

  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    I couldn't help but notice your original post (gained 10lbs). I saw two things that stood out to me, one was you sit for hours and the other was your change in eating healthier foods. I presume your doing all things right but are you really getting enough exercise for the new foods you have introduced to your body. I can only share my experience: I followed MFP for 7 weeks and got nothing but 1lb more. From having tried many diets over the last 2 years, I know i can loose the weight but if I have to eat exactly what a diet tells me to for life -- success plumets and weight slowly comes back. I want to eat my heatlhier choices, now in my lifestyle for the last 10 years, and not feel boxed in to "planning" every meal. I don't recommend anyone eat 1200 calories but never say never. My BMR calories, based off of Bally's 6,7, 8 Plan, are 1876 and I took 500 caloreis away to loose 1lb a week. From my new total of 1376, I calculated exercise that would burn another 500 calories 6 days a week (one day off). Now, I do believe if you are pumping iron to bulid muscle mass you will need to eat the addtional calories MFP encourages you to, but if you are not and you are just exercising yet not killing yourself ---then you may not need to eat them. I don't feel weak, I have energy and I can now breath in my clothes again. I sweat when I workout and my heart rate is elevated but I am never fully out of breath. My workouts are either walking 4 miles daily when possible (about 1.5hrs) or I get on an elliptical for 60min (again moving but not killing myself). I noticed this type of reptitive low lean muscle producing movement - burns calories for me. I don't diary my exercise and I just try to keep to 1376 calories. As I loose weight, I plan on adjusting the process as if I were starting over. So far I've lost 6lbs in 3 weeks: first 3lbs, then 1lb, then 2lbs. I eat high protein low carb naturally all my life but if I am ever hungry or out of calories I will let myself eat a salad w/1TB dressing or apples - which isn't often. Before, I was only getting 30min of ellipitical daily with one long walk on one of the weekend days and eating the calorie intake MFP recommended. This did not work for me. Since I am now eating foods I would normally eat anyway, staying successful for life should be easy. If I know a party or a McDonald's craving is coming up then I try to incorporate additional exercise to allow for it but not gain weight from it. Maybe more or longer low impact workouts could be a key for you. Keep updating us.

    Thank you for sharing - this is very helpful! I think you're definitely right about the exercise calories. I'm not really weight training, or burning 200 calories in 20 minutes. Far from hardcore (and I still spend a lot of time sitting at my desk, which I forgot about). It didn't occur to me that there may be a difference in that, so thank you!!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Oops hit reply too soon. I also wanted to add that you seem to be eating quite a bit of processed foods. I recommend more whole foods (the less that comes in a cardboard box- the better). I know, here in my 30s also, I really need to focus on lean proteins, fruits, veggies, good fats and minimize the carbs (not eliminate--but less than 100 grams here day) to see any progress on the scale.

    Plus, I think I read that allergy meds might hinder weight loss? Zyrtec might be one of t hem!

    So, until you can see a doc, maybe you could look at some of these things? Good luck--I can only imagine how frustrating it must be!!

    Thanks!! I'm pretty sure that, although it may not be a major thyroid issue, my body's metabolism does not work the same as most. I'll bet it's not burning calories at the same rate as an average person at my height and weight. It's way too easy for me to gain weight, and way too hard to lose it. I do need to see a specialist at some point, because this is ridiculous. I also sweat (while doing nothing but breathing) more than anyone I've ever known, and have low blood sugar, very sensitive skin, and I'm allergic to dust of all creatures. DUST! The thing that's everywhere, all the time! I feel like they're all connected to an underlying issue - like my body is revolting (no pun intended). It considers dust, sun, chemicals, processed foods, pollution, etc. all the enemy (most of which are). So it puffs up, and retains water and weight. Like, I'm one giant hive.

    In the meantime, though, I'd like to combat what I can. So, I've incorporated way more raw foods, including lots and lots of produce. You're right - I do have too many processed foods, all in a row. I think I'm still trying to fit some of this stuff into my lifestyle, because I see others eating it and losing weight. I'll bet it's just not that simple for me. Maybe I should only have one day a week for processed stuff, instead of allowing a few cheat items here and there. I'm definitely not eating back any more exercise calories.

    Thank you so much!!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Sorry, me again. I failed to mention that I also believe certain combinations of meals can slow your weight loss to a screaching halt, so you may want to read up on blood diets where certain foods work better with your body type and blood type. I know it sounds crazy but I really belive ...all things in moderation when it comes to weight loss and exercise because we are all so different.

    That's very interesting! I'm certainly dealing with a clearly finicky system, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if she reacts poorly to certain items or combinations. I'll look into that; thanks!!

    What I'm also beginning to think is that I can't pepper my week with a cheat item here and there, like I have been. I'll bet one serving of chips in a day will throw off several hours after. So even if the rest of that meal is goody two shoes, it won't be enough to balance out the bad. And, if it's late enough in the day, or the quantity is larger, there is no salvaging. Yup, I can easily see that being an issue, because I tend to go for cheat items in the afternoon and evening. Hmm...
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    I agree with CLA2801, processed foods are very bad and I do belive they drastically hinder weight loss. I think less than 10% of my diet, what I eat daily, would be processed foods on most days.

    Yes, I'm going to cut back on those even more!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Why not try a low-carb / more protein approach? If you aren't burning all those carbs, they are getting stored.

    Excess carbs also make your body retain water.

    Have a look at the Protein Power plan. Please verify, but I believe it will suggest you each around 36g protein / 10-20g carbs per meal, and that is it. That will be WAY BELOW your current carb goal of 200+, and just above your current protein goal.

    I have been following it to letter for the last 3 months. Over the last three weeks I am down about 8 lbs. Of course, exercise helps too, but it looks like you are doing that as well.

    Good luck!

    Ooo, thank you! I will look into that for sure. I drink a TON of water. Most days, I'm at three or more times the minimum requirement. It would make sense then, if my body holds onto it, that that's a big problem. And, it would possibly explain why I weight 190 pounds, at 5' 5.5", but still fit into a size 10-12. My body is rock solid underneath the layers of flab. I'm very strong, but very heavy.

    As I've started to ramble throughout these posts, I'm finding a few patterns that may not affect someone else, but could easily be my problem. Cutting way back on carbs, and upping the healthy protein may be just what I need. Thank you!!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    AND I just updated my diary to reflect sugar and saturated fat - guess who's in the red rather often on both of those?? I didn't even think of that! That could be a big problem, right there!
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Check your sodium levels (switch your food diary columns for a week or two). Normally, I'd say if you are eating a lot of fruit and veg, then the potassium would take care of the sodium and you wouldn't have water retention, but worth a look.

    I did find a few websites that indicate 10lbs of water weight gain are possible. I know I've read things in the past that say even more is possible.

    Keep up the investigation! We are all different. You'll figure it out.

    I didn't read through all the replies, but I would agree, check your sodium! A dietitian told me that if I ever have issues with losing while staying withing my calories, she would bet it was due to a high sodium intake. But you say you look great and feel great, so isn't that what counts?? XOXO
  • zlopera
    zlopera Posts: 5
    Yea, it's the processed stuff.
    I too am allergic to dust and eating any bit of processed foods consistently. I found this out after 6 months of the blood type diet. Turns out orange juice, bananas and corn are bit tricky for my body (I get sniffles galore as if I have a cold). I even try to stay away from nitrates and perservatives in packaged meats by purchasing Hormel naturals. I found after those 6 months that my taste buds had changed and what use to taste plain (apple) or like cardboard (heathly - sprouted wheat bread) was now divine. Now I never have allergy probems during hayfever season. I've also heard of coffee slowing down the weight loss process if you don't have enough probiotics in your tummy. i dont' expect anyone to give that up but ...try to find something else - tea maybe and again watch for reactions. I think in some way, there is a new you and you have plateaud (sorry spelling) because of it.
    I did review what you are eating and if i were you i would go back to basics, fresh sandwiches --- maybe opened faced to avoid too much bread. Snacks like apples, plums and nectarines as snacks; and throw in steamed veggies with lemon juice, a bit of salt and peppper every now and then too. I thought you are getting too little bang (filling food) for your buck (calories) and that's another reason why your body is haning on to the weight. I guess that woudl be equivalent to salt and faty foods. Eat the sweet stuff only once in the day if you can. Easy for me to say but watch for your reactions in trying this.
    I know the frustration of trying so hard and getting no where! Stick the course and figure out the new you because I think it is good thing.
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Yea, it's the processed stuff.
    I too am allergic to dust and eating any bit of processed foods consistently. I found this out after 6 months of the blood type diet. Turns out orange juice, bananas and corn are bit tricky for my body (I get sniffles galore as if I have a cold). I even try to stay away from nitrates and perservatives in packaged meats by purchasing Hormel naturals. I found after those 6 months that my taste buds had changed and what use to taste plain (apple) or like cardboard (heathly - sprouted wheat bread) was now divine. Now I never have allergy probems during hayfever season. I've also heard of coffee slowing down the weight loss process if you don't have enough probiotics in your tummy. i dont' expect anyone to give that up but ...try to find something else - tea maybe and again watch for reactions. I think in some way, there is a new you and you have plateaud (sorry spelling) because of it.
    I did review what you are eating and if i were you i would go back to basics, fresh sandwiches --- maybe opened faced to avoid too much bread. Snacks like apples, plums and nectarines as snacks; and throw in steamed veggies with lemon juice, a bit of salt and peppper every now and then too. I thought you are getting too little bang (filling food) for your buck (calories) and that's another reason why your body is haning on to the weight. I guess that woudl be equivalent to salt and faty foods. Eat the sweet stuff only once in the day if you can. Easy for me to say but watch for your reactions in trying this.
    I know the frustration of trying so hard and getting no where! Stick the course and figure out the new you because I think it is good thing.

    Thank you! I really appreciate all your input!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    Check your sodium levels (switch your food diary columns for a week or two). Normally, I'd say if you are eating a lot of fruit and veg, then the potassium would take care of the sodium and you wouldn't have water retention, but worth a look.

    I did find a few websites that indicate 10lbs of water weight gain are possible. I know I've read things in the past that say even more is possible.

    Keep up the investigation! We are all different. You'll figure it out.

    I didn't read through all the replies, but I would agree, check your sodium! A dietitian told me that if I ever have issues with losing while staying withing my calories, she would bet it was due to a high sodium intake. But you say you look great and feel great, so isn't that what counts?? XOXO

    Thank you! Sodium is fine - I'm under the limit most of the time. Sugar (even though most is from fruit) and saturated fat were awfully high, though. Also, as I was hashing all this out, I started thinking about some of my cheat items. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe the few items I am consuming need to be all in the same day, because they cause such a stir in my system that they cancel out the good stuff each day.

    The quest continues!
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    I found more bugs in my system!

    At this point, I'm sure I'm a rare creature and am having a harder time than the average bear. However, I am not a helpless victim who will toss up her hands to genetic make up. My body requires special circumstances, whether I like it or not. I will fight and I will find a way to lose this weight. She and I are together for life, and as frustrating as all this is, I will not allow us to remain unhappy for the rest of our days. And in the end, she will thank me for it.

    I did that BMR thing in the tools section, and it suggests someone of my height/weight burns around 1580 calories daily at rest. So, my calorie goal hasn't necessarily been a 500 calorie deficit, but an assumption that I burn at least 420 calories with normal daily activity. There's no way to tell whether that's true, unless I get one of those fancy contraptions I can't currently afford (what I thought my HRM was when I spent $100 on it). So, I was right in thinking that I spend too much time sitting - because not only do I spend the majority of my day nearly at rest, I do so all in one chunk of time. I need to move more throughout the day, undoubtedly.

    Also, I changed my height back to 5' 6" (the half inch wasn't recognized, so it had me as 5' 5") and my calorie goal only went up to 1470. I think I need to update my goals every couple pounds in order to accommodate the new metabolism.

    Now, here's the tricky part. I think I have to lower my calorie intake very gradually. Too fast will throw me into starvation mode and plateau. I've only got 270 calories more than the minimum requirement. However, I will worry about the minimum 1200 when I get to it.

    Wow. I really hope someone sees this and it helps them. Otherwise, this is going to feel like a very selfish post.

    Thank you for the blood diet suggestion, zlopera, but after reading about it, I think I'm going to pass on that particular one. I do plan to reduce processed foods, and eat more raw, and I don't eat a ton of meat, anyway. So, I think that will be close enough.

    Keep on keepin' on!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I noticed that you mentioned that you sit a lot - on the train, at work, etc. If this is the case, then you need to make sure you're working out at least 3-4 times a week. Give your body a good workout, drink a lot of water, watch your sodium and stay within your calorie goal. I looked at your diary and you were over your calories quite a few days.

    Going over with healthy foods isn't different than going over with unhealthy foods - a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. A calorie in fruit if not burned - will still be stored.

    I would definitely re-evaluate how many calories you're eating, how you're working out and such.

    I work on my feet and I go to the gym 2-3 days a week for 60 mins. I consume 2200-2500 NET calories, eat back all my exercise calories and I am maintaining my weight (143-145lbs). The key is figuring out what works for YOUR body.

    Good Luck!
  • dkb228
    dkb228 Posts: 73 Member
    So I was looking at your diary, and I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet (too many posts lol) but it matters WHEN you eat your food. You have your diary set so you're just tracking your total food - I highly recommend resetting it so you are keeping track of each meal as you consume them. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks. Because take it from me, even if you are under your calories, if you're eating 85% of your intake at dinner, you will not lose weight. I cannot stress enough how important it is to eat 4-5 small meals rather than 1-3 large. There is a reason that ALL the experts say this. If you don't spread your intake out you will KILL your metabolism. So maybe you should try logging your meals individually and see if this could be part of your problem. I know it was the major factor that kept me at a plateau for a couple months.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    So I was looking at your diary, and I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet (too many posts lol) but it matters WHEN you eat your food. You have your diary set so you're just tracking your total food - I highly recommend resetting it so you are keeping track of each meal as you consume them. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks. Because take it from me, even if you are under your calories, if you're eating 85% of your intake at dinner, you will not lose weight. I cannot stress enough how important it is to eat 4-5 small meals rather than 1-3 large. There is a reason that ALL the experts say this. If you don't spread your intake out you will KILL your metabolism. So maybe you should try logging your meals individually and see if this could be part of your problem. I know it was the major factor that kept me at a plateau for a couple months.

    I eat the majority of my food late at night. I work second shift - so I tend to be eating my dinner when most people are getting ready for bed. I've lost 60lbs eating at night. For me - it doesn't matter WHEN I eat, but WHAT I am eating. I eat every few hours from the moment I get out of bed - but like I said - the largest meal of MY day tends to be eaten around midnight. I think it all depends on YOUR body really. My body doesn't mind one bit that I am eating so much so late. :)
  • dkb228
    dkb228 Posts: 73 Member
    I agree that every body is different, but if you say you eat every couple of hours you are proving my point that to keep up your metabolism it is important to eat throughout the day. And I didn't just mean a large meal - I should clarify - I'm talking about how some people drink coffee when they wake up and then don't eat anything at all until dinner when they consume the rest of their calories in one sitting. My largest meal of the day is also my dinner (and the actual time obviously doesn't matter - your body knows your schedule) but that doesn't mean I'm eating all my calories in one sitting. Most people benefit from spreading out their intake throughout the day.
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    I agree that every body is different, but if you say you eat every couple of hours you are proving my point that to keep up your metabolism it is important to eat throughout the day. And I didn't just mean a large meal - I should clarify - I'm talking about how some people drink coffee when they wake up and then don't eat anything at all until dinner when they consume the rest of their calories in one sitting. My largest meal of the day is also my dinner (and the actual time obviously doesn't matter - your body knows your schedule) but that doesn't mean I'm eating all my calories in one sitting. Most people benefit from spreading out their intake throughout the day.

    Thank you both, Chevygrl & dkb! The good news is, this is one thing I've been doing right. I start off with water and something raw (usually a banana) and eat throughout the day, mostly small portions. The last few days have been bigger meals because it was a wedding weekend and I had events to attend. It's funny, because I feel SO full when I eat an actual plate's worth of food now. When I was about 13 years old, I could polish off an entire large pizza and still have room for dessert.

    I lump all my daily foods into one because it's faster for me to log that way. :)

    One thing I should mention, though, is that I was exercising very late in the day - crossing over midnight sometimes. I definitely do need to step it up. I need to do it earlier and more often to keep my metabolism up. Burning 400 calories with exercise at 11:30pm and going to bed 2 hours later is going to halt the continued burn I would get if I'd done it in the afternoon.

    I am, for sure, sitting way too much. I have to right now, because I have a huge work project. However, I'll need to figure out a way to fit that exercise in.

    Thank you!!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    So I was looking at your diary, and I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet (too many posts lol) but it matters WHEN you eat your food. You have your diary set so you're just tracking your total food - I highly recommend resetting it so you are keeping track of each meal as you consume them. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks. Because take it from me, even if you are under your calories, if you're eating 85% of your intake at dinner, you will not lose weight. I cannot stress enough how important it is to eat 4-5 small meals rather than 1-3 large. There is a reason that ALL the experts say this. If you don't spread your intake out you will KILL your metabolism. So maybe you should try logging your meals individually and see if this could be part of your problem. I know it was the major factor that kept me at a plateau for a couple months.

    Actually, that is completely untrue. Scientific studies have proven that meal timing has absolutely no effect on weight loss. All your body cares about is getting the required number of nutrients every day, regardless of whether they come in in 6 or 7 little meals, or one large meal. There are several different lifestyles where people eat all of their daily calories within a 5 or 6 hour window, usually in one or two meals. The only thing that kills your metabolism is not eating enough total calories to support body function.
  • dkb228
    dkb228 Posts: 73 Member
    So I was looking at your diary, and I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet (too many posts lol) but it matters WHEN you eat your food. You have your diary set so you're just tracking your total food - I highly recommend resetting it so you are keeping track of each meal as you consume them. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks. Because take it from me, even if you are under your calories, if you're eating 85% of your intake at dinner, you will not lose weight. I cannot stress enough how important it is to eat 4-5 small meals rather than 1-3 large. There is a reason that ALL the experts say this. If you don't spread your intake out you will KILL your metabolism. So maybe you should try logging your meals individually and see if this could be part of your problem. I know it was the major factor that kept me at a plateau for a couple months.

    Actually, that is completely untrue. Scientific studies have proven that meal timing has absolutely no effect on weight loss. All your body cares about is getting the required number of nutrients every day, regardless of whether they come in in 6 or 7 little meals, or one large meal. There are several different lifestyles where people eat all of their daily calories within a 5 or 6 hour window, usually in one or two meals. The only thing that kills your metabolism is not eating enough total calories to support body function.

    I only mentioned this because it 100% worked for me. When I was only eating 1 or 2 large meals (healthy or otherwise - either way, always within my calorie range) I was gaining or maintaining weight. As soon as I began spreading out my consumption and changing when I worked out in relation to my eating, I began losing weight and feeling healthier. I am reluctant to believe in coincidences. I've also only heard of one study that "disproved" this but know of many that say it is beneficial. But again, every body is different. And I wasn't trying to spark a debate, I was just offering support by sharing what helped me.