I (Heart) BOOBIES!



  • color_me_skinny
    I think i have more of a problem with the "save second base" bracelets and t-shirts...and even those, I dont have a problem with. but i could see how THOSE would be inappropriate for school- because they imply sex, which will lead to sexual jokes and comments from other students, and that can cause a distractions.
  • color_me_skinny
    I think i have more of a problem with the "save second base" bracelets and t-shirts...and even those, I dont have a problem with. but i could see how THOSE would be inappropriate for school- because they imply sex, which will lead to sexual jokes and comments from other students, and that can cause a distractions.
  • color_me_skinny
    I think i have more of a problem with the "save second base" bracelets and t-shirts...and even those, I dont have a problem with. but i could see how THOSE would be inappropriate for school- because they imply sex, which will lead to sexual jokes and comments from other students, and that can cause a distractions.
  • color_me_skinny
    I think i have more of a problem with the "save second base" bracelets and t-shirts...and even those, I dont have a problem with. but i could see how THOSE would be inappropriate for school- because they imply sex, which will lead to sexual jokes and comments from other students, and that can cause a distractions.
  • color_me_skinny
    Sorry- not sure why it posted so many times!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Im sorry but would the principal aproove if it said I hearts BREASTS? I think bobbies is alot more non-chalant. I see more parents teaching their daughter tah mommy's chest area are boobs nor breasts. NEITHER term is erotic in any way. I find the redneck comedy tour's phrase of git er done (get her done, for those who havent seen it) more offensive then boobs, but I also went to school in the south where that phrase was used EVERY time the boys were discussing sexual acts with their girlfriends, or at a party, ect.

    What about vajayjay becoming a mainstream word? we all KNOW what that slang term means and it was used on talk shows and mainstream television VERY often, especially when it first came out! I very distinctly remember a talk show where to woman said it describes a "girls parts" because she was too embaressed to say vagina. Seriously? Who DIDNT know what vajajay meant the first time they heard it?

    Welcome to 2011, we discuss boobs, butts, penises, vaginas on a daily basis! And if it draws attention from a YOUNG crowd to focus on breast cancer awareness, detection & cures then its worth it to me! I would rather a 17 year old learn to do a self breast "boobie" exam then have her with no health insurance after college wait till she has stage 4 breast cancer to find out because she didnt know how to perform one!

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I'm not sure where I stand on this one. I am a teacher at a high school in Las Vegas, NV (fyi, our school district is the 5th largest in the US). If I saw a student wearing this, I would have to dress code them, unless my principal approved the sale and wearing of the bracelets.

    This is my logic - if I allow a student to wear something that says "boobies", then that same logic would allow a student to wear a bracelet the reads "I (heart) BONERS!" for prostate cancer awareness. Its hard to permit one and not the other. I also teach Health, which involves some very detailed and frank discussions on everything about sexual activity, STD's, you name it. So, yeah, I would have to go with whatever my principal said on this one. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it - BOOBIES or BONERS. But some will say that those phrases are too much of a distraction....
    I think it's totally different. BOOBIES- it's a womens body part that we have so we can feed our babies.
    BONERS- its for sex. and yes, i can see that one causing some distractions among the students.

    'boners' are not just for sex and 'boobies' are not just a 'body part used in breast feeding'; breasts are a sexual organ too. my dad died at the age of 58 because of prostate cancer. would i like to see more awareness for all cancer research? YES! do i think wearing a bracelet to school with the word 'boobies' is appropriate? no! neither is wearing clothes with wording on the bum.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    I think I'm going to wear my I (heart) balls bracelet to school tomorrow.

    LOLOL, though somehow boobies doesn't seem so bad.

    I always say when asked for contributions, I want to see a picture of the breasts I'm saving. lol. Only kidding ladies.
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    I don't have the bracelet, but I did run in the race for the cure last year, our team shirts said I love Boobies and some other stuff and no one ever has a prob when I ware it out. People even ask about it and I have had a few ask where I got it cause they want one. We need more out there to support "BOOBIES" or what ever you want to call them.
  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    I support breast cancer awareness so much I've been offering free exams in the back of my van for years unfortunately no takers yet.

    Seriously though it doesn't take much to create disorder in a school so I can't support this. For those that mentioned their son's wearing this let's be honest, is he really wearing it for cancer awareness. If either of my teenage boys wore these I'd be aware that it was a friggin joke and I would smack them up side the head, then go laugh about it in private.
  • color_me_skinny
    I'm not sure where I stand on this one. I am a teacher at a high school in Las Vegas, NV (fyi, our school district is the 5th largest in the US). If I saw a student wearing this, I would have to dress code them, unless my principal approved the sale and wearing of the bracelets.

    This is my logic - if I allow a student to wear something that says "boobies", then that same logic would allow a student to wear a bracelet the reads "I (heart) BONERS!" for prostate cancer awareness. Its hard to permit one and not the other. I also teach Health, which involves some very detailed and frank discussions on everything about sexual activity, STD's, you name it. So, yeah, I would have to go with whatever my principal said on this one. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it - BOOBIES or BONERS. But some will say that those phrases are too much of a distraction....
    I think it's totally different. BOOBIES- it's a womens body part that we have so we can feed our babies.
    BONERS- its for sex. and yes, i can see that one causing some distractions among the students.

    'boners' are not just for sex and 'boobies' are not just a 'body part used in breast feeding'; breasts are a sexual organ too. my dad died at the age of 58 because of prostate cancer. would i like to see more awareness for all cancer research? YES! do i think wearing a bracelet to school with the word 'boobies' is appropriate? no! neither is wearing clothes with wording on the bum.

    God made us with boob so we can feed out babies. not for sexual enjoyment.
    booners ARE refering to sex. prostate cancer is dealing with the penis.
    but "i heart boners" sounds like a sexual statement, because you get boners when you have sex, or are horny.
    you dont get boobies, because of sex
  • color_me_skinny
    I support breast cancer awareness so much I've been offering free exams in the back of my van for years unfortunately no takers yet.

    Seriously though it doesn't take much to create disorder in a school so I can't support this. For those that mentioned their son's wearing this let's be honest, is he really wearing it for cancer awareness. If either of my teenage boys wore these I'd be aware that it was a friggin joke and I would smack them up side the head, then go laugh about it in private.
    i dont think you are giving boys enough credit.
    i think if they are raised knowing what god gave us breasts for, they arent going to make the sexual jokes and be so immature about the word boobies.
  • color_me_skinny
    Im sorry but would the principal aproove if it said I hearts BREASTS? I think bobbies is alot more non-chalant. I see more parents teaching their daughter tah mommy's chest area are boobs nor breasts. NEITHER term is erotic in any way. I find the redneck comedy tour's phrase of git er done (get her done, for those who havent seen it) more offensive then boobs, but I also went to school in the south where that phrase was used EVERY time the boys were discussing sexual acts with their girlfriends, or at a party, ect.

    What about vajayjay becoming a mainstream word? we all KNOW what that slang term means and it was used on talk shows and mainstream television VERY often, especially when it first came out! I very distinctly remember a talk show where to woman said it describes a "girls parts" because she was too embaressed to say vagina. Seriously? Who DIDNT know what vajajay meant the first time they heard it?

    Welcome to 2011, we discuss boobs, butts, penises, vaginas on a daily basis! And if it draws attention from a YOUNG crowd to focus on breast cancer awareness, detection & cures then its worth it to me! I would rather a 17 year old learn to do a self breast "boobie" exam then have her with no health insurance after college wait till she has stage 4 breast cancer to find out because she didnt know how to perform one!

    you said what i was trying to say, so perfectly!
  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    I support breast cancer awareness so much I've been offering free exams in the back of my van for years unfortunately no takers yet.

    Seriously though it doesn't take much to create disorder in a school so I can't support this. For those that mentioned their son's wearing this let's be honest, is he really wearing it for cancer awareness. If either of my teenage boys wore these I'd be aware that it was a friggin joke and I would smack them up side the head, then go laugh about it in private.
    i dont think you are giving boys enough credit.
    i think if they are raised knowing what god gave us breasts for, they arent going to make the sexual jokes and be so immature about the word boobies.
    no I give boys credit for what they are. having been one and knowing the mind of a teenage boy and how a mother has no clue what's going on in there. I also know my teenagers well enough to know what they're looking at when the waitress leans in to give them their plate. I also have been in several mens locker rooms and a part of one of the largest frats in the world the usmc. Yeah you're right I don't know what boys are like.
  • color_me_skinny
    I support breast cancer awareness so much I've been offering free exams in the back of my van for years unfortunately no takers yet.

    Seriously though it doesn't take much to create disorder in a school so I can't support this. For those that mentioned their son's wearing this let's be honest, is he really wearing it for cancer awareness. If either of my teenage boys wore these I'd be aware that it was a friggin joke and I would smack them up side the head, then go laugh about it in private.
    i dont think you are giving boys enough credit.
    i think if they are raised knowing what god gave us breasts for, they arent going to make the sexual jokes and be so immature about the word boobies.
    no I give boys credit for what they are. having been one and knowing the mind of a teenage boy and how a mother has no clue what's going on in there. I also know my teenagers well enough to know what they're looking at when the waitress leans in to give them their plate. I also have been in several mens locker rooms and a part of one of the largest frats in the world the usmc. Yeah you're right I don't know what boys are like.
    I never said you didnt know what they are like.
    clearly not every boy is the same.
    I think it has a lot to do with how they are raised and what they are taught. The environment they grow up in, etc.
    I can agree to disagree with you. I'm not going to argue. But I can see why your boys would react that way, when you make such sexual jokes, as you did in your first reply! They learn from you!
  • color_me_skinny
    [going to bed, it's getting late! i'll check back on this post tomorrow]
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    previously posted in reply to someone else's post: "I think it's totally different. BOOBIES- it's a womens body part that we have so we can feed our babies. BONERS- its for sex. and yes, i can see that one causing some distractions among the students."

    …sure, because we all know that the first thing that comes to every elementary, middle, or high school student's mind is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS when they hear or see the word "boobies"...
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member

    'boners' are not just for sex and 'boobies' are not just a 'body part used in breast feeding'; breasts are a sexual organ too. my dad died at the age of 58 because of prostate cancer. would i like to see more awareness for all cancer research? YES! do i think wearing a bracelet to school with the word 'boobies' is appropriate? no! neither is wearing clothes with wording on the bum.

    God made us with boob so we can feed out babies. not for sexual enjoyment.
    booners ARE refering to sex. prostate cancer is dealing with the penis.
    but "i heart boners" sounds like a sexual statement, because you get boners when you have sex, or are horny.
    you dont get boobies, because of sex

    God did not limit the use of breasts for feeding babies. they *are* for sexual enjoyment.

    boner is a slang word for penis, just like boobies is a slang word for breasts. other slang words for penis include wiener, weenie, pee-pee, johnson, schlong, d ick, pecker, prick, c ock, baby-maker, one-eyed snake, little soldier, head, joystick, etc. slang words for breasts other than boobies include bosom, bust, t its, knockers, pillows, the twins, the girls, tatas, milk wagon, jugs, fun bags, boulders, rack, etc. on both there are probably more that i can't think of.

    'boobies' is not less sexual in nature than 'boner'.

    **trying not to get offended that you just told me 'prostate cancer is dealing with the penis' after i told you my dad DIED from it. i know what prostate cancer is, thanks.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I support breast cancer awareness so much I've been offering free exams in the back of my van for years unfortunately no takers yet.

    Seriously though it doesn't take much to create disorder in a school so I can't support this. For those that mentioned their son's wearing this let's be honest, is he really wearing it for cancer awareness. If either of my teenage boys wore these I'd be aware that it was a friggin joke and I would smack them up side the head, then go laugh about it in private.

    LOL! Best dad ever.:bigsmile:
  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    Actually colormeskinny, I don't tell those kind of jokes in front of children, but yeah thanks for insulting me again. My boys learned as all kids do on the playground. They learned from me and their mothers, but they also learn from other kids. I will ask do you have kids of your own?