Intermittent Fasting Support Group?



  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    any suggestions on what to eat after my first ever 24hour fast? i dont want to end up on a binge but i am alone for dinner tonight...

    I would like to know the same thing,
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    anything you want within your calorie allowance (and target macros).
  • I am interested in this! Has anyone done this then gone back to "normal" eating and found any adverse effects? Or is is something you have to sustain indefinitely to keep the weight off?
    yes please answer!!!
  • Alloranx
    Alloranx Posts: 51 Member
    I am interested in this! Has anyone done this then gone back to "normal" eating and found any adverse effects? Or is is something you have to sustain indefinitely to keep the weight off?

    As with any diet, if you get off of it and go back to eating "normally," where "normally" means "eating way too much crappy food", then yes, of course you will gain weight back. That shouldn't be surprising. However, you can reduce the *amount* of fasting that you do once you get to a body fat level that you are comfortable with, for maintenance. That's what I'm doing currently, in addition to eating more to gain some muscle. Where previously I was fasting every other day for 24 hours, now I'm doing twice a week. Honestly, it's pretty easy. I feel like I could do this for the rest of my life with little trouble.

    I have little reason to doubt that if you cut out the fasting entirely once you reached your goal and just ate maintenance calories, you would not gain the weight back either. However, there are health benefits to the fasting by itself beyond just weight loss, which is why I will continue to do it even when I am satisfied with my body composition.

    What other adverse effects are you referring to other than weight gain?
  • So after reading about the ESE and reading the posts on here I am starting to IF. I started fasting last night after dinner and will go until 6pm tonight. The good part is I am at work so I don't have to worry so much about thinking about food and can occupy my time in other ways. Only 9.5 hours left to go!
  • @1FitMom326 - Welcome aboard the IF boat!!! The waters may get choppy in the beginning but in the end you will enjoy the cruise and never want to get off. It sure does make eating a lot simpler and that also means better in my book.
  • I made it 24 hours!!! Minus a small sugar free weathers with about 2 hours to go. I have to say I'm
    So surprised how easy it really was. There was one point when I could feel
    My stomach growling but drank
    Some more green tea and it passed.
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    bumping the new thread for later!!
  • I completed a ~week of intermittent fasting doing 8 hrs eating/16 hrs fasting successfully (Except for Saturday where I broke the fast an hour-ish early for tailgating!)

    Also, when reading more into the leangains blog I did see he recommended that women could do 14 hours instead of 16, so I may keep that number in mind for the future as well.

    That being said I at first did find the skipping breakfast and not eating til 1 to be pretty tough at first. I was really shaky when trying to do work but when I finally did have that first meal it was *glorious*.

    And I also found that I really wasn't *as* hungry when I did go to eat, which I found a little strange. But then we got to talking about it at work how fasting lowers neuropeptide y, etc. so it may act as a natural appetite suppressant!

    I'm definitely liking it so far, though I still need to work on my diet, getting the protein in is a beast and I'm sick of protein bars and protein shakes! Inspired by leangains I've really bumped up the heavy weight on my P90x workouts (to the point where I was sore for days after doing it!) I'll admit I am very intimidated of going to the gym the "serious" lifting...and working out at home is just crazy convenient.

    Anyway, the fasting is going well!
  • MsMouseMouse
    MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
    I have been trying to find people on here that support this life style. It can end up being a very secretive way of life. Most people do not understand or believe in it. Dieters think that the 3-6 meals a day is the best way to go.. other than that you are starving yourself.
    I know I have been there many many times. I have dieted my way up to 210lbs over the past 15-20 years. In 2010 my sugar went up to 13 ( I am from Canada, US people count it differently) I should be around 5-6. So I said this is it. It has to stop. I cut out sugars, not just sugar but all sugary things. Cut out bread and flour. Over a 4 month period I went down to 175. I didn't know it at the time but I was doing IF. I ate if hungry and if not I didn't. Most days I had breakfast and a big lunch around 2:30 and then did not feel like eating supper so I would go till the next day at breakfast before I ate again. All that time I felt I could not tell anyone as they would frown on the way I was eating and give me a lot of grief. I managed to keep that weight off until this pass summer when I let myself go, eating hungry or not and not good choices. I ended back up to 195. I have tried eating the way I was in the beginning. How ever I do need some help in how much protein I need daily and if I should still stick with the 1200 net cals that MFP sets. I am finding it hard to get in that many in such a small amount of time. If I eat a good lunch and a good dinner I still don't think I have eaten more than 800cals. Anyone here have any suggestions? Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
  • avenathus
    avenathus Posts: 113 Member
    I'm so glad I found this thread! I've been doing LG since July or so. But... well, I FAIL at it. I have *regained* BF and weight! :( I don't follow LG perfectly... I'm not perfect when it comes to cycling my macros, and I struggle like hell on the weekends. Weekends are tough for me because I spread out my time between family and friends and I REALLY have a hard time staying on track. Those are my lame excuses. I guess that is my main problem, is the weekend eating. But I'm also really confused about my calories and how much I need to eat. I'm 5' tall so my needs are presumably pretty low, and I keep it around 1300cals during the week. I DO lift heavy 3 times a week... but I also do a boot camp type thing 3 days a week. So maybe I'm overdoing the workouts? I'm clueless right now.

    Beyond that I wonder if LG is for me. If I can't do it on weekends, then maybe it doesn't fit into my lifestyle. I attempted something like ESE on Monday but it more turned into a Warrior Diet type thing heh. I really enjoy fasting and not having to eat all day long so I hope to stick with some sort of fasted eating pattern for a looong time. But I do also wanna get ripped and see my darn abs. So I guess I need to clean up my act!! I'm gonna go back and read through this and the old thread and hopefully learn more :D

    PS: if anyone looks at my diary, that's cool, but don't be confused by the numerous meals in there :P That was from before when I did 6 meals a day, and I was just too lazy to change it. So like today my "breakfast" was actually part of my dinner haha.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    boilermakerblaw: good news :smile: The first week is the hardest for sure. Gets easier as you go until it basically becomes habit.

    Msmousemouse: I actually fit 4 "meals" into my 8hr window. I would definitely recommend keeping 1200 as the absolute minimum. Add some fats to up it easily. If you want to stay "clean", nuts, avocado etc. However, if you still below your maintenance cals then it doesn't "really" matter if it's that clean or not so have some ice cream if you want :smile: I aim for 1g/lb of BW minimum for protein as I exercise a lot but even if not exercising that much I'd still recommend a higher protein intake than MFP recommends.

    avenathus: Weekends are hardest for me also. Weekdays are routine and easy. If I'm going out at night, I wait a bit longer for my first meal and make sure it is high volume and protein. Having said that, there is nothing to say that you HAVE to do it on the weekends as well. If you stick to maintenance cals within 8 hrs or not is not going to make a difference IMO.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Martin's latest article on training. Love it. No farking around here :smile: (except when injured DAMN IT!)****arounditis.html

    edit: need to replace the stars with the regular word for "fark", it is also the term used for sexual intercourse.

    I like this article. However, when it comes to training I agree more with Rusty Moore of fitness black book. He endorses lean gains but acknowledges some women do gain muscle easily. When I lift heavy I gain more muscle then I want. I do a lot of HIIT and cardio so I'm not farking around. I believe in optimizing your training for your body type.

    Avenathus, do you eat exercise cals? Keep in mind leangains is largely a tool to keep calories in check. I am lucky when it comes to weekends cause my hubby often skips breakfast or eats it late, but chrisdavey is right that there is no need to do it everyday. You could even eat less calories during the week and spike during the weekend. ESE can work with discipline. Try planning out a meal of lean meat and veggies for after the fast, or simply not eating until the next day to reset your hunger (36hr fast). It works!

    Msmousemouse, Martin of lean gains recommends a 14hr fast for most women, 8 hours allows me to get my calories in more easily. Follow chris' recs. The lowest I'd go is 1000 if you're very petite
  • avenathus
    avenathus Posts: 113 Member
    thanks for the responses, Chris and Melissa :) I typically eat some of my exercise cals, rarely all of them. Particularly because I try to create a buffer in case I am overestimating them (no HRM). I do try to eat less during the week but still keep it between 1000-1300 net each day. I am thinking of trying a mix of ESE and LG and do a 24 hour fast on Friday and Monday, to give me a strong buffer for my weekend chaos haha. And then eat Leangains style and a little below maintenance for the week. Maybe that will give me the extra push to shred my BF.

    As an aside I AM quite happy with the progress I've seen since I began heavy lifting. I feel really great and I do love the muscular look :) My arms and shoulders are kind of awesome! The abs/lower back and thighs are tricky though :P I'm going to check out Fitness Black Book, I've heard of it but haven't taken a look before.
  • MsMouseMouse
    MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
    Thank you for the advice. Very much appreciated.
    This weekend is our Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. I am sort of fearing it.
    I seem to have lots of will power most of the time but I am afraid I will start on a feasting binge.
    Today I am close to a 24 hour fast. my last full meal was at 2pm yesterday and a part from 2 cups of strawberries and
    a yellow pepper I have not had anything but water and a glass of diet Pepsi. I have to go to work in an hour so I will have to
    eat something before I go so won't quite make the 24 hour mark. If I fast for my regular 16-18 hours and then eat a big turkey dinner ( can I have pumpkin pie also)? and then fast for the next 12-14 hours would that be okay? I suppose in a dinner like that I would get more than 1200 calories in.
    Any advice would be helpful... Many thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to any other Canadians on here.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I see we rolled the thread over. Just posting to bump it and get in on my topics.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Thank you for the advice. Very much appreciated.
    This weekend is our Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. I am sort of fearing it.
    I seem to have lots of will power most of the time but I am afraid I will start on a feasting binge.
    Today I am close to a 24 hour fast. my last full meal was at 2pm yesterday and a part from 2 cups of strawberries and
    a yellow pepper I have not had anything but water and a glass of diet Pepsi. I have to go to work in an hour so I will have to
    eat something before I go so won't quite make the 24 hour mark. If I fast for my regular 16-18 hours and then eat a big turkey dinner ( can I have pumpkin pie also)? and then fast for the next 12-14 hours would that be okay? I suppose in a dinner like that I would get more than 1200 calories in.
    Any advice would be helpful... Many thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to any other Canadians on here.

    That would be fine in my mind. Occasional feast days are not a bad thing. It is doing it too often that is the problem. I intend to enjoy my Thanksgiving although I will try to exercise moderation.
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    Has anyone tried a 36 hour fast ? and would you recommend it ?
  • Update! After 2 weeks of IF I've *finally* seen a change in the scale, (after ~3 months of no change in weight downward). Loving this so far! Breakfast is so overrated! ;)

    Additionally, it gets easier and easier to fast in the mornings. If the day is particularly tough I'll drink a cup of coffee at work and it'll carry me through. I tried a fasted workout yesterday and wasn't a fan, the BCAA supplement I purchased was sort of disgusting (luckily my so and roommate can tolerate it so it wasn't a waste of $$)...I think I'll stick to normal workouts for now. Anyone take a tastier version of BCAA's?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You can get capsules :) no flavour