Starting April 25th "T.E.A.M. Zumba"- Let's Go!!!!



  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi! I would like to join please!! My FI bought me the Zumba on Kinect for Valentines day and I've been really getting into it this past week. I gained about 20 pounds in the last year or so .. just tried on the wedding dress I bough a year and a half ago - doesn't f***ing fit me! So now I'm panicing, because I get married June 26th and the fitting is June 11th! If this board isn't enough motivation, that wake up call was. Basically, I need to lose 10-15 pounds in the next month and a half. COUNT ME IN. Did Work out #1 Intermediate 45 minutes (#1). I don't remember my points. 455ish. :) That was last night and this morning I did Intermediate #2 for 45 minutes. Are you guys eating more calories because you are burning so much? I really just want to stick to my 1200...

    Yes.. eat back your calories. If you eat too little it could actually have a reverse effect on you and you could gain. I know there is a thread somewhere that tells you this. MFP already builds in a deficite for calories based on your profile therefore once you work out add it in and eat back! Sometimes I'm under 100 or so but try to get close!
  • Hi! I'd like to join, I bought zumba for kinect a week or so ago but haven't worked out at all (have been very sick and on antibiotics) I can't wait to try it, I am starting to feel somewhat better and I plan on working out tomorrow :)

    One question though, how do I figure out how many calories burned?
    I will add stats later...
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    Best thing to do to find out calories burned is get a HRM. MFP will guesstimate on yours by your profile but it's not exact. I didn't spend alot on mine. Got a MIO for about $30 at Academy and it works great!
  • Best thing to do to find out calories burned is get a HRM. MFP will guesstimate on yours by your profile but it's not exact. I didn't spend alot on mine. Got a MIO for about $30 at Academy and it works great!

    Ok, thanks!
  • cinca
    cinca Posts: 25
    #6, 43 mins beginner/inter on wii. burned 750 cal :)
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    great job everyone!

    Workout #4 - Activate dvd. 591 cals!

    Took a look at one of the other discs. There's different instructors. Darn. I love the two girls! They are SO cute.
  • Debsxxx
    Debsxxx Posts: 28 Member
    Weighed in yesterday, and have lost 2lb this week!

    Had a really hectic weekend, with a surprise family party to help with and got to! Back on the Zumba next week to shake it off!

    Hope you've all had a good weekend :)
  • kswietek
    kswietek Posts: 80
    Weighed in yesterday, and have lost 2lb this week!

    Had a really hectic weekend, with a surprise family party to help with and got to! Back on the Zumba next week to shake it off!

    Hope you've all had a good weekend :)

    WTG girlfiried!!!
  • kswietek
    kswietek Posts: 80
    I just did two 20 min. workouts on Kinect Zumba!!!
  • cinca
    cinca Posts: 25
    #7 56 min class. 1035 cal burned (per HRM). I'm beat!

    Also, I weighed myself this morning. Lost 1.6 lbs :)
  • Raven00
    Raven00 Posts: 67
    So I have lost a total of 5lbs doing Zumba so far.
    but I need the motivation to keep going, I am getting a little bored of the DVDs
    Idk maybe cause I do zumba everyday? I'm thinking of mixing it up and walking more
    Anyway today I did the 20min Cardio workout
    And also the Zumba Cardio Party 50min. I must say its funny goingbfrom high energy samba to doing the american mix lol
    Throws me off sometimes :-)
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    Workout #5 - Activate dvd
    Burned 646 calories.

    Tried a few minutes of the mix dvd - moves from all over the world. Could NOT keep up! Maybe it's best if I stick to the voice instructed dvd's for a while and don't let my enthusiasm get ahead of my ability!

    Keep it up guys!

    One week in. One lb gone.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Congrats on all the progress so far ladies!! You are all tearing it up!!!

    Looks like I am getting behind, lol!!

    Tues: Workout #10: 45 min Zumba Gold - 200 cals
    Workout #11: 55 min Zumba - 386 cals

    in addition, 45 min weightlifting- - 267 burned

    Keep up the great work!!!
  • kswietek
    kswietek Posts: 80
    one hour zumba class tonight at the gym, woohoo!!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Workout #12 - 60 min Zumba, 520 cals burned

    today also did 10 min running intervals, 65 cals burned
    45 min weightlifting, 356 cals burned

    Keep going ladies!!!
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    Oops, forgot to enter for yesterday...

    Workout #6 - Activate dvd, plus a little of the mix dvd (bollywood dance!)
    Burned 937 cals doing 68 min.

    Was having such a good time that we redid a couple of the songs a second time. It's always over before you know it!
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    Workout #7 this afternoon
    Activate dvd
    Burned 557 calories

    Going to try and squeeze in a workout tomorrow morning, then I'm off out of town overnight to celebrate my father's 25th wedding anniversary. There is going to be pizza and ribs and the wine will probably not stop flowing. Wish me luck!

    Happy weekend everyone!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Oops, forgot to enter for yesterday...

    Workout #6 - Activate dvd, plus a little of the mix dvd (bollywood dance!)
    Burned 937 cals doing 68 min.

    Was having such a good time that we redid a couple of the songs a second time. It's always over before you know it!

    Holy moly, excellent burn!!!! Great job :)

    Workout #13 45 min Zumba/Zumba Toning - 417 cals burned.

    Have a great weekend! I have dinner and dancing with the girls tonight! Gonna try a real salsa club!!! So excited!
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    Workout #8 - Activate dvd
    burned 745 cals

    Dragged my tired sorry *kitten* out of bed at 6:30am to get a workout in before hubby had to leave for work. Yikes! I don't typically work out on the weekend due to lack of time, but I needed to make room for today's anniversary visit with my dad. Pizza, ribs and wine. And good thing I did, because looking at my diary today, I needed it!!!!

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    Oops, forgot to enter for yesterday...

    Workout #6 - Activate dvd, plus a little of the mix dvd (bollywood dance!)
    Burned 937 cals doing 68 min.

    Was having such a good time that we redid a couple of the songs a second time. It's always over before you know it!

    Holy moly, excellent burn!!!! Great job :)

    Workout #13 45 min Zumba/Zumba Toning - 417 cals burned.

    Have a great weekend! I have dinner and dancing with the girls tonight! Gonna try a real salsa club!!! So excited!

    Thanks!!!! I was soaked at the end of that one, let me tell you!

    Real Salsa club?! Exciting! You'll have to let us know if the zumba moves translated to the dance floor!
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