Midsummer Meltdown - 4/25 thru 6/21



  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    Hi all!!

    Day two went great. My boss offered to take me out for lunch yesterday and I kindly declined. Had to stick to my Midsummer Meltdown goals. Yesterday I spent two hours in the gym for a total body work out, it was great. I got in 10 glasses of water too.

    Today is going to be a rough day. I am going with my best friend to the doctor for some tests and screening - we're not quite sure what the problem is but we are praying its nothing major.

    I hope you all have a successful day - the weekend is quickly approaching :bigsmile:
  • So far, so good. Yesterday I finished off 11 glasses of water and went for a quick 30 minute walk before the storm rolled in. So far today I have already downed 6 glasses and it's not even lunch time! Going for a run/walk after work and maybe some dance central on the kinect.
  • Got 90 minutes of yoga in this morning.....this is the hardest workout for me!!!!! I get bored and like to skip stuff but I tried to stay on track! So anyways....Workout check.....10 glasses of water...working on!!! Hope everyone has a great day!:wink:
  • Andra01
    Andra01 Posts: 90 Member
    75 minutes of exercise today = check !
    water = halfway there ! I was wondering, does green tea count in water consumption? I drink both normal green tea and decaf !

    Everybody's doing pretty well here its so motivating :)
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    My check-in:
    water: 2/7 days
    30 mins of exericse: 2/7

    Status for today: 6 glasses of water already. don't think I'm going to get my exercise in today as I have a work banquet tonite and only have 1 hr between work and banquet to take care of everything else. But that's ok, one day off sure ain't gonna kill me
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Exercise and water for Thursday done. Are you guys all in the US?
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    60 minutes outdoors doing yard work. The weather can't decide if it's going to be sunny, cloudy, or rainy today. I have never much liked yard work before, but now all I see is opportunity for productive exercise!
  • butterflyinamber78
    butterflyinamber78 Posts: 49 Member
    So I made both weight and tape today! (I am in the Army, so this is a BIG deal, I've been a fat kid since Feb.) SOOO I made the mistake of celibrating with chinese take out, something I've been craving for months. Now my tummy hurts, bad :grumble: and my husband (the diabetic) has 3/4 of a container of lo mein that I'm sure he'll cave in to as well, witch is HORRIBLE for his bloodsugar... Some celibration :frown:
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    So I made both weight and tape today! (I am in the Army, so this is a BIG deal, I've been a fat kid since Feb.) SOOO I made the mistake of celibrating with chinese take out, something I've been craving for months. Now my tummy hurts, bad :grumble: and my husband (the diabetic) has 3/4 of a container of lo mein that I'm sure he'll cave in to as well, witch is HORRIBLE for his bloodsugar... Some celibration :frown:

    I probably would have celebrate too :( sorry about the consequences though.. Diabetes is hard to live with (my mom and dad are both diabetic). Just keep your head up and tomorrow is a new day to keep on track!:smile:
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I got my 10 glasses of water in already--I'm trying to do it earlier in the day so I don't have to get out of bed 4 times at night! I'm using the rubber band method that someone mentioned--I have 5 rubber bands on my left wrist and then as I drink a glass I move a band to the right hand until I have all 5 over there and then I start moving them back. It helps remind me to drink, drink, drink.

    One thing getting me down--I get my workouts in, I eat well all day and then, come evening, I just want to eat, eat, eat. I don't even care about meeting my goals--I just give myself the old "well, I'll just start tomorrow" promise. I try and leave much of my cals for later in the day, but even little bits of healthy things add up and before I know it, I'm back to shoving handfuls of walnuts in my mouth.

    I've posted to my friends about this, and they've always been so helpful and supportive, but I hate being the whiny one. But I can't seem to break out of this pattern! I've been playing it out again and again. Of course I always come to the conclusion that--in the end--the only thing that is going to stop it is by me not eating. And so, I stop and do well for the rest of that night, but I'm fighting the same battle night after night. Will it ever stop? Will I, just one day, not feel the craving to stuff myself?

    Well...I feel ridiculous even posting this--it's just me venting--there really isn't anything that can be said. Thanks for giving me this space....and the good thing is that right now I'm typing instead of hiding in the kitchen and eating.

    I'm looking forward to staying connected in this challenge. I participated in a couple before and just let myself drift away.
  • c100700
    c100700 Posts: 22
    Phew...all i have to say is while I hate water...I drank my water for yesterday and had to get up at least 4 times last night which made me an unhappy camper this morning. Working on the 10 for today still but man...i know once my body gets used to it , it wont be like this but it sure is a pain while its getting used to it!

    Its finals week for me so ive had to have more coffee than normal to stay awake ( since it also landed on spring break for the kids) so I should probably be drinking 20 cups of water a day to balance out all the caffeine.
  • slackeyj
    slackeyj Posts: 68
    What an encouraging group! I have been doing well with my calorie counting and my water drinking, although my diet could use a little more balance. I am just very discouraged because I rely on exercise to stay sane, esp when I have to make good judgement calls and convince myself I want the mixed fruit instead of the chocolate fudge. If I know I have a good workout coming up, my good food choices are easier because those heavy foods never sit well during a workout and I like feeling good while pushing myself. The discouragement comes from having had a knee injury that I have been trying to heal that the doctor is telling me he thinks is a torn meniscus. I have an MRI sometime next week but it is so disheartening that I may have to reach my goals primarily through diet, with a significantly limited workout regime. I enjoy running and spinning and p90x and crossfit and I can not work out to the level I want to right now and its so frustrating and all I can think is this never would have happened if I wasn't so heavy. I probably would not have hurt my knee in such a way if I wasn't 30 pounds overweight. At the same time, that thought is pretty motivating. I need to get it off now to decrease the demands on all my joints so I can maintain my high activity lifestyle and not end up sedentary and unable to explore my world by the time I am 50 as I have seen with so many obese family members. Taking care of your body young really does pay off in quality of life when you are older in most cases and I never want to be that person stuck in the gift shop at a national part because I am unable to make a light hike. So I guess it is motivating in that way. I just have always used exercise to make up for food choices and I am now afraid I may not be able to do that quite as effectively. Any advice?

  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    i count any teas as water myself. There are some who will argue but I think tea is a great way to get all your water. Just be careful with black tea, it was as much caffeine as coffee.

    Ugh, I did a cardio pilates dvd yesterday and my thighs and backside are so sore. Today I walked and stretched. Love you gals and guy (welcome jay!).
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    I can so relate to you. I do well all day, get my workouts in and then come 3:00 on, I'm eating like a fierce monster! I tell myself the same thing, tomorrow is a new day. Well, I need a new night too while I'm at it!!!
  • stefv86
    stefv86 Posts: 60
    Hey everyone.

    This has started a wee bit badly for me. I have been sick since Tuesday night, so I've pretty much been glued to my couch with a bottle of nyquil, trying to sleep this off. My throat is so sore I can hardly swallow anything, even water, but I've been doing my best. I figured out today that if I eat a popsicle first, and then eat real food, it doesn't hurt as bad. :) Also, I've been trying to get to 10 cups of water, but man, it's hard for me to get to even 8. So, unfortunately, this first week kind of sucks for me. :(

    Hope you are all having a good start, though! I'm sure you are!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    chickadee2010 checking in for today
    Water 0/7
    Exercise 3/7
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I'm having a hungry night tonight, so I came here for some motivation. The past several days I woke up pretty late and didn't get a real breakfast in. Today I ate breakfast, but then didn't bring a lunch with me when I went to the library. I did bring a few snacks, but I was starving by the time that I got home. My dinner just didn't seem to cut it, and I've had some more snacks, but I'm pretty much at my calorie goal for the day, and I'm still hungry. However, I have not finished all my water for the day, and I just drank another glass and that helped a little bit.

    I hope those rambling thoughts made some sense. Thanks for the support! :tongue:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Exercise and water for Thursday done. Are you guys all in the US?

    Yes, I'm in Wisconsin.

    Today's checkin - drank my water & completed my exercise.
    I've been taking a belly dancing class on Thursday nights but am thinking of giving it up. (1) it's a beginners so there's a minimal amount of cardio activity; (2) I don't get home until after 8:30 which leaves me only 45 minutes of add'l exercising; (3) hmmm...there really isn't a "3". I need more cardio on Thursdays; I feel like I'm slacking. Have I convinced anyone out there that I should stop taking it? I think I'm almost there....
  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Hi everyone,

    What a day, I'm at 8 glasses of water and not sure I'll make it to 10. We'll see. Had a function to attend right after work so no exercising for me, although my work is very physical. Hope tomorrow will be a better day.

    Ate out tonight and keep my calories under control, skipped the desert so there were some pluses today.

    Good luck to everyone on Friday!!!
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