StrongLifts 5x5



  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    So has anyone here doing SL (or variations) actually gotten a "ripped" look from it? I started a few weeks ago at 10% bf. My main goal is to gain size & strength.

    My personal trainer (which I only had for 3 sessions) had me start the equivalent of Wendler's 5/3/1 and basically said if I stick to the 12 week plan I should expect to gain about 10-14 lbs of lean mass and keep the bf to within 10-12%. that seems a little optimistic to me, gains that big I mean, but I'm sticking with it. Since my primary goal is to gain size & strength I've gone to much more of a calorie surplus. I can tell I've gained a couple percents of bf back and am hoping it doesn't continue.

    Anyone had this kind of gain in 12 weeks? or any significant gains while keeping bf low? I kinda think since I started already lean that I have to just expect to gain some fat, idk.

    You could potentially gain 5-8lbs in LBM in 12 weeks, the high end of that is being optimistic, depending on your current strength level, but probably not using 5/3/1. If the program is following the progression schedule of 5/3/1 then you are only making weight increase monthly, which is great for long-term results over a year or so, but not for 12 weeks.

    Using SL, you could potentially land somewhere between 5-8lbs depending on your current strength level. If you are already lifting above bodyweight on most of your lifts, then your progression could be slower. The reason is say this is possible on SL and not 5/3/1 is because of the progressive loading; on 5/3/1 it is monthly, whereas on SL it is daily; and the faster you load the faster you’ll gain.

    If you want to maximize results in 12 weeks I would go with SL. If you want to stay long-term focused (over a year) go with 5/3/1, this does require an ego check though, because you will naturally want to increase faster. If you want something in between, go with Madcow.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    So has anyone here doing SL (or variations) actually gotten a "ripped" look from it? I started a few weeks ago at 10% bf. My main goal is to gain size & strength.

    My personal trainer (which I only had for 3 sessions) had me start the equivalent of Wendler's 5/3/1 and basically said if I stick to the 12 week plan I should expect to gain about 10-14 lbs of lean mass and keep the bf to within 10-12%. that seems a little optimistic to me, gains that big I mean, but I'm sticking with it. Since my primary goal is to gain size & strength I've gone to much more of a calorie surplus. I can tell I've gained a couple percents of bf back and am hoping it doesn't continue.

    Anyone had this kind of gain in 12 weeks? or any significant gains while keeping bf low? I kinda think since I started already lean that I have to just expect to gain some fat, idk.

    You could potentially gain 5-8lbs in LBM in 12 weeks, the high end of that is being optimistic, depending on your current strength level, but probably not using 5/3/1. If the program is following the progression schedule of 5/3/1 then you are only making weight increase monthly, which is great for long-term results over a year or so, but not for 12 weeks.

    Using SL, you could potentially land somewhere between 5-8lbs depending on your current strength level. If you are already lifting above bodyweight on most of your lifts, then your progression could be slower. The reason is say this is possible on SL and not 5/3/1 is because of the progressive loading; on 5/3/1 it is monthly, whereas on SL it is daily; and the faster you load the faster you’ll gain.

    If you want to maximize results in 12 weeks I would go with SL. If you want to stay long-term focused (over a year) go with 5/3/1, this does require an ego check though, because you will naturally want to increase faster. If you want something in between, go with Madcow.
    Yeah, I was wondering about this. The load increases seemed way too infrequent for someone who's basically new to heavy lifting. I should be able to increase load at these beginning stages way more than I am. I don't have the personal trainer anymore & have found myself adjusting my routine more toward the traditional SL routine. I think I'll just do it by the book, but start a little higher since I'm a few weeks in.

    For my 5 rep sets, I'm currently lifting about my weight for bench & above for squat & deadlift. So I really don't want to back track. Good advice.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member

    Let me first say that I find your contribution here very valuable and always consider your advice when I look to change/add something to the way I'm working out.

    I am wondering @ 51 (close enough to just call myself that age at this point ;-P ) 191 lbs, 5'4" what should my end goals be.

    like should I be aiming to bench press 1.5 x body weight? etc.
    Current stats are 80 lbs squats, I could probably bump up as I've done these for 3 work outs, but haven't yet partially because I'm using chairs for a squat stand so I want to make certain I have control over the weight. I still feel kind of tenuos on the last set.
    BP have not completed a set of 5 yet at 85 lbs.
    Rows are at 65
    OHP is 60
    and deads are at 95.

    Sleep has been an issue over the last 2 weeks. I always have issues w/getting enough protien. Biggest goal currently is building lean body mass while dumping da fat. I've also discovered that I really like kayaking so that is also on my plate for goals and I really need OHP to come up so I can help carry the boat (when we get one) and have enough nrg left to enjoy being on the water and putting the boat back. I also really enjoy HIIT be it running up stairs or swimming. (insane I know) and everything else is pretty much flexiblity/stamina related dance stuff. So I'm doing yoga on my "off" days, except for the weekend, which I take completely off except for fun stuff w/the family.
    Thx also input from others very much welcomed/appriciated.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    I've finished 6 weeks of SL 5x5 and I just wanted to give a little report of my progress. When I first started, I used only the bar on everything except deadlift and now I am up to:

    Squat - 130
    Bench - 85
    OH Press - 85
    Barbell Row - 85
    Deadlift - 170

    I've lost 10.2 lbs overall and my body fat % has gone from 22.28% down to 19.46%.

    I've been able to keep up my running base at 15 miles per week while still progressing with the lifts, and my normal running pace has even gotten over 30 seconds per mile faster. I definitely feel more power in my legs when I run now.

    I am starting marathon training again this week so SL 5x5 will have to take a back seat until Mid-December. But the program definitely works and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking to get stronger and faster.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903

    Let me first say that I find your contribution here very valuable and always consider your advice when I look to change/add something to the way I'm working out.

    I am wondering @ 51 (close enough to just call myself that age at this point ;-P ) 191 lbs, 5'4" what should my end goals be.

    like should I be aiming to bench press 1.5 x body weight? etc.
    Current stats are 80 lbs squats, I could probably bump up as I've done these for 3 work outs, but haven't yet partially because I'm using chairs for a squat stand so I want to make certain I have control over the weight. I still feel kind of tenuos on the last set.
    BP have not completed a set of 5 yet at 85 lbs.
    Rows are at 65
    OHP is 60
    and deads are at 95.

    Sleep has been an issue over the last 2 weeks. I always have issues w/getting enough protien. Biggest goal currently is building lean body mass while dumping da fat. I've also discovered that I really like kayaking so that is also on my plate for goals and I really need OHP to come up so I can help carry the boat (when we get one) and have enough nrg left to enjoy being on the water and putting the boat back. I also really enjoy HIIT be it running up stairs or swimming. (insane I know) and everything else is pretty much flexiblity/stamina related dance stuff. So I'm doing yoga on my "off" days, except for the weekend, which I take completely off except for fun stuff w/the family.
    Thx also input from others very much welcomed/appriciated.

    Goals are impotent, but they are also somewhat arbitrary, everyone will be different so I can’t really tell you what your goals “should” be. That being said, there are some guidelines and milestones that you can use to gauge your progress.

    Since you are trying to lose overall body weight, aiming for squatting 1.5x your current body weight would be like trying to hit a moving target. I would recommend aiming for squatting your goal body weight first, then decide how you want to keep progressing from there. Same with your other lifts.

    Here is a good reference to get an idea of goals for specific lifts.

    Your age, while it is a factor, is not as large of a factor as everyone would make you believe. You can still achieve whatever goal you decide to set, but because it becomes more difficult to build lean body mass and recover from intense training as you age, it may just take you longer than a 20 year old. At your age age (I know that sounds bad, but I don’t mean it that way) sleep and your other activities are more of a factor as well. Your sleep is crucial for optimum recovery and taking up too many other activities can also negatively impact your recovery, which will in turn, affect your progress. You just have to priorities your activities and possibly schedule them so that they impact your training and recovery less. I would keep your HIIT to post-SL and then your other stuff on off days.

    Hope that helps.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    very helpful, thank you!

    I wasn't too worried about % of bodyweight as a goal because in theory I should be losing mass as I gain strength, but using goal bw makes sense to me so I'm gonna do it, and check out the link as well. Danke again.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    So I started doing traditional SL 5x5 this morning, instead of the 5/3/1 I've been doing the past few weeks. I'm surprised how good of a workout I got by doing 5 sets even though the weight was significantly dropped. I didn't go all the way down to just the bar, but did kinda close to the 50% of 1RM recommended. I think the last few weeks should count for something - I've been working on perfecting my form already and had some good growth. Anxious for the load progression.
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    So I started doing traditional SL 5x5 this morning, instead of the 5/3/1 I've been doing the past few weeks. I'm surprised how good of a workout I got by doing 5 sets even though the weight was significantly dropped. I didn't go all the way down to just the bar, but did kinda close to the 50% of 1RM recommended. I think the last few weeks should count for something - I've been working on perfecting my form already and had some good growth. Anxious for the load progression.

    Groovy. Don't be so anxious you jump the gun too much. It gets heavy quick enough.
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    At what dead lifting weight did you have to switch to using straps? My last DL workout was 255, and the grip is getting a bit tougher. My best guess is as I approach 300, I will need straps, but I am curious what other's experience has been.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    Not sure what's going on w/me. Felt really bad last night massive sinus headache, felt like sinuses solidifying. When I went to sleep I woke up and felt a little better, been really really tired and not getting enough sleep. Sooo I decided that sleep was more important than morning weights and skipped them. Did same exercises w/bands at work. They are pretty stout so prolly like de- loading and then did some HIIT. Still pretty tired but over all feeling better, not sure if I should skip friday too, but I'm considering it.

    Feel all kinds of lame for skipping. :'-(
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    At what dead lifting weight did you have to switch to using straps? My last DL workout was 255, and the grip is getting a bit tougher. My best guess is as I approach 300, I will need straps, but I am curious what other's experience has been.

    Never used straps. My 1rm DL is 350lbs. I'm not doing SL 5x5 at the moment but have done 10 reps at 270lbs with no straps. You just have to work on the grip strength. Grasp the bar like you want to kill it!

    Irridia: have to listen to your body. If it needs the additional recovery time, then skipping a hard workout could be a good idea. Doing some light stuff for recovery could be just what you need :)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    At what dead lifting weight did you have to switch to using straps? My last DL workout was 255, and the grip is getting a bit tougher. My best guess is as I approach 300, I will need straps, but I am curious what other's experience has been.

    I did 5x5 345 deadlift with switch grip and chalk and I'm sure I'll go a lot higher with it. Go to a sports goods store and get a baseball rosen bag, it works wonders. If you are not are not doing switch grip yet, do that first as that will allow you to go a while without chalk.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    At what dead lifting weight did you have to switch to using straps? My last DL workout was 255, and the grip is getting a bit tougher. My best guess is as I approach 300, I will need straps, but I am curious what other's experience has been.

    Never used straps. My 1rm DL is 350lbs. I'm not doing SL 5x5 at the moment but have done 10 reps at 270lbs with no straps. You just have to work on the grip strength. Grasp the bar like you want to kill it!

    ^^ This... don't use straps.
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    chalk works better than straps for me.
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Hey all,

    I just started on SL 5x5 today, and really enjoyed that first workout. However, I'm not confident that my squatting form is that good. Is there any chance that I could post a video when I next go to gym and people could give me some pointers on what I could do to improve my form?

  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hey all,

    I just started on SL 5x5 today, and really enjoyed that first workout. However, I'm not confident that my squatting form is that good. Is there any chance that I could post a video when I next go to gym and people could give me some pointers on what I could do to improve my form?


    Don't know if you can post a video or not here but if you can go for it. Also, go to YouTube and look-up (I believe this is what it's called), "So You Think You Can Squat." Either that search for Dave Tate and Back Squat, you'll find something on form. Him and his group are very good at teach form for the bench, deadlift, and squat.

    Edit: Here it is,
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Started my second wave of Wendler's 5/3/1 this morning. Loving this program. Got 11 reps on my last set of 5 on the bench.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Started my second wave of Wendler's 5/3/1 this morning. Loving this program. Got 11 reps on my last set of 5 on the bench.

    That's cool, how's your shoulder holding up?
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Started my second wave of Wendler's 5/3/1 this morning. Loving this program. Got 11 reps on my last set of 5 on the bench.

    That's cool, how's your shoulder holding up?

    So far, OK. I haven't really been pushing the heavy weights yet though. Don't notice it when I bench or OHP but I do notice it on assistance work (for bench) which is currently dumbbell presses. Changed my form on OHP (closer grip and elbows tucked) and that has made a huge difference in pain level (none) and weights used (more).
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Hey all,

    I just started on SL 5x5 today, and really enjoyed that first workout. However, I'm not confident that my squatting form is that good. Is there any chance that I could post a video when I next go to gym and people could give me some pointers on what I could do to improve my form?


    Don't know if you can post a video or not here but if you can go for it. Also, go to YouTube and look-up (I believe this is what it's called), "So You Think You Can Squat." Either that search for Dave Tate and Back Squat, you'll find something on form. Him and his group are very good at teach form for the bench, deadlift, and squat.

    Edit: Here it is,

    Great, thanks very much