What's your goal weight?? Why did you choose that number??



  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my goal weight is 150 - mostly because my real goal weight is 140 and I'm scared to death of those "last ten pounds" everyone talks about. haha
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I'm 5'6" and picked 134 as my goal weight. The main reason is 100 lbs sounded like a good, round number to lose. My husband think that's too low and that I should make 150 my goal. If I get to 150 and I'm happy, I'll stop there.
  • JenniCH
    JenniCH Posts: 74
    I'm 5'7 and I chose 150 because that's what I was from 15-19 and I was very active, athletic and that's when I felt my VERY best... I'm sure I could get under that but even when I was 148lbs people told me I looked "too skinny" and gauntly - which is not the look I'm going for... so we'll see... I'm 23 - my body has changed a lot -- maybe I'll be able to pull off between 140-150 without looking "too skinny" -- either way - I just want to look and feel healthy regardless of the number I get to.
  • joaniegray
    joaniegray Posts: 88 Member
    My goal weight is 147 as that puts me into healthy BMI - I'd like to get to 142 though so I shall try for 142 once I hit 147! Right now 147 is just 9 pounds away, and spring is coming so hope to up the exercise and veggies.
  • dede08
    dede08 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my goal is 140-145. I chose that because I haven't always been this big and I thought I was hot when I was just above that weight and I wasn't even in shape then. So, why not aim for perfection.lol :)
  • bibliophile21
    I'm 5'3-5'4 (basically like 5'3.5) and my goal weight is currently 115. That's the weight I was throughout high school (I'm 21 now) and when I fit into a size 5 jeans. I have a small/medium frame so it's a good weight for me. I'm really not concerned with my weight so much as my physical size, so if i get back to a size 5 but weight 120ish I'll most likely be fine with it. It's really all about how healthy and comfortable I feel/look, so the number on the scale isn't really the main goal.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I'm 5'5.5", and my goal weight is somewhere between 140-145..really whatever weight I can comfortably fit a size 8 at :)

    I chose that number since I've not been that small since middle school, nor that weight. I spent all of my teen years overweight/obese, so now that I'm nearing 21 I want to nip it in the bud now and not let my weight dictate me anymore.

    Once I'm at that range, I'll focus more on reducing my body fat and having a toned body : arms, back, waist, and butt of course!
  • Walking2Lose
    Walking2Lose Posts: 69 Member
    I am 5'4 and my goal weight is 128. I am currently in my healthy weight range, but I feel that I need to lose in certain areas and lose inches as well. I chose this weight to be at as my goal weight because it is a weight that I will be comfortable at. I know that if I was to weigh 120lbs that that would be too little. I was there 5 yrs ago and it was not the right weight for me.
  • turbogirl4christ
    My height is 5'2" and my Ideal goal weight is 120-122 its what I weighed in high school. But I can't seem to get out of 160's :sad:

    I am 5'2" also and I have been trying for over a year to get out of the 160's. I've gotten down to like 158 a few times but always jumped right back up. Seems like no matter what I do I cant stay out of the 160s...Today I was at 158.5 so we'll see if I can keep from jumping back up!!! My goal is 125.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    When I joined, my goal was 102 because that was the lowest in the healthy range for my height.
    I got to 103 eating very little and was scrawny.
    I then realized that I was skinny fat and needed to gain muscle. Everything was saggy and there was a roll hanging over my size 1 jeans.
    I abandoned the silly notion of ever being 102 and started strength training. I am now up to 107 and look way better in those same size 1 jeans, firmer and tighter and everything in its place.

    It's not about goal "weight", it's about goal "size". Go by measurements, because I have a smaller waist and hips at 107 than I did at 103!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I am 5'4 and my goal weight is 128. I am currently in my healthy weight range, but I feel that I need to lose in certain areas and lose inches as well. I chose this weight to be at as my goal weight because it is a weight that I will be comfortable at. I know that if I was to weigh 120lbs that that would be too little. I was there 5 yrs ago and it was not the right weight for me.

    If you only want to lose in certain areas and lose inches... I'd suggest ditching the weight goal completely and go for strength training/muscle building. You won't necessarily lose "weight" that way, but you'll definately change your shape (and not bulky, either).
  • LORR79
    LORR79 Posts: 55
    I think a lot of people need to read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/181080-mfp-s-most-common-user-pitfall-to-avoid

    Picking a goal weight based off high school weight, or driver’s license stats doesn’t necessarily have any connection to what represents a healthy or reasonable weight for your age and frame.

    I am 35 and 5’3” tall.

    My goal weight is to be in the 130’s and/or wear size 6 to 8.

    But my real goal is to look like a gymnast or an Olympic hurdler at ANY size and weight. That means a body fat percentage under 20 and large amount of lean muscle mass.

    I agree wholeheartedly with this.

    This blog post is a good one to read and I've really changed my mindset regarding goal weights as a result,

  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My goal is 130 i have lost 30 pounds so far and have another 76 to go ! The reason why i chose that number is because i have been there at 130 before and i know i will get there again one day !
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    I am 5'7" and my "goal" weight is 125.

    It is more for motivation than an actual number that I am going to obsessively stick to. Just something to plug into the site and keep in mind while I am working out. For me, it helps to have something to latch on to and "chant" to myself if I am sluggish or if my workout is difficult. 125 is more rhythmic and easier to repeat than anything else I have set as a "goal".

    I guess my focus on "the number" has changed to being happy with my fitness level and how I look. I have been different sizes at more or less the same weight and smaller sizes at "heavier" weights. Keeping that in mind I am trying to focus on strength training in addition to cardio so I can build and tone muscle as well as lose fat. That occasionally means seeing no loss or even a small gain, but loose clothes and less inches.

    Just for the sake of bringing in (strictly anecdotal) information, a trainer at my gym who is about 2 inches shorter than me shared that she weighs 140 pounds. By looking at her I would have guessed 110-115 at the most. She also shared that she is a size 2-4 (depending on the brand) and that at the same weight she used to be a size 10-12. She had asked what my goal was and just wanted to remind me that level of fitness and muscle tone is something to keep in mind in addition to the scale.
  • Mandi1968
    Mandi1968 Posts: 30 Member
    I am 5'6'' and my goal is 133 to 135. Most charts say 131 but looking back at pictures in my past, 131 or less is not really very attractive on me....my face gets too bony...and no body shape at all....and Connie, if you are reading this, I know I have no shape!!!
    LOL!!!! Mostly, my goal is to just be younger looking and active at age 43 and beyond!
  • jazgal
    jazgal Posts: 122
    shooting for 145 ... then I will see how I feel ... do not rememer being there ..
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I did some "back of the envelope" calculations and tried to figure what weight I would need to be to have 9% body fat, so I set that as my goal for now. When I get there, I'll measure my body fat and re-evaluate. If the goal is met, I will work on the next goal, which is to build additional lean muscle.
  • abbychick
    abbychick Posts: 118 Member
    I'm 5' 9" and my weight goal range with WW was 135-167. I remember way back weighing 175 and being thin and really happy with that. I'd love to get to around 165 and have a bit of breathing room.
  • mckant
    mckant Posts: 217 Member
    My number is constantly changing. I get to my "goal" and then end up wanting to lose something else (more weight, my butt, my tummy, etc). I'm starting to figure out that maybe my real goal is not to lose weight but to tone up. So, I'll take whatever number is on the scale when I get on it with a flat tummy :laugh:
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    At the moment it's 150 (I'm 5'9) but I'll revise that once I get closer to that number either up or down. My goal size however is a 12. I don't want to be super skinny, I always felt I looked best when I was a size 12.