Starting April 25th "T.E.A.M. Zumba"- Let's Go!!!!



  • formeandmine
    I think I'd like to get in on this too. I am hoping to be able to join in town, a very small town. Or I might just order dvd's online
  • formeandmine
    I just ordered zumba for Wii!
  • anjelt
    anjelt Posts: 21
    stef that's how I was in my first class, now I am starting to memorize the songs, and do some at home! You will get there just keep up!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I'm on the countdown to my 20 year reunion and the Zumba Convention in Orlando!!! I would like to join but I do other things besides I'm not sure my results (if any) will be accurate. I need the challenge though, so I would really love to join!!! Here are my stats:

    ht: 4'11.5

    neck 12.25
    chest 34.25
    waist 27
    hips 35
    rt thigh 19.5
    rt calf 13
    rt bicep 10.75

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • anjelt
    anjelt Posts: 21
    ZUMBA class today

    duration; 1 hour
    calories burned: 512

    LOVE zumba!
  • Debsxxx
    Debsxxx Posts: 28 Member
    I would love to join this challenge, my stats:

    Weight 169lbs
    Bust 38"
    Chest (around ribs) 32"
    Stomach 38"
    Waist 35"
    Hips/bum 44"
    Thigh (right) 26"
    Thigh (left) 26"
    % body fat 39.7

    Got a few days holiday this week, and just been to a Zumba class this morning! Always puts me in a good mood :happy:

    Bought Zumba for Wii recently, but haven't tried it much yet, does anyone else use this?

    Peace, love and zumba to you all :heart:
  • cb1slider
    Hi there I would love to join in this challenge, I currently do one class a week and have bought the wii game. I am hoping to up the number of classes I do a week. My starting stats are:
    weight = 149lbs
    waist = 34"
    hips = 43"
    thigh = 23"
    bust = 38"
    arm = 11"
  • MsSouthernBelle5
    MsSouthernBelle5 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone and thanks for joining, unfortunately, I have gotten very ill and am now unable to exercise at all. PLEASE keep going and I am here to cheer each of you on.
  • SaLandrum
    SaLandrum Posts: 141 Member
    Shoot ...
    I missed the start date ...... (but given the okay - I could start tonight on my XBox version of Zumba)

    Sabrina :)
  • vmendoza18
    vmendoza18 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello there i have done the zumba videos beore and have lost weight. Unfortunately i have not kept it off and gained it all back. I just purchased the Zumba for Wii and love it! i started last thursday and have done it everyday for an hour for 5 days now! It is a little hard at first but it makes u sweat alot and burn calories! i want to keep doing everyday so that i can stay on track and loose the 40 pounds i want to loose. Best of luck to u all and may u accomplish ur goals : )
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Is it too late to join?

    I just started last week, and do aqua zumba on Tuesday evenings and regular zumba on Thursday evenings. (I do strength training on alternate days, and then a water aerobics on Saturdays...)
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    I would love to join this once my videos show up. I'm expecting them soon, if that's okay.
  • mrsbrown2k1
    mrsbrown2k1 Posts: 139
    I want to join TEAM Zumba!!! I have been doing Zumba for only a couple of weeks now but I love it!!! I am taking classes at my job on Wednesday nights. I am also strongly considering joining a gym so that I can take additional classes throughout the week.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone and talk Zumba!!!!

  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hello everyone and thanks for joining, unfortunately, I have gotten very ill and am now unable to exercise at all. PLEASE keep going and I am here to cheer each of you on.

    Oh no!!! So sorry to hear this :cry: You are the one who started this!! We will continue to cheer each other on and keep the challeng going!! Hope you recover quickly so you can join us.
  • kswietek
    kswietek Posts: 80
    ok here I go. I did 55 min zumba class on 4-25-11. It was a great class, great workout!!!

    and here are my stats :(

    height - 5 '6"
    weight - 162
    chest - 40
    waist - 34
    hips - 42.5
    arm - 13
    thigh - 25
  • Debsxxx
    Debsxxx Posts: 28 Member
    Hello everyone and thanks for joining, unfortunately, I have gotten very ill and am now unable to exercise at all. PLEASE keep going and I am here to cheer each of you on.

    Sorry to hear you're ill...hope you feel better really soon.

    I posted my stats earlier today, and have been to a 60 minute Zumba class this morning.

    Feel free to add me all you Zumbettes, if I haven't sent you a friend request already.

    Go Go Go T.E.A.M Zumba :heart:
  • kswietek
    kswietek Posts: 80
    alright, day 2. Just did 30 min of the zumba live dvd and the 20 min ab workout!!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I can't measure till I get home, but will post before I head off to Aqua Zumba... :)
  • proudtruckersgirl
    proudtruckersgirl Posts: 42 Member
    My Zumba DVD's just showed up this morning. Workout # 1 I did 40 mins. of the Zumba Live and 30 mins of the Zumba Scuplt and Tone. My current Measurements are

    Weight = 182.4
    Hips = 45
    Thighs = 26
    Bust = 40
    Waist = 39
    Arms = 13