Midsummer Meltdown - 4/25 thru 6/21



  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Hey fabulous people,
    Sorry I'm a little late reporting, its been a bad week emotionally.
    SW 248
    CW (5/3) 245

    Total: -3

    I'll have to think of some good challenges for next week.

    a bad emotional week and you still lost, way to go nikki. Sorry your week has been hard :cry: but hopefully things start looking up for you soon :heart:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Below lists our Week #1 results. If you don't see your name that means that you didn't provide your 5/03 check in weight. If you did and I missed it, please repost and I'll add you to the list.

    58 ladies (yep, ladies...it appears we lost Jay :cry: . ) checked in and in total we've lost so far.......80.5lbs!! That is awesome work...nice job to all of us, no matter if you had a loss, gain or push. You stuck with it and tried. And now you have another chance this week to post a loss....or a better loss!

    CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF US!!!! Can't wait to see what Week #2 brings us!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I wasn't able to use Photobucket :cry: . But I've got another 7 weeks to work on it!! :happy:

    Numbers noted next to each name are:
    4/26 SW.......5/03 weight.....Wk #1 Change
    eeyorelvr09 .................219.......215.2....-3.8
    Quierstina....................... 258.............. 256.........-2
    ravenclawseeker........... 257.............. 256..........-1
    singer201.........................181.2..........179.............. -2.2
    wildkiger.......................... 155.5...........157..............1.5


    great job everyone and BIG HUGE ENORMOUS thanks to Ailene for taking this on. It can be time consuming and frustrating when it's hard to get the info to post in an easy way, but it's such a great motivator to see that your little number makes such a big difference when added to everyone else's.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    thanks for doing this Ailene! keep up the work!!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Love your quote Angela, that's a good one!
    Sorry you are having a bad week Nikki, I saw your status earlier in the week, thinking about you!!!!

    What a great combined loss!!! Well, I didn't do good on the challenge today, I totally ate out without even thinking, we just moved to a new town and me and my fiance have never been to a Krystal...and I ate one little burger which put me over on sodium. Then I remembered the challenge when I got home. :( But other than that, got a good workout in and did strength training with my stretchy band and walked with Leslie Sansone.

    Keep on rockin on ladies!
  • chelsiburnett
    chelsiburnett Posts: 317
    Wednesday--Good news got in 58 min of arm/shoulders workout and an ab workout!!! Bad news-- Ate a cheeseburger from mcdonalds with a fruit and yogurt parfait....will do better tommorow!!!! Hope everyone else is doing great!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Keeping up with last week's challenge--water and 30 mins of exercise--this week's--not so much. I didn't eat out, but I sure ate ALOT at home and I did yoga, no strength.
    Basically, today sucked! It will be a relief to go to sleep and wake up to start yet again.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    no eating out, and did my cardio yesterday, but strength training on the dock for friday!
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I'm sorry to say I've bought a sandwich at work today. But I have been adding additional strength stuff into my workouts so far this week. My arms were nice and achey yesterday!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    reporting in on where I'm at with this week's challenge:
    strength training exercise: 2/7 (tues: pilates, wed: gilad workout, which always has weights)
    not eating out: 2/7 (temped sure, but never caved)

    Also keeping on track with the water. I have had more than 10 "glasses" both days and am making sure I keep this up by putting 3-24oz water bottles in my lunch bag, so that I know I'm getting 72 oz in my work day and I only have to drink 2 more glasses when I get home. So far I've been drinking way more b/c I always drink a lot of water with my workouts.

    I know it's so bad to get on the scale everyday, but it's just sitting there calling me saying "I know your weight and you don't, so come spend 5 seconds with me and I'll spill all my secrets". I really try to not consider it accurate until I get the same result 2x in one week. So, yeaterday the scale was a big fat meanie head and it said 170, today it was nicer (I think it felt bad about taking it's bad mood out on me yesterday) and it said 168.5. I'm pushing myself this week to get it to say 187 for Tuesdays weigh-in. Here's hoping for the best!
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    Thursdays are my usual eat out nights :huh:. I woke up this morning thinking about my usual stops and then remembered this weeks challenge. Hopefully I will have to will power to go home and cook instead of grabbing my Chipotle :ohwell:.
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Checking in so far. Looks like everyone is having a pretty good week! Tues I ran, Wed I did an ab video so that counts as stregth right? Today is running again so probably no strength stuff. I am getting a little extra in by doing these daily mini challenges a member posts-150 crunches, 200 pushups, etc. I figure every little bit counts! I'm not big on eating out for financial reasons so that has been good so far, although I may go out for lunch of Friday-mostly because I'm usually out of food by then and have no choice :smile: but I will try to pull something together so I don't have to do that.

    I'm having a pretty stressful work week this week and last, actually. I"m a little worried (knowing myself) that by the time the weekend rolls around I may just crash off course with my eating and drinking. I'm debating on whether or not giving in a little may help me feel better and prevent or if it would just start some type of awful binge. Well, I guess I will just see how today goes.

    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Thursdays are my usual eat out nights :huh:. I woke up this morning thinking about my usual stops and then remembered this weeks challenge. Hopefully I will have to will power to go home and cook instead of grabbing my Chipotle :ohwell:.

    I have been craving a burrito all week for some reason! I just keep reminding myself how many calories are in them to try and keep myself away....hopefuly it will keep working.
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    Thursdays are my usual eat out nights :huh:. I woke up this morning thinking about my usual stops and then remembered this weeks challenge. Hopefully I will have to will power to go home and cook instead of grabbing my Chipotle :ohwell:.

    I have been craving a burrito all week for some reason! I just keep reminding myself how many calories are in them to try and keep myself away....hopefuly it will keep working.

    I'll definitely keep the calories AND the sodium in mind - hopefully it will work :wink:. If I had plans to go the the gym later I'd probably feel better about it.
  • eeyorelvr09
    eeyorelvr09 Posts: 97 Member
    One snack that I found at a training yesterday were Genisoy Crisps. I was hankering for a snack, but wanted to be good about it. So I found these and they are 120 calories for the bag. They are light and tasty. I had the chocolate ones. I am a bit of a sweet tooth so anything sweet, yet somewhat healthy I'm happy with. Another sweet "good" thing is Stacy's Pita Chips in Cinnamon & Sugar- 200 calories for the bag.

    I too am having an ok time with this week. I am trying to keep up with the 10 glasses of water, but at least am drinking 8.

    Keep up the good work and let's see those #'s go down
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    Olivia, I hope you meant 167 and not 187 :wink: don't think you want to pack on the lbs this week!

    I havnt been near my scale since Tuesday! though i'm sure i'll jump on tomorrow. I didnt get any stregnth training in yesterday i'm still sore from BFBM. But I will tonight. I'll do my 30 minutes of cardio during my lunch and the 30 day shred tonight. I went out yesterday too, I had a salad though so I didnt do too bad. But I did opt out of mothers day dinner (they are going for chinese.. and while I love chinese.. i do not like what it does for me).

    new day.. i've been keeping up with water/exercise.. but not sleep, and im exhausted.
  • shellbell2312
    Thursdays are my usual eat out nights :huh:. I woke up this morning thinking about my usual stops and then remembered this weeks challenge. Hopefully I will have to will power to go home and cook instead of grabbing my Chipotle :ohwell:.

    I have been craving a burrito all week for some reason! I just keep reminding myself how many calories are in them to try and keep myself away....hopefuly it will keep working.

    OMG I have been wanting chipotle all week! a chicken bowl with rice, corn salsa, cheese and sour cream . MMMM I was thinking about it since i'll burn 1400 calories at VB tonight. But I feel guilty eating it lol
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    ********THIS THREAD WILL BE ENDING SOON*********

    We're coming to the end of page 20 which means we'll be flipping to a new thread that will be labeled:

    "Midsummer Meltdown - 4/25 thru 6/21 - part 2"

    The last posting on this thread will include the below link:

    "continued at this thread"

    Click on this link to take yourself to our new thread. Post a comment so that it appears in your "My Topics" list.
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    I forgot to post weight on 4/25 is it still ok to post today? if so I am at 264.
  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    58 ladies (yep, ladies...it appears we lost Jay :cry: . ) checked in and in total we've lost so far.......80.5lbs!! That is awesome work...nice job to all of us, no matter if you had a loss, gain or push. You stuck with it and tried. And now you have another chance this week to post a loss....or a better loss!

    80.5 pounds in a week!!! We rock!!! I needed that motivation, I've been a little lazy about my excercise the last few days, I better get on it. Don't want to dissappoint the group next week! LOL
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Olivia, I hope you meant 167 and not 187 :wink: don't think you want to pack on the lbs this week!

    I havnt been near my scale since Tuesday! though i'm sure i'll jump on tomorrow. I didnt get any stregnth training in yesterday i'm still sore from BFBM. But I will tonight. I'll do my 30 minutes of cardio during my lunch and the 30 day shred tonight. I went out yesterday too, I had a salad though so I didnt do too bad. But I did opt out of mothers day dinner (they are going for chinese.. and while I love chinese.. i do not like what it does for me).

    new day.. i've been keeping up with water/exercise.. but not sleep, and im exhausted.

    good catch, I did mean 167. While packing on lbs might taste good, it'll probably do terrible things for my mindset and my midsection!