Intermittent Fasting Support Group?



  • sistertransister
    sistertransister Posts: 56 Member
  • Howdy all! :D I'm a fellow ESE/LG follower, have been doing IF since February. It has been a total blessing and awesome tool for bettering my physique as well as digestive health. The more I stick with it the better I feel (and weirdly the better my skin looks). On rest days I do ESE and on WOD I do LG style eating. Today is an active rest day so I'm doing a 20 hour fast and some biking with my BCAAs. I will have a post bike ride protein shake and some baby carrots and then fast again the rest of the afternoon until dinner. :) Currently only 13 hours in, and that's fine by me as some of my excess calories from last nights dinner will just get burned off shortly and support an active afternoon. Coffee and lots of water, burning off some glycogen hehehe.
  • Lean gains + IIFYM + heavy compound lifting & just got dexa scan at 7% BF today. Very happy with that. Going to cut for a few more weeks and see how that goes and then see where I want to go (pending injuries basically)

    Awesome! LG took me from 19% to 14% in 4 months, I rebounded during the summer with my mom getting sick with ovarian cancer and couldn't do fasted training as much or have a real routine, but I'm back at it completely and excited to head into the 12-13% range just to say I can, lol. I'm also incorporating "Sugar Busters" into my routine aside from refeeds like Martin recommends, but my next refeed won't be until Canadian Thanksgiving. ;)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Lean gains + IIFYM + heavy compound lifting & just got dexa scan at 7% BF today. Very happy with that. Going to cut for a few more weeks and see how that goes and then see where I want to go (pending injuries basically)

    What's IIFYM? Also no offense but you appear VERY lean, how much lower would you want to go? You aren't too far from essential fat, are you going to compete?
  • Hi all,
    A little about me. I am 28, 5'9'' and weigh 56.1kg. My heaviest weight was 57.5kg-I was 54kg then went on holiday, had gained 2kg while on a 3 week vacation and the first 2 weeks back home just kept on eating (having pancakes for dessert everynight-it was ridiculous!) and gained another 1.5kg
    So I have lost 1.5kg-very very slowly. Have been on this site and eating 1200 calories plus some of my exercise calories (so 1300-1500 a day) since August 25th.
    I gained back 1kg when I went on holiday again for a week. Lost it again. Then weighed myself on Monday morning and had gained 0.4kg in 4 days although had eaten healthy.
    I though, as I sat there naked on my bed feeling upset, I need to try something new.
    I read through MFP forums and decided to try ESE. I hadn't eaten since 6pm the night before (well an apple at 8pm but I decided not to count that-baby steps!). My aim was to go 18 hours-the minimum, as you get most of the benefits by then (I think-please correct me if I'm wrong) and I do suffer from low blood sugar-I start to shake, get a headache. My BGL gets down to 3 mmol/l = 54 mg/dl (I am a registered nurse and have access to BGL machines at work!) so it is not imaginary.
    I am also use to eating Breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner then my apple. Yup and its all 1300-1400 calories if I stick to my plan.
    My first day I felt fine, minor headaches, panadol helped, until exactly 18 hours. I started feeling foggy, sick and my headache got worse. I ate lunch at 1220. Wasn't starving, ate it slowly and the rest of the day my meals were as usual.
    I weighed myself this morning and I lost the 0.4kg I had put on over 3 days plus 0.1kg. I was happy.
    I will try to do it twice a week. 18 hours is enough for me, unless I am convinced more hours will be better. 18 hours was managable. Just.
    Would love to join this group and get some support.
    For the naysayers-research does show that short term fasting is not unhealthy, as long as you eat healthy the rest of the time. A doctor at work (when we were discussingt my EFE trial) told me he had lost 30kg this way, he looks great! He also said a lot of diet myths are out there, such as 'slow and steady wins the race' and that 1 day of fasting would slow your metabolism. It would takes weeks of restricted eating to do this, and then just a week of normal eating to boost it back to your normal level.
    Thanks-and sorry for the novel!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    cutmd: IIFYM :smile: The thing is I've been attempting to bulk up LG style for about 3 months. Up about 3kg or 6lbs. Then I diet for a week (not hardcore at all, 1100cal deficit for the week) and lost 1.5kg which is where I am now. Just got a bit of fat on lower abs which I have never been able to get rid of. (former fat boy so maybe excess skin as well?) Don't think I'm lean enough for competing! I have more interest in doing a powerlifting comp when I am all healed up actually.

    Bluestar083: Great that IF has worked for you :smile: I would say judging by your stats you are already quite lean so relying on scale changes only is probably not a good idea. (same as weighing in everyday) Pics/measurements are you best bet for when you are already in a healthy weight range IMO.

  • Bluestar083: Great that IF has worked for you :smile: I would say judging by your stats you are already quite lean so relying on scale changes only is probably not a good idea. (same as weighing in everyday) Pics/measurements are you best bet for when you are already in a healthy weight range IMO.
    Yup I measure as well. Also my work pants are super tight at the moment-so that is a sign :D
    I try not to weigh more than twice a week. It can be frustrating due to water weight etc but tbh I know how much less comfortable my body feels with those extra kgs-as it all goes to by abs and butt!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Hi! I lost my old thread about IF, so I will jump in here if you don't mind!
    I have done ESE 3 times and tried leangains.
    This week I have worked 60 hours without a day off and I have eaten CRAP daily and feel like crap because of it. I am up 4 pounds and bloated as hell.
    I think an ESE might be the kick in the butt I need to start over.

    ??? I thought you were at maintenance. you are one of the people I am jealous of cause you look great, weigh very little, and can eat tons of calories!

    I am but like I said I have been working 60 hour weeks, little sleep, and crap for food and I feel like *kitten*. :frown:
    And just because I reach a magic number does NOT mean I can eat a ton. a couple of bad days in a row and none of my pants fit. When you're tiny every little pound makes a huge difference. 108 and 112 don't seem too far off but they make the difference between jeans or "sweatpants today because I'm too bloated to button my jeans":blushing: :grumble:
  • Anyone doing IF who has their diary open or open to friends? Mine is open to friends. Would love to see some! So feel free to add me as a friend if you are doing IF and have a food diary I can check out!
  • Mine is open. :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    added you and mine is open anyway. But being a guy and bigger obviously the cal targets are way different.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    mine is open, i admit i suck at fruit and veggie intake hence the greens formula
  • Thanks guys-great to check out the diaries!
    Just a question-I want to do ESE twice a week. Is 18 hours long enough? It was managable when I did it Sun/Mon up til the last 15min when I felt foggy and sick. Ate (usual lunch) and felt fine.
    I really hope 24 hours is not necessary, happy to do the SMALLEST fasting time recommended-as I don't have much to lose and don't think its a competition to see who can go the longest without eating.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    if it's a painful fast, I say don't do it. That is why I like the 16/8 as it's easy. If you are feeling sick from it then I would be eating something.

    If you have been eating very frequently then your hunger levels can take a while to adjust. I suppose this is an advantage of doing 16/8 or whatever every day as your ghrelin hormones will "normalise" to your new eating schedule as opposed to doing a longer fast once or twice a week. That is sort of throwing it all out of whack. Your body is expecting food at 8am and you may not be giving it any until 6pm.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Martin's latest article on training. Love it. No farking around here :smile: (except when injured DAMN IT!)****arounditis.html

    edit: need to replace the stars with the regular word for "fark", it is also the term used for sexual intercourse.
  • Today I'm taking a rest day and doing a F5 style of IF, I am finding myself hormonal (2 days off from the expected arrival of lady time, ugh, TMI). But when I get hormonal all my ability to avoid late night snacking comes into play, honestly, it's ridiculous because I can follow a 16/8 and stop eating at 7 pm most nights no issue whatsoever. But today I'm going to be fasting well until 4 pm and eating until 8 or 9 pm so I CAN night eat to pacify myself, lol. It works though! Adjusting your window to suit your routine/moods sometimes works wonders.
  • Hey all! I just thought I'd bump this thread since I'm *extremely* new to this intermittent fasting deal (just started Monday!) where I wake up around ~7-8, head to work and don't eat until 1 PM (trying the 16/8 plan).

    I've checked out the leangains blog and I must say I was mostly inspired by that! He makes really good points for giving this a shot. I've been in a plateau for the past ~3 months where I really haven't lost or gained any weight. I've been counting calories and doing P90x (on my 2nd round now) so I have been losing centimeters but its been going really slow on the fat loss for me. I was really hoping that this may help boost my efforts!

    The first thing I did after realizing my "plateau" was change my settings to lose 1/2 lb a week instead of 1 lb, and it really hasn't been all that helpful...honestly. My diet isn't perfect in that I don't eat entirely "clean" but I do make an effort to stay under my allotted calories

    I haven't done a fasted workout yet, but plan on starting tomorrow when I should be getting my BCAA supplements in the mail today!

    If there's any advice those of you who experienced a similar situation could offer I'd be glad to hear it! I'm always paranoid that I'm not eating enough, or, eating too much.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    I am interested in this! Has anyone done this then gone back to "normal" eating and found any adverse effects? Or is is something you have to sustain indefinitely to keep the weight off?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    boilermakerblaw: fasted training is an option, not a requirement. I do it from time to time if it fits the schedule. Eating clean isn't required to lose fat. Reaching the calorie deficit while getting the required minimum protein and fat is and lifting some heavy stuff to promote the preservation of lean body mass. I would be incorporating some lifting also (see the farkarounditus blog :P) As you are very close to your goal weight, it is probably better to focus on the measurements anyway so losing cm's is a good thing :smile: Lifting heavy stuff will only promote this "recomp" further.

    emmab0902: when I was injured and couldn't train properly, I decided to go back to "normal" eating pattern and no adverse affects were seen as I stick to my maintenance calories. Once again, there is no "magic" in intermittent fasting it is just another way to reach your calorie deficit if you are trying to lose weight. Having said that, it's pretty easy to fast during the mornings once your hunger hormones get used to it so IMO it makes hitting the maintenance cals easier for me.
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    any suggestions on what to eat after my first ever 24hour fast? i dont want to end up on a binge but i am alone for dinner tonight...