

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Finally got on the scales this morning. Not too happy about the reading but the truth is better than just going on blindly, la, la, la.

    Now I know what I need to do. Eat better! Exercise more! :laugh:

    I'll be working in the garden this morning, (my green beans are already coming up). Not a very large garden, just a kitchen garden.
    Better get going before the sun gets too hot.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Thank you to everyone who sent good wishes for my granddaughter and her hubby. J.J. was delivered at 8:59 pm EST, and he was 8 lbs-3 oz and 21.5 inches long. My grandaugter did FANTASTIC. From very early labor to delivery was only about 12 hours total, and she only had to push for less than 30 minutes. I'm one tired and happy GREAT GRANDMA!

    Deborah - Congratulations! on the great grand baby. How wonderful! My brother was born on Mother's Day 62 years ago and my mother still says he was the best Mother's Day present ever. lol

  • amazing_grace♥
    Wow, I wasn’t able to get on here to read posts over the weekend, and I can’t believe how far behind I am!! But I had a wonderful Mother’s day with my mother and both of my sons called me this year (we have been a little distant in years past), so it was a beautiful Mother’s Day for me. Hope you all had a wonderful day as well.

    Thanks for the tip about the apple cider vinegar (not sure who mentioned it), but I had never heard of this and will definitely try it!

    Natalie: I made Friday morning my weigh day – because if I am going to go over my calorie goal, its usually on the weekends…. Haha. It works for me!!

    Lynda: I laughed thinking about you going through the house looking for 15 pens so that you could have a Mt. Dew. That’s an excellent idea though!! Sometimes I will “put something off” telling myself that I will have it later – and than later I realize that I’m a little stronger and able to say “no!” It works!

    Mary: I’m glad you posted your “rant”. I read it all and know personally that it’s good to be able to talk to friends about our problems… I’m so sorry to hear about your rotten week last week. Wow, what a doosey! You said that your attitude is still good – and I’m glad to hear that. My mother’s health has not been the greatest these last few years, and I’m lucky to have her so close to me. I spend as much time with her as I can, because I know that our time is limited.

    MacMadame: Best of luck to you on that job interview… I hope you get it girl!

    Debiann: Sorry to hear about your news. I will be praying for your family. Keep us posted.

    Faye: Your new ‘cart’ sounds like the perfect gift! I’m glad you got something that you can use and that you LOVE!

    Tutu: WELCOME! I also joined MFP in April and am enjoying learning about everybody on this thread. Feel free to “friend” me if you like. Speaking of “friends” I find that I am spending more time on this site than I am on facebook!! Never thought I’d see THAT day…. (smile) I feel like I have so much more in common with my friends on this site – and the best part is that my information transfers to my facebook page so that my family and other friends can see my updates too! I love it!

    Jackie: I’m glad that your granddaughter’s party went off so well. It does sound exhausting!! And you did so well, not giving in to temptation!! That’s awesome! I know that you will enjoy your grandson when he comes (this week?) my grandson is 11 months and he is just tooooo precious!!

    Amyllu: There’s no such thing as “too old”…. We’re glad you’re here!! I’m sorry to hear about your tooth extraction that went wrong…. I hope that you are feeling better now, and I just wanted to give you a big [HUG] and say WELCOME!

    Kackie: Oh my! I can’t believe your luck!! Chigger bites when you were just getting over your spider bite!! Wow. Please don’t put off going to the doctor. I hope you get better SOON!

    Charlene: WELCOME. I’m originally from Denver. I joined MFP last month and just joined this group about a week ago. Glad you are here.

    Deborah: A new GREAT-grandchild – congratulations!! Glad that mama and baby are doing FINE!!
    Amanda: Good luck at the cardiologist today.

    Thanks everyone for your tips and ideas about eating at other’s houses…. I love to go to my mother’s house on Sundays’ (my brother always throws something on the grill) and I’ve noticed my pattern of not being able to limit my eating as well when I am there.

    I look forward to reading all your posts and getting to know you!

    ~ Grace ~
  • goldwingrider
    goldwingrider Posts: 25 Member
    Cindy, don't let those scales get you down, they can be mean sometimes! Can't wait to get back to living in the country and starting my own little garden!
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    I have a RN friend who swears by organic apple cider vinegar. I tend to have high cholesterol. ..She prescribed 1TBS of apple cider vinegar in a glass water every night to bring down the cholesterol.
    Mother's Day is challenging for me - I miss my mother and Mother's Day celebrations from the past. Also, today was my father's birthday. :brokenheart: My son called to celebrate the day yesterday but he lives 3000 miles away. We took out my 83 year old mother-in-law for Mother's Day dinner. She was happy which is not her "norm." I did exercise yesterday but ate 300 calories over my allotment. I think a good aerobic walk in the sun is needed! :flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Congratulations Great Grandma Deborah!

    I'm back from the hospital and it was all good. They are happy with my progress but have told me to rest more. I have to have some more checks at my own doctor next week before they will give me the all clear to start driving again (hope I don't forget how to do it!)

    Going to go and have a late lunch now. I'm really into chickpea and feta salad right now, so fresh and tasty - plus I can make a heap of it and have it over a couple of days.

    Happy Monday to all.

    Amanda x
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Thank you dear ladies, for all of your concern about my "bites". I did go to the doctor today and he says the red spots all over my body are not chigger bites but a rash in reaction to
    the other bite. He ruled out any of the worst spiders, based on my symptoms and where the rash is and isn't, but gave me a cortisone injection to stop the reaction and then a strong antibiotic to rid my body of any infection that may have developed. (The original bite is very red and larger, but doesn't hurt.) I just have weird reactions to any bug bites. Not a good thing for someone who is normally outside so much.

    I have gotten 0 exercise and feel so lathargic. Can't wait to get some energy back!

    Deborah: Congratulations on JJ...what a wonderful Mother's day gift!

    Amanda: I am sure you are anxious to get back to driving. I had to feel confined. But I am sure you will be out and about before you know it. Take care!

    Gracete: I agree with you about liking Lynda"s Pen "trick"...I get so easily distracted these days, maybe it would work. I might forget about the pens, but maybe, I would forget about the craving! Worth a try!

    Svelte: Has the vinegar been helpful in lowering cholesterol for you? That would be a double bonus wouldn't it?

    Cindy: Green beans already? I am so jealous! I love the foods we get the next couple of months!

    Take care, All. Amanda's chickpea and feta salad sounds very yummy! Do you put anything else on it?

    Another beautiful day sitting inside! It could be worse, I know! Kackie
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Happy Monday to all! I had a good weekend, but very busy. I'm trying to get my house and yard ready to have 30 people (my bell choir and their families) over for a picnic next Sunday. My to do list is two pages long, and I keep adding to it, but don't seem to take anything off. I guess I will have to go into Superwoman mode! Have a great day!
    Here's to smart choices!
  • jcdfish
    jcdfish Posts: 31
    Finally, I found this group of women! I'd heard about it twice, but couldn't seem to find it. Then got a nice note today on how to find it, so am checking in to say HI. I'll read back a ways and try to join in the discussion. I sometimes fade out from writing.

    Anyway, good to find this.

  • amazing_grace♥
    Happy Monday to all! I had a good weekend, but very busy. I'm trying to get my house and yard ready to have 30 people (my bell choir and their families) over for a picnic next Sunday. My to do list is two pages long, and I keep adding to it, but don't seem to take anything off. I guess I will have to go into Superwoman mode! Have a great day!
    Here's to smart choices!

    Yes, but think how many calories you will burn off in Superwoman mode!! Go YOU!!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good evening ladies

    I know a lot of you swear by apple cider vinegar but I can't get on with it at all. I bought some organic cyder vinegar (is that the same thing?) and it's horrible!! I maybe put too much in the glass to dilute. How much are you supposed to use?

    :happy: Well I am pleased with myself tonight. I have logged my food and stayed within my calories and even have a few spare if I get a bit peckish later on. I have logged my exercise too.

    :flowerforyou: Deborah congrats on the birth of your great grandbaby - sorry I thought you were the grandma - it was a bit early for me when I read your post this morning :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Janet glad you found us.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda listen to the doctor and rest up, I bet you are up and down like a yo yo just pottering about :wink:

    :flowerforyou: Kackie glad you went to the doctors, at least now you know what the cause is for your rash. Hope you feel better soon.

    :flowerforyou: Superwoman Mary - good luck with getting your to do list finished - don't overdo it or you'll be too tired to enjoy the picnic.

    I need to move about, I've been sat logging and posting etc for over an hour now, so better get off the computer and put the washing away, and have a tidy up.

    Chat again soon
    Viv xx
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    Greetings to all:

    I'm so happy to see so many successful ladies in this forum. I hope to be one of you as well.

    June of 2009, I weighed 135 pounds and filled a pair of 7 jeans out nicely. In August of 2009, my periods stopped. Flash forward to now and I find myself the unhappy owner of rolls of fat attached to my middle that even my post pregnancy fat could not compete with and uncomfortably stuffed into big girl jeans.

    Even though I don't overeat, nor do I eat unhealthfully, I cannot rid myself of these rolls. I even upped my cardio and still they refuse to budge. I've put myself on a strict 1,200 calories per day and I will be adding more exercise to my routine as my schedule permits (My work schedule keeps me away from home about 11 hours a day).

    I've been thinking of adding konjac root fiber to my diet. Is anyone familiar with it or have anything good (or bad) to say about it? As I have more time, I plan on reading through this topic to gather all of your good information, but until I can do so (on my lunch right now) I'd appreciate any little tips or tricks that you all have found to help trick my 52 year old body into letting go of my mother's fat rolls.... :)
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Jeannie – I meant to add my hope all goes well with DH's job search yesterday but I forgot. I sure can understand your apprehension about finding another position in this economy. On the bright side he is out of a bad situation and hopefully will find a school that is less stressful.:happy:

    Mimi – I'm with the others on your recent dessert challenge. No way would I be passing up scones, clotted cream AND lemon curd! :noway: Hey, we're human after all. With your veggie willpower I'm thinking it's well in hand by now! :bigsmile:

    Kackie – So glad the mystery of the spots was solved! :smile: That spider bite had me concerned as well. There are some horror stories out there. :noway:

    I didn't do too badly yesterday. Grilled lean burger without the bun – so far so good. Grilled high quality hot dog but with bun and chili - oops not so good there. And then....... a couple bites of red velvet cake and a couple bites of cheese cake with cherries on top – bad choice but at least it was just a little bit! They didn't have any veggies except burger and hot dog toppings so I did have tomato and onion but that was all. Today is another day and I'm back in the groove.

    We had fun yesterday playing gin rummy and Boggle and passing the baby around. He was 8 weeks old yesterday. :heart:

    Well, I have to get a few things done and get to the gym, so that's it from me.

  • AEisele
    AEisele Posts: 98 Member
    On to a new week! Hope it's a great week for everyone. I started it of with a nice walk around my Dad's neighborhood. It is such a pretty day here.

    Life is what you make of it so let's live the best life we can!
  • wehavethestars
    Hi All,

    Welcome to all the new people and wish you all success.:happy:

    I notice that so many mention the abundance of posts. It really is hard to respond to so much information.We can answer or address those posts where we can help or offer support. Maybe the posts where you know you had the same experience. I
    don't think anyone expects an answer from each person every time.

    Natalie, Once you decide if you need a new scale and get that all straightened out, just decide what is best for you. Weigh every day or every week, whatever you feel is best. Just be sure to remember that it is just a number. Many times we can't understand how the scale can show a gain when we did so well. It really is the body adjusting and if you just keep going it all equals out. We all know about water gain, salt, etc. if you did everything exactly the same , then it is an adjustment. Believe me, It happened to me many times.

    Mimi, Hope you have truly forgiven yourself and moved on. Many temptations to deal with. Many more chances to do better the next time. There's always tomorrow.

    Deborah, Congratulations. That is a nice big baby. Very happy for you , the parents and all the family. What a great Mother's Day Gift.:happy:

    Alice, I believe you are so right. Life is what you make of it.

    Viv, I HATE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR . My friend likes raw honey and the acv mixed. No matter what, I won't be taking that:laugh: I hope someone can answer your questions.

    Keep at it everyone. Have a positive outlook. If you think you CAN't do it, you can't. If you know you CAN do it , you can. :flowerforyou:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Received lovely fruit bouquet from youngest son and his fianace! It looked so yummy that I DID NOT check calories first!!!:noway: 4chocalate covered strawberries are 520 CALORIES:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I am now over my calories and have had no dinner. Not good.

    Question for those of you who have had steroid type shots for things. Doctor mentioned side effects that I would not like...water retention, weight gain (just what I need). Does anyone have suggestions about how to avoid this? Since I have no energy, exercise is not working out so well right now. Hopefully this will be short lived.

    Again, thank all of you for your concern...DH was right to try to get me to doctors on Friday...I would feel lots better by now had I listened to him!:huh:

    Take care, dear ladies. Kackie:heart:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, another warm sunny day, nice! Hope all is well here, not much going on my end but work. I will catch you ladies some time again in the week, this is a busy week so I have little time at home.

    Keep strong!!

  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :noway: Doh! I am totally bamboozled and bowled over how you all reply to all the posts. (I recall saying this before folks and it still applies now!!!!)
    I start with good intentions but get so confused with who's who and who's done what that by the time I gather all my scraps of paper....I never start with a piece big enough!, my replies have been "replied" !!! And if I miss a day ....as I did yesterday .......well!!!!

    :flowerforyou: So..........Hi to everyone and to the "Newbies" hope all's well with my MFP pals.

    As I said ...I missed posting yesterday. I did log in though!! I hope you all had a great Mothers Day in the U.S. Our Mothers are so precious . :heart: "Cherish" and "Be cherished" is the order of the day for us daughters, mums, grandmas!!! As my Mum passed away at the end of February I found it so hard on our UK Mothers Day.

    :drinker: We had that extra Birthday party for my DGD and sorry to say I succumbed to a piece of cake. Only one though. Other nibbles were "Good" - Ham Roll without the roll, cheese and onion stick ...without the cheese, Lettuce, carrot and cucumber sticks.
    I've been trying to kick start this new weight loss effort by not eating pasta, bread, potatoes and so far I've managed a whole week.

    Linda - your triple pineapple post has made me realise I could have, should have bought one today!!
    I did buy grapefruits though - something I haven't eaten for ages as, DH can't eat them and they are surpisingly sweet.

    :ohwell: Today we had to use up some of my savings on the new oven as ....lo and behold we needed a gas fitter and a new pipe!
    Wouldn't you know it ...the old oven 's pipe fitted at the bottom and the new one at the top so it was too short. Luckily #1 son knew a good fitter who came around post haste!!

    Macmadame - I hope you've done well with your job interview. Do you know when you'll hear if you've been successful?
    :huh: I've applied for two jobs recently and neither of them have even indicated that they have recieved them let alone invite me for interview!! ......They were in a field ( Not literally I may add)that would have used my previous Catering and management skills but perhaps, after my 4 years out caring for my Mum, I'm unemployable!!
    Oh well ..........when my diet efforts have worked perhaps I'll be "Spotted" by a modelling agency!!LOL ...:laugh: .Pigs might fly over Mynydd Isa!!

    :smile: So after Zumba tonight I've eaten my chcken and veg & noodles!!....without the noodles. DH had those before he went to work.
    I've rearranged the kitchen and now I'm going to play Scrabble on Facebook to help me beat the munchies but can actually say I don't want anything I shouldn't have!!!

    Take care all
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Kackie - Your chocolate dipped strawberries are making my mouth water! I have some strawbs but no chocolate (just as well maybe?) Maybe I'll buy some chocolate tomorrow after my weigh in, I always feel I can cheat a bit at the start of the week. Hope you are feeling well and back on track soon! Take care of yourself.
    Jackie - Grapefruits really are sweet! I especially like the pink ones.
    I got 5.5 miles done today, including walking round my local park twice. I narrowly missed a seriously heavy downpour but as I left home the sun came out. Pretty bogstandard UK weather!! :laugh: :noway:
    Lots more interesting posts out there but I'm a bit too tired to answer them all...
    Oh! Star, the book arrived today, hoping to start dipping in soon, will let you know what I think.
    Good luck on reaching your goals, everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Kackie – I wish I had an answer for your steroid question but I don't. I just had to tell you that I got a good laugh from your comment about DH being right. Don't you hate when that happens? :ohwell: That raised eyebrow was just the perfect smiley as well.

    I would have never guessed that 4 chocolate dipped strawberries would amount to 540 calories either! :noway: That seems to be way high. I hope the chocolate was yummy and thick!

    Jackie – I'm glad you are back. I love reading your posts. It's so nice to have internet friends from all over the world. You had me looking up Mynydd Isa. I now know it is a village in NE Wales and the name means small mountain in Welsh.

    I believe I read a day or so ago that you have a trip to Alaska planned. Were you the one that mentioned it? DH and I were there last fall and it was the absolute, hands down, best trip we have ever taken! I am absolutely in love with the place. If you plan to fly in, rent an RV and wander around the Kenai Peninsula, I can let you know what we enjoyed the most. We spent 5 weeks there and really got a good look around. At any rate, I hope you enjoy your trip as much as we did!
