No Grain...No Pain!!!



  • humglum
    humglum Posts: 98 Member
    I'd like to join, too. I've been on weight watchers since the beginning of the year and have only lost 15 lbs. I've been counting calories and nothing has budged. I think I may be eating too many carbs/sugars/refined and processed foods and thinking that maybe a higher protein/fat diet may be the thing for me. I do have Primal Blueprint and have read most of it.

    Do you all count calories, too, in addition to carbs? Should I be trying to stay under the calorie goal mfp has assigned? And how many carbs do you consume per day? I know Mark Sisson recommends 50-100 carbs a day as the 'weight loss sweet spot' and I think I will try to stick to that. Starting now.

    Name: Becca
    Age: 34
    Kids: None
    Pets: Murray (gray persian), Benny (yellow lab)
    Married/SO: married to a beautiful woman
    Eating Lifestyle: just starting out with primal/paleo (anticipate eating some dairy)
    Starting weight: 224 this morning, highest weight ever was 261
    Goal Weight: 214
    Goals for this 8 wks: Would like to lose 10 lbs. More would be great but my weight has been stuck at the same number for so long I'll be happy with any forward progress. Am also going to look at my workout routine -- I've been doing mostly cardio although I do interval training (and I also spin/zumba a few days a week) and not much weight training at all. I want to change this and begin to lift more.
    I would love any primal/paleo friends here so please feel free to add me. I am *very* new to this lifestyle so I need all the support/help I can get.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    I'd like to join, too. I've been on weight watchers since the beginning of the year and have only lost 15 lbs. I've been counting calories and nothing has budged. I think I may be eating too many carbs/sugars/refined and processed foods and thinking that maybe a higher protein/fat diet may be the thing for me. I do have Primal Blueprint and have read most of it.

    Do you all count calories, too, in addition to carbs? Should I be trying to stay under the calorie goal mfp has assigned? And how many carbs do you consume per day? I know Mark Sisson recommends 50-100 carbs a day as the 'weight loss sweet spot' and I think I will try to stick to that. Starting now.

    I focus mostly on counting the carbs to keep them low and making sure a good % are fiber grams. I watch calories just because I have been a binge eater since the age of five and if I'm not careful I can rack up 3000-4000 a day. But, I don't eat what MFP suggested when I put in my goals, because from experience I believe calories in/calories out is a bunch of baloney. MFP's calculator put me at 1200 a day when I started to make my "goals". I changed it to 1800. I had a week a couple months ago where I was eating wayyyy too much (averaging 3000 a day for like 6 days in a row, but kept my carbs each day under 50g), and I weighed myself fearing massive gain and my weight was exactly the same as it was before the binge week. More proof to me that my body likes eating low carb/ high fat.
  • foraMEthatiLOVE
    I love your idea! NOthing better than a support group to help us stay in line! I would like to join as well!

    Name: Simone
    Age: 30
    Kids: 11 year-old daughter
    Pets: 1 cat
    Married/SO: Married
    Eating Lifestyle: I don't eat a lot, but it's not always the best things.... I have a terrible problem with sugar! :/
    Starting weight: 145
    Current weight: 139.6
    Goal Weight: 125
    Goals for this 8 wks: I would like to lose at least another 6 to 7 lbs., and continue a 5 to 6x/week exercise regimen.
  • humglum
    humglum Posts: 98 Member
    I focus mostly on counting the carbs to keep them low and making sure a good % are fiber grams. I watch calories just because I have been a binge eater since the age of five and if I'm not careful I can rack up 3000-4000 a day. But, I don't eat what MFP suggested when I put in my goals, because from experience I believe calories in/calories out is a bunch of baloney. MFP's calculator put me at 1200 a day when I started to make my "goals". I changed it to 1800. I had a week a couple months ago where I was eating wayyyy too much (averaging 3000 a day for like 6 days in a row, but kept my carbs each day under 50g), and I weighed myself fearing massive gain and my weight was exactly the same as it was before the binge week. More proof to me that my body likes eating low carb/ high fat.

    Thank you for your response. It is amazing to me to think that you could eat 3000 calories a day worth of protein and fat but I guess it's possible. Easing into this primal/paleo thing and thinking I might add one IF day a week in a month or so.
  • rachpiper720
    Yay! Other people with like-minded eating habit! I sure do need the support. People at work and at home aren't so supportive. I have been working my way into Primal (I still eat dairy and a little bit of dark chocolate) and have slip-ups here and there. I feel like crap after eating carbs and know that my body can't handle it. I just got done with a weight loss study (nasty food-pyramid style) where I had to weigh myself 2x a day, so I am now I am so sick of the scale I don't even want to look at it. Here's my info

    Name: Rachel
    Age: 30
    Kids: None
    Pets: None, sadly. I really want a doggie
    Married/SO: Single
    Eating Lifestyle: Primal-ish
    Starting weight: 258
    Goal Weight: 180
    Goals for this 8 wks: I would like to drop 10 lbs, completely cut out all sugar (even chocolate), try new recipes that include more veggies, do bodyrock exercises 3x a week, and lots of walking!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    If it's still on I think this would be great, I am going to try a really strict two weeks of no grains, no sugars and no refined carbs (or alcohol) starting May 1, hoping to get/share recipes and encouragement. after the two weeks I think I will be 80/20, maybe two cheat meals per week and long-term I think I will do greek yogurt, I don't know, so
    Name: Amy
    Age: 35
    Kids: none
    Pets: 2 fat and sassy cats
    Married/SO: married 2 years almost
    Eating Lifestyle: 30/30/40 carbs/protein/fat
    Starting weight: 113
    Goal Weight: trying not to worry about the number on the scale
    Goals for this 8 wks: eat clean, get toned
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I should add my fitness goals are strength training 3x per week and HIIT (like bodyrocks) at least twice a week.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Do any of you do Intermittent Fasting? I'm really interested to find out more about it. From what I've read, fasting a couple times a week can really be beneficial to weight loss and your workouts.

    If you do, for how many hours? And what time of day?? Would it make sense to eat dinner at 6pm and then not eat again until lunch the next day??

  • linsben
    linsben Posts: 108 Member
    Hi I'd love to join

    Name: Lindsey
    Age: 21
    Kids: None yet but so excited for them one day.
    Pets: The most amazing cat in the world. Name is Rudiger
    Married/SO: I've been with my wonderful boyfriend Chris for 2 years.
    Eating Lifestyle: I was primal for a couple months but fell off the wagon in April. I'm getting back on the wagon in May
    Starting weight: 164
    Goal Weight: 150
    Goals for this 8 wks: Lose another 10-15 pounds.
  • rachpiper720
    Do any of you do Intermittent Fasting? I'm really interested to find out more about it. From what I've read, fasting a couple times a week can really be beneficial to weight loss and your workouts.

    If you do, for how many hours? And what time of day?? Would it make sense to eat dinner at 6pm and then not eat again until lunch the next day??


    I do intermittent fasting more or less just because some days I'm just not hungry. I do eat dinner around 6 or 7 and then I eat a late lunch the next day. It has worked really well for me as far as weight loss goes. I haven't noticed any adverse effects like sluggishness or excessive hunger, and have actually kept my energy enough for intense workouts. I would try it and see how you do, but it definitely isn't for everybody
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Do any of you do Intermittent Fasting? I'm really interested to find out more about it. From what I've read, fasting a couple times a week can really be beneficial to weight loss and your workouts.

    If you do, for how many hours? And what time of day?? Would it make sense to eat dinner at 6pm and then not eat again until lunch the next day??

    I know someone one here who does, she uses leangains:
    as I understand it, all eating is done in an 8-hour window of your choosing.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Yes, there's also the Eat Stop Eat method which is a couple times a week for 20-24 hours of fasting. Not sure if I could be that extreme. But Leangrains suggests that women start at 14. I could probably do that. Some posters also suggest that BCAAs before your weightlifting workout so your body burns the fat, not the muscle. There's a lot of smart people on these boards! Love it!

    So, once I start working out (soon), I may try it.

  • bmonahan115
    bmonahan115 Posts: 121 Member
    Yay! Other people with like-minded eating habit! I sure do need the support. People at work and at home aren't so supportive. I have been working my way into Primal (I still eat dairy and a little bit of dark chocolate) and have slip-ups here and there. I feel like crap after eating carbs and know that my body can't handle it. I just got done with a weight loss study (nasty food-pyramid style) where I had to weigh myself 2x a day, so I am now I am so sick of the scale I don't even want to look at it. Here's my info

    i'm with you, it's so nice to see like minded dieters! i don't get much support with the people i live with either, so all th support i get through this is really going to be amazing! good luck, and so happy your apart of this!
  • katyrose221
    katyrose221 Posts: 69 Member
    Name: Rarely use my "real" name... brangwen or AJ is fine :wink: (yes I actually answer to brangwen in real life too :laugh: )
    Age: 37
    Kids: <see below> :bigsmile:
    Pets: 2 cats, 1 dog... all 10 yrs and older, it's the senior citizen animal home! :laugh:
    Married/SO: Yep!
    Eating Lifestyle: Primal - still consuming cream, full fat greek yogurt, cheese and butter - all in small amounts. Considering giving up nightshades as they seem to give me heartburn, but my tomatoes... oh how I love tomatoes!
    Starting weight: 160
    Goal Weight: 120
    Goals for this 8 wks: 10lbs

    I have been struggling with my weight for almost 3 years now... have tried a huge assortment of diets and eating styles and finally settled on Primal. I have been roughly 80% since January and have not experienced any weight loss yet (or size loss). I am not going to participate in regular weigh-ins until I figure out WTF is wrong with my body and how to get the weight loss started. :huh:

    I know that some medications cause weight gain. Also hormones play are large role. It would be very frustrating to see no results. Might I suggest a Metabolic screening. You'd probably have to pay for it, but it can tellyou how you burn calories, etc.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I know that some medications cause weight gain. Also hormones play are large role. It would be very frustrating to see no results. Might I suggest a Metabolic screening. You'd probably have to pay for it, but it can tellyou how you burn calories, etc.

    Thank you! I fully agree and plan on trying to find a doctor that will listen to and work WITH me soon enough... having some extra financial issues right now, so it may be later this summer but hopefully I can get some answers sooner than later! Until then I'm working on increasing my workouts and lifting and reducing my carbs and increasing my protein. Going to tweak the diet a bit first. :bigsmile:
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Hi All! I'd like to start the challenge mostly because I'm interested in what other people are eating to keep carbs low as well as I need all the support I can get! I'm a carb and sugar addict! I've lost 65 pounds over the last two years by eating low calorie and exercising and now I want to start focusing on what my calorie intake consists of so I can be my healthiest me. My body shape tends to hold my extra fat in my mid-section. I've read many articles suggesting excess carbs and sugar to be the culprit! This video was a big wake up call for me. I highly recommend it!

    Name: Kimberly
    Age: 23
    Kids: none
    Pets: dog, Bella
    Married/SO: My bf and I live together. His name is Aaron.
    Eating Lifestyle: Low calorie until recently. I'd like to limit my sugars/carbs. My goal is to keep my carb intake under 100gr a day for now. I love fruit and don't plan on eliminating it. I also require a fiber supplement- my choices seem to all have a lot of carbs.
    Starting weight: 133.
    Goal Weight: 125. My ultimate goal is a flat-ish stomach more then a weight.
    Goals for this 8 wks: 129

    MissKim (nice name :wink: ) Thank you for starting the group!
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    I'm curious as to how many of you here have a family that eats like you do, or if they have not adapted.

    I live with my fiance, and I've gotten him to cut out some of the sugar, but his favorite foods are bread and pasta, and he drinks like 4 glasses of nesquik chocolate milk every night. He's very supportive of me eating this way (because he see's how happy and well I am). I don't want to be a pain, because I believe in free will, and that food choices are very personal, and he has every right to eat all the carbs his heart desires- but he doesn't come from a family with the greatest health history. And he has family with diabetes on both sides- so I worry about him.

    How do you all handle your eating lifestyle along with your family's?
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    DH is about 60-70% there.... he does well with dinner and is on board with everything that I make. HOWEVER, he eats lunch out a lot (sales meetings), and then there's the dang vending machine (which we don't have here). :huh:
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Ahhh Kim you made the thread ... donnow how I missed it wow already 3 pages long ....

    Name: nikole
    Age: 31
    Kids: 3 (1 girl and 2 boys)
    Pets: 1 canary bird named Yellow
    Married/SO: happlily married
    Eating Lifestyle: Fairly new to Primal way of eating but have been eating real natural traditional foods (I guess they also call it clean eating) I do higher proteins, moderate fat, carbs under 100g, I try to stay within my calories, I eat dairy and fruit, with no intention right now to omit them. no grains or beans, no refined sugar only date sugar/molasses and honey occasional.. so pretty much Primal eating ... 80/20
    Starting weight: 120kg - 264lbs
    Current Weight: 105kg - 231lbs
    2011 Goal Weight: 80kg - 175lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 70kg - 155lbs
    Goals for this 8 wks: Keep logging my food and excercise, drink least 3L water daily, do my fitness routine, walk daily 4km, to be under 100kg (or 220lbs)

    Other: I just started out on this life habit change in March, still getting used to it. Husband is all for the meat but not willing to give up bread and his sweets. But he is doing much better then before. He is thin so he claims he doesn't need to diet. I have 3 kids who you could are picky eaters one is a so called vegatarian, one eats very little but when he does it's meat, fruit or sweets if he got his way, and the last one only eats mushy pureed foods even thou he is 15months now LOL!

    I don't wanna be a pain either but it would be simpler, quicker an cheaper if we all ate the same food! Other then my weight loss this is my goal.

    I have not only adopted the Primal way to eat but all of the other principles such as the excercise, buying grass fed free range meats, organic, fermented and raw dairy, buying locally and safe cookware.

    I like my breads and pastas but I just have to learn to live without them ...

    Kimberly thanks for sharing this videos watching it now!
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I am in...
    Name: Tina
    Age: 40
    Kids: 2 (17 and 6)
    Pets: nope
    Married/SO: YES
    Eating Lifestyle: low-carb, avoiding processed foods as much as possible...almost gluten free
    Starting weight: for MFP or for Tuesday? MFP = 242 / Tuesday = 222
    Goal Weight: MFP goal weight = 175
    Goals for this 8 wks: lose inches, few pounds, eat healthy