legs looking all wobbly and fat
    Being able to run 3 miles
    Having guys notice me ;)

    Girl, I feel ya on every single one of these.....I also don't want a double chin anymore...hmmmm
  • RonieLisbeth
    -looking as good as my bf's sister .. she's sooo skinny
    -wearing nice tight dresses
    -wearing bathing suits
    -wearing my model cousin's clothes
    -fitting into any type of clothes
  • RonieLisbeth
    too look in da mirror n be like daaamn those abs, those arms, that butt (:
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    to wear pants that fit around my waist instead of way above or just under my gut.


    To have a belly that is smaller than my boobs again, and my boobs aren't that big to begin with!

    And to tie my tennis shoes with jeans on, in stead of just slipping them on standing.