Lose 5 Pounds a Month May 2011 Challenge



  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    Still 167... i maintained this week. I guess its because we celebrated two birthdays over the weekend... I have 1 more pound to go til 5, and 3 to my goal of 7. I'm going to try!
  • fit4everyoung
    fit4everyoung Posts: 395
    Well hello everyone:

    My Mondays' weight check in have been as follow. My apologies for not reporting to such a motivated group.
    5/2/11 = 115
    5/9/11 = 115
    5/16/11 = 114 and 113. 5/18/11 Today was 113.

    3 pouns to GO!!! I hope to have great results by my MONDAY Check-in 5/23/11. Let's all work hard in completing daily logs, exercise and not going over calories. We have two more weight ins, May 23 and May 30!
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    Well hello everyone:

    My Mondays' weight check in have been as follow. My apologies for not reporting to such a motivated group.
    5/2/11 = 115
    5/9/11 = 115
    5/16/11 = 114 and 113. 5/18/11 Today was 113.

    3 pouns to GO!!! I hope to have great results by my MONDAY Check-in 5/23/11. Let's all work hard in completing daily logs, exercise and not going over calories. We have two more weight ins, May 23 and May 30!

    Nice job, Rosie!! You are doing great!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I've been trying to catch up, but it's been hard to.. the new position at work (5a-10aM/T and 5a-9aW-F) is great because I have my whole day free as well as weekends, but I'm so tired now! I've been pushing myself exercise -wise like I did last year and I'm hoping I'll see the results I'm hoping for. I've been going up and down on the scale, so I haven't posted/logged any weight changes as it varies so much right now..

    But, in great news: we paid off my car 2mon in advance (still has a blown up motor, but at least the car is pai for!) and we paid $454 too much so we got it back from them. So I bought K Swiss tubes (shoes) and I LOVE THEM!! Super comfy! I also gotthe hubs to agree to join our local gym on Sunday. SUPER STOKED!! I'm even going to my first class tonight and it's Zumba! Woot Woot!! ANd it's over 30min before BL airs so I get both, yay!!

    Hope all is well in your slice of Earth. Hopefully we'll all have some great numbers in 2weeks. :)

    I have looked at the tubes but been afraid to try a new shoe and may have after this great review.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I am really struggling this month even at maintaining. I am not finding the time to workout. My work schedule is nuts and the kids activities keep us on the go which usually means eating on the run and not always the healthiest. On the nights when we are home I am so tired from my work day that it is hard to find the motivation to exercise. I need to dig deep and find that motivation again. I feel like I am in that "old mind set" that made be overweight in the first place.

    I think part of it was being sick the first 2 weeks of the month and getting out of the routine of exercising. I just need to get back into that routine and start eating healthy again.

    Ok enough with my struggles.

    I am very happy to see so many of you are at the 5 pound goal or really close. Keep up the good work.

    For those (like me) who are struggling keep working on it. Lets figure this out together.

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member

    I have looked at the tubes but been afraid to try a new shoe and may have after this great review.

    I'm a really frugle person, the most I'd ever spent on shoes was $25 before, but they crapped out really quick, our Show Carnival store has the mens yellow/black tubes on sale for $64 and they were well worth the extra $$ :)
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Have I mentioned that I'm travelling this week? It's the first time since I joined MFP and I AM STRUGGLING!!

    The hotel's breakfast has all high carb/high fat items. Not even any fruit! The seminar's lunch healthy options were raw veggies & cheese slices - everything else deep fried or high sodium. The seminar offers a mid-afternoon snack - baked peanut butter bars or ice cream. And don't even get me started on our dinner choices...

    I feel like I've entered the Bizzaro world...don't these places realize that I'm on a lifestyle change!?! They're not helping me and I don't appreciate it! :noway:

    But...if I can get thru this week...that should prove that I can get thru anything that challenges me during this journey.

    I'm hoping for everyone that you're having a more successful week than I!!

    What a bummer about the hotel and seminar food! Is there any way that you can run to a store and pick up some healthier options? Drink lots of water too! Keep us updated and push through this Bizzaro week!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    I've been trying to catch up, but it's been hard to.. the new position at work (5a-10aM/T and 5a-9aW-F) is great because I have my whole day free as well as weekends, but I'm so tired now! I've been pushing myself exercise -wise like I did last year and I'm hoping I'll see the results I'm hoping for. I've been going up and down on the scale, so I haven't posted/logged any weight changes as it varies so much right now..

    But, in great news: we paid off my car 2mon in advance (still has a blown up motor, but at least the car is pai for!) and we paid $454 too much so we got it back from them. So I bought K Swiss tubes (shoes) and I LOVE THEM!! Super comfy! I also gotthe hubs to agree to join our local gym on Sunday. SUPER STOKED!! I'm even going to my first class tonight and it's Zumba! Woot Woot!! ANd it's over 30min before BL airs so I get both, yay!!

    Hope all is well in your slice of Earth. Hopefully we'll all have some great numbers in 2weeks. :)

    Way to see the positive! I love Zumba! It really kicks your butt :bigsmile:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I am with you Terri. It has been a crazy time for me too. I didn't even want to step on the scales for a week for fear of what I'd see. finally this morning I took a look to see how much damage I have done by not being strict with myself. 143.6!!! O.k. I admitted it now I am determined to get back with it and be responsible. I went right away and did 35 minutes of exercise with my DVD. So I am off to a good start this morning.

    Let's hang in there and motivate each other. WE CAN DO IT. Phyljen
    I am really struggling this month even at maintaining. I am not finding the time to workout. My work schedule is nuts and the kids activities keep us on the go which usually means eating on the run and not always the healthiest. On the nights when we are home I am so tired from my work day that it is hard to find the motivation to exercise. I need to dig deep and find that motivation again. I feel like I am in that "old mind set" that made be overweight in the first place.

    I think part of it was being sick the first 2 weeks of the month and getting out of the routine of exercising. I just need to get back into that routine and start eating healthy again.

    Ok enough with my struggles.

    I am very happy to see so many of you are at the 5 pound goal or really close. Keep up the good work.

    For those (like me) who are struggling keep working on it. Lets figure this out together.

  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    Its been a hard week this week, all the rain and the stress has really gotten to me, had a really bad calorie day yesterday. But I am going to stay positive, cause the sun is soppossed to peek out today and tomorrow, and get back to it. I haven't had the chance to go to the gym like I wanted this week yet either (no gas to get there), hopefully this weekend will be better and the damage of this week won't be to bad come Monday when I weigh in.
  • dnpamorgan
    dnpamorgan Posts: 29 Member
    I have completely failed myself this month. I have not been exercising or eating like I should be. My weight this week did go down by .8 but I feel like I could've done a lot better!!
    last week weight 139.6
    this week 138.8
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I :heart: Zumba, that is all :laugh:

    :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh:

    I went out of town with CJ for a few days & didn't keep track of my eating. I had a lot of beer & munchies, but still went for a run & did a LOT of walking exploring around Springfield, IL. I had a fabulous time & didn't really worry about anything. It was much needed relaxation time! I peeked at the scale this morning & I'm only up 1/2 a pound! So not too shabby! :bigsmile: Hopefully I can do great this weekend & the scale will reward me in the 180s on Monday! :bigsmile:
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    I'm in for another month. It helps me to stay focused: Starting weight 201.2. Good luck to everyone. Let's lose some weight in May so that we are looking good for the Summer.
    5/01 - 201.2
    5/07 - 199.4
    5/14 - 198
    5/21 -191.4
    5/31 -
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Since April 25th, I've burn 17,723 calories, not including today... :D I'm really hoping to jump start my weight loss again, hopefully I'll see 191 in a week or so :)
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    My travelling week is coming to an end. Today I have a wedding & then will be heading back home.

    Overall, it wasn't a great week for food; I tried to offset the high calories/high sodium items with fruit & salad whenever I could but those times were rare. I did a lot of walking and got a few runs in but I miss my cycling! I'm looking forward to getting back into my normal eating/exercise routine starting first thing tomorrow!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    5/14 - 198
    5/21 -191.4

    @ Nanberube - that is an AWESOME loss for a week! Great effort; keep it up! :flowerforyou:
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    :heart: I did it with 1 week to spare!!! and I am now under 200 lbs. This website is awesome!! I want to lose 1 more lb next week so I an make up for last month.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    jakesmom Great job on making it to onderland!!!

    Im really hoping to see 149 tomorrow but I don't think I will because I ate panda express orange chicken today. : (
    I really believe I have FINALLY left the number 152 behind BUT I think I found a new number lol.... I have been lingering at 150 for the past two weeks! of cours the first week I saw 152 a couple times and this past week I have not seen 152 at all!

    Now to get to 149 hopefully by the end of the month lol well hope everyone has a good night im off to bed gotta get up and work a 16 tomorrow
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    May 1: 133
    May 8: 130
    May 15: 129
    May 22: 128

    5lb gone!
  • zimzim23
    zimzim23 Posts: 43 Member

    5/1: 157
    5/7: 155
    5/14: on vacation
    5/22: 154.8

    So not super great, but at least I didn't gain.