Intermittent Fasting Support Group?



  • Timdog57
    Timdog57 Posts: 102 Member
    I thought I'd share this with the group. I haven't made it through the entire thing yet, but I thought it was kind of interesting. Enjoy:
  • I am very sad right now. I love tone it ups Karena and katrina. What all of us members od is check in on facebook or another one of their sites on what we have done or will be doing for the day. Well this mornig I posted the below and they responded. These are two peronal trainers, nutritionists in California.


    Check in: Actually trying out Intermittant fasting. Doing it today. I get to eat a healthy dinner at 5:30 (because my last meal was at 5:30 yesterday) then snack before bed if needed. It's doable because you ar asleep for several hours of it and not going an entire daytime without food. Not sure if I should workout though? Have been drinking green tea and water and will be doing that all day. :)


    Tone It Up when you stop eating for an extended period of time, your body responds by slowing the metabolism.. the exact opposite of what we are trying to achieve by eating frequently and exercising!
    about an hour ago ·


    Jeanine Carrison Schumm I'm sorry. I have just been trying new things that I hear about and have been researching to see what works for me. Didn't mean to offend you. I feel really bad. I'm just trying to see what works. :( This info was given to me off myfitnesspal and

    Jeanine Carrison Schumm You two have been a big part of my determination in the last month. The last thing I want to do is upset you or offend anyone. I see info that works for someone and wonder if it would work for me. :( That's all. Make sme want to cry now actually.
  • Timdog57
    Timdog57 Posts: 102 Member
    I am very sad right now. I love tone it ups Karena and katrina. What all of us members od is check in on facebook or another one of their sites on what we have done or will be doing for the day. Well this mornig I posted the below and they responded. These are two peronal trainers, nutritionists in California.


    Check in: Actually trying out Intermittant fasting. Doing it today. I get to eat a healthy dinner at 5:30 (because my last meal was at 5:30 yesterday) then snack before bed if needed. It's doable because you ar asleep for several hours of it and not going an entire daytime without food. Not sure if I should workout though? Have been drinking green tea and water and will be doing that all day. :)


    Tone It Up when you stop eating for an extended period of time, your body responds by slowing the metabolism.. the exact opposite of what we are trying to achieve by eating frequently and exercising!
    about an hour ago ·


    Jeanine Carrison Schumm I'm sorry. I have just been trying new things that I hear about and have been researching to see what works for me. Didn't mean to offend you. I feel really bad. I'm just trying to see what works. :( This info was given to me off myfitnesspal and

    Jeanine Carrison Schumm You two have been a big part of my determination in the last month. The last thing I want to do is upset you or offend anyone. I see info that works for someone and wonder if it would work for me. :( That's all. Make sme want to cry now actually.

    It's really too bad when high profile people spread the conventional nonsense, I mean conventional wisdom.
  • I'm just reaslly upset as they have been a huge part of my determination. It seems after reading so much on here and on leangains that it all makes sense to me. 8 years ago i lost a lot of weight without trying. I wasn't stressed as I didn't care if I even lost. When I look back on it I don't think I ever really ate much breakfast (thus the 18/6) and ate simply when I was hungry. I ate what I wanted. I went down to under 109 lbs! So I just feel in my gut there is something to this but why wouldn't they agree if they are trainers & nuttitionists. They are saying the opposite once again.
  • vegansara
    vegansara Posts: 192 Member
    Bump. I'm interested in this, as I like doing juice fasting (which I understand is completely different). I'm still feeling skeptical, but I will keep doing my research :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'm just reaslly upset as they have been a huge part of my determination. It seems after reading so much on here and on leangains that it all makes sense to me. 8 years ago i lost a lot of weight without trying. I wasn't stressed as I didn't care if I even lost. When I look back on it I don't think I ever really ate much breakfast (thus the 18/6) and ate simply when I was hungry. I ate what I wanted. I went down to under 109 lbs! So I just feel in my gut there is something to this but why wouldn't they agree if they are trainers & nuttitionists. They are saying the opposite once again.

    As with all fields there are more knowledgeable folk and less knowledgeable. If they have been doing it for a while, then it's likely they studied a fair while ago where it was common practice to teach the benefits of eating frequently. The studies done on intermittent fasting are relatively recent. As well as that, could be a public liability issue if they are giving out advice to fast and people take it to the extreme and just don't eat for VERY long periods of time.

    As was said, studies have shown a slow down in metabolism after 72hrs so unless you plan on not eating for 3 days then it's no issue.

    edit: leangains now has a fan page to ask questions/post recipes etc.
  • I'm just reaslly upset as they have been a huge part of my determination. It seems after reading so much on here and on leangains that it all makes sense to me. 8 years ago i lost a lot of weight without trying. I wasn't stressed as I didn't care if I even lost. When I look back on it I don't think I ever really ate much breakfast (thus the 18/6) and ate simply when I was hungry. I ate what I wanted. I went down to under 109 lbs! So I just feel in my gut there is something to this but why wouldn't they agree if they are trainers & nuttitionists. They are saying the opposite once again.

    As with all fields there are more knowledgeable folk and less knowledgeable. If they have been doing it for a while, then it's likely they studied a fair while ago where it was common practice to teach the benefits of eating frequently. The studies done on intermittent fasting are relatively recent. As well as that, could be a public liability issue if they are giving out advice to fast and people take it to the extreme and just don't eat for VERY long periods of time.

    As was said, studies have shown a slow down in metabolism after 72hrs so unless you plan on not eating for 3 days then it's no issue.

    edit: leangains now has a fan page to ask questions/post recipes etc.

    Thankyou. Since they posted that I have googled a lot on IF and everything points to what I have learned on here and They are leading about 30,000 people so it does make sense what you said. Thankyou. I feel better. I just read this article and thought it was a good one to post.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I thought I'd share this with the group. I haven't made it through the entire thing yet, but I thought it was kind of interesting. Enjoy:

    Good read. I was expecting Berardi to be bashing on the IF as he was one of the guys promoting eating every 3 hrs in the past.
  • I thought I'd share this with the group. I haven't made it through the entire thing yet, but I thought it was kind of interesting. Enjoy:

    Good read. I was expecting Berardi to be bashing on the IF as he was one of the guys promoting eating every 3 hrs in the past.

    i LOVED this! Thankyou!
  • Vodkha
    Vodkha Posts: 352 Member
    How did everyone do today and what did you eat? How long is your 'overeating phase'?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    How did everyone do today and what did you eat? How long is your 'overeating phase'?
    just started for me as it's 2pm.
    white/choc pb proats
    snack: jerky & carrots
    dinner: chilli choc steak & veggies
    after: pumpkin ice cream.

  • skinnyfat14
    skinnyfat14 Posts: 107 Member
    I did good yesterday I think. I fasted for close to 20 hours and ate from 5:30-10:30. Well really I had a big dinner and then it was just a few snacks when it closer to 10:30. Today I'm gonna do 16 hours and break my fast at 2:30. How did everyone else do?
  • How did everyone do today and what did you eat? How long is your 'overeating phase'?
    just started for me as it's 2pm.
    white/choc pb proats
    snack: jerky & carrots
    dinner: chilli choc steak & veggies
    after: pumpkin ice cream.


    Pumpkin ice cream ohhhhhh yum! Have you tried Dairy Queens pumpkin blizzard? :heart: :love: I also plan to go as close to the 16/8 fast as I can in the morning. The thing is I get up early to workout (not today as kids are home from school) but usually at 5 am and "they" say to eat right after working out then shorten the meals in the hours furthest from workingout. How are you doing this?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Early morning fasted training

    Here's a sample setup for a client that trains early in the morning and prefers the feeding phase at noon or later. Read this for details regarding this protocol.

    6 AM: 5-15 minutes pre-workout: 10 g BCAA.
    6-7 AM: Training.
    8 AM: 10 g BCAA.
    10 AM: 10 g BCAA
    12-1 PM: The "real" post-workout meal (largest meal of the day). Start of the 8 hour feeding-window.
    8-9 PM: Last meal before the fast.

    For the sake of conveniency, I recommend getting BCAA in the form of powder and not tabs. Simply mix 30 g of BCAA powder in a shake and drink one third of it every other hour starting 5-15 minutes pre-workout. Tabs are cheaper, but much more of a hassle (you're going to have to pop a lot of tabs). Check my supplements guide for specific brand recommendations.


    If you don't have bcaa's then I would just fast as normal but if you plan on early morning workouts reguarly then bcaa's are definitely the go. Bcaa's are also found in whey protein but by having this it is breaking the fast so it's up to you. 10g of bcaa's is 40cals all protein.

    Nope, never tried any other pumpkin ice cream. It's not that popular as a dessert in Australia for some reason but I am loving it. Everyone looks at me weirdly when I said I made a choc/pumpkin cheesecake for example :tongue:
  • skinnyfat14
    skinnyfat14 Posts: 107 Member
    Early morning fasted training

    Here's a sample setup for a client that trains early in the morning and prefers the feeding phase at noon or later. Read this for details regarding this protocol.

    6 AM: 5-15 minutes pre-workout: 10 g BCAA.
    6-7 AM: Training.
    8 AM: 10 g BCAA.
    10 AM: 10 g BCAA
    12-1 PM: The "real" post-workout meal (largest meal of the day). Start of the 8 hour feeding-window.
    8-9 PM: Last meal before the fast.

    For the sake of conveniency, I recommend getting BCAA in the form of powder and not tabs. Simply mix 30 g of BCAA powder in a shake and drink one third of it every other hour starting 5-15 minutes pre-workout. Tabs are cheaper, but much more of a hassle (you're going to have to pop a lot of tabs). Check my supplements guide for specific brand recommendations.


    If you don't have bcaa's then I would just fast as normal but if you plan on early morning workouts reguarly then bcaa's are definitely the go. Bcaa's are also found in whey protein but by having this it is breaking the fast so it's up to you. 10g of bcaa's is 40cals all protein.

    Nope, never tried any other pumpkin ice cream. It's not that popular as a dessert in Australia for some reason but I am loving it. Everyone looks at me weirdly when I said I made a choc/pumpkin cheesecake for example :tongue:

    That's great!! thanks for sharing that. I'm not exactly sure what BCAA is??? can you explain? where would I find it and what does it do?

    Thank you
  • Early morning fasted training

    Here's a sample setup for a client that trains early in the morning and prefers the feeding phase at noon or later. Read this for details regarding this protocol.

    6 AM: 5-15 minutes pre-workout: 10 g BCAA.
    6-7 AM: Training.
    8 AM: 10 g BCAA.
    10 AM: 10 g BCAA
    12-1 PM: The "real" post-workout meal (largest meal of the day). Start of the 8 hour feeding-window.
    8-9 PM: Last meal before the fast.

    For the sake of conveniency, I recommend getting BCAA in the form of powder and not tabs. Simply mix 30 g of BCAA powder in a shake and drink one third of it every other hour starting 5-15 minutes pre-workout. Tabs are cheaper, but much more of a hassle (you're going to have to pop a lot of tabs). Check my supplements guide for specific brand recommendations.


    If you don't have bcaa's then I would just fast as normal but if you plan on early morning workouts reguarly then bcaa's are definitely the go. Bcaa's are also found in whey protein but by having this it is breaking the fast so it's up to you. 10g of bcaa's is 40cals all protein.

    Nope, never tried any other pumpkin ice cream. It's not that popular as a dessert in Australia for some reason but I am loving it. Everyone looks at me weirdly when I said I made a choc/pumpkin cheesecake for example :tongue:

    Thankyou!!! Yes I will always be working out in the am, with kids its the best option. Going to get some BCAAs. I do usually have whey protein but I will try to find the BCAAs.

    So I stopped eating at 6:00 pm last night but then had a small snack at 9:30 (so apaprently didn't I just worked out for 83 minutes (HRM) and burned 556 cals (huge for me)!!! So its 10:10 right now. So I should wait awhile to have anything post workout since I don't have any BCAAs right now other than whey protein powder?
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Hi all, I'm starting 16/8 from leangains today.

    Question, I take a 13 calorie fish oil capsule every morning, that's probably OK, right? But what if I want a few tablespoons of soy in my coffee or tea? Is that too many calories during a fast time period?
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    I completed my first 24 hours of fasting this morning. I broke it with a 2 egg omelet with a little cheese, fresh salsa and jalapenos. During my fast I was able to do a good amount of exercise paying careful attention to see if I felt faint or dizzy. I didn't push myself as hard as I do during a non-fasting day but felt great about keeping moving.

    I didn't really struggle not to eat; I generally eat pretty healthy and have read on numerous sites that the cleaner you eat daily the easier the fast is, I am not able to determine this for sure or not at this point.

    It seems most of the people within the Fasting message boards are concentrating on toning at this point and have already lost their mass of weight. Anyone lost a good deal using the IF plan?
  • skinnyfat14
    skinnyfat14 Posts: 107 Member
    It seems most of the people within the Fasting message boards are concentrating on toning at this point and have already lost their mass of weight. Anyone lost a good deal using the IF plan?

    I'd like to know that too.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    It seems most of the people within the Fasting message boards are concentrating on toning at this point and have already lost their mass of weight. Anyone lost a good deal using the IF plan?

    I'd like to know that too.

    I'll let you know in a few weeks! I am doing this for discipline and to try and change my eating habits and to LOSE FAT. I find it much easier to say

    "I am forbidden to eat the 16 hours between 8 pm and 12 pm"

    than to say

    "I am forbidden to eat ice cream and pie".