StrongLifts 5x5



  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I talked to a guy at the rec center that is also doing Stronglifts, so that was cool. Also, I got my 5x5 of 65 lbs on my Squats so no more stalling for me! Going to make sure I do a lot of hip flexibility work though for my warm-ups and cool-downs.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I talked to a guy at the rec center that is also doing Stronglifts, so that was cool. Also, I got my 5x5 of 65 lbs on my Squats so no more stalling for me! Going to make sure I do a lot of hip flexibility work though for my warm-ups and cool-downs.

    I love this stretch, I do it every time before I squat and it helps immensely.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I talked to a guy at the rec center that is also doing Stronglifts, so that was cool. Also, I got my 5x5 of 65 lbs on my Squats so no more stalling for me! Going to make sure I do a lot of hip flexibility work though for my warm-ups and cool-downs.

    I love this stretch, I do it every time before I squat and it helps immensely.

    Nice, thanks for posting that.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Started week 3 of my second round of Wendler 5/3/1. Am now using a new bench press stance. Got 8 reps on my last set of 1 rep. This new stance is a bit awkward and will take some getting used to but it's going to alleviate a lot of stress on my front delt.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Started week 3 of my second round of Wendler 5/3/1. Am now using a new bench press stance. Got 8 reps on my last set of 1 rep. This new stance is a bit awkward and will take some getting used to but it's going to alleviate a lot of stress on my front delt.

    Are you using more of a powerlifter setup?
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Started week 3 of my second round of Wendler 5/3/1. Am now using a new bench press stance. Got 8 reps on my last set of 1 rep. This new stance is a bit awkward and will take some getting used to but it's going to alleviate a lot of stress on my front delt.

    Are you using more of a powerlifter setup?

    Yes. I can feel the extreme arch in my lower back. That will take some getting used to but when i lock in that "shelf" (scapula pinched together) it seems to provide less stress on that front delt.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Started week 3 of my second round of Wendler 5/3/1. Am now using a new bench press stance. Got 8 reps on my last set of 1 rep. This new stance is a bit awkward and will take some getting used to but it's going to alleviate a lot of stress on my front delt.

    Are you using more of a powerlifter setup?

    Yes. I can feel the extreme arch in my lower back. That will take some getting used to but when i lock in that "shelf" (scapula pinched together) it seems to provide less stress on that front delt.

    Thats good. I started watch Tates BP videos earlier this year and adopted that method too. Better on the shoulders and I feel stronger under the bar. I still kept a narrower grip out of fear of retearing a tendon but I've since widened my grip and it's worked well for me.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Started week 3 of my second round of Wendler 5/3/1. Am now using a new bench press stance. Got 8 reps on my last set of 1 rep. This new stance is a bit awkward and will take some getting used to but it's going to alleviate a lot of stress on my front delt.

    Are you using more of a powerlifter setup?

    Yes. I can feel the extreme arch in my lower back. That will take some getting used to but when i lock in that "shelf" (scapula pinched together) it seems to provide less stress on that front delt.

    Thats good. I started watch Tates BP videos earlier this year and adopted that method too. Better on the shoulders and I feel stronger under the bar. I still kept a narrower grip out of fear of retearing a tendon but I've since widened my grip and it's worked well for me.

    Today was squat day (I do 5/3/1 four days a week). Not sure if you saw the recent article/video on EliteFTS website but I tweaked a few things (elbows pinned in tighter & down, bar much farther down on the back/shelf) on my squat and I felt MUCH more powerful. It does hurt a bit on the delts and my right wrist but other than that, squats went very well.
  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    Hello strong people, had a great workout today. I'm training for a 5K so I'm only getting my weights in once or twice a week. Today did squats/OHP/DL, not my heaviest but heavy enough since I'm going to run tomorrow.

    I concentrated on getting my squats low today and it felt good!


  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hello strong people, had a great workout today. I'm training for a 5K so I'm only getting my weights in once or twice a week. Today did squats/OHP/DL, not my heaviest but heavy enough since I'm going to run tomorrow.

    I concentrated on getting my squats low today and it felt good!



    Good for you. Getting as low as you can go, ATG, is a good thing. There's one guy at my gym that is so flexible his butt is not but a few inches off the ground. My hips would shatter I think.

    @BR: I havent, I'll check it out today.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Today was squat day (I do 5/3/1 four days a week). Not sure if you saw the recent article/video on EliteFTS website but I tweaked a few things (elbows pinned in tighter & down, bar much farther down on the back/shelf) on my squat and I felt MUCH more powerful. It does hurt a bit on the delts and my right wrist but other than that, squats went very well.

    I went to the site but I didn't see anything squat specific, must've been a couple days ago. There are a couple interesting articles about strength / max effort training in general though.

    About two weeks ago I got to the point where the training volume I was doing combined with my calorie deficit just became too much, so I started 5/3/1 again. One aspect I do like about 5/3/1 is that you can focus on building strength in each of the lifts but the volume isn't so overwhelming and I feel like I can still diet-down and build strength without overtraining. I won't gain as quickly but progress is progress. We should start a 5/3/1 thread.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Started a Wendler 5/3/1 thread for anyone interested....
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    HOLY CRAP, I'm sore! I was sore before my workout, then increased weight again and banged it out! Now I'm totally gassed in lower body.

    Here's my issue though. My right knee is really feeling sore, like where the muscle attaches to the knee (I'm pretty sure it's the muscle that's hurting). I haven't stalled or failed yet on squats but at this point it's looking like I will real soon due to the pain more so than the lifting weight. I'm wondering if I should take a good week off to fully recover or something. I don't really do anything else exercise wise, except once a week basketball. Anyone else have this problem?

    I've had a PT that I trust check out my form. He thinks it's good, other than I definitely get shaky and I'm starting to let the knees tip inward a little as the weight has grown close to my max now. But aren't you always gonna start showing your weaknesses thru spotty form when you are close to your max?
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    HOLY CRAP, I'm sore! I was sore before my workout, then increased weight again and banged it out! Now I'm totally gassed in lower body.

    Here's my issue though. My right knee is really feeling sore, like where the muscle attaches to the knee (I'm pretty sure it's the muscle that's hurting). I haven't stalled or failed yet on squats but at this point it's looking like I will real soon due to the pain more so than the lifting weight. I'm wondering if I should take a good week off to fully recover or something. I don't really do anything else exercise wise, except once a week basketball. Anyone else have this problem?

    I've had a PT that I trust check out my form. He thinks it's good, other than I definitely get shaky and I'm starting to let the knees tip inward a little as the weight has grown close to my max now. But aren't you always gonna start showing your weaknesses thru spotty form when you are close to your max?

    Yeah, weak points in form will show-up as the weight gets heavier. It almost sounds like your quads are the weakness maybe? If that's the case that's actually not bad as it's more common to overcompensate with the quads. Do you do any assistance work for your legs and if so what do you do?

    What did your PT say about the soreness in your knee? You'll have to judge for yourself but it sounds like you may need to give your legs a small break.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    HOLY CRAP, I'm sore! I was sore before my workout, then increased weight again and banged it out! Now I'm totally gassed in lower body.

    Here's my issue though. My right knee is really feeling sore, like where the muscle attaches to the knee (I'm pretty sure it's the muscle that's hurting). I haven't stalled or failed yet on squats but at this point it's looking like I will real soon due to the pain more so than the lifting weight. I'm wondering if I should take a good week off to fully recover or something. I don't really do anything else exercise wise, except once a week basketball. Anyone else have this problem?

    I've had a PT that I trust check out my form. He thinks it's good, other than I definitely get shaky and I'm starting to let the knees tip inward a little as the weight has grown close to my max now. But aren't you always gonna start showing your weaknesses thru spotty form when you are close to your max?

    When you say pain where the muscle attaches to the knee I assume you mean the quad/vmo muscle on the top of your knee cap?

    Either way, I would be seeing a sports physio and getting there recommendations. But it sounds like you're knees might need a week off. Also, if you don't already, take fish oil. I swear by it for my joint issues. As in, my knees will feel worse squatting if I don't take it.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    also get sore knees if i'm not diligent with the fish oil aye...

    my knees(more specifically, my left knee) are ****e. always had trouble with them, since i was 28, they are better, which i attribute to squats. but still get sore from time to time...

    I get pain on the front of the knee cap on the left knee. The right one just aches, lol, so no problem.
    I find my warm up plays a big part in the pain, if i'm not properly warmed up, then i cant squat. doesnt take mush to warm it up, but that first set of overhead squats always hurts a bit.

    Going well with this method of training. Thought i was stalling monday just gone, but upped the weight last night anyway, and smashed i guess not, lol. Monday must have been a bad day...yet i killed the deadlifts... weird.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    HOLY CRAP, I'm sore! I was sore before my workout, then increased weight again and banged it out! Now I'm totally gassed in lower body.

    Here's my issue though. My right knee is really feeling sore, like where the muscle attaches to the knee (I'm pretty sure it's the muscle that's hurting). I haven't stalled or failed yet on squats but at this point it's looking like I will real soon due to the pain more so than the lifting weight. I'm wondering if I should take a good week off to fully recover or something. I don't really do anything else exercise wise, except once a week basketball. Anyone else have this problem?

    I've had a PT that I trust check out my form. He thinks it's good, other than I definitely get shaky and I'm starting to let the knees tip inward a little as the weight has grown close to my max now. But aren't you always gonna start showing your weaknesses thru spotty form when you are close to your max?

    When you say pain where the muscle attaches to the knee I assume you mean the quad/vmo muscle on the top of your knee cap?

    Either way, I would be seeing a sports physio and getting there recommendations. But it sounds like you're knees might need a week off. Also, if you don't already, take fish oil. I swear by it for my joint issues. As in, my knees will feel worse squatting if I don't take it.
    Thanks for the tip. I do take fish oil gelcaps, but not as faithfully as I should. I'll make sure to get em down regularly. I'm probably gonna give it a week off too.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    So I've missed a week of workouts due to being totally off the wagon with food and exercise. I'm planning on starting back up again. The week I missed was B/A/B. Should I start my next week as B/A/B then?

    Also, has anyone noticed some discomfort near their elbows/knees since starting to lift? I've been having this before Stronglifts even. I'm wondering if it's potentially tendonitis. I'm going to see my doctor next week about it. Hopefully his only suggestion for it is "stop lifting weights".
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Also, has anyone noticed some discomfort near their elbows/knees since starting to lift? I've been having this before Stronglifts even. I'm wondering if it's potentially tendonitis. I'm going to see my doctor next week about it. Hopefully his only suggestion for it is "stop lifting weights".

    Do you do any tricep extension work, skull crushers, etc? I've heard of people getting that kind of pain from that type of tricep isolation work. The heavy lifting itself may affect your elbows, I know it affects my shoulders from time-to-time. Somebody above mentioned Fish Oil, I also like Glucosamine Chondroitin in addition to the Fish Oil.
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    i'm feeling comfortable with all the excersises except OHP. And really feel like i havent worked out in 4 weeks from using these light weights.

    is it ok to increase the weight on all but one excersise?

    or should i just stick with the gradual increase for all the excersises?