Weirdest thing you have ever eaten!!



  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Chocolate covered grasshopper (of course my grandmother is a jerk and didn't tell me what I was eating till after, lol...)
  • makeit_alice
    Yes! Jellyfish for me, too.
    It's a Korean side dish and I didn't even know what it was until after I ate it... very squeaky and rubbery.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    when i was a kid i ate a fly
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    Well when I was a baby, my mom put me on the grass and I crawled over and ate a piece of dog poop. Does that count? Other than that...I got nothing! .....

    I did eat a very weird veggie this winter that came in my CSA box.....called Romanesco. It was new and strange and weird to me. but very tasty!
  • patssarah
    patssarah Posts: 146 Member
    a paintball.
    a red paintball that I thought was a cherry sour. :sick:
  • BonitaAppleBomb87
    Squid and it was digusting
  • lollie1285
    lollie1285 Posts: 239 Member
    A sour cream and onion dusted grasshopper. It was a dare and I was broke.
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Hmmm............crickets, deep fried whole frogs, intestine, spleen. Travel to Thailand introduced me to many new flavors.........most of them good. ;-)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    stinkiest: kim chee

    weirdest: probably Opihi, (limpets), a Hawaiian delicacy. They didn't light me up, but they are expensive and so I was honored to have them shared with me.

    my family has Hawaiian and Chinese in it, so we have eaten a lot of stuff that would seem outlandish.

    I gave my husband a taste of dried cuttlefish (yummy to me!) and he spit it out and said "Ugh, Why would you make me put cat food in my mouth!?" LOL
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    a paintball.
    a red paintball that I thought was a cherry sour.

    :sick: :sick::sick: :sick:

    oh you win, that's awful!!!!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I tried jellied eel...chewed it once and the lady behind the counter saw the look on my face and handed me a tissue. The grossest thing I have ever tasted like......the smell of urine or how you might expect urine to taste like (not that I have tasted urine). Truly truly awful! :sick:

    Sorry to any jellied eel fans out there...I definitely think its a thing you would either love or hate
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    Once on vacation we stopped at a place in rural Georgia and I ate a pickled pig's foot.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Balut, bagong, any number of things I can't quite recall because mercifully the memories have faded some. My Dad's from the Philippines and we learned pretty early on NOT to look in a pot cooking on the stove if Pop was cooking. To this day I have issues with tilapia, because it was a regular in the cooking on Pop's side of the family. Just now, I thought of the smell of whole boiled squid and how the smell permeates the neighborhood. Andrew Zimmern has nothing on my Dad!
    It's pretty unnerving to lift a pot lid and see all of these fish lying on their sides staring up at you. I call it boiled aquarium now.
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    Chicken garlic pizza with hummus and peanut butter.... I was having REALLY odd cravings that month.....
  • Tamelaine
    Tamelaine Posts: 37
    Definitely roasted grasshopper--I was living in Uganda for the summer at the time with a host family. Let's see, I have a few more things that they fed me.
    Matooke (bitter mashed cooked banana) with fish and g-nut (peanut) butter sauce (YUCK!!!)
    Spaghetti with top up (their fake jellied ketchup)
    Spaghetti noodles with brown gravy on them.
    I'm sure I can think of others if I really wanted too. I probably am purposely blocking out some of the worst times out of my memories. I was extremely sick for the first few weeks I was there because of some of teh foods we were given.
    Oh, I forgot one! The second night we were there our host mom plopped an entire Nile perch on the table in front of us--skin and all and commanded us to eat. Not extremely unusual, but for us 19 year old girls it was a bit of a shock--particularly when the family started eating the head and eyeballs.
  • carriecolleen

    OMG!!! Are you serious?

    OMG I just googled balut.....OMG!!!!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Gator, cajun style...was actually pretty good! :smile:

    I have had 2 cajan step-fathers....Aligator was served regularly at our house! I had to draw the line at the Nutra rat. I refuse to eat anything with the word rat in it. I think the weirdest thing I ever ate though, was a concoction of scrambled eggs with apples that my dad created one Sunday morning. I was a kid and it was AWFUL!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    speaking of weird food, I bought a food that I don't know what to do with. It came from the asian grocery, and it's called banana sauce, but it is red, and tastes vaguely like ketchup. IDK what to do with it, but it looked weird/interesting and was only 79cents, so....anyone? LOL
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Well when I was a baby, my mom put me on the grass and I crawled over and ate a piece of dog poop. Does that count? Other than that...I got nothing! .....

    I did eat a very weird veggie this winter that came in my CSA box.....called Romanesco. It was new and strange and weird to me. but very tasty!

    ooo - romanesco - that's that very cool fractally spiral green-yellow cauliflower right? WOW! <== i'm jealous about the
    veggie, not the poop. :sick:
  • Sunny_Lexie
    Sunny_Lexie Posts: 114
    Frog legs, Oysters and Kangaroo... (not at the same time)