Exercise Pet Peeves: What are yours?



  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    One last one :wink: I hate how the Wii Fit acts like it's in pain when I step on it...:grumble:

    omg i know me too!!!!
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Boob Sweat! I figured if everyone else has crotch sweat, they prob have boob sweat like me!
  • kristygay
    kristygay Posts: 68 Member
    My pet peeve, is when people are so in to watching other people's form,habits,clothing,make-up,effort level at the gym,that they obviously aren't getting a great work out themselves. Pay attention to your own work out, leave the people who have also paid for the right to be there to their workout! No wonder so many people quit, when they feel like they are constantly being judged for not being good enough, to be there!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My stupidly high arched feet, which cause me ankle problems.

    My total mal co-ordination when it comes to rope skipping. HOW do people do it?

    My post baby pelvic floor!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    The TROTS! Who needs a laxitive when you can just go jog for a few minutes. Happens to me EVERY time!
  • want_to_be_skinny
    Yes I agree, why do you wear makeup to the gym... and especially in the swimming pool and hot tub...and hope it doesn't run.... SERIOUSLY.... its gonna run!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • VSgirl2010
    VSgirl2010 Posts: 145 Member

    And for the ladies; Malfunctioning Sports Bras: They all suck and don't ever keep the girls where they need to be, they consistently result in unnecessary flying facial projectiles (you know what I mean), no matter how fancy or expensive they are. I'm thinking of resorting to duct tape from now on.

    OMG- I find myself wearing 2 bras to hold the girls in place!
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I hate it when people don't rerack their weights. I get to the gym, and have to look all over to find the dumbbells I'm looking for, tripping over all the ones left on the ground in front of the racks. They are usually the heavy ones too. I end up using my rest between sets to rerack what is on the ground, but I get tired of it.
  • anakinlover
    anakinlover Posts: 109
    I hate sports bras because no matter how good they are,they still don't keep my tiny boobs from bouncing and I have to check in the mirror to make sure both headlights are pointing straight ahead. There is nothing worse than having googlie eyed nips.

    I laughed so hard at this I about peed! I, too have lost the boob battle...to the gravitational pull that is, and quite honestly they go in whatever direction they please! :blushing:
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    When people sweat all over the machines then don't wipe it off with the cleaning wipes!!!! Call me ocd but I wash my machine before and after then wash my hands when Im done making sure not to touch my face!! Just grosses me out.
    Oh yea the wedgies I had a problem with today and the sock bunching too! I can go on and on. Last but certainly not least when people are doing weights and they do their reps way too fast but still spend an eternity on the machine!
  • frenchfri87
    frenchfri87 Posts: 196 Member
    My pet peeve would bother some people. Mine involves watching other people do an exercise with seriously bad form. Watching a teenager do a behind the neck pull down at the gym. It all just freaks me out. I want to run over to them and tell them that they can injure themselves with that exercise. Anyway, it's a pet peeve of mind. Maybe I need counseling for it. :tongue:

    Like this? Saw this at my gym and my friend filmed it haha

    ahahaha i love this
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    wedgies, crotch sweat, water bottle holder YES!

    Also, when running on the indoor track and a line of ladies are walking at snail speed in a line across it and I have to run in slow motion for a minute before they hear me saying "behind you". Seriously, you are not the only people at the gym!!!
  • wagn27
    wagn27 Posts: 65
    Mine is kind of a hate but a love at the same time.

    I hate when I'm trying to do pushups and my dogs think that they should come over and lay underneath me. I love it because it gives me the motivation not to fall down on them.

    LOL - this only substitute "cats" for dogs!!!!! :laugh:

    My pet peeves are:

    Same as another poster - the WiiFit going "ow" when you stand on it. What's that all about???
    Not standing on my resistance band properly so it flies up and smacks me in the chin :frown:
    When I'm cycling, the abuse I get from random motorists. Why?????
    Shorts that ride up in on the inside of your thighs when your jumping etc. So uncomfortable!

    I HATE when my shorts ride up! It almost looks like they're being eaten by your crotch. Ugh. I can't wait until I have some space between my thighs.
  • MissKMN
    MissKMN Posts: 119
    My biggest...is bringing your tweens to the gym, and letting them run around. They have NO respect, and do NOT belong there!

    They're everywhere it seems...staring all judgy in the locker room, taking over the steam room, using the showers as a water park. Then, don't get me started on the machines. Taking up precious elliptical space, thinking it's a toy, jumping on in FLIP FLOPS and jeans? Where are your parents?!

    My other one is people using horrible form on weight machines. They jump on and go as fast as possible, then slam their weights down. Then they stare at YOU for going slowly enough to get a burn. This is not a speed competition, morons.
  • sbrmom
    sbrmom Posts: 38 Member
    The lady in the lane next to me in the pool that has a giant cloud of perfume around her - so gross I can even taste it in the air! Or the guy in the lane next to me who tries to race me. He swims one lap as fast as he can, then has to rest for 5 minutes. Then he will start again as I am turning off the wall and "race" me again. Whatever!!! :yawn:
  • Nickichik
    Nickichik Posts: 11
    totaly agree on the whole bra thing. Oh and can I just say that the gym is a place to work out ladies , It is not a fashion show so quit parading around back and forth just waiting for the guy who is lifting weights to stop and speak to you ! Its so much fun to people watch in the gym. Oh my other pet peeve totaly not related to fitness is PULL THE SHOWER CURTAIN CLOSED WHEN YOU GET OUT !!!!!!!!!

    I'm with ya on the SHOWER CURTAIN thing! LOL
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Sweating from my face IT NEVER ENDS!! :laugh:
  • pmad37
    pmad37 Posts: 105 Member
    zumba class - a newbie crowding me. i had my "space" and she kept getting closer. Bugged the bejeebers out of me!
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Bladder and/or rectum malfunctions. I have MS and had two LARGE babies. When my intestines go numb from MS and my bladder doesn't even need a reason anymore - "engaging my core" becomes interesting.

    If I know I'm heading into some strenuous exercise I make sure I go potty first. :-/ Most of the time that helps. Needless to say there are MULTIPLE reasons I never want to join a gym. :-(