Intermittent Fasting Support Group?



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Just letting my IF peeps know that I got to demolish nearly 2000 cals in an hour last night. Was epic! Love IF :happy:
  • proats
    proats Posts: 35 Member
    I do a 17/7 IF schedule.

    leangains changed my life (srs)
  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member
    I can see the benefits of fasting, that is not my prob . I know it is mentioned in the Bible and all but I do not understand how anyone could do it and still do cardio? wouldn't a person get dizzy and have limited energy if they fasted while exercising? Considering all they would be taking in is fluids and exercising would deplete them. Just curious and not attacking anyone. Please if you know how this works I'd appreciate the info. Thanks and good luck!! ;)
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    I can see the benefits of fasting, that is not my prob . I know it is mentioned in the Bible and all but I do not understand how anyone could do it and still do cardio? wouldn't a person get dizzy and have limited energy if they fasted while exercising? Considering all they would be taking in is fluids and exercising would deplete them. Just curious and not attacking anyone. Please if you know how this works I'd appreciate the info. Thanks and good luck!! ;)

    Nope, you actually have a lot of energy. Right now, I'm 20 hours into my fast and I'm ready to work out :) See.. before I started fasting, I got low blood sugar and I was scared to give it a try, but I don't have problems with funky blood sugar issues
    at all anymore.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    It could if you're not used to fasting at all. Or not used to workout out before you've eaten, I guess. But I've never had a problem with it. It increases my self control, AND my energy, so I am all for the gym. [:
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    Loving IF.

    Still struggling with the hunger. But two cups of tea get's me over the line!

    16/8 for me. 1400-2200 most days. though i dont stress tooo much about the tiny details.

    The extra time i have to do Stuff is awesome. I now prepare my lunch etc in the morning, i dont have to eat or anything at this time, so i find it better to all prep work then. meaning i can relax at night after a workout etc.

    Been trying to gain weight with this, and its working.
    moving from 81kg to 84.5kg in 2 months(maybe less - again, tiny details :p )
    Body comp hasnt changed in that time. Waste only increased by 1cm. Legs up 2cm, arms up almost 2 cm, chest up 3.
    Arms have more definition, as do legs.

    Lowering calories from today. Back down to 2200-2500 + exercise. I may go lower later. Wanting to trim some more fat away.
    So will update here again in about 6 weeks.

    Similar to Chrisdavey, i aim for 180gm protein daily, and 85gms Fat. Then fill around those numbers as required.

    those numbers will be changing (getting bigger) in approximately 10 weeks also...
    I tried a 190 kg deadlift the other day, failed, but i got it off the floor. :)
  • proats
    proats Posts: 35 Member
    I can see the benefits of fasting, that is not my prob . I know it is mentioned in the Bible and all but I do not understand how anyone could do it and still do cardio? wouldn't a person get dizzy and have limited energy if they fasted while exercising? Considering all they would be taking in is fluids and exercising would deplete them. Just curious and not attacking anyone. Please if you know how this works I'd appreciate the info. Thanks and good luck!! ;)

    The best way to think about it is this: we did not evolve eating every 3 hours, 8 meals a day, etc. Our bodies have evolved mechanisms that actually increase our stamina, awareness, etc during times of nutrient stress. It was during those times when we needed to be most "aware" to escape predators or catch our food.

    Look into natural hormone manipulation of ghrelin and its activation of growth factor.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,227 Member
    I can see the benefits of fasting, that is not my prob . I know it is mentioned in the Bible and all but I do not understand how anyone could do it and still do cardio? wouldn't a person get dizzy and have limited energy if they fasted while exercising? Considering all they would be taking in is fluids and exercising would deplete them. Just curious and not attacking anyone. Please if you know how this works I'd appreciate the info. Thanks and good luck!! ;)

    For most people that is not the case. If you are healthy your body can function quite well for quite some time without food. I actually have more issues exercising when I have not had a good nights sleep than I do from fasting.
  • Alloranx
    Alloranx Posts: 51 Member
    I can see the benefits of fasting, that is not my prob . I know it is mentioned in the Bible and all but I do not understand how anyone could do it and still do cardio? wouldn't a person get dizzy and have limited energy if they fasted while exercising? Considering all they would be taking in is fluids and exercising would deplete them. Just curious and not attacking anyone. Please if you know how this works I'd appreciate the info. Thanks and good luck!! ;)

    The E-book Eat Stop Eat has some references to studies showing that the effect of fasting on exercise ability, even for very strenuous things like weight lifting, is minimal, especially after a short fast like most people who do IF use. The only negative effects seem to be long term endurance (i.e. if you tried to run as far as you can, you wouldn't make it as far). Most people do not do cardio at anywhere near that level of exertion.

    I personally have experienced no ill effects on my exercise capacity at all, even at the end of 36 hour fast. I have never felt dizzy or any more tired than normal after finishing. For your reference, for cardio I usually either walk my dog at about 3.5mph for 40 minutes, or I use an elliptical with high-intensity interval training for 20 minutes. No problem doing either while fasted. I kind of like doing cardio while fasted, because I know it mobilizes fat directly for energy after all your last meal's blood sugar and glycogen is burned up.
  • RosieGB33nz
    Im on my first fast day, doing 24 hours so 8am til 8am tomorrow.
    Im hungry now, its 3:30pm. Im at work so thats fine but come 5pm i will be on my way home and that when i binge eat. Any tips on how to overcome this?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    mass fluids.

    FWIW 8am to 8am (if you are not a night time worker) is probably the hardest time to do it. 8pm to 8pm would be easier.
  • RosieGB33nz
    I would still go through a day without eating?...... Oooo i see but i would get to eat at the end of it! Damn it! I will plan next time a lot better!!
    I read you can have up to 50 calories while on a 24hr fast, is that right? I could kill for a sugar free sweet
  • fit4everyoung
  • Alyx128
    Alyx128 Posts: 92 Member
    I find this idea interesting. Bump for later.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I would still go through a day without eating?...... Oooo i see but i would get to eat at the end of it! Damn it! I will plan next time a lot better!!
    I read you can have up to 50 calories while on a 24hr fast, is that right? I could kill for a sugar free sweet

    That's what the guy who started the lean gains method says. That is only a 16hr fast for guys or 14hrs for girls. Personally, I think it is a lot more readily applicable to everyday life than just skipping all meals for a full day once or twice a week.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,227 Member
    I would still go through a day without eating?...... Oooo i see but i would get to eat at the end of it! Damn it! I will plan next time a lot better!!
    I read you can have up to 50 calories while on a 24hr fast, is that right? I could kill for a sugar free sweet

    That's what the guy who started the lean gains method says. That is only a 16hr fast for guys or 14hrs for girls. Personally, I think it is a lot more readily applicable to everyday life than just skipping all meals for a full day once or twice a week.

    Whether leangain is more applicable to everyday life more than 1 or 2 full day fasts is debatable. Eating on a 16/8 pattern makes for problems in dealing with a world that eats on quite a different pattern, much like the 6-8 small meal thing does. Skipping a day once a week can easily be worked around other things allowing a person to eat on a more typical pattern the rest of the week. Add to that the very specific macro-nutrient pattern that leangain calls for, and it is adding complications. Statistically speaking the simpler one can make something the more likely the average person will stick with it.

    Personally I like both approaches combined, although I do no follow the macro nutrients of leangains and I don't follow the 16/8 pattern all the time either.
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    Okay... here's another question for you guys! I've been doing IF now for about 3 weeks. I fast every other day for 24 hours, and so far, on the days I fast, I lose 2 lbs and on the days I eat, I gain one of those 2 back, so on average I lose about 2-3 lbs a week.

    It seems like the alternate day thing isn't as popular as say, the 16/8 or only fasting once or twice a week. Do you lose just as much only fasting a day or two or by doing the 16/8?

    I guess I'd rather do the 16/8, but honestly, after seeing a gain on the days I eat ( I usually keep it below 1500 cal), I'm terrified to do anything different.

    Any thoughts?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Rileysowner: Yeah, I get what you're saying but totally fasting is going to create issues socially also. I suppose I just like the fact that I can do this everyday. When I tried ESE, it was like a really big thing because I had to survive a whole 24hrs without food. In comparison, skipping breakfast each day and finishing meals by 9ish is really easy to do everyday for me now. Don't even have to think about it.

    I was always big on hitting the correct macros anyway so the cycling thing works well for me but I can see how for noobs it could be a bit daunting :tongue: In saying that, Martin doesn't recommend LG method for very overweight people anyway, (although many have had success).

    theresamommyof4: the 16/8 method is not magic. You still need to eat below maintenance to lose weight, it's just a method of doing so.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    heresamommyof4, I only step on the scale after the fast day. Since on normal day there is more food and fluid in the stomach
    so we would be more heavy.
    Today is my fast day. I'll eat dinner after my hip hop class 9PM. I have no problem with the fast except I have problem with sleeping. My body wakes me up too early. I'll add more starch for dinner to see if it will help me. If it does not work I'll try to switch
    it around so I don't fast on work out days.
  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    I know, I really have to stop weighing myself everyday. It's torture. I don't have a problem with sleeping unless I fast for more than 24 hours. A 36 hour fast seems to interrupt stuff for me.

    I don't know what to tell you about the workouts. I always have way more energy to work out when I'm fasted, but everyone is different :)