StrongLifts 5x5



  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    Ended up doing lighter version of workouts ABA utilizing bands last week. This week I've decided to move to evenings, declared a mulligan, and am going to start at 60 lbs on everything just to keep it simple, that puts it at the upper end on OHP, moderate on Rows and fairly easy on everything else. My hope is that this will cause my fasting glucose to drop and make me feel better overall. I still will have to do my cardio at lunch however. Not sure how intense I should go, I find moderately intense kinda boring. *sigh*

    I'm also thinking if I follow w hottub stretching I might be able to avoid night cramps that usually happen at that instance.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    That's cool, how's your shoulder holding up?

    One other thing I wanted to mention (unfortunately can't edit my previous post) is that ever since I started doing shoulder dislocations prior to bench & OHP workouts it has meant a world of difference in flexibility and my pain level.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    That's cool, how's your shoulder holding up?

    One other thing I wanted to mention (unfortunately can't edit my previous post) is that ever since I started doing shoulder dislocations prior to bench & OHP workouts it has meant a world of difference in flexibility and my pain level.

    Shoulder dislocation? Is that were you take a light bar or stick grip it wide and move your arms up and over your head trying to go as far back as you can?
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    That's cool, how's your shoulder holding up?

    One other thing I wanted to mention (unfortunately can't edit my previous post) is that ever since I started doing shoulder dislocations prior to bench & OHP workouts it has meant a world of difference in flexibility and my pain level.

    Shoulder dislocation? Is that were you take a light bar or stick grip it wide and move your arms up and over your head trying to go as far back as you can?

  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    That's cool, how's your shoulder holding up?

    One other thing I wanted to mention (unfortunately can't edit my previous post) is that ever since I started doing shoulder dislocations prior to bench & OHP workouts it has meant a world of difference in flexibility and my pain level.

    Shoulder dislocation? Is that were you take a light bar or stick grip it wide and move your arms up and over your head trying to go as far back as you can?


    Ah okay. I started doing those again early last week actually after my first bench session because of some tightness in my right delt. I definitely need to improve my flexibility.
  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    Hi, new here, but I've been doing SL 5X5 since late March. I'm 45 years old (female) and stronger then ever. I've had a hard time doing SL 5X5 with a caloric deficit, so I've gained weight while doing it, and not just muscle weight. Now I'm training for a 5K (couch to 5K) but still doing SL a few times per week at lower than my max to maintain.

    I did New Rules of Lifting for Women prior to SL so I did have a base. My lower body strength increased a lot. I can squat 145 and DL 125. I don't see any other ladies at my gym doing that much, not even the young ones!

    I have struggeled with the upper body though. I can't increase my bench past 60 or my overhead press past 45. I know women have less upper body strength but it is frustrating. After my 5k I want to focus on these areas.

    So to close, if there are other women reading this, don't be afraid to cross over to the guy's side of the gym. I love it! Esp when I get "the nod" from the other serious weight lifters because they know I'm serious too!


    p.s. Mehdi has a video showing the shoulder dislocations.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Hi, new here, but I've been doing SL 5X5 since late March. I'm 45 years old (female) and stronger then ever. I've had a hard time doing SL 5X5 with a caloric deficit, so I've gained weight while doing it, and not just muscle weight. Now I'm training for a 5K (couch to 5K) but still doing SL a few times per week at lower than my max to maintain.

    I did New Rules of Lifting for Women prior to SL so I did have a base. My lower body strength increased a lot. I can squat 145 and DL 125. I don't see any other ladies at my gym doing that much, not even the young ones!

    I have struggeled with the upper body though. I can't increase my bench past 60 or my overhead press past 45. I know women have less upper body strength but it is frustrating. After my 5k I want to focus on these areas.

    So to close, if there are other women reading this, don't be afraid to cross over to the guy's side of the gym. I love it! Esp when I get "the nod" from the other serious weight lifters because they know I'm serious too!


    p.s. Mehdi has a video showing the shoulder dislocations.

    Welcome and congrats on your lifts! It is great to see a 45 year old women working hard to improve her abilities rather than just taking the typical approach of “I can’t do that anymore”

    For your upper body I would start to incorporate dips and pull/chin-ups if you are not already. Those will help get your BP and OHP numbers up. Also, while it goes against the 5x5 conventional wisdom, I actually find dumbbell rows to be a more effective assistance exercise than barbell rows, but you have to use HEAVY dumbbells. Switching to DB rows has helped my bench press too.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Also, while it goes against the 5x5 conventional wisdom, I actually find dumbbell rows to be a more effective assistance exercise than barbell rows, but you have to use HEAVY dumbbells. Switching to DB rows has helped my bench press too.

    Not to twist this into a Wendler thread because it's 5x5 but he (Wendler) advocates "balance" so on BP & OHP day there is usually a rowing movement and a rear delt type of movement to help build up the lats/rear delts for assistance with BP. I'm sure you're already aware of this but others may not be.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I have struggeled with the upper body though. I can't increase my bench past 60 or my overhead press past 45. I know women have less upper body strength but it is frustrating. After my 5k I want to focus on these areas.

    In addition to what the other two guys said, check your form because this is a common limiting factor to progression in certain lifts. There are plenty of videos on YouTube, Dave Tate is one of my personal favorites for demonstrating those lifts.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    For overhead press in particular and increasing 1rm's, Hepburn press course has been recommended to me. It's a double progression model basically. I am starting to stall on my 8x3 sets of OHP a few times now so going to do 2 or 3 deloads and if I can't keep making progress after them, then I will go to Hepburn style for OHP. (as I REALLY want to be able to strict OHP my body weight)
  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions and kind remarks everyone. I've watched Rippetoe's videos but didn't find them so helpful for the bench press (compared to say deadlifts). I bet form is an issue simply because I have short arms and I'm almost fully extended on the rack just to get the barbell off for the bench press.

    I like the idea about trying dumbbell rows instead of barbell and I plan to give that a try.

    I am not strong enough to do dips and pull ups unassisted. I was added them in using the assistance machines (as suggested in the old version of SL) as well as push ups. Then as I got to heavier weights I didn't feel like I could do them on top of BP and OHP.. I'm going to try them again!

  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Try a search for "Dave Tates Six Week Cure for the Bench Press" or "So You Think You Can Bench Press". Those are nicely followed by, "So You Think You Can Squat!.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    bump. Started day 1 of Stronglifts 5x5 Monday. Got my first B workout tomorrow, and really intimidated by the Deadlift.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You'll be right mate. Just start with the bar only (45lbs). Watch some vids here Shoulders back and down. You'll be deadlifting big in no time.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    You'll be right mate. Just start with the bar only (45lbs). Watch some vids here Shoulders back and down. You'll be deadlifting big in no time.

    According to the SL guide I should be starting with two 25's on the DL. Why does Mehdi recommend that?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Aah, I was thinking starting strength. Either way, that is not enough weight to do any damage to anyone even with terrible form unless they weight like 40kg :tongue: Shoulders back and down and keep the arch in lower back. Don't forget to warm up a bit first so you get full movement in ankles, knees and hips :)
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    You'll be right mate. Just start with the bar only (45lbs). Watch some vids here Shoulders back and down. You'll be deadlifting big in no time.

    According to the SL guide I should be starting with two 25's on the DL. Why does Mehdi recommend that?
    It's because on deadlift you start with the bar on the ground, or rather, just off the ground because of the height of the weights themselves. You don't wanna start your form off wrong by bringing your hands all the way to the floor which you would if there were no weights on it. So he recommends putting some (at least 25s I think) on at the beginning so your form can be correct. Deadlift is one where you'll probably be able to get more weight up relative to other exercises so using 25s to start (95 total lbs) will be ok most likely.

    Welcome to SL! I just started about a month ago; really loving it.
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    just now researching the 5x5. will start next week. the DL and OHP are kind of intimidating. but im trying to read and watch videos on proper form as much as i can. hopefully i dont break my back. lol

    im going to print all the hints i find and bring them with me to the gym. i'll look stupid but theres no way i can remember every single tip.....
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    ok, so Mehdi recommends high carbs for days you train and low carbs for days you dont. But what is considered low carbs and high carbs in a day by grams?
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    ok, so Mehdi recommends high carbs for days you train and low carbs for days you dont. But what is considered low carbs and high carbs in a day by grams?

    Not sure where you are seeing that he recommends high/low carb, so let me clarify. Get your carbs from fruits veggies and dairy. On training days (post workout) you can eat starches and grains. That is pretty much the gist of the SL diet, but personally I don’t follow it. All I do is eliminate refined carbs and “try” and keep starches and grains to a minimum but I am not overly cautious about it.