Beginners 30 Day Shred Challenge starts 4/17--CLOSED



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I was sure that I was going to half *kitten* my workout yesterday b/c I am still feeling pretty rough. I actually feel like I put forth more effort since my body had a day to rest in my laziness. I actaully even felt a little better after doing it, but several hours later was back to being sickly. Wah. I would like to get some cardio in this week too, but we have friends coming over to help with some basement work tonight and my brother-in-law and his son coming tomorrow for dinner. If weather permits I may try to run tomorrow morning before work. It is pouring buckets in KY today (again....) so there was no running this morning. So. Tired. Of. Rain.
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    Shredded at 7 this morning. I'm still not doing even half of the exercises full out and all reps....I'll see how I feel in a few days but I may need a few additional days before moving on to Level 3! Anyone else having similar problems. I know I'm probably the old lady in the group (44) lol, so maybe my old body just isn't adapting to change as quickly.
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    I was sure that I was going to half *kitten* my workout yesterday b/c I am still feeling pretty rough. I actually feel like I put forth more effort since my body had a day to rest in my laziness. I actaully even felt a little better after doing it, but several hours later was back to being sickly. Wah. I would like to get some cardio in this week too, but we have friends coming over to help with some basement work tonight and my brother-in-law and his son coming tomorrow for dinner. If weather permits I may try to run tomorrow morning before work. It is pouring buckets in KY today (again....) so there was no running this morning. So. Tired. Of. Rain.

    It's sunny here today but we have been getting tons of rain as well!! Quite a wet spring. My ducks are loving it...the goats, not so much!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Shredded at 7 this morning. I'm still not doing even half of the exercises full out and all reps....I'll see how I feel in a few days but I may need a few additional days before moving on to Level 3! Anyone else having similar problems. I know I'm probably the old lady in the group (44) lol, so maybe my old body just isn't adapting to change as quickly.

    It varies for me by the day. Some days I can sink way down into the lunges/squats, other days I'm a little wimpier. Have you tried lighter weights to get you through all the reps? I had to drop to 3 pound weights for circuit 3.

    Day 18 complete for me! Only 2 days left of Level 2 and then we'll get to check out Level 3. I'm kind of nervous and excited!!! :) Today is my major workout day because I have Zumba tonight. I burned about 225 calories this morning doing the Shred, and I"ll burn at least 500 calories tonight, woo hoo!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I have been using canned pinto beans for the V raises b/c the lightest weights I have are 5 lbs. The past 2 days I have been alternating in my 5 pound dumbells. I can't complete the full second set of plank jacks (I modify about half) and have a hard time with the double jump ropes if I do the triple circle with my arms instead of just one circle. Also hate the plank jumps. They hurt my knees if I jump too far. I do love the plank twists though. I don't mind the military press balance thing if I use lighter weights for the V raises. Again, I have seen improvement since the first day. What will level 3 bring?! Yay for us!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    Shredded early! Still modifying quite a bit. Only got in 10 minutes on the elliptical before I had to leave for the day.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    :-( I TOTALLY popped my knee out doing the Shred this came completely out of the joint. Now, this is somewhat normal for me, as I have a hypermobility syndrome (my joints dislocate and bend the wrong ways quite frequently), but it still hurt...a lot. I've got ice on it now, but will definitely be modifying from here on out I think...UGH!!!

    AND, I've gained 1.2 pounds....seriously?! Maybe it's just a bad week. Hopefully it will get better...
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    :-( I TOTALLY popped my knee out doing the Shred this came completely out of the joint. Now, this is somewhat normal for me, as I have a hypermobility syndrome (my joints dislocate and bend the wrong ways quite frequently), but it still hurt...a lot. I've got ice on it now, but will definitely be modifying from here on out I think...UGH!!!

    AND, I've gained 1.2 pounds....seriously?! Maybe it's just a bad week. Hopefully it will get better...

    Dayzee. OUCH!! Hope it feels better soon!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    Better Shred today! Did all but 3 anterior delt V raises, tried the plank. Jacks with an actual hopping motion and got through about 2/3 of them. I'm feeling stronger! I'm beginning to see a little definition line at my biceps . AND weight loss is kicking back in. I've lost almost 4 lbs. this week! After my 1 pound gain last week I was feeling discouraged . I started upping my calories on the advice of some MFPals and then came back down to between 1230-1500 for the last few days and Voila...a kick start!

    I guess my body is smart. I have to keep it guessing!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Oh, Dayzee, be careful! Sorry about your knee--take it easy and definitely modify the move that hurt you!!

    Is everyone still doing well? We're on Day 19, YAAAAYYYYYY!!! Only one more day of Level 2 then we get to check Level 3. Level 3 is going to be interesting for me because I'm going to be on vacation for most of it. I hope that our condo has a DVD player, otherwise I'll be working out to the tiny screen on my netbook!

    I usually weigh in on Thursdays, but forgot to this morning so I'll have to do my official weigh in tomorrow. I doubt that I've lost anything because I'm feeling pretty bloated from the lovely TOM. And next week on vacation I know that I'll definitely be less strict with my diet, so I'm not sure I'll get the results that I was hoping for. I'm thinking that I'm going to do Round 2 of the Shred--maybe take a couple weeks off and then restart. Anyone thinking that they might want to go for Round 2? If so, do you think that it would be better to spread it out over 6 weeks, and do M-F Shred, weekends off (with other workouts or rest day)? Any takers???

    Hope everyone is doing great. Less than 30 hours until I'm officially on vacation!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Sorry about your knee Dayzee. Ouch....

    My weigh in day was today and I didn't forget although wish I would have. I am up 2 pounds, which is the most I have gained since starting MFP. I'm pretty certain it's water weight as I was very bloated this morning. I feel like i've had a lot of sodium this week; maybe I should look into that. Anyways, I did not record my weight today. Maybe tomorrow.

    Have fun on vaca Heather. Wish we were going too. :frown: I was wondering if you were going to be shredding at the beach. At least it is only 25 minutes. You can squeeze that in before First. :wink:

    I don't think I'm interested in another round honestly. I have liked it so far and think I am seeing results, but I miss my cardio and I miss the gym. And it's warming up and some days I don't want to spend even 25 of my off work while the sun is still out minutes inside. I'm going to redefine my workouts once this is done and actually incorporate some interval training like this into my workouts. But I will be finishing the 30 days up. I set my goal to get to 128-130 and I will not be making that. I would like to get to 132.

    Today is like my Friday because it's Derby weekend! Woo hoo! I leave for a meetingt in an hour and once it's over, it's the weekend for me. Yay!
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I would definitely be up for round 2...count me in! I still have a LONG ways to go!
  • afasnacht
    afasnacht Posts: 47 Member
    I would definitely be up for a round 2...I would like to take like a week or 2 off just to switch up my routine and keep my body guessing! I feel like if I do something different for 2 weeks and then come back to 30 DS that would be a good thing! the M-F thing would probably be good for me especially since I will be moving in the next 8-10 weeks!

    I'm feeling good this week, ever since I put up my sodium on my diary I've been watching it closely and I've seen a loss...woo hoo! My official weigh in will be tomorrow so I'm hoping for like 2lbs....that would be awesome!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    I would definitely be up for a round 2...I would like to take like a week or 2 off just to switch up my routine and keep my body guessing! I feel like if I do something different for 2 weeks and then come back to 30 DS that would be a good thing! the M-F thing would probably be good for me especially since I will be moving in the next 8-10 weeks!

    Okay, you're on!!! I think that the last day of this first round is Monday 5/16. Why don't we aim for Round 2 starting Monday 5/30?
    Level 1 will be 5/30-6/3 and 6/6-6/20
    Level 2 will be 6/13-6/17 and 6/20-6/24
    Level 3 will be 6/27-7/1 and 7/4-7/8
    *Weekends will be whatever you want to do for exercise or rest day--whatever

    Who else wants to give it a second go starting 5/30? :happy:
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    I would definitely be up for round 2...count me in! I still have a LONG ways to go!

    Okay, so it looks like it will be me, Dayzeerock and Afsnacht for round 3. Maybe Tiff will want to join too??? Ashley, I'm not offended that you don't want to go again, I totally get it. And since your my sister I guess I can't be mad at you. :wink: I'm definitely planning to add more cardio in with the next round, that's why I'm excited about spreading it out over 6 weeks so we have the weekends to do whatever. And since I Shred at 5:30 in the morning I have plenty of time to get outside after work. :bigsmile:

    Can you guys believe that we're already at Day 20?!!! I did the last day of Level 2 this morning, so here I come Level 3 tomorrow!!!! Let's keep this going, just 10 more days until we're done with round one!!

    Oh, and I weighed in this morning and it wasn't very impressive--just down 0.2lbs--but at least it is a loss, and given that I was bad last weekend and TOM is here, I can't ask for much more! While I'm on vacation next week I'm going to reset my weight loss goal to 1/2 pound per week, so at least I'll have 250 extra calories to play with each day, giving me a goal of 1500 before my exercise calories. That will probably be a little more feasible than my current starting calorie goal of 1250 per day.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I may do the shred again....I dunno....ask me at the end of May. :) Also depend on if I go to Bonnaroo b/c there will be no DVD player there.

    I am off work today so shredded first thing this morning. I am so glad Level 2 is over. Think I may go for a longish run today. It's gorgeous here in KY for the Oaks horse races! Everyone have a great weekend. We're 2/3 of the way done. Yay!!!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning fellow shredders!! Day 21 done for me, first day of Level 3 completed! And honestly it wasn't too bad! There is quite a bit of jumping and quite a few plank moves, but fewer exercises with the weights. I had to modify some of the moves but think that they'll get easier with time. I definitely like level 3 more than level 2. Hope everyone else enjoys it!! :smile:
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    Level 3 wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I can't do the jumping lunge thingies. and only did about 3/4 of the walking push ups. Then I did about 25 min. on the elliptical and jumped on the trampoline with my six year old (which he thought was hilarious! )

    I'd be up for another go at the Shred. My 19 year old wants to do Shred with me once her finals are over.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Day 22 done! Day 2 of Level 3 was pretty good! I had to modify the rock star jumps--mainly because I didn't want to wake up the neighbors with my loud jumping. Also, I can't do the full walking push ups and have to do the modified version of that. This level really seems to get my heart rate up. The "strength" moves have so much cardio in them that I think we're getting more bang for our buck.

    Alright, 8 days to go and then we'll take a little break before starting round 2. Hope everyone is hanging in there and doing well. Only 8 days until we post our final weight and measurements. And moxleymama--I find it hard to believe that you have a 19 year old daughter--WOW!! You look so young!

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!!!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Day 23 conquered! I really am enjoying Level 3 much more than level 2, and I burn about the same number of calories so I think that I'm still getting a pretty good workout. I have do the modified traveling push ups, and I can't do the rock star jumps right now because the condo we're staying in on vacation is on the 2nd floor and I think that might push our downstairs neighbors over the edge because that is some LOUD jumping! Just substituting some quieter jumping jacks for now.

    Everyone seems to have been a little M.I.A. over the weekend, but I hope that you're all doing well!! :happy: