

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    To all of you who responded about the SCALE, I got new batteries for it, and we shall see what it does... it was saying LO, but still working so I figured that it might be time for new batteries. I hate to get on the scale, but I am one of those that needs to see what I weigh every morning, I KNOW they say to stay off and only weigh 1x a week, but....
    I have just finished day 6 of 17 day diet cycle 2..
    We shall see what happens in the morning.
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    Good Evening Ladies!

    I've really been out of the loop. I just read 3 or 4 pages to try to catch up and I know I probably missed something or somebody but I beg your forgiveness in advance. It doesn't mean I love you any less.

    Cynthia.....WOW!! 20 pounds in 2 months? That's awesome! Whatever you're doing obviously works. Congrats.

    Happy Birthday.....smwert, Debbie, Grace, Chiclet......and anybody with a May birthday. We have 3 may births in our family and they swear they are the best. We're out numbered so we just agree.

    Barbiecat1.....My take on the cost of healthy food is, anything that is harder to find (rarer) is going to cost more. Fortunately I live in an area where there are a lot of Quakers and Menonites so we have little roadside markets all over the place. I even buy my flowers and seeds from them. The quality is well worth it.

    The Droid App....I love it. You can look up foods in a restaurant before you order, making the decision of what to eat easier. It doesn't offer the "complete this entry" at the end of the day so it may appear as thought you didn't finish...but it does sync with the laptop very well. I wish it included the community board as well but maybe that will come with time.

    Grace.....I laughed when I read about you turning 50, I'd like the opportunity to do that all over again. It is a milestone, make a very big deal out of it.

    Michelle.....Mahjongg, bowling, crochet???? Where the heck do you find the time? Way too much fun.

    Jackie.....Anything is always better than nothing, except when it comes to food. When I'm alone I make up silly little challenges so I'm not tempted. One night, I think I must have been drinking (just kidding) I went through the house looking for pens. I told myself if I could find 15 pens that weren't where they were suppose to be I could have a Mt. Dew (my drug of choice). Well, 3 hours later (it was important!) I had looked under every bed, couch cushion and dresser, up on top of the kitchen cabinets (like someone just puts pens up there), my hubby's suit coats...it got ridiculous. Finally, I never found 15 and it was too late to even think about that much caffein, so I went to bed. The bonus was, the house was all straightened up.

    Mary.....Sorry to hear about your Mom. I'm sending you all the positive vibes and prayers I can muster up.

    BirdieM.....I took a fall a few years ago, went down 13 stairs on my butt. OUCH!! I found that sitting on a stabalizer ball took a lot of the pressure off the sore back. I think because you can move and squirm in any direction and it's softer than a chair.

    Capricorn.....I love AI. My fave in the begining was Jacob(he's gone) because I'm a big R&B fan but Haley has really grown on me. I think I like her because she's got this whole Carol King / Carly Simon thing going on.

    Jackie.....I've seen the Zumba infomercials and I was hoping someone would say something about it. If the instructor looks like she never had a baby, that sounds like quite an endorsement. Maybe I'll try it, I've been carrying this baby fat around for 32 years. That's probably long enough!

    Natalie.....Congrats on your blood sugar numbers, that's gotta feel good. I haven't had the same problem you've had with the scale, mine just let's out a big sigh (aaaggghh!) I have a Tanita TBF621 (kinda like Vicki's) it can be programmed for male and female and height and is as accurate as my doctor's. It also tells your body fat % but I can't tell you if that is as accurate.

    I truly enjoyed reading about everything you've been up to and how everyone is doing. I am throughly entertained and enlightened on this site. Seems everytime I log on I learn something new. I am blessed to have such great teachers. Oh, and thank you for not giving any tests.

    Hugs & Kisses :smooched:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Warning: this post is too long, and I am just venting, so if you are not inclined to read it, I would understand if you just move on to the next post.
    Let me tell you about my week. It started out with an email from PayPal telling me that my account had been hacked, and someone had take $100 out of my checking account. That has now been dealt with, and I was given a $100 credit at PayPal. The next event of the week was my mother’s heart attack and admission to the hospital. Last night, my husband and I put our credit card in to buy gas, and it was declined. I called the credit card company. It seems that someone has also gotten my credit card number, charged $1600 dollars somewhere yesterday, and then over $2000 to Delta airlines yesterday. The good news is that since they are apparently geographically nowhere near me, the credit card company suspected fraud and declined the charges. My credit card has now been canceled, and I am to get a new one in a week or so. We have the habit of charging everything we do, and paying the bill in full when it is due, rather than using cash or checks, so this is somewhat inconvenient, but I can deal with it. We did sign up for LifeLock last night. I think that we were very lucky, and don’t want to worry about this happening again. Hopefully nothing else will show up in the next few days. I have been changing passwords on anything that involves money. So I’m thinking that my week has surely been bad enough. Not so. Today, my brother (who never contacts me), called to tell me that he had talked to the cardiologist, Mom’s last heart attack did significant damage, and that we should not expect her to get out of the hospital this time. Then I talk to my younger sister, who I believe is in denial, and get entirely different reports. She is upset with my brother, he is upset with her, I am trying to play peacemaker by long distance and sort out the truth. My brother wants me to drop everything to come and see Mom, but I told him that I really can’t right now. I have been there 4 times in the past 2 months (it is 300 miles round trip), and with the price of gas, I have neither the time nor the money. I told him that she could be here another hour or another 6 months, and at this distance, I just can’t be there constantly. All that being said, please know that I am fine. My attitude is still good, I am putting one foot in front of the other, and can still smile when I see my grandsons. I have loved and cherished my mother for years, and although I hate all this and will miss her terribly, I have no regrets. I probably should just erase this and not post it, but it made me feel better to tell you, since I have to be the strong one in my family. It is the middle daughter’s lot in life. (I have an older sister, older brother, and younger sister. I am the normal one. :wink: ) Thanks for listening.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I picked up my bike and it looks as good as new. Now, hopefully, I can get to ride it....every day that I am off, something is scheduled for the next 2 weeks....perhaps, I should just carry it with me in my car and try to hit the the bike trail right after work...if I get out on time I might have a little daylight. But on another note, I do enjoy doing my Tony Little Private Sessions Total Body Loss even if my legs feel like jello afterwards.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Cherubcrnp - I noticed that you too were having problems with others trying to use your money. Believe me, my thoughts are with you! Did you get your new card yet?
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49

    I can totally relate. I have an older brother and two younger brothers. When my mother was going through her therapy for cancer I had to take off work and drive 100 mi to take her to her doctors appt., my brother, that she lives with was not working, he whinned that he just couldn't deal with it by himself. What? She lived in his house and did the cooking and cleaning and had hospise. He didn't have to do a thing except dial 911 (never had to) in case of an emergency. You are not alone. Rant all you want.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Went on a job interview today. It was interesting. I really hope I get this job as the people were great and the perks should be fantastic.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi ladies

    Not been around much lately as we had a few days up in Scotland with DH and my DD#2 and her husband (that's us in the photo!)

    My apologies if you have sent me a private message and I haven't replied, but for some reason I can't get into that part of my account (not sure why).

    I'm improving slowly, but surely as is my darling grandbaby. My DD#1 was rushed to hospital yesterday with an abrasion on her cornea - she has terrible luck with her eyes. She's worried that she's scaring the twins with her eye patch, bless her.

    Anyway, I will try to get back on again and read all the posts soon.

    I hope all my friends are doing well.


    Amanda x
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    I think that I am coming out of my "spider bite allergic reaction"...went to bed before 9 last night, skipped dinner and slept until a bit after 7 today. My nightgown was damp, as was my hair...think I must have had a fever at some point, but not now. Yea! I hope I can actually get out and about today and back to normal.

    Mary: You really have had the week from Hell. I sure hope the worse is over. You have a good attitude about your Mom and your siblings. We can't do a thing about our families...they are who they are and we are who we are. Hang in there!

    Amanda: Good to hear from you! We've missed you!

    MacMadame: Good luck on the job search...and hope you hear some good news from the interview. (Run 1 and 1/2 hours straight??? Your May goals are amazing!)

    Michelle: How did the zita dinner go? I think we all do better when we have a "plan" going into an event. Better than no Plan.

    Have a good weekend, everyone. Kackie
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Good Morning! It is absolutely beautiful out and we have a fun day planned. DH is at work, as always, (he just doesn't get it yet that the 60s are for having fun!:laugh: ), but when he comes home we're headed to the Alpaca Show, then to the boys' game and we're bringing them and their sister back home with us. We're going to have a little Kentucky Derby party.

    You're so right about Bandit, Michelle. I was braced for the worse. I feel like we dodged the bullet! PHEW! Jackie, when I adopted Bandit I did research about Ragdolls. The breed became known in 1972. They are a Persion/Berman combo bread especially to be indoor cats. I love the sweet personality, altho he wasn't so sweet yesterday at his appt. :noway: I saw a different Bandit there!

    About eating at other's houses.....I absolutely cannot eat anything beyond soup in the evening because of the gastroparesis. I have called ahead to tell the hostess my situation and to not be offended because I don't eat. I tell them I'm perfectly happy just drinking something if they are not having soup with the meal. It was hard the first time because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I had the courage because it's not worth the horrible stomach pain I get when I don't follow my "stomach rules" because, believe me, my stomach rules!!!!:tongue: Oh, and I do offer to bring a soup for everyone.

    Mary, my mom had a saying, "when it rains, it pours". That sounds like what happened to you this week with everything that's going on. We all sympathize, I know! Prayers continuing. :ohwell:

    Glad to see a post from you, Amanda, and that you're well enough to travel a bit. Thinking/praying about your DDs eye. Ouch!:glasses:

    Speaking of ouch, I'm glad your spider bite is healing, Kackie. Those can really get bad and cause terrible problems.

    I figured that the only way to keep up with this forum is to read morning and evening and reply right then. So, I made myself take the time now. Hopefully with the "munchkins" here I'll be able to get on tonight. They should be pretty tired from their games.....I hope!
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    good morning ..i have been awol again life has a bad way of taking away my me time and i was lockout of the account that i was useing so back to momof10, i have a favor to ask for many prayers for my son and his family ,the pass mth it has not been easy on them, my daughter in law slip in the bathroom and hit her neck which cause her viens to close she ended up with a manger stroke she is only 35 they have a 14 and 16 year old, they say its going to be a long road and you know the saying when it rains it pours will last week he had to take his daughter to the er she was put in the hosptial she a a bad gaulbladder so that had to come out, my son carl does not want to move breath or pick up his phone he is afraid of what id going to happen next.life is not easy. on a good side i join a gymand i am using it well the past few weeks lots of rain in newengland so i am walking on the treadmill i have been doing one to two mile a day it is a good start for me and they have the bike that goes slow and if i read it for 14 mins it is a mile that was good leaning that cause i have a old one here and i now know 15 takes me the mile well i think that i have talk long enough i am going to red back post and see how evryone is thoughout the day hope everyones day is blessed love debiann:flowerforyou:
  • wehavethestars
    Good morning all,

    Natalie, hope the batteries do the trick. I weigh every morning , every day for sure. Whatever the number is that is it. The rest of the day I don't go near it. I also don't test it by getting on a second time. I might if something seemed really off. You are doing a great
    job and losing nicely.

    Mimi, Seems there are a lot of people like us. We all need to find the foods that work for us and don't trigger our cravings. When we stick to our plan, we win. It is so worth the effort.

    Dee , wish the very best for Bandit.

    Jeannie, How awful for your husband and all the family. I will take the old way of teaching any day. I had an incident where I was overcharged and it took three young girls to figure it out. I explained in a very clear way what happened, but they were afraid to give me the refund. I wish your husband the best of luck finding a new job where he will be safe and appreciated.

    Mary, I am sorry to hear about your mom. You have done everything for her and have no regrets. Not many can say that.
    The credit card fraud is everywhere. I recently almost went on vacation in Nevada, but the bank called and caught the creeps.
    Had to get a new card. They thought they would have a jolly time on my dime. They thought wrong. I love it when the ending is a good one for the good guys. Vent as much as you want. It does help. My prayers are there for you and your mom.

    MacMadam, Best of luck . Hope you get that job.

    I have made a plan for tomorrow and hope to stick to it. I have already counted my calories for the day and I will have a wonderful meal and two treats. I am very satisfied with that. If I was going to eat out, I would still have done the same thing by looking up the restaurant before I get there. The fancy restaurants are the hardest, you can't find the calories for the dishes they prepare. I try to live by "if you fail to plan, you plan fail ". Works for me.

    Don't think I will be on tomorrow, so I wish everyone a very HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    Mary...I did read your post and I am sorry for your troubles. May it all get sorted out. Venting is good.

    It is turning out to be a great day here in MA and hoping to spend some time reading outdoors today. Husband has been doing the yard work and things are looking refreshed from winter.

    Staying with the program lost another .6 of a pound over the last several days so everything is going along.

    Hope all the Moms and those with Moms have a lovely celebration tomorrow.
    (our kids have FUR :laugh: but I get to spend the day with my Mom who turns 81 on the 11th and that is priceless!):heart:

    peace and cheers!
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Good morning to all,

    The sun continues to shine here and the weather forecast says sun for the next week. Yeah! Looking forward to a good day of gardening in the sunshine. I will be happy to wear my sunhat!

    Mary, I am thinking of you as you face the current challenge with your mother. Venting (with others) is often a very good strategy as you move through family dynamics dealing with crisis. Too often I have seen family members vent on each other during family trials and unfortunately the venting on each other only proves to cause more calamity. You sound like you are in a good space with some good coping mechanisms to deal with what will come. I wish you continued grace.

    Jeannie, I hope things go smoothly for your family as your husband moves jobs.

    Amanda, so happy for you as you recover. Soon to be trying bike riding again???

    Michele, hope the dinner party went well. I expect you may be enjoying your cider vinegar cure as you predicted; would you share more info on this strategy? I see much feedback was generated by your question on managing difficult dining out and difficult hostess situations. What has become very clear is many have faced this type of situation (although your hostess does sound pretty steadfast in her food controlling position): many good and different strategies for dealing with difficult dinning duty very useful.

    Sending wishes for a good day for all,
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Changed the batteries on my WW scale, and its working, really strange thing, I got on it, and it said I weighed...xxx, then about 20 minutes later, got on it, and it said I weighed a POUND less... so, who do you believe?
    I guess once I get on the scale that is what it is until the next go round.. can't stay off that darn thing, but whatever it says, I am sticking with the diet, and now will go forward.. thanks for the input from everybody.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I broke off sanding my grandson's bed to come in and have a bite of lunch and read up on the activities here since yesterday.

    DH gave me my Mother's Day present early and I love it! I now have the coolest wheelbarrow ever! I run through them like crazy. Even the heavy duty ones. I am now the proud owner of a two wheeled cart of sorts. It's made of some sort of very tough fibrous plastic type material. It looks kind of like fiberglass. It has two sturdy bicycle type wheels and no wooden handles to rot and splinter. No candy or hothouse flowers for me! ( I do love wildflowers though). I love my garden cart! It's nice to have a hubby who knows what you will like. :heart:

    Tomorrow will be nice too. My ex daughter-in-law has invited her mom (a good friend to me) and us for a cookout afternoon. I am so grateful that we have managed to keep our family relations intact even though marriages have not worked out. It wasn't always easy but we all did it!

    Kackie – So glad to hear you are recovering from the spider bite. That can take the fun right out of gardening! I'm thinking it would take more than a spider bite to keep you pout of the garden though. :laugh:

    Mary - Oh my. What a week. Vent all you want and BTW I read every word. Sometimes it really helps to talk it out and we will listen. :flowerforyou:

    It's good that the money issues are getting sorted out. I too put most purchases on my cc and pay it off each month. It is easier that way – until something like this happens.

    For what it's worth, I think you have exactly the right attitude regarding your Mom. You visit her often, do what you can, and will have no woulda, shoulda, coulda's when she passes. I can relate to difficult siblings. I saw more of my Mom in her last years than my brother did. He lived ½ mile away; I was 1,000 miles away. Hang in there; it sounds to me like you are doing well by your Mother.

    Back to the project. Oh, I have one baby eggplant and several tiny little peppers in the garden. :bigsmile: Yesterday I had ratatouille with my dinner using one of my last packages of frozen eggplant. I can use them up now that the new crop is on the way.

  • Tutumiller
    Tutumiller Posts: 11
    Hi, I'm a 65yr old grandma who started at 180 lbs who has been on mfp since April 2011. So far I have lost 7 lbs out of the 40 I want to shed. I was thin until we moved and I lost my support system and aged and slowly gained weight. I found this site by chance and want to be a part of it. How do I join? Thanks tutu, which in Hawaiian means grandmother.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Welcome, Tutu, you have already joined us! Now that you have posted, all you need to do is look under your community tab in "my topics", and come back to see us. We would love to get to know you, so keep posting!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Hi, I'm a 65yr old grandma who started at 180 lbs who has been on mfp since April 2011. So far I have lost 7 lbs out of the 40 I want to shed. I was thin until we moved and I lost my support system and aged and slowly gained weight. I found this site by chance and want to be a part of it. How do I join? Thanks tutu, which in Hawaiian means grandmother.

    Welcome to our group, we are very friendly, you got a problem, ask... tell... spout it out.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hi Tutu! You just joined by posting...you've found a great support group here! Good luck and look forward to getting t know you!

    Faye: Your DH sounds like a thoughtful man. I go through wheelbarrows like crazy too. I just got a new one that has solid rubber tires because the other ones were constantly flat. The material of yours sounds great. Mine always rust with our salt air.

    Jeannie: Meant to comment earlier about your husband. I hope that he finds a more comfortable, safer work environment in a place where he will be valued too. As a former teacher, a supportive principal is a MUST! Keep us posted.

    take care all, Kackie