Intermittent Fasting Support Group?



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm a true lurker I guess, I was feeling 100% outcasted by the 'community' here for trying to talk about how you're not going to jump into starvation mode if a sedentary dieter wants to deviate from 1,200 calories. I got totally slammed. I feel a bit better now, I suppose, this is the first non-1,200 calorie-or-else post I've come across since I joined last week.

    Most people here (ok...many people here lol) know you can't go into starvation mode immediately. Some believe there is no such thing. I know that both theories have worked for me at different times in my weight loss journey.

    ESE is working far better now though.
  • mrrodriguez
    mrrodriguez Posts: 158
    Does anyone know why the person who started this thread deactivated their account?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I agree that is very helpful. I am not considering doing ESE more that 2 days a week, but have considered combining it with ESE so my none ESE fast days are 16/8 fast days. I do agree with Brad's foundational philosophy of keeping it as simple as possible in the long run. The more complicated, the more likely to fail. Again thanks for taking the time to research.

    This is interesting...and honestly, due to work, is kind of how I do it anyhow 5 days a week. We eat dinner around 7pm, then basically I have no food till after 4pm the next day. Sometimes I've been trying to eat breakfast to get some early calories in...but I don't always get to.

    Oddly enough, this is similar to how I was eating when I gained all the weight in the first place...

    Go figure.

    It really makes me wonder if the difference truly is strength training 3x or more a week.
  • pork_belly
    pork_belly Posts: 144
    I started doing this type of fasting Thursday, but have mainly been trying to find the perfect window of time for me to eat. Right now I've decided on 2-8 because that's about the time I'll be getting home from working out for the next week. It will probably change when I get back to college. The only problem is that I have different days. For instance MWF I get out of class by 2:30. But Tuesday's I get out at 6, and Thursday's not til 9. I'm not sure how I'll do this then... I may even do a 24 hour fast Thursday's.

    4-10 schedule seems like it would work okay for you. You can start it now and just stay on it throughout. Its easier to stick to a schedule if it doesn't vary. It may be a little bit of stretch when you first start but after a few days you should be fine.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422

    4-10 schedule seems like it would work okay for you. You can start it now and just stay on it throughout. Its easier to stick to a schedule if it doesn't vary. It may be a little bit of stretch when you first start but after a few days you should be fine.

    Thanks, that does sound like it'd be pretty good. :) I'll have to work on this starting tomorrow since I've already start at 2 for today.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I agree that is very helpful. I am not considering doing ESE more that 2 days a week, but have considered combining it with ESE so my none ESE fast days are 16/8 fast days. I do agree with Brad's foundational philosophy of keeping it as simple as possible in the long run. The more complicated, the more likely to fail. Again thanks for taking the time to research.

    This is interesting...and honestly, due to work, is kind of how I do it anyhow 5 days a week. We eat dinner around 7pm, then basically I have no food till after 4pm the next day. Sometimes I've been trying to eat breakfast to get some early calories in...but I don't always get to.

    Oddly enough, this is similar to how I was eating when I gained all the weight in the first place...

    Go figure.

    It really makes me wonder if the difference truly is strength training 3x or more a week.

    I would think that making conscious decisions about your food in your eating window is a big factor. Even if you only eat in a certain time per day you can still pack in some serious calories if you try and at the end of the day calories above maintenance will make you put on weight.

    I do agree with your strength training part though. Martin has said many times that it is a key factor in the success of his lean gains clients. Lifting heavy! (he actually likes minimal volume and no cardio but I still like a bit of volume and some other sorts of exercise as well)

    Interest results from my last month of IFing. Aiming for a slow bulk.
    I am exactly the same weight as I was one month ago (except yesterday was a carb refeed so I would say some water weight increase there)
    chest size up 1.5cm, thighs up 1.5cm, fattest bit of waist down .75cm.
    Caliper pinchese at chest/thigh identical but abs are down .5-1mm.
    Made PB's on overhead press and bench press yesterday and getting back to my preinjury weights on stiff leg deadlifts.

    I love my IF & IIFYM :happy:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I also do no cardio...though I keep my heartrate at 140 minimum, while lifting as heavy as I can on a 5*5 format.
  • 30poundsofbeauty

    I have been doing IF on and off, starting last week. I want to try doing 16/8 (12pm-8pm feeding window) for a whole week but my problem is, I need to take C-Lium Fiber in the morning before I go to work (at 9am), because otherwise I don't go number 2 everyday! It's more convenient to take it at home rather than bring it to work.

    C-Lium fiber is basically a fiber supplement that you can mix with water. It's only 20 cals, and has 5g of fiber. You can look it up here on MFP. By taking that, do I interrupt my fast period?

    Also, would you say chewing sugar free gum (5cals) interrupts the fast period?

  • pork_belly
    pork_belly Posts: 144

    C-Lium fiber is basically a fiber supplement that you can mix with water. It's only 20 cals, and has 5g of fiber. You can look it up here on MFP. By taking that, do I interrupt my fast period?

    Also, would you say chewing sugar free gum (5cals) interrupts the fast period?


    Technically you are not to have any caloric intake while you are on the fast phase. But you need to do what works for you. How much calories does the fiber introduce? If not much then it will probably be fine. Good luck!
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Ok, got some studies for you, Teemo. Be prepared, this is a lot of info. Some is from Brad Pilon's references in his book, others from, others from my own research in the medical literature:

    Appreciate you taking the time to find the sources. I don't see anything regarding priority of catabolizing in the sources though, and since I can't seem to support my statement that the body catabolizes protein FIRST I'll retract my statement. I don't disagree that fat is catabolized MOST, but I did disagree that fat is catabolized completely before protein is. You seem to have retracted that statement as well though so we aren't really disagreeing with anything.

    LG and intermittent fasting can accomplish dramatic results but nowhere does LG suggest that a caloric deficit means you won't lose any muscle while losing exclusively fat... but like I said, that's no longer really a point of disagreement.
  • pork_belly
    pork_belly Posts: 144

    C-Lium fiber is basically a fiber supplement that you can mix with water. It's only 20 cals, and has 5g of fiber. You can look it up here on MFP. By taking that, do I interrupt my fast period?

    Also, would you say chewing sugar free gum (5cals) interrupts the fast period?


    Technically you are not to have any caloric intake while you are on the fast phase. But you need to do what works for you. How much calories does the fiber introduce? If not much then it will probably be fine. Good luck!

    Duh...I should read what I quote...but 20 cals shouldn't be a showstopper.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    I have been doing IF on and off, starting last week. I want to try doing 16/8 (12pm-8pm feeding window) for a whole week but my problem is, I need to take C-Lium Fiber in the morning before I go to work (at 9am), because otherwise I don't go number 2 everyday! It's more convenient to take it at home rather than bring it to work.

    C-Lium fiber is basically a fiber supplement that you can mix with water. It's only 20 cals, and has 5g of fiber. You can look it up here on MFP. By taking that, do I interrupt my fast period?

    Also, would you say chewing sugar free gum (5cals) interrupts the fast period?


    That's fine. Martin suggest less than 50cals is ok.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I just wrote this up for a friend asking about my plan and thought I would put it in here in case it helps anyone else :smile:

    Well my maintenance is 2100ish and I am attempting a slow weight gain. My eating window is usually 1pm -9pm but it can vary a bit either side of that. I am not 100% strict on it.

    In my fasting time, I normally have 2 of my custom mochas and some sf mints that total less than 50cals. Lots of water and some tea sometimes.

    I do strength training 3 times a week with a days rest between. On other days I just do whatever. Go for a walk at lunch time, sauna for recovery or hit the foam roller. SOme times I will do a cardio type circuit training on these days also at the jungle gym as I love them. (pullups, pushups and squats usually)

    On strength training days I aim for 3000cals.

    On off days I aim for about 2000-2100. Any exercise I do comes off that to create a small deficit on rest days.

    Every day, I aim to consume minimum 175g protein & 80g fat. On rest days this means to fit into calorie targets, I lower the carbs. On training days, I can pretty much eat whatever after I have reached those targets.

    e.g. rest day:
    1300: oats/whey/nat pb
    1600: protein shake and carrot
    1900: lean meat with fibrous veggies
    2100: cottage cheese/nat pb/honey (or cc/whey/milk if I need some extra protein to reach target)

    training day
    1300: oats/whey/nat pb
    1600: oats/whey/nat pb
    1730: training
    1900: whatever I feel like as long as it's got some protein in it. Have had indian/thai/pizza whatever. If I want to cook myself I will have some meat and veggies and rice. Normally some curry as I love hot food.
    2100: last meal. Could be a treat if I want. Otherwise, I really like my massive protein icecream that I make.

    So yeah, that's about it. If I was doing a body recomp I would be aiming for 2700/2100 & if I wanted to lose weight then I would be aiming for 2300/1800.
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
  • RosieGB33nz
    Any one on here do the 24hour fast 1 day a week? I am wanting to start this and just want to know what to expect for the 24 hours i wont be eating. Will i lose weight or put it on from bloating? Is it just water to be consumed int he 24 hours? It's only 24 hours so it cant be that hard, just have to keep myself busy. Help would be awesome, thanks :smile:
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I do 24-hour fasts weekly.

    The first week sucked. But now I look forward to it. It gives me a SERIOUS sense of control.

    My weight is usually the same, or slightly lower the next day.

    I drink TONS of water.

    Keeps me full.

    Mine last 24-36 hours.

    Be careful with the day after, though. It's easy to overeat. This is where the self-control comes into play.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,188 Member
    I do a 24 hour fast usually 1 or 2 times a week. I go supper to supper meaning I eat supper and then start fasting until supper the next day. That means a bunch of my fasting time is spent sleeping which makes is much easier.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Oh yeah. With mine, I start it on my last work day of the week. I work 7pm - 6am, so I am done eating for that day by 3 or 4am.

    I then don't eat at all the next day.

    And eat when I wake up on the third day. It's typically Tuesday that I work, Wednesday that I fast, Thursday that I eat.
  • RosieGB33nz

    My weight is usually the same, or slightly lower the next day.

    I drink TONS of water.

    Keeps me full.

    Mine last 24-36 hours.

    Be careful with the day after, though. It's easy to overeat. This is where the self-control comes into play.

    why fast if your not losing weight form it? I have heard its healthy for the body but why
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Google "Benefits of Fasting".

    Too much for me to explain.