"Paleo diet" - 70% fat???



  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434

    From the studying I have done, low fat can be useful in limited circumstances and high fat can be useful in limited circumstances. What works for most people is a balanced diet of fat, carbs, and protein (and maybe a little alcohol). Mostly vegetables, some fruit, some fungus, some meat if you like, and some treats.

    From a personal standpoint, a balanced approach works for me and is a lifestyle I can stick with for the rest of my life. I've lost 32 pounds in 90 days following this approach.

    What's a good balance (for carbs/protein/fat) ? I found that I've been following 45% carbs, 20% protein, 35% fat. But I might want to shake things up a bit.

    You will probably have to experiment as there are many options, but if you want to build muscle you will probably want to up your protein a bit. You might want to start at 40:40:20 or 40:30:30 and make changes from there. Hopefully you can find something that both your body and mind likes.

    I find that my personal taste preference for food ends up being too low on fat so I supplement with avocado, nuts, and cheese.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I have edited/removed some posts from this discussion due to negativity or insulting language. Please remember to keep the discussion on topic and respectful. You can disagree with the message or opinion - you CANNOT attack, insult or discuss the person.

    Also remember, if you feel you have been attacked or insulted by another user, report the post and a moderator will investigate. Arguing on the boards detracts from the community and doesn't add to a discussion. If you retaliate, you are just as guilty.

    Good debate is always welcome, just do it respectfully.
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    the fat comes from healthy, natural sources (animal, avocado, coconut, etc). Low carb/high fat works just as well as Low fat/high carb.
    I'm a Primal Blueprinter/paleo gal. Feel free to ask questions :)

    Thank you!! What nutrition percentages do you use for yourself? Do you have to actually cut out any food group (or severely limit) it?

    Yes I do Atkins (ooooo, my kidneys will esplode!) and my percentages are 70% fat; 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates. I do not cut out any food groups except junk...I do not eat any processed (think comes from a box or bag) or can't be found naturally in nature. I do not eat any sucrose or foods that mimic sucrose in nature. I do not eat any grains that are processed to death. I eat flax almost every day. I have found lovely substitutes for breads and pastas that satisfy me. I was borderline diabetic, hypertensive and had borderline high cholesterol. Last time I had lab work all my numbers were in the optimal ranges. I am convinced that this is the healthiest way to eat. I am no longer starving or fighting cravings. I eat to hunger and I am able to pass by the dessert table without a cold sweat. I do not feel deprived or unhealthy.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I have edited/removed some posts from this discussion due to negativity or insulting language. Please remember to keep the discussion on topic and respectful. You can disagree with the message or opinion - you CANNOT attack, insult or discuss the person.

    Thank you! We are having a great discussion going, and I really appreciate the edits you did. :flowerforyou:
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    the fat comes from healthy, natural sources (animal, avocado, coconut, etc). Low carb/high fat works just as well as Low fat/high carb.
    I'm a Primal Blueprinter/paleo gal. Feel free to ask questions :)

    Thank you!! What nutrition percentages do you use for yourself? Do you have to actually cut out any food group (or severely limit) it?

    Yes I do Atkins (ooooo, my kidneys will esplode!) and my percentages are 70% fat; 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates. I do not cut out any food groups except junk...I do not eat any processed (think comes from a box or bag) or can't be found naturally in nature. I do not eat any sucrose or foods that mimic sucrose in nature. I do not eat any grains that are processed to death. I eat flax almost every day. I have found lovely substitutes for breads and pastas that satisfy me. I was borderline diabetic, hypertensive and had borderline high cholesterol. Last time I had lab work all my numbers were in the optimal ranges. I am convinced that this is the healthiest way to eat. I am no longer starving or fighting cravings. I eat to hunger and I am able to pass by the dessert table without a cold sweat. I do not feel deprived or unhealthy.

    Do you eat things like cheese? That's not found in nature, but is it really "processed" ? What about yogurt? I eat flax everyday, but it's in my oatmeal, which would be a no-go according to Paleo. What bread substitutes have you found?? I NEED to know! I've switched to carrot pasta a while ago, but can't seem to find a substitute for bread/oatmeal. Thank you! :smile:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    ...........I have found lovely substitutes for breads and pastas that satisfy me. .................

    I'd love to hear about your lovely substitutes! I'm not planning to drop bread or pasta in a hurry, but would like to have some alternatives.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    the fat comes from healthy, natural sources (animal, avocado, coconut, etc). Low carb/high fat works just as well as Low fat/high carb.
    I'm a Primal Blueprinter/paleo gal. Feel free to ask questions :)

    Thank you!! What nutrition percentages do you use for yourself? Do you have to actually cut out any food group (or severely limit) it?

    Yes I do Atkins (ooooo, my kidneys will esplode!) and my percentages are 70% fat; 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates. I do not cut out any food groups except junk...I do not eat any processed (think comes from a box or bag) or can't be found naturally in nature. I do not eat any sucrose or foods that mimic sucrose in nature. I do not eat any grains that are processed to death. I eat flax almost every day. I have found lovely substitutes for breads and pastas that satisfy me. I was borderline diabetic, hypertensive and had borderline high cholesterol. Last time I had lab work all my numbers were in the optimal ranges. I am convinced that this is the healthiest way to eat. I am no longer starving or fighting cravings. I eat to hunger and I am able to pass by the dessert table without a cold sweat. I do not feel deprived or unhealthy.

    Do you eat things like cheese? That's not found in nature, but is it really "processed" ? What about yogurt? I eat flax everyday, but it's in my oatmeal, which would be a no-go according to Paleo. What bread substitutes have you found?? I NEED to know! I've switched to carrot pasta a while ago, but can't seem to find a substitute for bread/oatmeal. Thank you! :smile:

    Oopsie Rolls! (I cant stop talking about them....and stop eating them). You can find the recipe if you google
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Yeah, I'm a low protein diet really sounds like a terrible diet. I'm not even sure how you would accomplish that. If you eat fats to make up the deficit you would most likely eat protein with it. I guess you could just eat whale blubber. Higher carbs are you are sure to contract diabetes.

    I don't see anything wrong with a higher fat consumption to a point. Anything higher than 50% doesn't make sense.

    I keep my fat intake higher (between the 65-70%) because I like to practice Intermittent Fasting. The extra fat allows me to have NO hunger during my fasting periods and it is actually helping me lose fat a lot faster.

    The pounds are going down slowly, but my body is changing. My husband has told me 3 times with in the last couple of weeks that he can specifically feel my butt shrinking when he is cuddling with me. He also says that he can see me shrinking all over too and he is usually the last to notice. LOL

    I can tell just by the way my clothes are fitting. This is the first time in years that I have really gotten serious about my health again and something clicked with me about 4 months ago and this feels natural to eat this way.

    Sometimes my numbers fluctuate because I give my body what it needs and what it asks for. I will be eating cucumber and tomato with some red onion chopped up in it with balsamic vinegar. This will make my carbs go a bit higher, but I am craving the cucumber and tomato so I will feed my body these foods.

    My protein and fat today are coming from a pork butt roast that I had cooked in the crock pot yesterday with cumin, garlic, onion, cayenne pepper and about a teaspoon of sea salt.

    I eat no more processed foods. I had greek yogurt that I ended up feeding to my dogs. I keep cheese for my husband, he likes the Atkins lifestyle and is in Phase 3 so he eats potatos and bread sometimes...........However, it is home baked bread.

    I bought some from Trader Joe's and it went to waste because I didn't like it and neither did my husband.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    the fat comes from healthy, natural sources (animal, avocado, coconut, etc). Low carb/high fat works just as well as Low fat/high carb.
    I'm a Primal Blueprinter/paleo gal. Feel free to ask questions :)

    Thank you!! What nutrition percentages do you use for yourself? Do you have to actually cut out any food group (or severely limit) it?
    Yes I do Atkins (ooooo, my kidneys will esplode!) and my percentages are 70% fat; 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates. I do not cut out any food groups except junk...I do not eat any processed (think comes from a box or bag) or can't be found naturally in nature. I do not eat any sucrose or foods that mimic sucrose in nature. I do not eat any grains that are processed to death. I eat flax almost every day. I have found lovely substitutes for breads and pastas that satisfy me. I was borderline diabetic, hypertensive and had borderline high cholesterol. Last time I had lab work all my numbers were in the optimal ranges. I am convinced that this is the healthiest way to eat. I am no longer starving or fighting cravings. I eat to hunger and I am able to pass by the dessert table without a cold sweat. I do not feel deprived or unhealthy.

    Do you eat things like cheese? That's not found in nature, but is it really "processed" ? What about yogurt? I eat flax everyday, but it's in my oatmeal, which would be a no-go according to Paleo. What bread substitutes have you found?? I NEED to know! I've switched to carrot pasta a while ago, but can't seem to find a substitute for bread/oatmeal. Thank you! :smile:

    You are right. I do eat cheese. I try to eat really aged cheeses or really fresh cheeses! I lived for five years in a country where the people group (Kazakhs) were nomads who ate mostly fermented milk products, meats and animal fats. I learned to love eating good quality cheeses and yogurts. Yummmmm. Other then the dairy which I have not found to stall my weight loss I am a clean eater. I have found many ways to use cheese and eggs to make bread substitutes. My favorite recipe right now is "Deep Dish Quiche Pizza". It tastes like a pan pizza! Yummmmo. I also have made the Oopsie rolls. I substitute french cut green beans for pasta most times but have used spagetti squash, zucchini ribbons and other veggies to get the sauces I love in to my body! (which is the only reason I need a pasta substitute.)
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    1g Protein/lb Body weight
    50-70g fat
    fill calorie gap with carbs.

    can't go wrong.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    the fat comes from healthy, natural sources (animal, avocado, coconut, etc). Low carb/high fat works just as well as Low fat/high carb.
    I'm a Primal Blueprinter/paleo gal. Feel free to ask questions :)

    Thank you!! What nutrition percentages do you use for yourself? Do you have to actually cut out any food group (or severely limit) it?
    Yes I do Atkins (ooooo, my kidneys will esplode!) and my percentages are 70% fat; 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates. I do not cut out any food groups except junk...I do not eat any processed (think comes from a box or bag) or can't be found naturally in nature. I do not eat any sucrose or foods that mimic sucrose in nature. I do not eat any grains that are processed to death. I eat flax almost every day. I have found lovely substitutes for breads and pastas that satisfy me. I was borderline diabetic, hypertensive and had borderline high cholesterol. Last time I had lab work all my numbers were in the optimal ranges. I am convinced that this is the healthiest way to eat. I am no longer starving or fighting cravings. I eat to hunger and I am able to pass by the dessert table without a cold sweat. I do not feel deprived or unhealthy.

    Do you eat things like cheese? That's not found in nature, but is it really "processed" ? What about yogurt? I eat flax everyday, but it's in my oatmeal, which would be a no-go according to Paleo. What bread substitutes have you found?? I NEED to know! I've switched to carrot pasta a while ago, but can't seem to find a substitute for bread/oatmeal. Thank you! :smile:

    You are right. I do eat cheese. I try to eat really aged cheeses or really fresh cheeses! I lived for five years in a country where the people group (Kazakhs) were nomads who ate mostly fermented milk products, meats and animal fats. I learned to love eating good quality cheeses and yogurts. Yummmmm. Other then the dairy which I have not found to stall my weight loss I am a clean eater. I have found many ways to use cheese and eggs to make bread substitutes. My favorite recipe right now is "Deep Dish Quiche Pizza". It tastes like a pan pizza! Yummmmo. I also have made the Oopsie rolls. I substitute french cut green beans for pasta most times but have used spagetti squash, zucchini ribbons and other veggies to get the sauces I love in to my body! (which is the only reason I need a pasta substitute.)

    Once I get my weight down to the point I want it to be at, I am going to add back in some RAW Dairy that I was eating before. Dairy that has not been pasteurized or homogenized. Straight from the farm.

    Raw Cheddar cheese or raw butter made from raw milk is awesome!!!
  • gshinkle
    gshinkle Posts: 20
    Paleo isn't about 70% fat - it's about consuming what our ancestors did - meat, veggies, fruits and nuts.

    I firmly believe this is how we should be eating and it took me years to realize that this should be common sense but we're all sort of brainwashed to believe we should be stuffing our faces with processed whole grains and avoiding things like saturated fats. Our ancestors evolved eating this way before farming came around and they did just fine - it's just a shame it took me years to finally accept it. When I did, I lost significant weight, my energy increased, my skin cleared up, and even my cholesterol levels dropped. All this while eating much more food than I normally would have, a huge chunk of that food being fat. By fat, I don't mean refined fats either. I'm talking, pure unadulterated, unprocessed fat found naturally in foods like eggs and meat.

    There's quite a bit more research supporting this method of eating than we're led to believe. Here are some sources:
    Marks Daily Apple - Definitive Guides to things like Grains, Dairy, etc.
    There is no connection between fat and heart disease
    Kitavan Diet - A society that doesn't eat grains, dairy, refined fat or refined sugar. This culture as virtually no instances of heart disease or stroke despite one of the stapes being coconut - which consists dominantly of saturated fat.

    **Crud Muffins - how do I post links here? (or can I?) the usual BB coding isn't working. Do I need to use html?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Paleo isn't about 70% fat - it's about consuming what our ancestors did - meat, veggies, fruits and nuts.

    I firmly believe this is how we should be eating and it took me years to realize that this should be common sense but we're all sort of brainwashed to believe we should be stuffing our faces with processed whole grains and avoiding things like saturated fats. Our ancestors evolved eating this way before farming came around and they did just fine - it's just a shame it took me years to finally accept it. When I did, I lost significant weight, my energy increased, my skin cleared up, and even my cholesterol levels dropped. All this while eating much more food than I normally would have, a huge chunk of that food being fat. By fat, I don't mean refined fats either. I'm talking, pure unadulterated, unprocessed fat found naturally in foods like eggs and meat.

    There's quite a bit more research supporting this method of eating than we're led to believe. Here are some sources:
    Marks Daily Apple - Definitive Guides to things like Grains, Dairy, etc.
    There is no connection between fat and heart disease
    Kitavan Diet - A society that doesn't eat grains, dairy, refined fat or refined sugar. This culture as virtually no instances of heart disease or stroke despite one of the stapes being coconut - which consists dominantly of saturated fat.

    **Crud Muffins - how do I post links here? (or can I?) the usual BB coding isn't working. Do I need to use html?

    I had said that several times...............

    65-70% fat intake works for ME and the individual person that I am. Some people do even higher and some do less.

    Yes, just post the html code.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Paleo isn't about 70% fat - it's about consuming what our ancestors did - meat, veggies, fruits and nuts.

    I firmly believe this is how we should be eating and it took me years to realize that this should be common sense but we're all sort of brainwashed to believe we should be stuffing our faces with processed whole grains and avoiding things like saturated fats. Our ancestors evolved eating this way before farming came around and they did just fine - it's just a shame it took me years to finally accept it. When I did, I lost significant weight, my energy increased, my skin cleared up, and even my cholesterol levels dropped. All this while eating much more food than I normally would have, a huge chunk of that food being fat. By fat, I don't mean refined fats either. I'm talking, pure unadulterated, unprocessed fat found naturally in foods like eggs and meat.

    There's quite a bit more research supporting this method of eating than we're led to believe. Here are some sources:
    Marks Daily Apple - Definitive Guides to things like Grains, Dairy, etc.
    There is no connection between fat and heart disease
    Kitavan Diet - A society that doesn't eat grains, dairy, refined fat or refined sugar. This culture as virtually no instances of heart disease or stroke despite one of the stapes being coconut - which consists dominantly of saturated fat.

    **Crud Muffins - how do I post links here? (or can I?) the usual BB coding isn't working. Do I need to use html?

    I had said that several times...............

    65-70% fat intake works for ME and the individual person that I am. Some people do even higher and some do less.

    Yes, just post the html code.

    Exactly. I don't go to 70%. That's YOUR individual choice. Somehow your 70% got interpreted into "everyone needs to eat 70% fat." I keep my ratio lower than that but we're still eating similar.

    Some people just don't "do" carbs well. I'm one of them. This has worked very well for me.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Paleo isn't about 70% fat - it's about consuming what our ancestors did - meat, veggies, fruits and nuts.

    I firmly believe this is how we should be eating and it took me years to realize that this should be common sense but we're all sort of brainwashed to believe we should be stuffing our faces with processed whole grains and avoiding things like saturated fats. Our ancestors evolved eating this way before farming came around and they did just fine - it's just a shame it took me years to finally accept it. When I did, I lost significant weight, my energy increased, my skin cleared up, and even my cholesterol levels dropped. All this while eating much more food than I normally would have, a huge chunk of that food being fat. By fat, I don't mean refined fats either. I'm talking, pure unadulterated, unprocessed fat found naturally in foods like eggs and meat.

    There's quite a bit more research supporting this method of eating than we're led to believe. Here are some sources:
    Marks Daily Apple - Definitive Guides to things like Grains, Dairy, etc.
    There is no connection between fat and heart disease
    Kitavan Diet - A society that doesn't eat grains, dairy, refined fat or refined sugar. This culture as virtually no instances of heart disease or stroke despite one of the stapes being coconut - which consists dominantly of saturated fat.

    **Crud Muffins - how do I post links here? (or can I?) the usual BB coding isn't working. Do I need to use html?

    I had said that several times...............

    65-70% fat intake works for ME and the individual person that I am. Some people do even higher and some do less.

    Yes, just post the html code.

    Exactly. I don't go to 70%. That's YOUR individual choice. Somehow your 70% got interpreted into "everyone needs to eat 70% fat." I keep my ratio lower than that but we're still eating similar.

    Some people just don't "do" carbs well. I'm one of them. This has worked very well for me.

    Exactly. I believe the higher fat is working for me right now because I am still sorting through some hormonal issues, which we know that fat loss and weight loss has more to do with hormonal imbalances than with caloric intake.

    I know for a fact that as my body's imbalances line out and everything becomes more normal again my fat intake will decrease and my protein and carb intake will increase a bit to balance everything out.........

    I don't "do" carbs very well either.
  • gshinkle
    gshinkle Posts: 20
    Well I apologize that I don't have time to go through 8 pages of lengthy posts to make sure I'm not repeating myself even the slightest bit. If i am, then people can just ignore it :)

    And speaking of interpreting things wrong, my first comment simply implied that a paleo diet is not about monitoring how much percentage of fat you're eating - whether it be 70% of 30%.




    -neither HTML or BB coding seemed to yield proper links, so if anyone cares, they can copy and paste the readings!
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Well I apologize that I don't have time to go through 8 pages of lengthy posts to make sure I'm not repeating myself even the slightest bit. If i am, then people can just ignore it :)

    And speaking of interpreting things wrong, my first comment simply implied that a paleo diet is not about monitoring how much percentage of fat you're eating - whether it be 70% of 30%.




    -neither HTML or BB coding seemed to yield proper links, so if anyone cares, they can copy and paste the readings!

    If you were referring to my post, my apologies because you were interpreting it wrong. I was agreeing with you.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Paleo isn't about 70% fat - it's about consuming what our ancestors did - meat, veggies, fruits and nuts.

    I firmly believe this is how we should be eating and it took me years to realize that this should be common sense but we're all sort of brainwashed to believe we should be stuffing our faces with processed whole grains and avoiding things like saturated fats. Our ancestors evolved eating this way before farming came around and they did just fine - it's just a shame it took me years to finally accept it. When I did, I lost significant weight, my energy increased, my skin cleared up, and even my cholesterol levels dropped. All this while eating much more food than I normally would have, a huge chunk of that food being fat. By fat, I don't mean refined fats either. I'm talking, pure unadulterated, unprocessed fat found naturally in foods like eggs and meat.

    There's quite a bit more research supporting this method of eating than we're led to believe. Here are some sources:
    Marks Daily Apple - Definitive Guides to things like Grains, Dairy, etc.
    There is no connection between fat and heart disease
    Kitavan Diet - A society that doesn't eat grains, dairy, refined fat or refined sugar. This culture as virtually no instances of heart disease or stroke despite one of the stapes being coconut - which consists dominantly of saturated fat.

    **Crud Muffins - how do I post links here? (or can I?) the usual BB coding isn't working. Do I need to use html?

    I had said that several times...............

    65-70% fat intake works for ME and the individual person that I am. Some people do even higher and some do less.

    Yes, just post the html code.

    Exactly. I don't go to 70%. That's YOUR individual choice. Somehow your 70% got interpreted into "everyone needs to eat 70% fat." I keep my ratio lower than that but we're still eating similar.

    Some people just don't "do" carbs well. I'm one of them. This has worked very well for me.

    And see, the doctors told me that I need to limit my carb intake. That I was borderline diabetic and by 20 I would be a diabetic. I haven't changed a thing and I am not diabetic. I didn't roll over and accept it. I didn't let it get to the point where it did effect my life. I did my preventive maintainance and came out fine. My blood sugar levels are well under control.

    The "American" Diet and exercise have not failed me. I doubt it ever will. There is nothing out there that proves it's bad.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Paleo isn't about 70% fat - it's about consuming what our ancestors did - meat, veggies, fruits and nuts.

    I firmly believe this is how we should be eating and it took me years to realize that this should be common sense but we're all sort of brainwashed to believe we should be stuffing our faces with processed whole grains and avoiding things like saturated fats. Our ancestors evolved eating this way before farming came around and they did just fine - it's just a shame it took me years to finally accept it. When I did, I lost significant weight, my energy increased, my skin cleared up, and even my cholesterol levels dropped. All this while eating much more food than I normally would have, a huge chunk of that food being fat. By fat, I don't mean refined fats either. I'm talking, pure unadulterated, unprocessed fat found naturally in foods like eggs and meat.

    There's quite a bit more research supporting this method of eating than we're led to believe. Here are some sources:
    Marks Daily Apple - Definitive Guides to things like Grains, Dairy, etc.
    There is no connection between fat and heart disease
    Kitavan Diet - A society that doesn't eat grains, dairy, refined fat or refined sugar. This culture as virtually no instances of heart disease or stroke despite one of the stapes being coconut - which consists dominantly of saturated fat.

    **Crud Muffins - how do I post links here? (or can I?) the usual BB coding isn't working. Do I need to use html?

    I had said that several times...............

    65-70% fat intake works for ME and the individual person that I am. Some people do even higher and some do less.

    Yes, just post the html code.

    Exactly. I don't go to 70%. That's YOUR individual choice. Somehow your 70% got interpreted into "everyone needs to eat 70% fat." I keep my ratio lower than that but we're still eating similar.

    Some people just don't "do" carbs well. I'm one of them. This has worked very well for me.

    And see, the doctors told me that I need to limit my carb intake. That I was borderline diabetic and by 20 I would be a diabetic. I haven't changed a thing and I am not diabetic. I didn't roll over and accept it. I didn't let it get to the point where it did effect my life. I didn't my preventive maintainance and came out fine. My blood sugar levels are well under control.

    The "American" Diet and exercise have not failed me. I doubt it ever will. There is nothing out there that proves it's bad.

    There might be a typo there, you didn’t or you did your preventive maintenance?

    And so we are clear, please explain “American” diet, the one where “there is nothing out there that proves it’s bad”?
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    Children are getting Type II diabetes.
This discussion has been closed.