No Grain...No Pain!!!



  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    My DH is definitely not into it. He loves his carbs. That's mainly what he eats. I'm hoping he will keep watching and noticing what it's doing for me and join the band wagon :) My kids? No way!

    I have a question about fats. I had about 70% of my calories come from fat yesterday. Yikes. That's ok, isn't it? :frown: It consisted of coconut oil, olive oil and avocado mainly. I couldn't believe it when I saw my totals. I want so much to get rid of this flab and thought this might not help the process. Feel free to slap me if need be....:embarassed:
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Are there any people here trying to control insulin resistence like diabetes, pcos, thyroid etc ...
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    @Heniko, I'm on Glumetza for IR.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    This is hard! I've been looking for good dinner recipes and lunch ideas. So many dinner suggestions I find contain bacon and I don't like bacon. I don't love meat but chicken is my favorite. I'm struggling here! Dinner suggestions anyone? Thanks in advance :)
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Are there any people here trying to control insulin resistence like diabetes, pcos, thyroid etc ...

    Yes. Diabetes and insulin resistance run like wild fire in my family. My mother and her brother, who never really got overweight, and their sister, who did, all were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My mom and uncle went low-carb and all natural in their eating many years ago, and are no longer diabetic, in fact they're pretty much the healthiest people I know. My aunt has cut sugar, and she's still diabetic, but her health is improving. I didn't want to go down the same road. I don't know what my blood work was like when I was at my heaviest, when I was eating a lot of carbs- I avoided the doctor at 320 pounds- but now my blood work is amazing.

    Another benefit in health I have found is with psych issues. I used to be on anti-depressants, and anti-anxiety meds, and meds for ADHD, and meds for insomnia... all kinds of hard core meds to help correct my "chemical imbalances". Guess what? Changing my diet corrected those chemical imbalances. And guess how many of those meds I take now? None.
  • katyrose221
    katyrose221 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm curious as to how many of you here have a family that eats like you do, or if they have not adapted.

    I live with my fiance, and I've gotten him to cut out some of the sugar, but his favorite foods are bread and pasta, and he drinks like 4 glasses of nesquik chocolate milk every night. He's very supportive of me eating this way (because he see's how happy and well I am). I don't want to be a pain, because I believe in free will, and that food choices are very personal, and he has every right to eat all the carbs his heart desires- but he doesn't come from a family with the greatest health history. And he has family with diabetes on both sides- so I worry about him.

    How do you all handle your eating lifestyle along with your family's?

    My husband thinks I am nuts to do this. The other day we even got in a little tiff because I do the grocery shopping, and during my last trip I didn't buy any dessert. I told him that I probably wouldn't be for a little while so I can adjust to this new low-carb eating easier. Up until that point he had been mildly supportive of my weight loss. But that pissed him off. He told me he didn't like that my wierd eating habits were starting to affect him. Part of me knows he is right. Since I do the shopping, I do control (to some degree) what he eats. I am not sure it is fair of me to not have options for him. But I do wish he wouldn't have gotten that bent out of shape.

    Which leads me to a question I have been pondering since then. What do other low-carbers do for dessert? For their kids' birthdays? etc?

    My son is only two and eats mainly carbs and bananas (like most toddlers). However I am now working on him slowly, trying to get him to eat more meat and veggies. It may take me his whole life! I hope that my eating habits will wear off on him over time, though.
  • katyrose221
    katyrose221 Posts: 69 Member
    This is hard! I've been looking for good dinner recipes and lunch ideas. So many dinner suggestions I find contain bacon and I don't like bacon. I don't love meat but chicken is my favorite. I'm struggling here! Dinner suggestions anyone? Thanks in advance :)

    I love bacon, but I know what you mean about meat. I am not a chicken or fish person. I would look at recipes you liked before with chicken, but simply eliminate the carby portions (make the chicken parm (unbreaded) and without the noodles...or with the noodles if you have an SO who is still eating them, and then you just eat the chicken). Things like that. I lover burgers and had them the other night sans bun. I was worried it would be not as good, but it was.

    I just had an avocado for lunch today. I never had them in anything other than guacamole. Surprisingly good. Maybe you can look at those recipes. Also some of the recipes that call for bacon, can chick be subbed in, instead? Good luck!
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451

    Which leads me to a question I have been pondering since then. What do other low-carbers do for dessert? For their kids' birthdays? etc?

    I have never been a baker, even when I ate carbs. Which is good since I was a baked good addict. But my mother makes all source of fab low-carb cookies, cakes, and confections- I should get some of her recipes to share. It took her a few years to perfect her treats, but they're really good. Her low-carb christmas cookies are actually better than the ones she used to make!

    For my own personal "desserts", berries with heavy cream or almond butter drizzled over is very easy and tasty. I also mix nut butters with cream cheese and some liquid stevia to make personal servings of my "cheese cake in a cup". I also will make "milk shakes". For a high cal version I do heavy whipping cream with a bit of frozen berries and sometimes some nut butter, and a bit liquid stevia in the blender. For a lower cal shake, I substitute the heavy cream with unsweeted almond milk.
    And occasionally I buy 88% cacoa organic chocolate bars. They're so strong and delicious I don't have to eat much to satisfy my choc craving- and a serving has like 6 grams of fiber!
  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    About to start Atkins and I just wanted a group of people who have more experience with this lifestyle change. Cause I know I will need some help. 
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    This is hard! I've been looking for good dinner recipes and lunch ideas. So many dinner suggestions I find contain bacon and I don't like bacon. I don't love meat but chicken is my favorite. I'm struggling here! Dinner suggestions anyone? Thanks in advance :)

    Try searching here:

    You can type in things like "low carb chicken" or whatever and get a ton of ideas, or find a link to a site and just go crazy on that one site.
    I made an "italian chicken bake" from one of those searches - chicken thighs, can of diced tomatoes and a brick of cream cheese (mix tomatoes and cheese first)... onions, garlic, italian seasoning, etc. Very tasty!

    Or you could pound out chicken breasts and stuff them with whatever sounds good or you have on had... spinach and goat cheese, peppers and onions, ham and cheese, whatever! Roll it up and stick a toothpick in it and then bake until done.
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Are there any people here trying to control insulin resistence like diabetes, pcos, thyroid etc ...

    Yes. Diabetes and insulin resistance run like wild fire in my family. My mother and her brother, who never really got overweight, and their sister, who did, all were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My mom and uncle went low-carb and all natural in their eating many years ago, and are no longer diabetic, in fact they're pretty much the healthiest people I know. My aunt has cut sugar, and she's still diabetic, but her health is improving. I didn't want to go down the same road. I don't know what my blood work was like when I was at my heaviest, when I was eating a lot of carbs- I avoided the doctor at 320 pounds- but now my blood work is amazing.

    Another benefit in health I have found is with psych issues. I used to be on anti-depressants, and anti-anxiety meds, and meds for ADHD, and meds for insomnia... all kinds of hard core meds to help correct my "chemical imbalances". Guess what? Changing my diet corrected those chemical imbalances. And guess how many of those meds I take now? None.

    I noticed the same results. I also have a lot of diabetes and heart disease in my family and wanted to make sure I didn't follow, but noticed that my other issues were cleared up as well. I am a clutz and tripped down a step with both kneecaps hitting the concrete 5 years ago and was told I would never be able to be completely pain free, they gave my hydrocodone. I get massive headaches and was diagnosed with MS two years ago. I was taking almost 20 ibuprofen a day, painful injections, steroids, and the dr handed me two more prescriptions at my last appoinment, for who knows what. But I have been symptom free, pain free, and med free since February!!! On those meds, I could barely function. My kids suffered from my lack of energy. But I feel amazing now. I can run, play with the boys, it is amazing!!!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Which leads me to a question I have been pondering since then. What do other low-carbers do for dessert? For their kids' birthdays? etc?

    I don't have kids so I guess I don't find the need for actual "dessert" most nights..... if I do want something sweet I keep 85% dark chocolate on hand and a quick egg custard is easy to whip up (also good for breakfast!).
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Welcome Marline!!

    Go to the very first post from MissKim and post your information so she can track it!

    You'll get tons of support here :happy:
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'm curious as to how many of you here have a family that eats like you do, or if they have not adapted.

    How do you all handle your eating lifestyle along with your family's?
    My DH fully supports me, but he hasn't taken on this diet because he has no real reason to watch his food intake. He has a very physical job and pretty much eats what he wants. In general, I eat what my family eats but if they have rice or pasta for sides, I skip that and add extra veggies instead. If they are having something that I just cannot eat that day (pizza or something like that), I will make myself my own dinner. It's not been a problem at all so far.
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    bump...I am not trying to intrude, but I am very curious about how it is working for everyone.. I have thought about it then been advised against it too I messaged so I could keep an eye...Good luck everyone
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Oh! How did i miss this one? Fellow low-carber here, due to insulin resistance.

    Name: Hannah
    Age: 23
    Kids: 1 (little boy, 3.5 yrs)
    Pets: 2 (dogs, lovable mutts)
    Married/SO: Engaged, living with my s/o
    Eating Lifestyle: Low carb/low sugar
    Starting weight: 215
    Goal Weight: 125-ish
    Goals for this 8 wks: 200!

    I'm so excited, I always feel like i get so many great food ideas around other low carbers. You guys rock. :bigsmile:
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm curious as to how many of you here have a family that eats like you do, or if they have not adapted.

    I live with my fiance, and I've gotten him to cut out some of the sugar, but his favorite foods are bread and pasta, and he drinks like 4 glasses of nesquik chocolate milk every night. He's very supportive of me eating this way (because he see's how happy and well I am). I don't want to be a pain, because I believe in free will, and that food choices are very personal, and he has every right to eat all the carbs his heart desires- but he doesn't come from a family with the greatest health history. And he has family with diabetes on both sides- so I worry about him.

    How do you all handle your eating lifestyle along with your family's?

    The family is getting there. I do all the cooking so they eat what I make, or go hungry, lol. No, not really. I first made things for them, and things for me, but am slowly learning to sub for the things I don't want. I found a recipe for primal bread, so we can still have sandwiches, spaghetti squash instead of pasta, I can't wait to try the shredded zucchini or eggplant pizza crust, have had mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes. Oh, and Pizza-bellas!! Baked the big portabella mushrooms then toppoed them with crushed tomatoes mixed with italian seasoning, then add the cheese, meats, veggies and bake for another 10 minutes. Didn't take any longer than a Digiorno. I don't think there is much, other than desserts we miss out on. I did look for almond and coconut flour for baking, but it was between $8-12/pound. Once I go back to work and we are not on a tight budget, I will start buying it.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Oh, and Pizza-bellas!! Baked the big portabella mushrooms then toppoed them with crushed tomatoes mixed with italian seasoning, then add the cheese, meats, veggies and bake for another 10 minutes.

    I had TOTALLY forgotten about these! I used to eat the heck out of them but then I guess I got burned out. :laugh: I'll have to add them back to the rotation now! :wink:
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    This is hard! I've been looking for good dinner recipes and lunch ideas. So many dinner suggestions I find contain bacon and I don't like bacon. I don't love meat but chicken is my favorite. I'm struggling here! Dinner suggestions anyone? Thanks in advance :)

    Try searching here:

    You can type in things like "low carb chicken" or whatever and get a ton of ideas, or find a link to a site and just go crazy on that one site.
    I made an "italian chicken bake" from one of those searches - chicken thighs, can of diced tomatoes and a brick of cream cheese (mix tomatoes and cheese first)... onions, garlic, italian seasoning, etc. Very tasty!

    Or you could pound out chicken breasts and stuff them with whatever sounds good or you have on had... spinach and goat cheese, peppers and onions, ham and cheese, whatever! Roll it up and stick a toothpick in it and then bake until done.

    Great suggestions! Thanks so much!!! I just need to branch out and not be afraid to try some new things.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Oh, and Pizza-bellas!! Baked the big portabella mushrooms then toppoed them with crushed tomatoes mixed with italian seasoning, then add the cheese, meats, veggies and bake for another 10 minutes.

    I had TOTALLY forgotten about these! I used to eat the heck out of them but then I guess I got burned out. :laugh: I'll have to add them back to the rotation now! :wink:

    OMG!! YUMMY!!