What's your goal weight?? Why did you choose that number??



  • 54fevers
    54fevers Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 5'9 and my gw is also 135, but that might change.
  • Bonnie1974
    My start weight was 207, All I wanted to do was get under the 200 mark.that was my goal. I am now 192. and my goal weight now is 185 ....

    Of course I would like to be barbie material, but my happiest weight was 165. I know this is still bigger for my height of 5"5. But to me I LOVED my curves..

    Also baby goals are easier to achieve...
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Anything under 200 as of now would be peachy keen.
  • Marcus_E
    Marcus_E Posts: 124
    I'm 6ft and currently weigh around 17.3st (242.2lbs/109.9kgs), my goal weight is around 14.5st (203lbs/92kgs).

    Now according to these Height/Weight Ratio charts, my range is supposed to be 10.5st (147lbs/67kgs) - 13.3st (187lbs/85kgs) - which in all seriousness is absolutely ridiculous for someone who has my sort of build (played rugby/squash/canoeing for years) and the last time I was 13st, was when I was 12 0r 13yrs old. Before I started developing and putting muscle on. At university I had an 8-pack (yep they do exist), I was at my peak physical fitness and weighed between 13-14st..

    I know I won't get the 8pack back (it isn't a goal), I'll be happy to lose the barrel currently protecting my hidden 6pack and get down to a nice healthy weight for someone my height and build and one where I know I have been before and was physically fit and healthy.. That's why I chose my number and will achieve this in good time..
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    I picked what I weighed in college and highschool. I've gotten down to it before, but in my 20s. Now that I am older I find that the weight just kept increasing until there was two of me. :(

    So my goal is to get down to my healthy range for my height.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    my goal weight is 126lbs(am 5ft 6) as this is the lowest i've ever been and i looked and felt fabulous! i WILL get there....although tbh i'm happy to compromise on the numbers to have a low body fat and decent muscle mass
  • zainyk
    zainyk Posts: 35 Member
    As a 6foot male I chose between 200 and 210 even though that is above what my ideal weight should be. It seems more attainable and whilst i would like to be 180 i dont think i have ever weighed anywhere near that since i was a child. Also Muhammad Ali was 210lbs when he fought George Forman at the Rumble in The Jungle, not a ridiculous reason at all! lol
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I chose a range of 135 to 140 because that's near the midpoint of the healthy BMI range for my height and a size I maintained without a lot of effort well into adulthood. It would take some effort to maintain now, but at least it seems realistic. Going back to and then maintaining the weight I was in high school, or even college, doesn't seem realistic.
  • MoonShadow_1au
    MoonShadow_1au Posts: 149 Member
    I think this is a great question, how do you determine what your goal is.

    I am 177.5 cm and started here weighing in at 80Kg. My goal is 74Kg, selected because I managed to get to 72Kg a long time ago but collapsed while working out. So my breaking point is 72Kg, I figured a couple of Kg over that would be a "safe" goal.

    For those using empirical, I am 5 10 and started at 176 and want to get to 163 (with 158 where I collapsed previously)
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    my goal weight is 152, i started at 282, and i'm currently 244. according to the charts i'm supposed to weigh 155, which scares me A LOT cuz the lowest i've been was 185 and i'm just naturally a big person, like wide shoulders, big hands and feet....but i figured i'd try for it. i've totally changed my lifestyle and will never go back to the way i was eating before, so i don't really see getting to 152 as a problem right now. unless i got to 170 and u can see my bones, then i might recalculate :)
  • nicole623az
    nicole623az Posts: 14 Member
    I am 5'9" and I picked 170. I picked this number because I don't want to be too skinny. I would still like to have some curves but not any flab. So it may go up or down depending on how I feel.
  • seadog1
    seadog1 Posts: 86 Member
    The upper weight for my height and frame is 181, so thats the goal I set, but seem to be stuck at 222.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    My goal weight is a solid 165 with minimal body fat. I could have hit my goal months ago, but I would have done it with severe muscle loss. So, I had to re-evaluate my goal and I'm actually at a weight I'm comfortable with [currently 177.6], but now I'm in it for fat loss over just pure weight loss.
  • nomex
    nomex Posts: 142 Member
    I picked the largest whole number in the normal range of the BMI -145. Not that I totally agree with the BMI, but it gives me a starting point. Once I get closer, I will have a better idea about what "feels" right to maintain.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    im 6ft and my goal weight is 180. ive been down to 200 and the thought of just 20 more lbs didnt feel right. it all depends on how i feel and how i look at 180. only one way to find out!
  • Corrinabella
    I am a whoppin 5 feet tall.. my goal is to be at 115 and that's more than my high school weight and more than 25 years ago so I would be happy to get to 125. My current weight is 145..
    Feels like a long way to go !
  • mfpchris
    mfpchris Posts: 279 Member
    I have an "evaluation weight" I'm not going to trust my opinion of what I should look like
    or what I should weight to be strong and healthy. "Why am I not going to trust myself?"
    Because I've been obese for the last ten years and have consistently been really
    wrong on my appearance, my health, and my food choices.

    I looked at the much hated BMI chart. I picked the exact mid-point in the normal
    zone (143 lbs) Without thinking or evaluating I am going to get to 143 lbs. Then
    once I am there, I am going to remain there with in about 1% or 2% for six months
    During this six months my calorie deficit will be zero, I'll learn to live and eat maintaining
    a consistent weight. All of my bodies hormones, and metabolism which has been
    radically abuse in loosing 100 lbs, will have six months to heal and come into

    Then, after six months at exactly the mid-point of my "normal" BMI range (143 lbs).
    I'll evaluate what a goal weight should be. It will probably only be about five or
    so pounds one way or the other. Do I want to drop 4 lbs or do I want to use
    a bunch of resistance training and eat more to gain five pounds and feel

    My point is that after getting to my BMI mid-point, staying there for six months, after
    all that I will be in a really good place to figure out a goal weight...It just be a little bit
    from where I am.

    When I am 100 or 50 or 23 lbs away, I'm not really a good judge of what my final
    goal weight should be. I am going to make myself into a good judge first, and
    then judge my goal weight.
  • megganwinland
    I am 5'8 and my goal weight is between 130-140lbs. Anywhere in there would make me happy. I was at 145ish 2 years ago and still looked a little heavy so I figure a few less pounds and a little weight training and I would look just fine.
  • kimkimchi
    kimkimchi Posts: 58
    I have multiple goals!

    My first goal weight is my pre-college weight of 125lbs. I look great at that weight.

    My second fitness goal weight is 120lbs, which would be the thinnest I could go and still be healthy body fat percentage wise. I want to get in the best shape of my life. My goal is to be able to run 10 miles as I've never run anything over 3 miles!

    I'm 24 years old, female, and 5'3.5" for reference. I also just started my weight loss. Currently I'm 146.4lbs.