Lose 5 Pounds a Month May 2011 Challenge



  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    May 3rd: 195.2 lbs
    May 10th: 190.4 lbs
    May 16th: 190.2 lbs

    I just don't get excited about the scale anymore. I DO however get excited that I bought a pair of size 11 COTTON capris on Friday - didn't try them on till I got home & they fit PERFECTLY! :bigsmile:

    I went thru 3 bins of summer clothes again last night & have 2 to get rid of! Before long I'm not going to have much of a choice of things to wear! :laugh:
  • bmmarti3
    bmmarti3 Posts: 53 Member
    I might be able to meet the challange.

    May 1st: 212.4 lbs
    May 5th: 221.0 lbs
    May 16th: 211.8 lbs

    I traveled for two weeks for work and had to eat out almost every meal. I think a lot of the 221 was artificial water weight, which is why I dropped it so fast, but I'm net 0.6 down for the month.

    I think in 16 days remaining I can drop the other 4.4 lbs (2.2 lbs per week). It's doable, but it will be close. Just glad I caught up on my bad two weeks.
  • Pink_Hornet
    Pink_Hornet Posts: 54
    I know im not going to reach my goal this month i have officially hit a plateau but im gonna keep pushing somethings got to give:sad:
    SW- 152lbs
    07/05/11-152lbs no change this week
    14/05/11-152lbs:mad: : no change this week
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I am back. This was a lost weekend. My daughter's swim club hosted a 2 day swim meet and I volunteered my weekend away to help out the club. Food choices stunk for lunch the choices were nacho's or a hotdog. They did have fruit and bagels with cream cheese also but first day I did not eat while I was there and then ate way too much for dinner. ... day 2 I grabbed a subway foot long and was going to be good and eat 1/2 and save the other half for later I was sooo hungry after standing around on the pool deck all morning I ate the whole thing and then was starving after standing around on the pool deck all afternoon. So hopefully I have good weigh in in the morning.

    Update on my son he was sent to the orthopedic doctor last week who took one look at his MRI and could see a hairline fracture on the big toe. So at least another 2 weeks of crutches while that heals. Poor kid he is missing his entire baseball season and missed his first swim meet this weekend. Nothing like paying for sports that they can't use.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I went back a read all the posts I have missed and I am impressed some of you are already at the 5 pound mark for the weekend. I am hoping to get back on the treadmill tonight and log some badly needed mileage. I need to get my daughter from swimming at 6:45 and I need to find the motivation to get on that treadmill at 7 pm. The next 2 evenings I have an orchestra concert and then a meeting at church. I need to figure out how to get my but out of bed in the morning so I don't need to worry about getting my workouts done in the evening.

    I did put the daycare kids in the stroller and get almost a mile walk done this morning.

    Now to clean up the kitchen before they wake-up from naps and need to be fed again.

    Have an awesome Monday.

  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    Still hoping to hit the 5 pounds by 5/31 but it's looking less likely (I've lost nothing thus far this month). Turning up the power for the next 2 weeks! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    Ok I didn't weigh in on Monday because I had gone a little well ok a lot carb crazy over the weekend and was up 6lbs. Started Atkins on Monday. Weighed in today and I liked the number so much I figured I post it. Hope this trend keeps on because boy do I LIKE those numbers

    sw- 271.5
    5/12/11- 270.2

    SW- 271.5

    5/12/2011 - 270.2

    5/16/2011 - 265.3

    YAY I LOVE LOVE LOVE :heart: :heart: :heart: ATKINS!!! It is easy to follow and I am dropping lots of weight! Down 6.2 lbs and hoping to double that by the end of the month!!
  • So I'm weighing in again.
    SW: 128.2
    W1: 129.9 (heaviest I remember)
    W2: 126.5
    Total loss: 3.4 or is it 1.7 I'm confused....
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    05/01/2011: 211.50
    05/10/2011: 207.25
    05/16/2011: 208.00(!)
  • marsts
    marsts Posts: 85
    I know I'm a week late buuuut

    here's my starting weight of may 7 - 178.5 (i have to use my wii scale to weigh myself and some days it says 177 and other days 180...so i might as well put it in between)

    goal weight by june 1- 173! :)

    Update May 16th ---- > CW: 176.4 down 2 pounds ! 3 more to go ;)
  • 5/1 start weight : 126
    5/8 : 126
    5/15 : 125
    Finally down a pound!!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    I am in!! I leave for my Cruise on June 2 and would love to reach my mini goal of 180 by then.

    How do we check in? Weekly? or the end of the month?

    Whoo hoo! We CAN do this!

    Do we post our statistics on the 1st?

    Thanks everyone!

    May 1: 187lbs
    May 7: 185.2

    Loss of 1.8lbs so far:smile:

    I missed posting my weigh in earlier this week! I am sorry everyone. I was down and out with a migraine for three days! Finally, I gave up and went in to get the shot in my bum!

    May 1:187lbs
    May 3: 185.2lbs
    May 10: 183.2lbs

    Total loss for the month 3.8lbs and counting!

    Well, I had set myself up for disappointment on my weigh in day and was surprisingly happy to see another 1.8 lbs gone! I had thought with that awful migraine last week, that I would have for sure maintained or even gained! I am so happy!!!

    May 1:187lbs
    May 3: 185.2lbs
    May 10: 183.2lbs
    May 17L 181.4lbs

    Total loss for month is .... 5.6! So I made the five pound goal! Whoo Hoo!

    Does that mean I am kicked out of the group? Because I would really like to lose at least another 1.4 lbs before my cruise on June 2.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Still hoping to hit the 5 pounds by 5/31 but it's looking less likely (I've lost nothing thus far this month). Turning up the power for the next 2 weeks! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....

    I know you can, I know you can, I know you can...:smile:
  • Hi Everyone,

    Did terrible last week. Gained 2.4 lbs back so my overall loss for this month so far is only 1.6 lb :grumble: Nobody's fault but my own. I have been to slack in my logging, eating and exercising. I'm so frustrated with myself but I am not giving up. I have worked to hard and made too much progress to give up now!!! Grrrrrrr.
  • I am in!! I leave for my Cruise on June 2 and would love to reach my mini goal of 180 by then.

    How do we check in? Weekly? or the end of the month?

    Whoo hoo! We CAN do this!

    Do we post our statistics on the 1st?

    Thanks everyone!

    May 1: 187lbs
    May 7: 185.2

    Loss of 1.8lbs so far:smile:

    I missed posting my weigh in earlier this week! I am sorry everyone. I was down and out with a migraine for three days! Finally, I gave up and went in to get the shot in my bum!

    May 1:187lbs
    May 3: 185.2lbs
    May 10: 183.2lbs

    Total loss for the month 3.8lbs and counting!

    Well, I had set myself up for disappointment on my weigh in day and was surprisingly happy to see another 1.8 lbs gone! I had thought with that awful migraine last week, that I would have for sure maintained or even gained! I am so happy!!!

    May 1:187lbs
    May 3: 185.2lbs
    May 10: 183.2lbs
    May 17L 181.4lbs

    Total loss for month is .... 5.6! So I made the five pound goal! Whoo Hoo!

    Does that mean I am kicked out of the group? Because I would really like to lose at least another 1.4 lbs before my cruise on June 2.

    WHOO HOOO - Congratulation on doing so great this month. Nope, you're not kicked out of the group. We still need you here to motivate the rest of us.
  • Curry0724
    Curry0724 Posts: 51 Member
    SW: 158
    Week 1: 157.8
    Week 2: 156.8
    Week 3:
    Week 4:

    Total Loss: 1.2 pounds

    Doesn't seem like much, but I just need to be glad in the fact that it isn't a maintain OR a gain! Yay to that :)
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    SW: 158
    Week 1: 157.8
    Week 2: 156.8
    Week 3:
    Week 4:

    Total Loss: 1.2 pounds

    Doesn't seem like much, but I just need to be glad in the fact that it isn't a maintain OR a gain! Yay to that :)

    1.2 pounds is awesome! Keep it up!!!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    WHOO HOOO - Congratulation on doing so great this month. Nope, you're not kicked out of the group. We still need you here to motivate the rest of us.

    Oh good! Thank you so much!!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I've been trying to catch up, but it's been hard to.. the new position at work (5a-10aM/T and 5a-9aW-F) is great because I have my whole day free as well as weekends, but I'm so tired now! I've been pushing myself exercise -wise like I did last year and I'm hoping I'll see the results I'm hoping for. I've been going up and down on the scale, so I haven't posted/logged any weight changes as it varies so much right now..

    But, in great news: we paid off my car 2mon in advance (still has a blown up motor, but at least the car is pai for!) and we paid $454 too much so we got it back from them. So I bought K Swiss tubes (shoes) and I LOVE THEM!! Super comfy! I also gotthe hubs to agree to join our local gym on Sunday. SUPER STOKED!! I'm even going to my first class tonight and it's Zumba! Woot Woot!! ANd it's over 30min before BL airs so I get both, yay!!

    Hope all is well in your slice of Earth. Hopefully we'll all have some great numbers in 2weeks. :)
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Have I mentioned that I'm travelling this week? It's the first time since I joined MFP and I AM STRUGGLING!!

    The hotel's breakfast has all high carb/high fat items. Not even any fruit! The seminar's lunch healthy options were raw veggies & cheese slices - everything else deep fried or high sodium. The seminar offers a mid-afternoon snack - baked peanut butter bars or ice cream. And don't even get me started on our dinner choices...

    I feel like I've entered the Bizzaro world...don't these places realize that I'm on a lifestyle change!?! They're not helping me and I don't appreciate it! :noway:

    But...if I can get thru this week...that should prove that I can get thru anything that challenges me during this journey.

    I'm hoping for everyone that you're having a more successful week than I!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I :heart: Zumba, that is all :laugh:
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