A comment about your weight that still bothers you...



  • diegelman
    diegelman Posts: 55 Member
    Some kid pushed me down the steps when I was younger and said "Fat girl takes down a million!"
  • ktanderson05
    ktanderson05 Posts: 207 Member
    I remember my dad making me weigh-in every Sunday and he would keep track of it, and I would get ahuge lecture each time because I wasn't down weight I just kept on gaining weight.

    I've always had a stomach, and I remember I bought a shirt that was like a stretchy kind but I liked it and I thought it looked good on me. Well I have always been bigger chested as well, and I wore this shirt with a cute jean skirt to church one Sunday, and mind you I was at my best weight and health at the time and I was looking good....And my dad's wife made the comment to me of idk why you would wear that shirt because you can't tell the difference between your boobs and your fat roll! She was so mean to me about my weight, and everyone in my family about there weight, but yet she kept on shoving her mouth full of food. She wore like a size 12, but was squeezing into them because her fat roll was starting to hang over the button too! But that one comment just was like I wonder if I will ever be good enough. Also at this time I was working out at home along with doing a 1hr conditioning class 3 days a week at school, so I was getting more than enough exercise, but I think I've always had the belly because of me having PCOS, and my genetics. I will get past this, and become a better person.

    Thank goodness I don't talk to my dad or her anymore, because they just bring people down.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    If you like your hair short....that is what you should do....get a short cut ; )

  • yacker678
    yacker678 Posts: 41
    My dad who I love to death and i know did not mean to hurt my feelings recently said let me know when you are comfortable enough and i will tell you the comments I heard people saying!!! I was like what i never want to hear them. That hurt my feelings and i know that is not what he meant. I have lost 30lbs, but I still know and feel I have so much more. I am still not comfortable with myself. Now I know people were talking about me and infront of my DAD? GREAT
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    How about "you would be pretty if you lost 30 lbs" fun stuff :grumble:


    "Ten pounds, and you'll be beautiful"

    ...at age 8...Thanks, Nana :huh:
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    What sticks with me, is when I was hanging out with another girl, and this guy, and the girl was complaining about thinking she was fat (she was much smaller than me), and the guy said "if you don't like it, do something about it."

    That was when I was fifteen.
    I'm now nineteen and it plays over and over in my head.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Or my mother's classic comment:

    "I'll buy you school clothes when you close weight."

    better yet;

    "I'd love you more if you lost weight."

    Thanks for the mental damage, mommy.
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    A boyfriend told me that I was fat but still beautiful. Just hearing someone call me fat was so mortifying to me.
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    It's shocking how so many of you have had such hurtful things said by your own family!!!! Much love to all of you; no one deserves that.
  • snookemz
    snookemz Posts: 82
    Umm..kinda funny, my friend (who's on here!) and I were at her cousin's house and he said to me (he was a trainer at the time, this was 10 years ago) "Em, you've almost got it all. You have a gorgeous face, perfect hair, best personality, if you lose 100lbs you'll be PERFECT" I was 224 at the time, being 124 would make me look cuuuurazy! I have a big frame and I'm a bit over 5'7''
    I don't know why it stuck with me, he was attractive and all but he was also engaged and sooo not my type personality wise (he was intense) and he didn't say it to be rude or mean - in fact I *think* it was a compliment. I was dating someone then who thought i was beyond perfect and I still think I'm perfect right this second, but his comment still sticks with it. (yes, I'm very confident, if you don't love yourself then no one else can truly love you)
    I kinda hope I run into him when I hit my goal so I can show him that I'm perfect in any package I come in, even though there will always be someone who think I'm fat, someone who thinks I'm ugly, and someone who thinks I'm not good enough - that person is wrong of course.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    My sister in law said in front of everyone in party, I should take care of my big belly (I weigh 142 lbs then). My husband tells me everyday how ugly and short I look because of my weight.:cry: My another sister-in law who is 12 years older me said, I look so older than her because of my weight.:mad:
    I have hypothyroid and had always struggle with weight gain and depression.

    Do not put up with this from him. Not once, not ever. Unacceptable. A husband should be your biggest supporter, even if you gain weight. He should not tolerate his family treating you that way either. You are his wife, his first priority.

    I am so sorry your husband said that to you. My husband is my biggest supporter of my weightloss, but wouldn't care one bit if I never lost a pound. He always tells me how much he loves my body.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    it breaks my heart to hear the comments I've read here... I can't believe the hurtful words that come out of people's mouths sometimes.
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    I love my grandmother dearly, but sometimes she's poison. When I was 15 my mom was talking to her about my weight and my grandmother popped off with "There's nothing wrong with her that sewing her mouth shut for 3 weeks won't cure." You would have thought that if I'd lost weight she'd have let up right? Nope, about a year later I was 40 pounds lighter and she was harping on my mother that she needed watch me because I was probably anorexic. When mom pointed out that I was eating, a lot, she replied with "Well you'll probably catch her later with her finger down her throat." :angry:
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    My husband tells me everyday how ugly and short I look because of my weight.:cry: My another sister-in law who is 12 years older me said, I look so older than her because of my weight.:mad:

    I think this might be the saddest thing I've read on here. I am sorry for you and your husband for thinking that is anywhere near ok!

    Sad that so many of these are from parents too!

    To add my own, and there have been many, the one that sticks was 12 years ago and I had a belly but otherwise not too bad and my son got into a fight and got on trouble in school, after some pressing I found out the other boy had called me fat. I always felt so bad that he got in trouble defending me, and knew that since he was not a violent boy the comment must have hurt and embarrassed him.
  • Adudynski
    Adudynski Posts: 31
    being compared to the basketball when I was on the basketball team... and my dad always saying " if you would just lose weight..." finish the sentence with everything!
  • Chikeebabe
    Chikeebabe Posts: 41 Member
    Don't wait - do it now!! I got a short & sassy last October and I loooove it!
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    When I was like 6, an older boy ( like 12 lol) told me I was too fat to wear a bathing suit. I love swimming, but ever since then, I've worn a shirt over my bathing suit. Sometimes, pants too.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    When I was like 6, an older boy ( like 12 lol) told me I was too fat to wear a bathing suit. I love swimming, but ever since then, I've worn a shirt over my bathing suit. Sometimes, pants too.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    Its is sad that people dont think about what they say... but you have turned a negative into a positive and she will no longer have power over you!

    I remember seeing a friend from high school after about two years and the first thing he said with shock and horror is "WHAT happened to you!?!? pllllllz Tell me your pregnant!"

    Talk about a major blow to my self-esteem...

    I also have customers at my job tell me on a regular basis how much i've changed/gained since I started working there 6 years ago at a mere128lbs. It really bothers me sometimes but I have to remember that I am making a change and the weight will come off! :)

    Its amazing the comments people continue to remember over the years...