What gym types can't you stand?



  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I get annoyed at the overly talkative people. Or the people who feel like they need to do 15 sets of bench press, and hog the station forever.

    The grunters: it just depends how bad it is. If you're working out intensely, you're going to make some noise. But a lot of people overplay it.
  • My gym is really small, a family owned business, so at this point there aren't any problems that I've noticed. Everyone is really respectful, and it's not a meat market, no women even wear shorts. It's a great Christian-run place...
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I can't stand the cell phone campers. If you want to talk or text on your damn phone, do it out of my way. grrrrrrrrr..... >:)
    Those people texting might be entering their workout details into this site. :D

    I am like always on my phone because I can't remember my workout ;/
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Here are my hubby and I's gym goers that we find entertaining:

    1) The froggies: They do BB pull-ups by jumping like a frog and stretching their bodies to the point that I think they are giong to snap! Any exercise these 3 froggies do they tend to jump or stretch it out to the point that I'm scared they are going to hurt themselves.
    2) The "man" - this is the nickname we affectionately gave this woman. She's a body builder and is just awesome to watch lifting weights. But she does look like a man, and it feels kinda weird when her and her hubby makeup in the gym. I had to do a double-take the first time.
    3) "Blackie" - this is the thin girl with huge boobs that ALWAYS wears the same gym wear. She also flirts with all the guys and does the txting.
    4) The grunter/thinks he's the Hulk - this guy has only started coming to the gym in the last couple of weeks. He grunts loudly before every set and gets rid of flegm and then caughs... then does his set. He also likes to 'jump-in' when 3 guys are doing supersets with the preacher curl machine... What the?! I mean with 3 guys, why the heck don't you find another exercise and jump on that one once they're done?!
    5) Eminem look alike - this guy looks like him and I even think he thinks he is him. He lifts weights while looking at himself in the mirror and you can tell he undresses himself with his eyes!
    6) Exercise cheaters - these are the people that I don't care much for... Exercise is NOT for show, there is a way to do it for it work - if you're only gonna cheat, what's the point?! These people will either put too much weight on and contort their bodies to do 3 reps... Not even targetting the muscles they are suppose to. It's painful to watch really.
    7) txters and chatters: OMG! If you can't leave your phone at home to come to the gym, you are ADDICTED! C'mon, you're here to work up a sweat or get away from stress... How can you focus when you have your phone ringing off the hook? And how can you take 3 hours chatting when it would only take you 45 min. to workout??? Weird!

    'nuff said :)
  • Dbow0207
    Dbow0207 Posts: 220 Member
    I can stant when people dont wipe off the machinces either!!!!! All your sweat is over it and you think we want to be on it touching it too! That urks my nerves!
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    I am glad I work out at home. Why? I have noone(but me :D) texting the last 5 minute cool-down of my workout. (actually, I am loading my calories burned on MFP - SO HA).

    I also can sweat all I want, grunt all I want and curl in MY rack all I want, LOL. I even took the liberty of using two pairs of Rogue Lock Jaws onto the end of my Oly. Curl bar to extend its length so I COULD curl in the rack, Haha.

    I never have to wait for a machine - as they are all mine, and noone in my house works out but me. (Been trying to get my Bro to do it, but he will when he feels better).

    Also, there's ONE treadmill and it is mine. I have never named it though, maybe I should, we hook up almost everyday for an hours time or more.

    OH and since I am naturally a freakishly organized person - I rerack my own weights, I put back dumbbells, wipe the stuff off my machines and keep my area clean.

    I just don't know if I could ever go back to a gym now, lol - It seems just as bad as I had imaged in. :\
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Here are my hubby and I's gym goers that we find entertaining:

    5) Eminem look alike - this guy looks like him and I even think he thinks he is him. He lifts weights while looking at himself in the mirror and you can tell he undresses himself with his eyes!

    'nuff said :)

    I have to see this Eminem look-a-like..
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