What are you afraid of?



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Nothing too irrational. Just growing old, and losing the people I love.
  • microfat
    microfat Posts: 44
    Moths and roaches.
  • SweetLe
    SweetLe Posts: 157 Member
    Anything happening to my daughter
    My house catching on fire
    Small places

    Nearly everything *sigh*
    Oh, also, and this might offend some of you, The Pope. I am afraid of the Vatican City Pope. To all of you out there who think this is silly I say, listen. Any 80+ year old man in a white silk dress who is one hat choice away from being the 'Ultra Grand Dragon Pooba Wizard' of the KKK frightens me to death. But this new guy, Pope Ratzinger, MORTIFIES me.

    Papalphobia, I am told, is incurable.

    I am sorry if I offended any Catholics out there, but I am an equal opportunity offender. You never know who I might offend next....

    And to you King Arthur fans, strange women lying around in ponds distributing weaponry is no basis for a form of government! If I claimed to be an Emperor because some watery Tart had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd have me taken away.

    I am a die-hard Catholic, and I lover Germany, and this does not offend me, at all. He is scary looking, like Emperor Palpatine. I Am sure he is a nice guy, but I see your point!

    I am scared of cockroaches and melted cheese. Yes, melted cheese. I HATE cheese, all of it. But when it is melted, it flows like scary lava that could get on me and make me smell like cheese. BAH!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I am affraid of telling my supervisor to kiss my A$s! She has me between a rock and a hard place. If I tell her to shove off and quit riding my butt she will write me up or have the sheriff fire me....The BI*CH knows how to pluck the hair that will make you cry!....I wish I were a NINJA! I'd kick her buttttt!

    The best revenge is success in life.
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    I am afraid of dogs, this sounds really stupid because we have 2 dogs. As a child I was terrified of dogs but I grew out of it. However, I'm a runner and am always terrified that dogs are going to run after me and bite me. A dog once ran out in the road after me, a car came between me and the dog so I could get away, I ended up running 7 miles instead of the 4 I planned because I wouldnt go back past the house.:blushing:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    A door opening and hearing a deep voice say "Honey...I`m home".

    J/K :tongue:

    For real...
    Grew up on this dairy farm and was always broke so losing everything is a fear.
    Being rejected by a lady
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    Anything sticky (like if there's a container of maple syrup on the table, I feel like it gets everything on the table sticky)

    The sticky one made me laugh a little bit....okay a lot. ;)

    One of my daughters is afraid of anything sticky, nice to know she's not the only one.lol

    my fears ( besides the usual anything happening to one of my kids)
    large crowds
    closed in spaces
    taking a shower when I'm home alone
    seeing weird shadows (mothman prophesies creeped me out big)
    I used to be afraid of driving on bridges over deep water when my kids were with me, because I knew I couldn't save them all. Now that they're all better swimmers than me it doesn't bother me anymore.
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member

    Needles!!! Serious needle phobia, I hyperventilate and everything, not a pretty sight!! (if I don't see the needle I'm fine though!....:huh: )
    Spiders, but only when they move!
    Getting stuck in a Lift
    Losing People Close to me.
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I have this bizarre fear of people hanging themselves. It haunts my dreams. Seriously, I'm a huge horror movie fan and I can watch blood and guts and decapitations but if there's a scene where someone is hanging I totally freak out!

    Oh and, of course, spiders. But who isn't afraid of spiders? They are creepy little things.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    any horror movie that starts or ends with "based on actual events" and I lose it and can't sleep for days...
    come to think of it ever since I have had kids I can't really do horror movies of any kind...even the cheesy ones

    I am also afraid of

    cockroaches, bed bugs
    getting dropped from a huge height, like bungee jumping
    anything happening to my kids or husband
    getting cornered by the Jehova Witness that relentless canvas my neighborhood...(sorry to any potental JW reading this)
    and driving on ice I had a spin out as a teenage and so bad wether driving is just not something I do now at all.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I could so understand that one...i used to do 2 walks a day when I was a teenager and a pit bull chased me up a tree and I swear to God my husband has heard this story hundreds of times and is threatening divorce if he has to hear it anymore...but seriously we also have a dog....small and friendly....but other people's dogs scare me and I am worried that my kids are overly friendly to strange dogs and shouldn't be .
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    Thanks to all of you, I now realize that there are a TON of creepy things out there!!

    Having negative premonitions or seeing ghosts. Yes, I have had them and seen them. It runs in my family [thanks mom] I don't mind the casper types, but so don't want to see the bad ones!

    Spiders, crabs, lobsters... anything that has too many legs just gives me the willies!! The way they move is just unnatural. Makes the hair on my neck stand up!!

    Midgets. Yep I said it midgets. Not little people.... they scare me!!! NO idea why!! The 'sausage fingers'..... I couldn't even type that without stopping and shaking it off [no I'm not kidding]

    It also makes me shutter when someone pokes my 'hole' at the bottom of my neck. My family makes fun of me and tries to poke it all the time.
    (jugular notch http://drawsketch.about.com/od/figuredrawing/ss/figurehead_6.htm)

    Stop laughing- this is ALL TRUE!! :embarassed:
  • glorod
    glorod Posts: 54 Member
    im scared just reading all this stuff!!!

    mine are:

    _Cockroaches (ill die if I see one)
    _ Spiders
    _ Taking a shower home alone
    _ Diabetes
    _ Being fat the rest of my life
  • misrical
    misrical Posts: 66 Member
    Awkward hugs that linger a little too long.
  • colombiana444
    colombiana444 Posts: 133 Member
    operators... specially at night when im alone. just thinking of their voice saying "please hang up and call again" gives me gooosebumps.
    im also scared of white noise... you know when your tv looses signal and it goes into a loud static pixeling.... yeah totally scary

    I am home alone right now and for some reason these just gave me the creeps! I think these two come up in horror movies often.

    lol maybe that might explain it.
  • colombiana444
    colombiana444 Posts: 133 Member
    im also scared of white noise... you know when your tv looses signal and it goes into a loud static pixeling.... yeah totally scary

    The scariest dream I ever had was a sequence of eerie, unmoving "scenes" (like a cat on the hood of a broken down car, just sitting there staring at me, and a perfectly still, black black pond in a foggy wooded area, etc) and each scene was followed by a few seconds of white noise. Was very weird. I've had nightmares since then (I was eight or nine), but nothing creeped me out more than that one.
    wow yeah that would be creepy
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I have a rational fear of anything that could cause me harm or even kill me, I suppose hornets and wasps are the worst just because they were around more where I grew up, but my biggest fear is failure. I tend to not try as hard as I can or put myself out there because I'm afraid of failing rather than just taking it as a learninf experience if I do.
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    Going down basement stairs (if they don't have 'backs' to the stairs, if that makes sense) and thinking that someone will grab my ankles....

    When younger, lying in bed alone and afraid to move, in case my foot would brush up against a body.....lol....dead zombie kinda body.....sometimes it still pops into my head.....

    Being alone in my house at night and not wanting to look at the windows in case someone is looking in at me.

    so many more...lol...
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    someone i love die