StrongLifts 5x5



  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    Have any of you had creaky knees during your squats?

    During my last few 5x5 sessions, on the way down, my knees pop and click most of the way down (but not going up). Now they even do this when I do half squat mobility exercises with no weight.

    They do not hurt, but it is disconcerting. Anyone have any experience with this?
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    Have any of you had creaky knees during your squats?

    During my last few 5x5 sessions, on the way down, my knees pop and click most of the way down (but not going up). Now they even do this when I do half squat mobility exercises with no weight.

    They do not hurt, but it is disconcerting. Anyone have any experience with this?

    yes mine do that too. i read somewhere that it's not a big deal so i try to remind myself of that, but it is a creepy sound and feeling.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Have any of you had creaky knees during your squats?

    During my last few 5x5 sessions, on the way down, my knees pop and click most of the way down (but not going up). Now they even do this when I do half squat mobility exercises with no weight.

    They do not hurt, but it is disconcerting. Anyone have any experience with this?

    yes mine do that too. i read somewhere that it's not a big deal so i try to remind myself of that, but it is a creepy sound and feeling.

    I have this off and on. It is no big deal as long as there is no pain. 
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Love this workout ! Quick & easy, very basic/simplistic in the moves. Got the last SL5X5 workout for the week in this morning at 4:30am.

    As far as the knee question, I too hear noises periodically but no pain.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I have created a Madcow group for anyone here that is on or moving to that program.
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    So, where does everyone stall on 5x5. I have been doing very well with squats ( other than tough time getting always to parallel or below) deads and bench. Overhead press and barbell rows are really hard to maintain form for all 5 reps and 5 sets. Found myself deloading and making gains. I refuse to sacrifice form over making the lift. Look at it from the point of view that I will be doing this for quite some time and can take the time to do it right. Also, want some input on having my 13 yr old daughter doing 5x5. Been on other forums, but really like others inputs. Can't get enough opinions even if I don't agree. If I hear from others with questions about her ability/goals/athletism I will surely add to this thread. Thanks
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    So, where does everyone stall on 5x5. I have been doing very well with squats ( other than tough time getting always to parallel or below) deads and bench. Overhead press and barbell rows are really hard to maintain form for all 5 reps and 5 sets. Found myself deloading and making gains. I refuse to sacrifice form over making the lift. Look at it from the point of view that I will be doing this for quite some time and can take the time to do it right. Also, want some input on having my 13 yr old daughter doing 5x5. Been on other forums, but really like others inputs. Can't get enough opinions even if I don't agree. If I hear from others with questions about her ability/goals/athletism I will surely add to this thread. Thanks

    I will be deloading soon on OHP (130) and row (160). I think I still have a way to go before I deload on squat (245) and deadlift (265).

    As far as your daughter, I think it's fine for her to do it, but only if she wants to. There is a testemonial in the 5x5 report of from a father that his 13 year old son did it will great success. I'm quite sure her's will be slow progress and be prepared to get some smaller adding weights (1.25) when she starts to max so that she can still improve.
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    Those barbell rows are really tough to make it to your chest. I was trying 135, but on the last 2 reps of the 4th and 5th set, I just couldn't get all the way there. I have gone to 115. Seems no matter how much I deload on the OHP, it's hard. I actually made it thru 120 for all 5 sets, but I could feel myself cheating a bit to get the bar up. In it for the long haul, so not a big deal to move down. Thanks for your input about my daughter. We don't have anything lighter than the 45 lb bar, so we use these small 15 and 20 lb sticks. I just have her do Max reps with those until she makes the 45. She does use the 45 with wts on some exercises and we are going very slow, maybe move up 5 lbs every other routine. The other day she said she really likes to lift, so that's great for both of us. She wants to make varsity as a freshman in b-ball, and I think the wt training to build some strength will help.
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    Those barbell rows are really tough to make it to your chest. I was trying 135, but on the last 2 reps of the 4th and 5th set, I just couldn't get all the way there. I have gone to 115. Seems no matter how much I deload on the OHP, it's hard. I actually made it thru 120 for all 5 sets, but I could feel myself cheating a bit to get the bar up. In it for the long haul, so not a big deal to move down. Thanks for your input about my daughter. We don't have anything lighter than the 45 lb bar, so we use these small 15 and 20 lb sticks. I just have her do Max reps with those until she makes the 45. She does use the 45 with wts on some exercises and we are going very slow, maybe move up 5 lbs every other routine. The other day she said she really likes to lift, so that's great for both of us. She wants to make varsity as a freshman in b-ball, and I think the wt training to build some strength will help.

    This is great, getting in shape and quality family time!
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    So, where does everyone stall on 5x5. I have been doing very well with squats ( other than tough time getting always to parallel or below) deads and bench. Overhead press and barbell rows are really hard to maintain form for all 5 reps and 5 sets. Found myself deloading and making gains. I refuse to sacrifice form over making the lift. Look at it from the point of view that I will be doing this for quite some time and can take the time to do it right. Also, want some input on having my 13 yr old daughter doing 5x5. Been on other forums, but really like others inputs. Can't get enough opinions even if I don't agree. If I hear from others with questions about her ability/goals/athletism I will surely add to this thread. Thanks

    I haven't stalled yet (knock wood). I can see people stalling on OHP & bent rows pretty quickly.

    I don't bench or do the OHP due to a left front delt issue. I've subbed out bench & OHP for flat dumbbell press, weighted pushups & standing overhead dumbbell press. I think I'll probably be stalling soon on overhead DB press (currently pressing 75 lbs per arm...tough to "clean" them up to a standing position when training alone) and bent row (225 lbs for 5's).

    I had started with the Madcow5x5 but thought it was only fair to go back to the SL5X5 to see how far I could go before stalling. I'm projecting my deadlifts to crap out at about 475-500 lbs and the squat at about 450 for 5's. Then I'll move on to Madcow.

    Best of luck ! Sounds like you're doing great! Started my girlfriend out on this workout myself.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Ok, starting tomorrow, BUT Doc says I have a small shoulder seperation and wants me to use a narrow grip on the presses until we get that taken care of, hopefully it will heal before I get into the heavier weights.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Ok, starting tomorrow, BUT Doc says I have a small shoulder seperation and wants me to use a narrow grip on the presses until we get that taken care of, hopefully it will heal before I get into the heavier weights.

    Hope the shoulder gets better. I don't even mess around with that stuff. I'm sticking with dumbbells for bench press/OHP. Not exactly as the program is prescribed but I'm not looking to put on major mass, just maintain what I've got while dropping bodyfat.

    Think I'm about to stall on my squats. This morning was rough. Bent rows are getting tougher too but I think I'll be able to make gains for a few more workouts. Deadlifts show no sign of slowing down.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member

    Hope the shoulder gets better. I don't even mess around with that stuff. I'm sticking with dumbbells for bench press/OHP. Not exactly as the program is prescribed but I'm not looking to put on major mass, just maintain what I've got while dropping bodyfat.

    Think I'm about to stall on my squats. This morning was rough. Bent rows are getting tougher too but I think I'll be able to make gains for a few more workouts. Deadlifts show no sign of slowing down.

    I'm not to worried about it, I'll take it easy on the bench and OHP until I get the all clear, and just concentrate on the others until then.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Ok, starting tomorrow, BUT Doc says I have a small shoulder seperation and wants me to use a narrow grip on the presses until we get that taken care of, hopefully it will heal before I get into the heavier weights.

    Wow, at least you got an intelligent answer from your doc. When I injured my shoulder my doc told me to stick to machines. I laughed, and blatantly told him that was not going to happen. My shoulder has been fine using free weight since.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    My doc is a Chiropractor that also has a MD, he works on the Denver Broncos players.
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    My doc is a Chiropractor that also has a MD, he works on the Denver Broncos players.


    Question: is it ok to do the workouts with dumbbells instead??
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    My doc is a Chiropractor that also has a MD, he works on the Denver Broncos players.


    Question: is it ok to do the workouts with dumbbells instead??

    Temporarily, yes, but you will not be able to apply the principles of progressive loading very well, or for very long, nor will the movement patterns be exactly the same. It is best, especially for beginner, to start with barbells and as you become more advanced and knowledgeable about strength programming, you can change things up a bit. When you want to modify a program (add an exercise, modify the mechanics, etc.) there needs to be a functional/performance reason for it, it should not be done just for convenience.

    FYI, I am not just pulling this out of the air. I have recently been doing a lot of studying and research into strength programming and am almost ready to tryout my own intermediate 5x5 program.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    My doc is a Chiropractor that also has a MD, he works on the Denver Broncos players.


    Question: is it ok to do the workouts with dumbbells instead??

    Temporarily, yes, but you will not be able to apply the principles of progressive loading very well, or for very long, nor will the movement patterns be exactly the same. It is best, especially for beginner, to start with barbells and as you become more advanced and knowledgeable about strength programming, you can change things up a bit. When you want to modify a program (add an exercise, modify the mechanics, etc.) there needs to be a functional/performance reason for it, it should not be done just for convenience.

    FYI, I am not just pulling this out of the air. I have recently been doing a lot of studying and research into strength programming and am almost ready to tryout my own intermediate 5x5 program.

    Agreed. The only reason I'm using dumbbells for bench and overhead press is that it's excrutiating on my left front delt. For some reason the dumbbells don't effect this. I'd frankly rather be using the barbell as I know that I'll eventually stall plus my dumbbells only go up to 130 lbs.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Switching over to SL5x5 from the New Rules of Lifting program. NROL lifts were getting way to gimmicky moving through the stages.

    Back to absolute basics (that WORK).
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    FYI, I am not just pulling this out of the air. I have recently been doing a lot of studying and research into strength programming and am almost ready to tryout my own intermediate 5x5 program.

    you're going to make up your own program? based somewhat around a 5X5 template i'm guessing?